%% %% This is file `gamebooklib_test.tex', %% %% Copyright (C) 2021 by Robert J Lee %% %% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either %% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later %% version. The latest version of this license is in: %% %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of %% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. %% \documentclass{report} \usepackage[seed=123]{lcg} \usepackage[verbose,footnote]{gamebooklib} \usepackage{lipsum} \begin{document} \newcommand{\turnto}[1]{\ref{gentry:#1}\par} \section*{Example of Use} This document was used for testing during development of gamebooklib. Please see the \texttt{gamebooklib\_test.tex} file alongside the PDF to see how the package behaves. \begin{gentry}{codea} This is the first gentry! It actually contains two gentryraphs. Turn to \turnto{codeb} \end{gentry} \begin{gentry}{codea} This one is a duplicate! This creates a `'multiple defined'' labels Warning! \end{gentry} \begin{gentry}{codeb} This is the second gentry. Turn to \turnto{codec} Turn to \turnto{coded} \end{gentry} \begin{gentry}{codec}[You lose!] This is the third gentry. You can't escape from here. \end{gentry} \begin{gentry}[123]{coded}[You win!] This is the second and final gentryraph. To play again, turn to \turnto{codea} (Note that this is the wrong number due to the duplicate label) \end{gentry} \section*{Here is the result:} \thegentries \eject For my next trick, here are some longer and multi-page examples. Note the location of the footnotes in these entries. \begin{gentry}{restart}\noentryfoot This is the first gentryraph again. \lipsum[1]\footnote{First footnote, forced to page end} \end{gentry} \begin{gentry}{restart2} \lipsum[2-7]\footnote{This is just Lorum Ipsum\footnote{Nonsense pseudo-latin, with roughly English letter distribution, commonly used to compare fonts\footnotemark.\footnotetext{Here, it's just nonsense.}}} \end{gentry} \newcounter{foo} \newcounter{bar} \setcounter{foo}{3} \setcounter{bar}{3} \newcommand{\gentrytst}[2]{ \begin{gentry}{restart#1} \lipsum[#1]\footnote{This was gentry #1} \lipsum[#1-#2]\footnote{This was also gentry #1} \end{gentry} } \whiledo{\not{\value{foo}>10}}{ \stepcounter{foo} \stepcounter{bar} \stepcounter{bar} \edef\idx{\arabic{foo}} \edef\idxx{\arabic{bar}} \expandafter\gentrytst\expandafter{\idx}{\idxx} } \section*{Here is the result:} \thegentries \vfill \end{document}