\documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[ useacrobat, web={designv,forcolorpaper,tight*}, eforms, % The next two option require dvips/Distiller workflow % linktoattachments, % attachsource=tex ]{aeb_pro} \usepackage{forms16be} \def\cs#1{\texttt{\char`\\#1}} \let\pkg\textsf \let\opt\texttt \let\app\textsf \parindent0pt \parskip6pt \begin{document} This file uses \pkg{aeb\_pro}, which assumes the document author uses \app{Acrobat}. When the option \opt{linktoattachments} is used, \pkg{forms16be} is automatically included, but \app{dvips/Distiller} must be used as the PDF creator. However, if you don't want to attach or link to files, then simply say \verb~\usepackage{forms16be}~, as is done in this file, but specify the \opt{useacrobat} for \pkg{aeb\_pro}. The latter is how this source file is configured. As a user of \app{pdflatex}, \app{lualatex}, or \app{xelatex}, you can build this source file if you have \app{Acrobat} as your default PDF viewer. Initialize a text field using unicode character strings, \defUniStr{VDV}{\u03B1 cos(\u03B8)} \defUniStr{TU}{Don \u\EURO Story "\u03B1 cos(\u03B8)"} \textField[\TU{\unicodeStr(TU)}\DV{\unicodeStr(VDV)}\V{\unicodeStr(VDV)}]{tst}{1.5in}{11bp}\olBdry \pushButton[\CA{\unicodeStr(VDV)}\AAmouseup{app.alert("Initialized to \\"\\u03B1 cos(\\u03B8)\\"");}]{btn}{1in}{11bp}\cgBdry[1em] \pushButton[\CA{Reset}\AAmouseup{this.resetForm();}]{reset}{}{11bp} Note the JavaScript alert message, we use the same markup as for \cs{defUniStr}, but use \cs{\cs{uXXXX}} rather than \cs{uXXXX}. See the source file. Initialize a combo box using unicode character strings. \defUniStr{myEuro}{\u20AC (Euro)} \defUniStr{myYen}{\u00A5 (Yen)} \defUniStr{mySheqel}{\u20AA (Sheqel)} \defUniStr{myPound}{\u00A3 (Pound)} \defUniStr{myFranc}{\u20A3 (Franc)} \comboBox[\Ff\FfEdit\DV{Euro}\V{Euro}\textFont{Arial} \BG{0.98 0.92 0.73}\BC{0 .6 0}]{myCombo}{1in}{11bp} {*{[(Euro)<\unicodeStr(myEuro)>]% [(Yen)<\unicodeStr(myYen)>]% [(Sheqel)<\unicodeStr(mySheqel)>]% [(Pound)<\unicodeStr(myPound)>]% [(Franc)<\unicodeStr(myFranc)>]} } \end{document}