% \iffalse meta-comment % % Copyright (C) 2022 by <+author+> <<+email+>> % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is <+maintainer+>. % % This work consists of the files flexipage.dtx and flexipage.ins % and the derived filebase flexipage.sty. % % \fi % % \iffalse %<*driver> \ProvidesFile{flexipage.dtx} % %\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2020/10/01] %\ProvidesPackage{flexipage} %<*package> % [2022/07/09 1.00 Easy page geometry] [2022/10/01 1.01 First Page different footer] % % %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{xspace} \usepackage{tikz,amsmath, amssymb,bm,color} \usetikzlibrary{shapes,arrows} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges \begin{document} \voffset = -45pt \textheight=210mm \DocInput{flexipage.dtx} \PrintChanges % \PrintIndex \end{document} % % \fi % % % % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % % \changes{<+version+>}{<+date+>}{Converted to DTX file} % % \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newenvironment} % % % \providecommand*{\url}{\texttt} % \providecommand\lgtarg[1]{{\ttfamily<}\meta{#1}{\ttfamily>}} % \GetFileInfo{flexipage.dtx} % % \title{The \textsf{flexipage} package} % \author{Anton Vrba\\\small% % Home Page: \url{https://github.com/anton-vrba/flexipage} } % \date{\fileversion~from \filedate\\} % % % \maketitle % % \begin{abstract} % \noindent The package flexipage allows easy page layout if marginalia is required. % Mid document changes are possible such as: new marginal width, full width text, % and landscape text without marginal. Partners well with the package \textsf{sidenotesplus}. % The package also aids the layout for book printing, allowing for binding corrections % and adding page bleed, if required, % \end{abstract} % % % % \noindent The aim is an easy to use the page geometry setup, % and allow mid-document changes such as from portrait % to landscape, or change the text body width to marginalia width ratio. % The philosophy is simple, easy to understand options quickly set up the page geometry: % \begin{enumerate} % \item |pageheight| and |pagewidth| of final document, default inherited. % \item Defines page margins |inner|, |outer|, |top| and |bot|. Inner refers to the binding % that is the left side margin of on odd pages in |twoside| documents, or % of pages in |oneside| documents. Page margins surround the printable area. % Default for all |36pt|, or |0.5in|. % \item Add a |binding| correction, default |9pt|. % \item Add an |outerbleed|, increases the papersize by adding a bleed area to the % non bound margins. For the seldom requirement an |innerbleed| adds to the % paperwidth on the inner side. % Refer to your publisher. Default for both |0pt|. % \item Divide the remaining printable area into a vertical |grid|, default |12|. % \item Insert a |marginparsep| (default |3ex|) at the |margingrid| position % counting from the outer edge; 0 is for no % marginalia, 1 is a narrow marginal note area, and 4 is a marginal note area % of one halve the width of the text body area's width when |grid=12|. % The marginal area is placed by the outer edge. % \item The \LaTeX\xspace |headsep|, |headheight| and |footskip| dimension % can also be passed as options, otherwise default to class values. % \item As a visual guide, the option |show| frames the page geometry in the output % \end{enumerate} % % \footnotesize % \noindent \begin{tikzpicture} % % \draw [fill=yellow!30] (-4,4.4) node (v1) {} rectangle (3,-4.2); % \draw[fill=white] (-3.8,4.2) rectangle (2.8,-4); % \draw [color=green, fill=green!20 ] (-2.8,3.6) rectangle (2.2,-3.4);% % \draw [fill=orange!10] (-2.8,3.6) rectangle (0.8,3.4); % \draw [fill=orange!10] (1,3) rectangle (2.2,-2.8); % \draw [fill=orange!10](-2.8,3) rectangle (0.8,-2.8); % \draw [fill=violet!10] (-3.8,-4.2) rectangle (v1); % \draw [loosely dashed, blue] (-3.4,4.2) -- (-3.4,-4); % \draw (-2.8,-3.4) -- (0.8,-3.4); % \draw [loosely dashed] (1.8,3) -- (1.8,-2.8); % \draw [loosely dashed] (1.4,3) -- (1.4,-2.8); % \draw [loosely dashed] (0.4,3) -- (0.4,-2.8); % \draw [loosely dashed] (0,3) -- (0,-2.8); % \draw [loosely dashed] (-0.4,3) -- (-0.4,-2.8); % \draw [loosely dashed] (-0.8,3) -- (-0.8,-2.8); % \draw [loosely dashed] (-1.2,3) -- (-1.2,-2.8); % \draw [loosely dashed] (-1.6,3) -- (-1.6,-2.8); % \draw [loosely dashed](-2,3) -- (-2,-2.8); % \draw [loosely dashed](-2.4,3) -- (-2.4,-2.8); % \node at (-1.2,3.5) {Header}; % \node at (-0.9,0.3) {Text Body}; % \node [rotate=90] at (1.6,0.3) {Marginal}; % \node [text width=65mm, right ] at (3.5,0.1) % {\small The basic paper geometry for book printing is illustrated to the left. % This for odd page numbers, the recto page. The even pages mirror this geometry % to maintain verso--recto symmetry. % The final page size is the white area. The yellow outer coloured area is the % |outerbleed| and the violet colored area on the left is the |innerbleed|, these % are trimmed and discarded. Please refer to your publisher if needed. % % ~~~The green area is the text block containing the text body, the marginal, % the header and footer and is defined by the margins |top|, % |outer| and |bottom| to the trimmed paper's edge. % The inner side (left) vertical dot-dashed line represents the |binding| correction and the |inner| % margin is defined from this line. % % ~~~Here the illustrated text width plus the marginal width are divided into 12 equal |grid=12| divisions % with the marginal takin 3 of them, defined by |marginalgrid=3|. % .}; % \node at (-1.2,-3.3) {Footer}; % \end{tikzpicture}\small % \\ Also refer to: % \url{https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Single\_sided\_and\_double\_sided\_documents} % \normalsize % % \section{Usage} % \subsection{Document preamble} % \small % \begin{verbatim} % \PassOptionsToPackage{ % % a4paper , % or another recognised paper size % % paperheight = , % inherits from class % % paperwidth = , % inherits from class % % inner = , % default 36pt or 0.5in % % outer = , % 36pt or 0.5in % % top = , % 36pt or 0.5in % % bot = , % 36pt or 0.5in % % binding = , % 9pt or 0.125in % % outerbleed = , % 0pt, but check with your printer % % innerbleed = , % 0pt, but check with your printer % % grid = , % 12 it is just a number % % marginalgrid = , % 3 it is just a number % % marginparsep = , % 3ex, if using sidenotesplus change to 4 or 5ex % % headsep = , % inherits from class % % headheight = , % inherits from class % % footskip= , % inherits from class % % extrafirstfoot= , % 0pt, first page extra footer, reduces textheight % % show , % a switch to show frames around the printable areas. % % fancyhdrOff , % Do not use the fancyhdr package % % NoFixMargin % a possible future requirement % }{flexipage} % \usepackage{flexipage} % \end{verbatim} % \normalsize\vspace{-20pt} % % \paragraph{Known Issue:} If using the option |show| and the package \textsf{xcolor} % is loaded later with options, an error will occur. The reason % is that when option |show| is specified the package \textsf{eso-pic} is loaded % which in turns loads \textsf{xcolor} without options. Remedy, load \textsf{xcolor} % with options before loading \textsf{flexipage} % % If the option |extrafirstfoot| is used, and |show| is used then the frames for the % first page do not show the effect of |extrafirstfoot|. % % \paragraph{Marginalia Position Issue:} When doing mid document changes to |\textwidth| % and |\marginparwidth| then |\marginpar{content}| renders the marginalia to the correct % width but places it at the old position. A patch is provided here % to correct this issue. Should this ever be fixed in the % latex base software then the |NoFixMargin| option would be required. % % \paragraph{Using \textsf{fancyhdr} package} By default the \textsf{fancyhdr} package % is loaded and the |\headerlength| is set to span the page, that is it overhangs the % text body. The advantage here is that the header has the same format throughout % the document if mid-document layout changes are made. If no such changes are % made then use the |fancyhdrOff| and load \textsf{fancyhdr} in your preamble. Now % the header does not overhang the text body and is as shown in the previous illustration. % % % The following paper sizes are recognised: % % ~ % % \begin{tabular}{rlp{2ex}rl} % \multicolumn{2}{c}{Standard Paper} & &\multicolumn{2}{c}{Standard Book} \\ % a4paper &210$\times$297mm & & US-Trade &6$\times$9in \\ % a5paper &148$\times$210mm & & UK-B-Format &135$\times$210mm \\ % b4paper &250$\times$353mm & & US-B-Format &129$\times$198mm \\ % b5paper &176$\times$250mm & & UK-Royal &156$\times$234mm \\ % c4paper &229$\times$324mm & & Quarto &9.5$\times$12in \\ % c5paper &162$\times$229mm & & Octavo &6$\times$9in \\ % b4jpaper &257$\times$364mm & & CrownQuarto &189$\times$246mm \\ % b5jpaper &182$\times$257mm & & Demi &138$\times$216mm \\ % letterpaper &8.5$\times$11in \\ % legalpaper &8.5$\times$14in \\ % executivepaper &7.25$\times$10.5in \\ % \end{tabular} % %\subsection{User Interfaces} % % % \DescribeMacro{\NewMarginPage} Changes text--marginal ratio. % |\NewMarginPage|\oarg{g}\lgtarg{parsep}\marg{m} % where optionally the grid count is reset to |grid|=\textit{g}, and marginal width is % determined by |marginalgrid|=\textit{m}. The ratio of the lengths |\textwidth| % to |\marginparwidth| is $g-m$ to $n$. The second option changes the |\parsep| length. % % % \DescribeMacro{\NewFullPage} Continues the document with a new page without margins, % and is equivalent to |\NewMarginPage|\marg{0} % % % % \DescribeMacro{\OldMarginPage} % \DescribeMacro{\ResetFlexiPage} After |\NewMarginPage| or |\NewFullPage| revert to % the previous page geometry, these are not stacked. |\ResetFlexiPage| reverts to the layout specified in % the initial options % % % % % \DescribeEnv{Landscape} % \DescribeEnv{landscape} % These two environments provide landscape layouts. The big |Landscape| provides % full text block landscape. The small |landscape| environments respects the % portrait orientated marginal space which now is white space. Do not use % marginalia in landscape mode. % % \DescribeMacro{\Landscape} % \DescribeMacro{\endLandscape} % \DescribeMacro{\landscape} % \DescribeMacro{\endlandscape} Alternatives to |\begin{Landscape}| $\cdots$ $\cdots$ |\end{Landscape}| % % % % \section{Implementation} % % \iffalse %<*package> % \fi % % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{xparse} % new LaTeX3 syntax to define macros and environments \RequirePackage{l3keys2e} % nice way for option processing \RequirePackage{calc} % length manipulation \RequirePackage{fp} % floating point calculation \RequirePackage{ifoddpage} \RequirePackage{graphics} % provides landscaping \RequirePackage{mparhack} % not needed here, but the user certainly needs it. \RequirePackage{etoolbox} % provides \patchcmd % ****** \RequirePackage{eso-pic} only loaded later if option show is specified \newlength{\fleximarginparsep} \newlength{\flx@paperheight} \newlength{\flx@paperwidth} \newlength{\flx@temp} \newlength{\flx@LSfix} \setlength{\flx@LSfix}{0pt} \newlength{\flx@lsfix} \setlength{\flx@lsfix}{0pt} \newlength{\flx@textheigt} \newlength{\flx@orgtextwidth} \newlength{\flx@oldparsep} \newlength{\flx@oparsep} \newlength{\flx@binding} \newlength{\marginparsepodd} \newlength{\marginparsepeven} \newlength{\flx@inner} \newlength{\flx@outer} \newlength{\flx@top} \newlength{\flx@bot} \newlength{\flx@parsep} \newlength{\flx@printarea} \newlength{\flx@outerbleed} \newlength{\flx@innerbleed} \newlength{\flx@extrafirstfoot} \setlength{\flx@extrafirstfoot} {0pt} \setlength{\flx@binding} {9pt} \setlength{\flx@inner} {36pt} \setlength{\flx@outer} {36pt} \setlength{\flx@top} {36pt} \setlength{\flx@bot} {45pt} \setlength{\flx@parsep}{3ex} \setlength{\flx@outerbleed} {0pt} \setlength{\flx@innerbleed} {0pt} \FPset\flx@m{3} \FPset\flx@g{12} \newif\ifSF@frame\SF@framefalse \newif\ifFix@Margin\Fix@Margintrue \newif\ifUse@fancyhdr\Use@fancyhdrtrue % \end{macrocode} % % % % \begin{macrocode} \setlength{\flx@paperheight}{\paperheight} \setlength{\flx@paperwidth}{\paperwidth} \NewDocumentCommand \flx@setpapersize {o o m}{ \setlength{\flx@paperheight}{#2#3} \setlength{\flx@paperwidth}{#2#3} } \ExplSyntaxOn \keys_define:nn { flexiprint } { binding .code:n = \setlength{\flx@binding}{#1}, inner .code:n = \setlength{\flx@inner}{#1}, outer .code:n = \setlength{\flx@outer}{#1}, top .code:n = \setlength{\flx@top}{#1}, bot .code:n = \setlength{\flx@bot}{#1}, marginparsep .code:n = \setlength{\flx@parsep}{#1}, paperheight .code:n = \setlength{\flx@paperheight}{#1}, paperwidth .code:n = \setlength{\flx@paperwidth}{#1}, outerbleed .code:n = \setlength{\flx@outerbleed}{#1}, innerbleed .code:n = \setlength{\flx@innerbleed}{#1}, grid .code:n = \FPset\flx@g{#1}, marginalgrid .code:n = \FPset\flx@m{#1} , show .code:n = \SF@frametrue , NoFixMargin .code:n = \Fix@Marginfalse , headsep .code:n = \setlength{\headsep}{#1}, headheight .code:n = \setlength{\headheight}{#1}, footskip .code:n = \setlength{\footskip}{#1}, extrafirstfoot .code:n = \setlength{\flx@extrafirstfoot}{#1}, fancyhdrOff .code:n = \Use@fancyhdrfalse, a4paper .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[210][297]{mm}, a5paper .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[148][210]{mm}, b4paper .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[250][353]{mm}, b5paper .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[176][250]{mm}, c4paper .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[229][324]{mm}, c5paper .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[162][229]{mm}, b4jpaper .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[257][364]{mm}, b5jpaper .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[182][257]{mm}, letterpaper .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[8.5][11]{in}, legalpaper .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[8.5][14]{in}, executivepaper .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[7.25][10.5]{in}, 10x8paper .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[8][10]{in}, US-Trade .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[6][9]{in}, UK-B-Format .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[135][210]{mm}, US-B-Format .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[129][198]{mm}, UK-Royal .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[156][234]{mm}, Quarto .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[9.5][12]{in}, Octavo .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[6][9]{in}, CrownQuarto .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[189][246]{mm}, Demi .code:n = \flx@setpapersize[138][216]{mm}, } \ProcessKeysOptions { flexiprint } \DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand{\IfNoValueOrEmptyTF}{ m m m } { \IfNoValueTF{#1} {#2} {\tl_if_empty:nTF {#1} {#2} {#3}} } \ExplSyntaxOff \FPset\flx@oldg{\flx@g} \FPset\flx@oldm{\flx@m} \FPset\flx@og{\flx@g} \FPset\flx@om{\flx@m} \setlength{\flx@oparsep}{\flx@parsep} \ifUse@fancyhdr \RequirePackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \fi \setlength{\flx@oldparsep}{\flx@parsep} \setlength{\flx@oparsep}{\flx@parsep} \addtolength{\flx@binding}{\flx@innerbleed} \global\hoffset=0pt \global\voffset=0pt % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\flx@setpagevertical} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand \flx@setpagevertical {} { \setlength{\flx@temp}{\flx@paperwidth+\flx@innerbleed+\flx@outerbleed} \global\paperwidth=\flx@temp \setlength{\flx@temp}{\flx@paperheight+2\flx@outerbleed} \global\paperheight=\flx@temp \setlength{\flx@temp}{\flx@top+\flx@outerbleed-72pt} \setlength{\topmargin}{\flx@temp} \setlength{\flx@temp}{\paperheight - \flx@top % - \headheight - \headsep -\footskip - \flx@bot - 2\flx@outerbleed} \setlength{\flx@textheigt}{\flx@temp} \setlength{\textheight}{\flx@textheigt-\flx@extrafirstfoot} %****************************************************************** } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} \flx@setpagevertical \AddToHook{shipout/firstpage}{% \global\textheight=\flx@textheigt } \newlength{\flx@linewidth} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\flx@setpage} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand \flx@setpage {} { \FPifgt\flx@m0\relax\else\setlength{\flx@parsep}{0pt}\fi \setlength{\flx@temp}{\flx@binding+\flx@inner-72pt} \global\oddsidemargin=\flx@temp \setlength{\flx@linewidth}{\paperwidth-\oddsidemargin-\flx@outer-72pt-\flx@outerbleed} \ifUse@fancyhdr \setlength{\headwidth}{\flx@linewidth} \fi \setlength{\flx@printarea}{\flx@linewidth-\flx@parsep} \FPsub\flx@t\flx@g\flx@m \setlength{\flx@temp}{\flx@printarea * \real{\flx@t}/\real{\flx@g} } \global\textwidth=\flx@temp \setlength{\flx@temp}{\flx@printarea * \real{\flx@m}/\real{\flx@g} } \global\marginparwidth=\flx@temp \global\marginparsep=\flx@parsep \if@twoside \setlength{\flx@temp}{\flx@outer+\marginparwidth+\marginparsep-1in+\flx@outerbleed} \global\evensidemargin=\flx@temp \else \global\evensidemargin=\oddsidemargin \fi \global\fleximarginparsep=\marginparsep \global\hsize=\textwidth } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} \flx@setpage \flx@orgtextwidth=\textwidth \FPset\flx@oldg\flx@g \FPset\flx@oldm\flx@m \setlength{\flx@oparsep}{\flx@parsep} \setlength{\flx@oldparsep}{\flx@parsep} % \end{macrocode} % % % \begin{macro}{\NewMarginPage} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand \NewMarginPage {o d<> m} { \FPset\flx@oldg\flx@g \FPset\flx@oldm\flx@m \setlength{\flx@oldparsep}{\flx@parsep} \ResetFlexiPage \IfNoValueOrEmptyTF{#2}{\relax}{\setlength{\flx@parsep}{#2} } \IfNoValueOrEmptyTF{#1}{\relax}{\FPset\flx@g{#1}} \FPset\flx@m{#3} \flx@setpage \flx@marginparcorrection } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\OldMarginPage} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand \OldMarginPage {} { \FPset\flx@m\flx@oldm \FPset\flx@g\flx@oldg \flx@ResetFlexiPage \setlength{\flx@parsep}{\flx@oldparsep} \flx@setpage \flx@marginparcorrection } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\NewFullPage} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand \NewFullPage {}{ \FPset\flx@oldg\flx@g \FPset\flx@oldm\flx@m \setlength{\flx@oldparsep}{\flx@parsep} \flx@ResetFlexiPage \FPset\flx@m{0} \setlength{\flx@parsep}{0pt} \flx@setpage } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\ResetFlexiPage} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand \ResetFlexiPage{} { \FPset\flx@oldg\flx@g \FPset\flx@oldm\flx@m \flx@ResetFlexiPage } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\flx@ResetFlexiPage} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand \flx@ResetFlexiPage{} { \clearpage \FPset\flx@g\flx@og \FPset\flx@m\flx@om \setlength{\flx@parsep}{\flx@oparsep} \flx@setpage \flx@marginparcorrection } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro}% % % \begin{macro}{\Landscape} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand \Landscape {} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} { \FPset\flx@oldm\flx@m \FPset\flx@oldg\flx@g \setlength{\flx@oldparsep}{\flx@parsep} \clearpage \setlength{\flx@LSfix}{\textheight-\flx@linewidth} \FPset\flx@m{0} \setlength{\flx@parsep}{0ex} \flx@setpage \flx@landscape } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\endLandscape} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand \endLandscape {} { \flx@endlandscape \FPset\flx@m\flx@oldm \FPset\flx@g\flx@oldg \setlength{\flx@parsep}{\flx@oldparsep} \flx@setpage \setlength{\flx@LSfix}{0pt} \flx@marginparcorrection } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\landscape} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand \landscape {} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} { \FPset\flx@oldm\flx@m \FPset\flx@oldg\flx@g \setlength{\flx@oldparsep}{\flx@parsep} \clearpage \setlength{\flx@LSfix}{\textheight-\textwidth} \FPset\flx@m{0} \setlength{\flx@parsep}{0ex} \flx@landscape } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\endlandscape} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand \endlandscape {} { \flx@endlandscape \FPset\flx@m\flx@oldm \FPset\flx@g\flx@oldg \setlength{\flx@parsep}{\flx@oldparsep} \flx@setpage \setlength{\flx@LSfix}{0pt} \flx@marginparcorrection } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % If the page layout includes a marginal these lscape.sty package % respect these % % % \begin{macrocode} % \def\flx@LS@rot{% \setbox\@outputbox\vbox{\hbox{\rotatebox{90}{\box\@outputbox}}}} \def\flx@landscape{% \let\flx@LS@makecol=\@makecol \let\flx@LS@makefcolumn=\@makefcolumn \clearpage \begingroup \global\vsize=\textwidth \global\hsize=\textheight \linewidth=\hsize \columnwidth=\hsize \@colroom=\vsize \textheight=\vsize \@colht=\vsize \def\@makecol{\flx@LS@makecol\flx@LS@rot}% \def\@makefcolumn##1{\flx@LS@makefcolumn{##1}\flx@LS@rot}} \def\flx@endlandscape{% \clearpage \endgroup \global\@colht=\textheight \global\vsize=\textheight \global\@colroom=\textheight} % % \end{macrocode} % % % % \begin{macro}{\flx@marginparcorrection } % % Mid-document changes to textwidth are not communicated the LaTeX marginpar % routines hence the patch to correct the odd-side marginparsep. % % lifted from https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/174605 % % % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand\flx@marginparcorrection{}{ \ifFix@Margin \setlength{\marginparsepodd}{\marginparsep-\flx@orgtextwidth+\textwidth} \setlength{\marginparsepeven}{\marginparsep} \patchcmd{\@addmarginpar}%In this command {\mph@orig@addmarginpar}%...replace this... {\if@twoside\ifodd\c@page\relax%...with this \marginparsep=\marginparsepodd%Page isodd \else%twoside and eveb \marginparsep=\marginparsepeven%Page iseven \fi \else% oneside \marginparsep=\marginparsepodd \fi \mph@orig@addmarginpar} {}%success {\message{Error! Couldn't hook into command %failure `\string\@addmarginpar'}} %end patch command { \def\patcherr{% \message{Error!Couldn't hook into command`\string\@mn@@@marginnote'}} \def\patchok{% \let\patcherr\relax%Only display error if first patch fails \patch%Now patch again. } \def\patch{ \patchcmd{\@mn@@@marginnote}%In this command {\kern\marginparsep}%...replace this... {\ifx\@mn@currpage\relax\else%...with this \if@twoside\ifodd\@mn@currpage\relax \kern\marginparsepodd%Page is odd \else \kern\marginparsepeven \fi \else% one side \kern\marginparsepodd \fi \fi} {\message{Patched!}\patchok}%success(recurse) {\patcherr}%fail } \message{Patching`\string\@mn@@@marginnote`!} \patch \global\let\@mn@@@marginnote\@mn@@@marginnote%Makepatch global } \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % % The package showframe.sty is adapted and localised % % % \begin{macrocode} \ifSF@frame\RequirePackage{eso-pic}\fi % so that below code can draw frames \ifSF@frame\AddToShipoutPictureBG{\flx@ShowFramePicture}\fi \newcommand*\flx@framecolor{\color{green}} \newcommand*\flx@frameline{.8pt} \newdimen\SF@tempdima \newcommand\flx@ShowFramePicture{% \begingroup \color{orange}\linethickness{\flx@frameline}% \if@twoside \ifodd\c@page \AtPageUpperLeft{% \put(\flx@innerbleed,-\paperheight+\flx@outerbleed){% \framebox(\paperwidth-\flx@outerbleed-\flx@innerbleed,\paperheight-2\flx@outerbleed){}}}% \else \AtPageUpperLeft{% \put(\flx@outerbleed,-\paperheight+\flx@outerbleed){% \framebox(\paperwidth-\flx@outerbleed-\flx@innerbleed,\paperheight-2\flx@outerbleed){}}}% \fi \else \AtPageUpperLeft{% \put(\flx@innerbleed,-\paperheight+\flx@outerbleed){% \framebox(\paperwidth-\flx@outerbleed-\flx@innerbleed,\paperheight-2\flx@outerbleed){}}}% \fi \flx@framecolor\linethickness{\flx@frameline}% \AtTextLowerLeft{% \put(0,-\flx@LSfix){\framebox(\textwidth,\textheight+\flx@LSfix){}}}% \ifUse@fancyhdr \if@twoside \ifodd\c@page \AtPageUpperLeft{% \put(\flx@inner+\flx@binding,-\flx@outerbleed-\flx@top-\headheight){% \framebox(\flx@linewidth,\headheight){}}}% \AtPageUpperLeft{% \put(\flx@inner+\flx@binding,% -\flx@outerbleed-\flx@top-\headheight-\headsep-\textheight% -\footskip -\flx@LSfix){% \line(1,0){\flx@linewidth}}}% \else \AtPageUpperLeft{% \put(\flx@outer+\flx@outerbleed,-\flx@outerbleed-\flx@top-\headheight){% \framebox(\flx@linewidth,\headheight){}}}% \AtPageUpperLeft{% \put(\flx@outer+\flx@outerbleed,% -\flx@outerbleed-\flx@top-\headheight-\headsep-\textheight% -\footskip -\flx@LSfix){% \line(1,0){\flx@linewidth}}}% \fi \else \AtPageUpperLeft{% \put(\flx@inner+\flx@binding,-\flx@outerbleed-\flx@top-\headheight){% \framebox(\flx@linewidth,\headheight){}}}% \AtPageUpperLeft{% \put(\flx@inner+\flx@binding,% -\flx@outerbleed-\flx@top-\headheight-\headsep-\textheight% -\footskip -\flx@LSfix){% \line(1,0){\flx@linewidth}}}% \fi % \else \AtTextUpperLeft{% \put(0,\headsep){% \framebox(\textwidth,\headheight){}}}% \AtTextLowerLeft{% \put(0,-\footskip-\flx@LSfix){% \line(1,0){\textwidth}}}% \fi % \FPifgt\flx@m 0{% \AtTextLowerLeft{% \SF@tempdima=\textwidth\advance\SF@tempdima\marginparsep% \if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else \if@mparswitch \SF@tempdima=-\marginparsep\advance\SF@tempdima-\marginparwidth \fi \fi \fi \put(\SF@tempdima,0)% {\framebox(\marginparwidth,\textheight){}}% }% }\fi \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % % % \iffalse % % \fi % % \Finale \endinput