% Making those `Label(s) have changed\dots' messages more explicit % % The \LaTeX{} kernel produces the messages when something, while the % |.aux| file is being scanned (after the \cs{AtEndDocument} tokens % have been executed), sets the \cs{if@tempswa} switch with the % command \cs{@tempswatrue}. % % (This fact can be used by packages, such as my |footmisc.sty|, to % piggy-back on the message; but it's nice in that circumstance and % others to be sure where the message is coming from.) % % This is a jiffy patch to the kernel so that it produces a % (\cs{typeout}) message for each label \emph{it} thinks has changed. % % Usage: Incorporate this code into a package or class file, or % \input this file from a package or class file, or % \makeatletter \input{checklab} \makeatother in your document % preamble % % This software jiffy is placed in the public domain. Do with it as % you wish, though I have to say I would prefer you not to claim it % as your own (otoh, it's the product of a twisted mind, so probably % not an attractive thing to claim). % % Robin Fairbairns (rf10@cl.cam.ac.uk) % Produced in this form 1999/01/15 % \def\@testdef #1#2#3{% \def\reserved@a{#3}% \expandafter \ifx \csname #1@#2\endcsname \reserved@a \else \@tempswatrue \typeout{label change: #1@#2 was \expandafter \ifx \csname #1@#2\endcsname \relax unset \else \csname#1@#2\endcsname\space \fi now #3}% \fi }