% $DocId: footnpag-user.tex,v 2.1 1995/08/04 00:18:33 schrod Exp $ %------------------------------------------------------------ % % user manual/requirement definition for footnpag package % % [LaTeX] % (history at end) % This file is either a subdocument of the style doc or a document on % its own. In the former case it's a chapter, in the latter it's a % ``normal'' LaTeX progltx document. % If it's a subdocument, this file will be included after % \begin{document}. We can detect this: \document redefines % \documentclass to be \@twoclasseserror. Then we also have to define % how this document is ended: Either by \endinput or by an additional % revision log. % Of course, this test works only if LaTeX 2e is used for processing. \expandafter\ifx \csname @twoclasseserror\endcsname \documentclass \let\endSubDocument=\endinput \chap What's this package for?. \else \let\endSubDocument=\relax \documentclass{progltx} \usepackage{footnpag-doc} % document-specific markup \usepackage{a4-9} % Tschichold's A4 layout \nofiles % no crossreferences used \begin{document} \title{The \texttt{footnpag} Package} \author{Joachim Schrod% \thanks{Email: \texttt{schrod@iti.informatik.th-darmstadt.de}}% } \RCS $DocDate: 1995/08/04 00:18:33 $ \date{% \RCSDocDate\\[3pt] % LaTeX Error: Paragraph terminated too early (Revision \RCSStyleRevision{} of \texttt{footnpag.sty})% } \maketitle \sect \fi This package is appropriate for numbering footnotes separately on each page. It may be used with all standard document classes (and I assume with all other well written ones). `Numbering' here does not only mean supplying Arabic numbers, if your class or another package sets up appropriate symbols, they are used instead. You just have to use the |footnpag| package, the rest will happen automagically. You will need two \LaTeX{} runs, as with cross references or citations. \sect \textsl{Known Problems}. \medskip \noindent Unlike with references, \LaTeX{} will not issue a warning if a footnote number is incorrect due to new page breaks. Thus run \LaTeX{} always another time if you want a final document. This is scheduled to change in the next revision. \sect An auxiliary file is used, named \textit{jobname}|.fot|. This is not necessary by itself, it would have been better to use the |aux| file. (Actually, this package was written for plain \TeX{} originally, there is no |aux| file there.) This is also scheduled to change in the next revision. In fact, it's the same problem like the previous one: When I use the |aux| file, \LaTeX{}'s warning mechanism can be utilized. \sect There is no possibility to change the number that's used for the first footnote on a page. Some people like to start their footnotes with~`0', there exists even a package for that named |zero|. |footnpag| should cooperate with that package. If one uses symbols as footnote markers, the first footnote is marked with an asterisk. One might want to use a dagger instead, that's not possible currently. Most probably this feature will be made available via the new ``keyword-value'' option scheme, as you'll find it in the |graphicx| package. \endSubDocument %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \vskip \PltxPreSectSkip \begin{rcslog} $DocLog: footnpag-user.tex,v $ \Revision 2.1 1995/08/04 00:18:33 schrod Made a \LaTeXe{} package from this style option. User manual is a separate document now, that's better for installation. Started to change the distribution into one that conforms to the `supported bundle guidelines.' \end{rcslog} \end{document} % LocalWords: footnpag jobname fot graphicx