% This file installs three samples-variants of setting % of Continued and Finished pages of long table % 1) s-longtable1.tex % Adds words in the table label: ``Table 1. Continued'' % and ``Table 1. Finished'' % 2) s-longtable2.tex % Adds words in the caption text: ``Continued'' and ``Finished'' % 3) s-longtable3.tex % Redefines \tablename command: ``Continuation of table 1. % and ``Finishing of table 1.'' (Is that correct English form?) \begin{filecontents}{s-longtable.tex} \begin{longtable}{@{}lll} \caption{The ISOGRK3 entity set and more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more text}\\ \bfseries Entity&\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\ \hline \endfirsthead \LTcontcaption{}\\ \bfseries Entity&\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\ \hline \endhead \LTfincaption{}\\ \bfseries Entity&\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\ \hline \endlasthead \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{\emph{Continued on next page}} \endfoot \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{\emph{Finished on next page}} \endprelastfoot \noalign{\gdef\Continued{}\gdef\ContTable{}} \hline \endlastfoot alpha & GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA & 03B1\\ beta & GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA & 03B2\\ chi & GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI & 03C7\\ \empty Delta & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA & 0394\\ delta & GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA & 03B4\\ epsi & GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON & 03B5\\ epsis & GREEK LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL & 03F5\\ epsiv & GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON & 03B5\\ eta & GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA & 03B7\\ Gamma & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA & 0393\\ gamma & GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA & 03B3\\ gammad & GREEK SMALL LETTER DIGAMMA & 03DD\\ iota & GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA & 03B9\\ kappa & GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA & 03BA\\ kappav & GREEK KAPPA SYMBOL & 03F0\\ Lambda & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA & 039B\\ lambda & GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA & 03BB\\ mu & GREEK SMALL LETTER MU & 03BC\\ nu & GREEK SMALL LETTER NU & 03BD\\ Omega & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA & 03A9\\ omega & GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA & 03C9\\ Phi & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI & 03A6\\ phis & GREEK PHI SYMBOL & 03D5\\ phiv & GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI & 03C6\\ Pi & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI & 03A0\\ pi & GREEK SMALL LETTER PI & 03C0\\ piv & GREEK PI SYMBOL & 03D6\\ Psi & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI & 03A8\\ psi & GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI & 03C8\\ rho & GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO & 03C1\\ rhov & GREEK RHO SYMBOL & 03F1\\ Sigma & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA & 03A3\\ sigma & GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA & 03C3\\ sigmav & GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA & 03C2\\ tau & GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU & 03C4\\ Theta & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA & 0398\\ thetas & GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA & 03B8\\ thetav & GREEK THETA SYMBOL & 03D1\\ Upsi & GREEK UPSILON WITH HOOK SYMBOL & 03D2\\ upsi & GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON & 03C5\\ Xi & GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI & 039E\\ xi & GREEK SMALL LETTER XI & 03BE\\ zeta & GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA & 03B6\\ % % % alpha & SMALL LETTER ALPHA & 03B1\\ beta & SMALL LETTER BETA & 03B2\\ chi & SMALL LETTER CHI & 03C7\\ \empty Delta & CAPITAL LETTER DELTA & 0394\\ delta & SMALL LETTER DELTA & 03B4\\ epsi & SMALL LETTER EPSILON & 03B5\\ epsis & LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL & 03F5\\ epsiv & SMALL LETTER EPSILON & 03B5\\ eta & SMALL LETTER ETA & 03B7\\ Gamma & CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA & 0393\\ gamma & SMALL LETTER GAMMA & 03B3\\ gammad & SMALL LETTER DIGAMMA & 03DD\\ iota & SMALL LETTER IOTA & 03B9\\ kappa & SMALL LETTER KAPPA & 03BA\\ kappav & KAPPA SYMBOL & 03F0\\ Lambda & CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA & 039B\\ lambda & SMALL LETTER LAMDA & 03BB\\ mu & SMALL LETTER MU & 03BC\\ nu & SMALL LETTER NU & 03BD\\ Omega & CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA & 03A9\\ omega & SMALL LETTER OMEGA & 03C9\\ Phi & CAPITAL LETTER PHI & 03A6\\ phis & PHI SYMBOL & 03D5\\ phiv & SMALL LETTER PHI & 03C6\\ Pi & CAPITAL LETTER PI & 03A0\\ pi & SMALL LETTER PI & 03C0\\ piv & PI SYMBOL & 03D6\\ Psi & CAPITAL LETTER PSI & 03A8\\ psi & SMALL LETTER PSI & 03C8\\ rho & SMALL LETTER RHO & 03C1\\ rhov & RHO SYMBOL & 03F1\\ Sigma & CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA & 03A3\\ sigma & SMALL LETTER SIGMA & 03C3\\ sigmav & SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA & 03C2\\ tau & SMALL LETTER TAU & 03C4\\ Theta & CAPITAL LETTER THETA & 0398\\ thetas & SMALL LETTER THETA & 03B8\\ thetav & THETA SYMBOL & 03D1\\ Upsi & UPSILON WITH HOOK SYMBOL & 03D2\\ upsi & SMALL LETTER UPSILON & 03C5\\ Xi & CAPITAL LETTER XI & 039E\\ xi & SMALL LETTER XI & 03BE\\ zeta & SMALL LETTER ZETA & 03B6\\ % % % alpha & SMALL LETTER ALPHA & 03B1\\ beta & SMALL LETTER BETA & 03B2\\ chi & SMALL LETTER CHI & 03C7\\ \empty Delta & CAPITAL LETTER DELTA & 0394\\ delta & SMALL LETTER DELTA & 03B4\\ epsi & SMALL LETTER EPSILON & 03B5\\ epsis & LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL & 03F5\\ epsiv & SMALL LETTER EPSILON & 03B5\\ eta & SMALL LETTER ETA & 03B7\\ Gamma & CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA & 0393\\ gamma & SMALL LETTER GAMMA & 03B3\\ gammad & SMALL LETTER DIGAMMA & 03DD\\ iota & SMALL LETTER IOTA & 03B9\\ kappa & SMALL LETTER KAPPA & 03BA\\ kappav & KAPPA SYMBOL & 03F0\\ Lambda & CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA & 039B\\ lambda & SMALL LETTER LAMDA & 03BB\\ mu & SMALL LETTER MU & 03BC\\ nu & SMALL LETTER NU & 03BD\\ Omega & CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA & 03A9\\ omega & SMALL LETTER OMEGA & 03C9\\ Phi & CAPITAL LETTER PHI & 03A6\\ phis & PHI SYMBOL & 03D5\\ phiv & SMALL LETTER PHI & 03C6\\ Pi & CAPITAL LETTER PI & 03A0\\ pi & SMALL LETTER PI & 03C0\\ piv & PI SYMBOL & 03D6\\ Psi & CAPITAL LETTER PSI & 03A8\\ psi & SMALL LETTER PSI & 03C8\\ rho & SMALL LETTER RHO & 03C1\\ rhov & RHO SYMBOL & 03F1\\ Sigma & CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA & 03A3\\ sigma & SMALL LETTER SIGMA & 03C3\\ sigmav & SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA & 03C2\\ tau & SMALL LETTER TAU & 03C4\\ Theta & CAPITAL LETTER THETA & 0398\\ thetas & SMALL LETTER THETA & 03B8\\ thetav & THETA SYMBOL & 03D1\\ Upsi & UPSILON WITH HOOK SYMBOL & 03D2\\ upsi & SMALL LETTER UPSILON & 03C5\\ Xi & CAPITAL LETTER XI & 039E\\ xi & SMALL LETTER XI & 03BE\\ zeta & SMALL LETTER ZETA & 03B6\\ % % % alpha & SMALL LETTER ALPHA & 03B1\\ beta & SMALL LETTER BETA & 03B2\\ chi & SMALL LETTER CHI & 03C7\\ \empty Delta & CAPITAL LETTER DELTA & 0394\\ delta & SMALL LETTER DELTA & 03B4\\ epsi & SMALL LETTER EPSILON & 03B5\\ epsis & LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL & 03F5\\ epsiv & SMALL LETTER EPSILON & 03B5\\ eta & SMALL LETTER ETA & 03B7\\ Gamma & CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA & 0393\\ gamma & SMALL LETTER GAMMA & 03B3\\ gammad & SMALL LETTER DIGAMMA & 03DD\\ iota & SMALL LETTER IOTA & 03B9\\ kappa & SMALL LETTER KAPPA & 03BA\\ kappav & KAPPA SYMBOL & 03F0\\ Lambda & CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA & 039B\\ lambda & SMALL LETTER LAMDA & 03BB\\ mu & SMALL LETTER MU & 03BC\\ nu & SMALL LETTER NU & 03BD\\ Omega & CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA & 03A9\\ omega & SMALL LETTER OMEGA & 03C9\\ Phi & CAPITAL LETTER PHI & 03A6\\ phis & PHI SYMBOL & 03D5\\ phiv & SMALL LETTER PHI & 03C6\\ Pi & CAPITAL LETTER PI & 03A0\\ pi & SMALL LETTER PI & 03C0\\ piv & PI SYMBOL & 03D6\\ Psi & CAPITAL LETTER PSI & 03A8\\ psi & SMALL LETTER PSI & 03C8\\ rho & SMALL LETTER RHO & 03C1\\ rhov & RHO SYMBOL & 03F1\\ Sigma & CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA & 03A3\\ sigma & SMALL LETTER SIGMA & 03C3\\ sigmav & SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA & 03C2\\ tau & SMALL LETTER TAU & 03C4\\ Theta & CAPITAL LETTER THETA & 0398\\ thetas & SMALL LETTER THETA & 03B8\\ thetav & THETA SYMBOL & 03D1\\ Upsi & UPSILON WITH HOOK SYMBOL & 03D2\\ upsi & SMALL LETTER UPSILON & 03C5\\ Xi & CAPITAL LETTER XI & 039E\\ xi & SMALL LETTER XI & 03BE\\ zeta & SMALL LETTER ZETA & 03B6\\ \end{longtable} \endinput % end of s-longtable.tex \end{filecontents} \documentclass{book} \advance\textwidth.5in \advance\evensidemargin-.25in \advance\oddsidemargin-.25in \usepackage[labelsep=newline]{caption} \usepackage{floatrow} \providecommand\floatsetup[2][]{} \usepackage{array,fr-longtable} \floatsetup[longtable]{font={small,sf},LTcapwidth=table,margins=centering, captionskip=5pt} \captionsetup[longtable]{font=small} \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{labelcontI}% {\rightline{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2 (\emph{continued})}} \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{labelfinI}% {\rightline{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2 (\emph{finished})}} \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{labelcontIII}% {\rightline{\emph{Continuation of \tablename} #2}} \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{labelfinIII}% {\rightline{\emph{Finishing of \tablename} #2}} % % Caption for continued head, \ldots \newcommand\LTcontcaptionI[1]{% \captionsetup{labelformat=labelcontI}\caption[]{#1}} % % and caption for finished head. \newcommand\LTfincaptionI[1]{% \captionsetup{labelformat=labelfinI}\caption[]{#1}} % % Caption for continued head, \ldots \newcommand\LTcontcaptionII{% \caption[]{\emph{Continued}}} % % and caption for finished head. \newcommand\LTfincaptionII{% \caption[]{\emph{Finished}}} % % Caption for continued head, \ldots \newcommand\LTcontcaptionIII[1]{% \captionsetup{labelformat=labelcontIII}\caption[]{#1}} % % and caption for finished head. \newcommand\LTfincaptionIII[1]{% \captionsetup{labelformat=labelfinIII}\caption[]{#1}} \begin{document} \chapter[Heads and Foots in Longtable]{Last Head And Last But One Foot In Longtable} This file shows three examples of defining of last head and foot before last of long table. They are printed in different sizes just to check work of page counting algorithm. The common settings: \begin{quote}\obeylines\parskip0pt \verb|\floatsetup[longtable]{font={small,sf},LTcapwidth=table,| \verb| margins=centering,captionskip=5pt}| \verb|\captionsetup[longtable]{font=small}| \end{quote} Here table font family settings are different from caption. The version 3.1 of \textsf{caption} package solves this problem. But for the version 3.0q you ought restore Roman family settings |rm|. \section{Variant~I} For the first variant the following label format was defined: \begin{quote}\obeylines\parskip0pt \verb|\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{labelcontI}%| \verb| {\rightline{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2 (\emph{continued})}}| \verb|\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{labelfinI}%| \verb| {\rightline{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2 (\emph{finished})}}| \end{quote} The body of long table is written in following way: \begin{quote}\obeylines\parskip0pt \verb|\begin{longtable}{@{}lll}| \verb|\caption{The ISOGRK3 entity set and more more more more more more| \verb| more more more more more more more more more more more text}\\| \verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\| \verb|\hline| \verb|\endfirsthead| \verb|\captionsetup{labelformat=labelcontI}\caption[]{}\\| \verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\| \verb|\hline| \verb|\endhead| \verb|\captionsetup{labelformat=labelfinI}\caption[]{}\\| \verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\| \verb|\hline| \verb|\endlasthead| \verb| \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{\emph{Continued on next page}}| \verb|\endfoot| \verb| \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{\emph{Finished on next page}}| \verb|\endprelastfoot| \verb| \hline| \verb|\endlastfoot| \end{quote} \begingroup \floatsetup[longtable]{font={Large,sf}} %\def\LTlastpage{5} \let\LTcontcaption\LTcontcaptionI \let\LTfincaption\LTfincaptionI \input s-longtable.tex \endgroup \clearpage \section{Variant~II} You may see that usage of \verb|labelformat| key here is unnecessary. And preamble of the \textsf{longtable} looks like: \begin{quote}\obeylines\parskip0pt \verb|\begin{longtable}{@{}lll}| \verb|\caption{The ISOGRK3 entity set and more more more more more more| \verb| more more more more more more more more more more more text}\\| \verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\| \verb|\hline| \verb|\endfirsthead| \verb|\caption[]{\emph{Continued}}\\| \verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\| \verb|\hline| \verb|\endhead| \verb|\caption[]{\emph{Finished}}\\| \verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\| \verb|\hline| \verb|\endlasthead| \verb| \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{\emph{Continued on next page}}| \verb|\endfoot| \verb| \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{\emph{Finished on next page}}| \verb|\endprelastfoot| \verb| \hline| \verb|\endlastfoot| \end{quote} \begingroup \captionsetup[table]{labelsep=period,singlelinecheck=no} %\def\LTlastpage{5} \let\LTcontcaption\LTcontcaptionII \let\LTfincaption\LTfincaptionII \input s-longtable.tex \endgroup \clearpage \section{Variant~III} For the last variant the following label format was defined in preamble: \begin{quote}\obeylines\parskip0pt \verb|\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{labelcontIII}%| \verb| {\rightline{\emph{Continuation of \tablename} #2}}| \verb|\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{labelfinIII}%| \verb| {\rightline{\emph{Finishing of \tablename} #2}}| \end{quote} The body of long table is written in following way: \begin{quote}\obeylines\parskip0pt \verb|\begin{longtable}{@{}lll}| \verb|\caption{The ISOGRK3 entity set and more more more more more more| \verb| more more more more more more more more more more more text}\\| \verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\| \verb|\hline| \verb|\endfirsthead| \verb|\captionsetup{labelformat=labelcontIII}\caption[]{}\\| \verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\| \verb|\hline| \verb|\endhead| \verb|\captionsetup{labelformat=labelfinIII}\caption[]{}\\| \verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\| \verb|\hline| \verb|\endlasthead| \verb| \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{\emph{Continued on next page}}| \verb|\endfoot| \verb| \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{\emph{Finished on next page}}| \verb|\endprelastfoot| \verb| \hline| \verb|\endlastfoot| \end{quote} \begingroup \floatsetup[longtable]{font={scriptsize,sf}} %\def\LTlastpage{5} \let\scriptsize\tiny \let\LTcontcaption\LTcontcaptionIII \let\LTfincaption\LTfincaptionIII \renewcommand\ContTable{\tablename} \input s-longtable.tex \endgroup \listoftables \end{document} \endinput