% arara: xelatex % arara: makeglossaries % arara: xelatex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage[xindy]{glossaries-extra} \makeglossaries \GlsXtrEnableOnTheFly \begin{document} This is a \glsxtr{sample} document illustrating on-the-fly simultaneous \glsxtr{definition} and \glsxtr{usage} for \glsxtr[format=textbf][plural=glossaries]{glossary} \glsxtrpl[][plural=entries]{entry}. This has drawbacks and it's really much better to define entries in the \glsxtr{preamble}, but you may find it useful for simple indexing. \newpage \Glsxtr{preamble} \glsxtrpl{definition} are much better, but here is a \glsxtr{sample} of what you can do. \newpage The \glsxtrpl{glossary} must come at the end of the document with this usage. \newpage Commands can't occur in the label. The ``name'' key has to be used instead, but XeTeX makes life a bit easier for non-ASCII characters. The \glsxtr{naïve} \glsxtr[][plural={phœnixes}]{phœnix} sent off its \glsxtr{résumé} covered in \glsxtr{pâté} from the \glsxtr{soirée}. Terms that contain commands must have the ``name'' set and the command removed from the label \glsxtr[][name={\emph{e.g.}}]{eg} like this, but really it's much better to define the entry in the preamble and use the standard \verb|\gls| instead. \newpage The previous page presupposes the existence of \glsxtrpl{phœnix}. \newpage \printglossaries \end{document}