% \iffalse meta-comment % %% File: fewerfloatpages.dtx (C) Copyright 2019-2020 Frank Mittelbach % % It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the % LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this % license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version % of this license is in the file % % https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % The development version of the bundle can be found below % % https://github.com/FrankMittelbach/fmitex/ % % for those people who are interested or want to report an issue. % \def\fewerfloatpagesdate {2020/02/14} \def\fewerfloatpagesversion{v1.0a} %<*driver> \documentclass [final] {l3doc-TUB} \hfuzz=1.6pt % not even one tt character, don't worry. \makeatletter \@mparswitchfalse \makeatother \setcounter{page}{1} \newcommand\ctr[1]{\texttt{\upshape#1}} \newcommand\option[1]{\texttt{\upshape#1}} \newcommand\mnote[1]{\marginpar{\raggedleft\em #1}} \usepackage{csquotes} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \begin{document} \DocInput{fewerfloatpages.dtx} \addtolength\signaturewidth{42pt} \makesignature \end{document} % % % \fi % % % \title{The \texttt{fewerfloatpages} package\thanks{The current % package version is \texttt{\fewerfloatpagesversion} dated % \fewerfloatpagesdate.}} % \author{Frank Mittelbach} % \address{Mainz, Germany} % \netaddress{https://www.latex-project.org} % \personalURL{https://ctan.org/pkg/fewerfloatpages} % % \maketitle % % % \begin{abstract} % % \LaTeX{}'s float algorithm has the tendency to produce fairly % empty float pages, i.e., pages containing only floats but with a % lot of free space remaining that could easily be filled with nearby % text. There are good reasons for this behavior; nevertheless, the % results look unappealing and in many cases documents are % unnecessarily enlarged. % % The \pkg{fewerfloatpages} package provides an extended algorithm % that improves on this behavior without the need for manual intervention by % the user. % % \end{abstract} % % \microtypesetup{protrusion=false} % \tableofcontents % \microtypesetup{protrusion=true} % % \DoNotIndex{\@fpmin} % \DoNotIndex{\@testwrongwidth} % \DoNotIndex{\@cons} % \DoNotIndex{\@currbox} % \DoNotIndex{\@currtype} % \DoNotIndex{\@elt} % \DoNotIndex{\@empty} % \DoNotIndex{\@gobble} % \DoNotIndex{\@ne} % \DoNotIndex{\@next} % \DoNotIndex{\@spaces} % \DoNotIndex{\@tempcnta} % \DoNotIndex{\@tempcntb} % \DoNotIndex{\@tempdima} % \DoNotIndex{\@tempdimb} % \DoNotIndex{\@testtrue} % \DoNotIndex{\@undefined} % \DoNotIndex{\@vtryfc} % \DoNotIndex{\@xxxii} % \DoNotIndex{\@ztryfc} % \DoNotIndex{\fl@trace} % \DoNotIndex{\@bitor} % \DoNotIndex{\NeedsTeXFormat} % \DoNotIndex{\TeX} % \DoNotIndex{\advance} % \DoNotIndex{\begingroup} % \DoNotIndex{\bx@B} % \DoNotIndex{\bx@D} % \DoNotIndex{\bx@I} % \DoNotIndex{\count} % \DoNotIndex{\def} % \DoNotIndex{\divide} % \DoNotIndex{\else} % \DoNotIndex{\endgroup} % \DoNotIndex{\fi} % \DoNotIndex{\gdef} % \DoNotIndex{\global} % \DoNotIndex{\ht} % \DoNotIndex{\if@test} % \DoNotIndex{\if@twocolumn} % \DoNotIndex{\ifdim} % \DoNotIndex{\ifnum} % \DoNotIndex{\ifodd} % \DoNotIndex{\ifx} % \DoNotIndex{\let} % \DoNotIndex{\maxdimen} % \DoNotIndex{\multiply} % \DoNotIndex{\newcommand} % \DoNotIndex{\newcount} % \DoNotIndex{\newcounter} % \DoNotIndex{\providecommand} % \DoNotIndex{\relax} % \DoNotIndex{\renewcommand} % \DoNotIndex{\reserved@a} % \DoNotIndex{\sixt@@n} % \DoNotIndex{\space} % \DoNotIndex{\string} % \DoNotIndex{\the} % \DoNotIndex{\tw@} % \DoNotIndex{\typeout} % \DoNotIndex{\xdef} % \DoNotIndex{\z@} % % % \section{Introduction} % We start by giving a quick overview of \LaTeX{}'s float algorithm % and the problems that result from the approach used. % % We then look in some detail into possible alterations and % improvements to that algorithm and discuss possible issues that % need to be resolved. In this section we also describe all % configuration possibilities of the extended algorithm. % % The final section then documents the code changes that are % necessary to \LaTeX{} kernel macros to implement the extension. % % \subsection{A quick overview of \LaTeX's float algorithm} % % \LaTeX{}'s output routine uses a greedy algorithm to place floats % near to their call-outs in the source document. The decision of how % to place a float is made when the float is first encountered. If % possible it is placed onto the current page, either in mid-text, % on top or into the bottom area, depending on what is allowed for % the float and how many floats are already placed into those % areas. % % If the float can't be placed immediately, it goes into a defer % list, and in order to not accumulate too many unplaced floats % \LaTeX{} tries to empty that list whenever there is a chance. This % chance comes after the next page break: \LaTeX{} then starts a % special ``float page'' algorithm in which it examines the defer % list and from it forms float pages (i.e., pages that contain only % floats). If necessary, it generates several float pages and only % stops if there are no floats waiting to be placed, or there are % too few floats to form a float page, or there are only floats left % that are for one or another reason not allowed to be placed in % this way. % % Finally \LaTeX{} looks at the remaining floats and tries to place % as many of them as possible into the top and bottom area of the % next page. Then it continues to process further text to fill the % text part of that page. Details on the exact behavior of the % algorithm are discussed in \cite{fmi:floatplacement}. % % % \subsection{The typical float page and its problems} % % \LaTeX{} considers a float page to be successfully built if its % floats take up more than \cs{floatpagefraction} of the whole % page. By default this parameter is set to \texttt{.5} which means % that such float pages may end up being half empty. % % Many users think that this is not a good value and try to improve on % it by enforcing a higher percentage (such as 80\%) only to find % that this prevents \LaTeX{} in many cases from successfully % generating any float page, with the effect that all floats are % suddenly piling up at the end of the document. % % Why is this the case? In a nutshell, because a higher percentage % makes it much more likely that a float can't be % placed, because it is not big enough to be used on its % own and no other nearby floats can be combined with % it, because their combination violates some other restriction, % e.g., together they are bigger than a page, not all of them are % allowed to go on float pages, etc. The moment that happens this % float prevents the placement of all later floats of the same % class too (i.e., all figures) and disaster is ensured. In most % cases these floats will then never get placed, because they need a % float of the right size from a different class to appear, which % may in theory happen but is, unfortunately, unlikely. % % Thus,\mnote{Tinkering with the parameter settings will usually % produce unwanted effects} while tempting, tinkering with this % parameter by making it larger is usually not a good idea, unless % you are prepared to place most if not all of your floats % manually, by overwriting the placement algorithm on the level of % individual floats (e.g., using \texttt{!}\@ syntax and/or % shifting its position in the source document). % % Why does the current algorithm have these problems? To some extent, % because it offers only global parameters that need to fit % different scenarios and thus settings that are suitable when many % floats need to be placed result in sub-optimal paginations in % document parts that contain only a few floats, and vice versa. % To overcome this problem, either one can try to develop % algorithms with many more configurable parameters that act % differently in different scenarios or one can let the algorithm % follow a main strategy, configurable with only a few parameters % (like today), but monitor the process and make more local % adjustments and corrections depending on the actual outcome of % that base strategy and additional knowledge of the actual % situation in a given document part. This is the % approach taken by the extension implemented in this package. % % \section{Improvements to the float page algorithm} % % A simple way to improve on the existing algorithm, without % compromising its main goal of placing the floats as fast as % possible and as close as possible to their call-outs, is the % following: as long as there are many floats waiting to be placed, % generate float pages as necessary to get them placed (using the % current algorithm and its parameters). % Once we are unable to build further float pages, do some level % of backtracking by checking if we have actually succeeded in % placing all floats. If there are still floats waiting to be % placed then assume that what has been done so far is the best % possible way to place as many floats as possible (which it % probably is). However, if we have been able to place all floats % onto float pages then check if the last float page is % sufficiently full; if not, undo that float page and instead % redistribute its floats into the top and bottom area of the next % upcoming page. This way the floats will be combined with further % text and we avoid a possible half-empty float page. % % This approach will not resolve all the problematic scenarios % where we find that \LaTeX{} has decided to favor fairly empty % float pages over some tighter type of placement. It will, % however, help to improve typical cases that do not involve too % many floats. For\mnote{A typical case where we don't really want % \LaTeX{} to make a float page} a example, if a single (larger) % float appears near the end of a page, then using the standard % algorithm it can't be immediately placed (because there isn't % enough free space on the current page). It is therefore moved to % the defer list and at the page break it is then placed onto a % float page (possibly by itself, if it is large enough to allow % for that) even though it could perfectly well go into the top or % bottom area of the next page and thus be combined with textual % material on that page. % % With the new algorithm this float page is reexamined and unless % it is pretty much filled up already, it is unraveled and its % floats are redistributed into the top and bottom areas of the % next page. If, however, we have many floats waiting on the defer % list, the normal float page algorithm will first place as many of % them as possible into float pages and only the last of these % pages will be subject to a closer inspection and a possible % unraveling. % % An extension of this idea (and the one that we actually % implement) is to monitor the whole float page generation process % and instead of just considering the last float page in the sequence % for unraveling, we look at each prospective float page in turn and % based on the current situation (e.g., number of floats still % being unplaced, free space on the float page, etc.)\@ decide % whether this float page should be produced or whether we should % stop making float pages and instead place the pending floats into % top and bottom areas of the upcoming page. % % % \subsection{Details on the extended algorithm} % % The main idea of the extended algorithm is to avoid unnecessary cases of % float pages especially if those float pages are fairly % empty.\mnote{Don't unravel a float page if there are too many % floats on the defer list} % Natural candidates are single float pages, but even in cases where % the current \LaTeX{} algorithm produces several sequential float % pages the extended algorithm may decide to replace them by normal % pages under certain conditions. % However, the main goal % is and should remain to place as many floats as soon as possible % and so generating float pages when many floats are waiting is % usually essential. % % \begin{variable}{floatpagedeferlimit} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{setcounter}\{floatpagedeferlimit\}\Arg{number} % \end{syntax} % Whether or not unraveling for a float page is considered at all % is guided by the counter \ctr{floatpagedeferlimit}. As long as % there are more floats waiting on the defer list than this number, % float pages are not considered for unraveling. The default is % \texttt{3} which corresponds to the default value for % \ctr{totalnumber}, i.e., with that setting the unraveling of a % floating page has a fighting chance to place all floats into the % top and bottom areas on the current page. % It would also resolve cases for up to three floats, each larger than % \cs{floatpagefraction}, where the standard \LaTeX{} algorithm would % produce three individual float pages.\strut % \end{variable} % % If you set the counter to \texttt{1} then only the last float % page in a sequence is considered, and only if it contains only a % single float and if there are no other floats that are still % waiting to be placed. If you set it to \texttt{0}, then the % extension is disabled, because float pages are produced only if % there was at least one float on the defer list. % % Even\mnote{Don't unravel if the float page contains many floats} % if we set \ctr{floatpagedeferlimit} to a fairly high value, we % may not want to unravel float pages that contain many floats. To % support this case there is a second counter that guides the % algorithm in this respect. % % \begin{variable}{floatpagekeeplimit} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{setcounter}\{floatpagekeeplimit\}\Arg{number} % \end{syntax} % Whenever the float page contains at least % \ctr{floatpagekeeplimit} floats it will not be unraveled. The % default is also \texttt{3} so that float pages with three or more % floats are not touched. Obviously the counter can have any effect % only if it has a value less than or equal to % \ctr{floatpagedeferlimit} because this is tested first.\strut % \end{variable} % % % There are, however, a number of other situations in which we % shouldn't unravel a float page even if the above checks for the % size of the defer list were passed successfully.\mnote{Don't % unravel if the float page contains at least one \texttt{\upshape % [p]} float} The most important one is the case when the float % page contains at least one float that is allowed \emph{only} on % float pages (i.e., has a \texttt{[p]} argument). Such a float % would not be placeable in a top/bottom area on any page and thus % would be repeatedly sent back to the defer list (possibly forever). % % The other case where unraveling would normally be % counterproductive is when the particular float page is nearly or % completely filled up with floats.\mnote{Don't unravel if the % float page is nearly filled} If we unravel it, then it is % certain that we can place only some of the floats into the top or % bottom area of the next page, while some would end up on the defer % list. That in turn means that these deferred floats float even % further away from their call-out positions than need be. % % \begin{variable}{\floatpagekeepfraction} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{renewcommand}\cs{floatpagekeepfraction}\Arg{decimal} % \end{syntax} % So what is a good way to determine if a float page is ``full % enough''? A possible answer is that if the remaining free space % on that page is less than \cs{textfraction} we consider it full % enough to stay. \cs{textfraction} defines the minimum amount of % space that has to be occupied by text on a normal page, thus if % all floats together need so much space that this amount of text % could not fit, then trying to place all floats onto a % normal page can't succeed and some of them would get deferred for % sure. To allow for further flexibility the algorithm uses % the variable \cs{floatpagekeepfraction} (defaulting to % \cs{textfraction}) so if desired a lower (or even a higher) % boundary can be set.\strut % \end{variable} % % The above parameters give some reasonable configuration % possibilities to guide the algorithm as to when and when not to unravel % a possible float page and instead produce further normal pages. % It should be noted, however, that except for the case of setting % \ctr{floatpagedeferlimit} to \texttt{1}, there is always a chance % that floats drift further away from their call-outs, because they % may not be immediately placeable due to other parameter settings % of the float algorithm. For example, the counter % \texttt{topnumber} (default value 2) limits the number of floats % that can be placed in the top area on a normal page and if more % remain after unraveling only two can immediately go in this area. % % % \subsection{Possible pitfalls and how to avoid them} % % The algorithm detects if a float is allowed only on float pages % (i.e., is given in the source as \texttt{[p]}) and it will ensure % that float pages containing such floats are not unraveled. % % However, if you have a float with the default specifier % \texttt{[tbp]} whose size is larger than the allowed size of the % top or bottom area (e.g., larger than \cs{topfraction} % \texttimes{} \cs{textheight}), then this effectively means it can % only be placed on a float page. % % However, according to the specifier the float is allowed to go % into the top or bottom area, so the algorithm, as explained so % far, would be allowed to unravel and when that float later is % considered for top or bottom placement it will get again deferred % and thus move from one page to the next, most likely messing up % the whole float placement. % % There\mnote{\option{checktb} (option)} are two possible ways to % improve the algorithm to avoid this disaster. One way % would be to check the float size when it is initially encountered % and remove any specifier that is technically not possible because % of the parameter settings and the float size. A possible % disadvantage is that this determination will be done once and any % later (temporary) change to the float parameters will have no % effect. This is currently the package default. It can be % explicitly selected by specifying the option \option{checktb}. In % this case you might see warnings like %\begin{verbatim} % LaTeX Warning: Float too large for top area: t changed to p on line ... %\end{verbatim} % % Another\mnote{\option{addbang} (option)} possibility is that we automatically add a % \texttt{!}\@ specifier to all floats during unraveling, i.e., when % we send them back for reevaluation. This way such floats become % placeable into top and bottom areas regardless of their size. This % may result in fewer pages at the cost of violating the area size % restrictions once in a while. It is specified with the option \option{addbang}. % % If\mnote{\option{nocheck} (option)} you prefer no automatic % adjustment of the specifiers, add the option \option{nocheck}. % In this case you might find that floats of certain sizes are % unplaceable and thus get delayed to the end of the document. If % that happens, the remedy is either to explicitly specify % \texttt{[p]} or \texttt{[hp]} for such a float (to ensure that % they aren't subject to unraveling) or to manually add an % exclamation specifier, e.g., \texttt{[!tp]} so that \LaTeX{} % doesn't use the size restrictions in its algorithm. % % % % \subsection{Tracing the algorithm} % % The\mnote{\option{trace} (option)} package offers the option % \option{trace}, which if used, will result in messages such as %\begin{verbatim} % [1] % fewerfloatpages: PAGE: trying to make a float page % fewerfloatpages: ----- \@deferlist: \bx@B \bx@D % fewerfloatpages: starting with \bx@B % fewerfloatpages: --> success: \bx@B \bx@D % fewerfloatpages: ----- current float page unraveled % (free space 192.50336pt > 109.99832pt) % [2] %\end{verbatim} % which means that the algorithm is trying to make a float page % from the defer list which at that point contained two floats (the % float boxes \cs[no-index]{bx@B} and \cs[no-index]{bx@D}), that it % was able to produce a float page containing just % \cs[no-index]{bx@B} and \cs[no-index]{bx@D}, and that the extended % algorithm then decided to unravel that float page, because it has % an unused space of \texttt{192.5pt}, i.e., roughly 16 text lines. With the current % \cs{floatpagekeepfraction} that is too much empty space on the % page. % % Or it might say %\begin{verbatim} % fewerfloatpages: PAGE: trying to make a float page % fewerfloatpages: ----- \@deferlist: \bx@D \bx@F \bx@G \bx@H \bx@I % fewerfloatpages: starting with \bx@D % fewerfloatpages: --> success: \bx@D \bx@F % fewerfloatpages: ----- too many deferred floats for unraveling (5 > 3) % [3] %\end{verbatim} % which means that the algorithm made a float page out of the first % two floats from the defer list (i.e., 3 remained). % That % page was kept regardless of the amount of free space it contained % because we have a total of 5 floats on the defer list and the % counter \ctr{floatpagedeferlimit} has its default value of \texttt{3}. % % The above tracing messages are both from the same test % document. What they also (implicitly) show is that the unraveling % that happened after page~1 resulted in only one float (\cs[no-index]{bx@B}) % being placed on page~2, because we see the second one (\cs[no-index]{bx@D}) % reappearing in the defer list after page~2 got finished. In other % words it was moved one page further away from its call-out: the % price for getting a nicely filled page~2 instead of a fairly empty % float page with roughly 200 points left empty. % The final part of that test document then exhibits another % type of message: %\begin{verbatim} % fewerfloatpages: PAGE: trying to make a float page % fewerfloatpages: ----- \@deferlist: \bx@G \bx@H \bx@I % fewerfloatpages: starting with \bx@G % fewerfloatpages: --> success: \bx@G \bx@H \bx@I % fewerfloatpages: ----- all floats placed on float page(s) % fewerfloatpages: ----- current float page kept, full enough % (free space 38.99496pt < 109.99832pt) % [4] %\end{verbatim} % This means that the remaining floats (that were left unplaced % after float page~3 got constructed) formed a float % page and that float page was the last in sequence (i.e., all % floats have been placed). However, this time the algorithm decided not % to unravel it, because it is nicely full: there are only 39 points % of free space left on that page. % % Three other possible messages are shown in this sequence of % tracing lines from a second test document (which is using some uncommon % settings: \ctr{floatpagedeferlimit} is \texttt{10} and % \ctr{floatpagekeeplimit} is \texttt{5}): %\begin{verbatim} % [1] % fewerfloatpages: PAGE: trying to make a float page % fewerfloatpages: ----- \@deferlist: \bx@B \bx@C \bx@D \bx@E \bx@F \bx@G \bx@H % fewerfloatpages: starting with \bx@B % fewerfloatpages: --> success: \bx@B \bx@C \bx@D \bx@E \bx@F \bx@G \bx@H % fewerfloatpages: ----- current float page kept (contains at least 5 floats) % [2] [3] %\end{verbatim} % In this case 7 floats have been waiting on the defer list and the % algorithm was able to construct a float page using all of them. % The algorithm then keeps that page because it has 5 or more floats % in it (the value of the \ctr{floatpagekeeplimit} counter). % % The next message in that test document shows what happens % when there are not enough floats waiting or they are simply too % small (to even get past the \cs{floatpagefraction} limit): %\begin{verbatim} % fewerfloatpages: PAGE: trying to make a float page % fewerfloatpages: ----- \@deferlist: \bx@I \bx@J % fewerfloatpages: starting with \bx@I % fewerfloatpages: --> fail % fewerfloatpages: starting with \bx@J % fewerfloatpages: --> fail % fewerfloatpages: --> fail: no float page made % [4] %\end{verbatim} % So no float page was made, but for some reason (that becomes clear % later) the two floats also didn't got distributed into the top or % bottom area of the next page. Instead they remained on the % defer list and during processing of page~4 one more float was % found so that after that page the defer list had grown to % length~3: % %\begin{verbatim} % fewerfloatpages: PAGE: trying to make a float page % fewerfloatpages: ----- \@deferlist: \bx@I \bx@J \bx@K % fewerfloatpages: starting with \bx@I % fewerfloatpages: --> success: \bx@I \bx@J \bx@K % fewerfloatpages: ----- current float page kept, contains a float % fewerfloatpages: with p but no t or b specifier % [5] %\end{verbatim} % This time all floats could be placed, but again the float page % wasn't unraveled (even though in the test document it contained a % lot of white space) because of the fact that one of its floats (in fact % the first though that can only be deduced implicitly) was % specified as a \enquote{float page only} float. This explains why % on page~4 \cs[no-index]{bx@I} couldn't be placed into the top or bottom % area and then all following floats of the same class (the test % document contained only \env{figure} floats) couldn't be placed % either. % % If\mnote{Detailed tracing of the complete algorithm} you want % detailed tracing of the complete algorithm, also load the % \pkg{fltrace} package and enable the tracing with % \cs{tracefloats} anywhere in your document. Note, however, that % the resulting output is very detailed but rather low-level and % unpolished. % % % % % % \subsection{Local (manual) adjustments} % % If the extended algorithm is used you will get fewer float pages % that contain a noticeable amount of white space. By adjusting % \cs{floatpagekeepfraction} and the counters \ctr{floatpagekeeplimit} and % \ctr{floatpagedeferlimit} you can direct the algorithm to unravel more or % fewer of the otherwise generated float pages. However, in some cases % it might happen that redistribution of the floats into the top and % bottom areas of the next page(s) may result in some of them % drifting too far away from their call-outs. If that happens, you can % either try to change the general parameters or you could help the % algorithm along by using the optional argument of individual float % environments. % The two main tools at your disposal are % \begin{itemize} % \item % using the \texttt{[!..]} notation to allow the float to go into % the top or bottom area even if it would be normally prevented by % other restrictions; % \item % using \texttt{[p]} to force a float into a float page as that % prevents the algorithm from unravelling the float page which contains % that float. % \end{itemize} % As an alternative you can, of course, temporarily alter the % definition of the command \cs{floatpagekeepfraction} or the values % of two counters in mid-document, but remember that they are not % looked at when a float is encountered in the source but when we % are at a page break and \LaTeX{} attempts to empty the defer list, % which is usually later and unfortunately somewhat asynchronous, % i.e., not easy to predict. % % % \StopEventually{ % \begin{thebibliography}{1} % \raggedright % \bibitem{fmi:floatplacement} % Frank Mittelbach. % \newblock How to influence the position of float environments like figure and table in \LaTeX? % \newblock \textsl{TUG}boat 35:3, 2014.\\ % \newblock \url{https://www.latex-project.org/publications/indexbytopic/2e-floats/} % \bibitem{source2e} % \LaTeX{} Project Team. % \newblock The \LaTeXe{} Sources (660+ pages), 2020.\\ % \newblock \url{https://www.latex-project.org/help/documentation} % \end{thebibliography} % \ifx\thisissuepageref\undefined ^^A is this TUB production ??? if not gen index % \setlength\IndexMin{200pt} \PrintIndex % \fi %} % % % % \section{The implementation} % % We start off with the package announcement. Requiring a fairly new % \LaTeX{} kernel is not absolutely necessary but it will help to % ensure that we patch what we think we patch and in the future it % means that will can be assured that the rollback functionality of % the kernel is available in case will need to support several % releases of the package. % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2018-04-01] % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesPackage{fewerfloatpages} [\fewerfloatpagesdate\space \fewerfloatpagesversion\space improve float page generation (FMi)] % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Option handling} % % This release of the package has four options: \option{trace} % for tracing the algorithm, \option{addbang} and % \option{checktb} to handle cases where the float size in % combination with the float specifiers makes it difficult if not % impossible to place the floats, and \option{nocheck} to not make % adjustments for that case. % % The option \option{trace} enables tracing of the algorithm and is % implemented by giving the command \cs[no-index]{fl@trace} (which is also % used by the \pkg{fltrace} package) a suitable definition. % % To handle the case that the \pkg{fltrace} package is loaded % first, we use \cs[no-index]{providecommand}, so that its definition is not % overwritten, but used if it is already available. If the package is % loaded later everything works fine because it unconditionally % defines \cs[no-index]{fl@trace}, i.e., overwrites whatever % \pkg{fewerfloatpages} has defined. % % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{trace} {\providecommand\fl@trace[1]% {{\let\@elt\@empty\typeout{fewerfloatpages: #1}}}} % \end{macrocode} % % The other three options are mutually exclusive so we number them 0 % to 2 in the command \cs[no-index]{fp@strategy} to ensure that % only one is ever active. Option \option{nocheck} does nothing, with % the cost that some floats may float to the end of the % document. Option \option{addbang} adds a \texttt{!}\@ to floats % that are sent back for reevaluation when a float page gets % unraveled. Option \option{checktb} implements a different % approach to handling problematic floats: the vertical % size of a float is checked, and if it is too large to be allowed % into the top or the bottom area, any \texttt{t} or \texttt{b} % specifier is replaced by \texttt{p} (or dropped if \texttt{p} is % already specified). % \begin{macrocode} \def\fp@strategy{0}% \DeclareOption{nocheck}{\def\fp@strategy{0}} % better name? \DeclareOption{addbang}{\def\fp@strategy{1}} \DeclareOption{checktb}{\def\fp@strategy{2}} % \end{macrocode} % The actual implementation is done later. The default is % currently \option{checktb} but this may change to % \option{addbang} based on user feedback. % \begin{macrocode} \ExecuteOptions{checktb} \ProcessOptions % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{Tracing code} % % \begin{macro}[internal]{\fl@trace} % The command \cs[no-index]{fl@trace} is used to output tracing information. % By default the tracing of the algorithm is turned off, so % \cs[no-index]{fl@trace} will simply swallow its argument. But if % \pkg{fltrace} is loaded or the option \option{trace} is given % then the command already has a definition so we don't change it % here. % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand\fl@trace[1]{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \subsection{User-level interfaces} % % For the most part the packages provides internal code that % extends the float algorithm of \LaTeX{}. There are, however, also % three new parameters that guide this algorithm; they are defined % in this section. % % \begin{macro}[var]{\floatpagekeepfraction} % The fraction that the algorithm uses to decide whether a given float % page is so full that it would be pointless to unravel it for the % reasons outlined above. The default is whatever fraction has been % chosen as the minimum amount of text that needs to be on a normal % page (i.e., \cs{textfraction}). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\floatpagekeepfraction{\textfraction} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}[var]{floatpagedeferlimit,\c@floatpagedeferlimit} % The algorithm will only consider unraveling float pages if there % are not too many floats on the defer list. The definition of % \enquote{too many} is provided through the counter % \ctr{floatpagedeferlimit} if there are more floats waiting to be % placed; float pages are generated until their number falls below % this level. Thus, a value of \texttt{0} will disable the whole % algorithm and a value of \texttt{1} means that only float pages % with a single float might get unraveled and only if there aren't % others still waiting to be placed. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{floatpagedeferlimit} \setcounter{floatpagedeferlimit}{3} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}[var]{floatpagekeeplimit,\c@floatpagekeeplimit} % % A float page that contains at least this number of floats will % also be kept. The default is \texttt{3} but if you have a lot of % small floats it might be better to set this to a higher % value. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{floatpagekeeplimit} \setcounter{floatpagekeeplimit}{3} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{Patching the \LaTeX{} kernel commands} % % % \begin{macro}[internal]{\@tryfcolumn} % The main macro we have to patch to extend \LaTeX's algorithm is % \cs{@tryfcolumn}. That command is changed when \pkg{fltrace} % gets loaded, so we make our definition as late as possible to % ensure that it will survive. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def \@tryfcolumn #1{% \global \@fcolmadefalse \ifx #1\@empty \else \fl@trace{PAGE: trying to make a float \if@twocolumn column/page\else page\fi}% \fl@trace{----- \string #1: #1}% \xdef\@trylist{#1}% \global \let \@failedlist \@empty \begingroup \let \@elt \@xtryfc \@trylist \endgroup % \end{macrocode} % Up to this point the definition is the same as in the original % algorithm. At this point the switch \cs[no-index]{if@fcolmade} tells us if making a % float page was successful and the original algorithm then called % \cs[no-index]{@vtryfc} and removed the floats used for this float page from the defer list. % % In the extended algorithm this is the place where things start to % differ as we may not want that float page to actually come into % existence. % \begin{macrocode} \if@fcolmade % \end{macrocode} % As a first step we count the number of floats in the defer list % and save the result in \cs{fp@candidates}. % \begin{macrocode} \fp@candidates\z@ \def\@elt##1{\advance\fp@candidates\@ne}% #1% \let\@elt\relax % \end{macrocode} % Now we compare this number with the values of the counter \ctr{floatpagedeferlimit} % and if it is higher we definitely want to keep the float % page. The rationale is that if we unravel now, then all floats from % the defer list need to go into the top/bottom areas (or get % deferred again but to a later page) and so a high number means the defer list will % not get shortened very much and too many floats will get delayed further. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum \fp@candidates >\c@floatpagedeferlimit \fl@trace{----- too many deferred floats for unraveling (\the\fp@candidates\space> \the\c@floatpagedeferlimit)}% \else % \end{macrocode} % % Otherwise we do a bit more testing. First we set \cs[no-index]{if@fcolmade} % back to false; after all our goal is to not keep the float page. If % during the tests we decide otherwise we set it back to true, which % then signals that it should stay. % % We also count the floats on the float page, reusing \cs[no-index]{fp@candidates} % for that, which is why we initialize it to zero. % \begin{macrocode} \global\@fcolmadefalse \fp@candidates\z@ % \end{macrocode} % The actual checking is done with % \cs{fp@analyse@floats@for@unraveling} and it loops over % \cs{@flsucceed}, i.e., the floats for that float page. This % checks if any float for that page has only a \texttt{[p]} % specifier and if so it sets \cs[no-index]{if@fcolmade} back to % \texttt{true} and as a side effect it also does the counting for % us. Furthermore, it also changes the switch to true if it finds % at least \ctr{floatpagekeeplimit} floats on that page. % \begin{macrocode} \let\@elt\fp@analyse@floats@for@unraveling \@flsucceed \let\@elt\relax % \end{macrocode} % Now we recheck the state of the switch and if it still says % \texttt{false}, all tests so far indicate that we don't want the float % page. % \begin{macrocode} \if@fcolmade \else % \end{macrocode} % But we aren't done yet: the float page might be nicely filled, % in which case it would be a shame to unravel it. During the above % loop we also measured the free space on the float page and stored % it in \cs{fp@unused@space} (see \cs{@xtryfc} below). We now % compare that to the maximum free space that we consider to be % still okay and if there is more we finally do the unraveling. % \begin{macrocode} \@tempdima\floatpagekeepfraction\@colht \ifdim \fp@unused@space >\@tempdima \fl@trace{----- current float page unraveled^^J% \@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\space\space\space (free space \fp@unused@space\space > \the\@tempdima)}% % \end{macrocode} % For this we basically return all floats back to the % defer list. The switch is still \texttt{false} so it doesn't need % changing. % \begin{macrocode} \xdef #1{\@failedlist\@flsucceed\@flfail}% % \end{macrocode} % However, we may also want to add a \texttt{!}\@ specifier to each of % the floats (if the \option{addbang} option was given) % so we loop over all the floats once more to get this % done.\footnote{This could have been integrated with % \cs{fp@analyse@floats@for@unraveling} but there is not much gain if % any and by keeping it separate the processing logic seems clearer to me.} % \begin{macrocode} \let\@elt\fp@maybe@add@bang \@flsucceed \let\@elt\relax \else % \end{macrocode} % But if we want to keep the float page after all, we have to set % the switch back to \texttt{true} so that the rest of the % algorithm proceeds correctly. % \begin{macrocode} \global \@fcolmadetrue \fl@trace{----- current float page kept, full enough^^J% \@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\space\space\space (free space \fp@unused@space\space < \the\@tempdima)}% \fi \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % The next \cs[no-index]{else} matches the first \cs[no-index]{if@fcolmade}, i.e., the % case that the algorithm wasn't able to make any float page. If % we are tracing the algorithm, we want to tell the user about this. % \begin{macrocode} \else \fl@trace{ --> fail: no float page made}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Finally, at this point we are back in the original algorithm. Now the % switch tells the truth about whether or not we want to make a float % page, and if so, we go ahead and produce it. % \begin{macrocode} \if@fcolmade \@vtryfc #1% \fi \fi}% }% -- END of \AtBeginDocument % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \pagebreak % % % \begin{macro}[internal]{\@makefcolumn} % % In contrast to \cs{@tryfcolumn} this macro will always make float % pages out of the deferred floats. It is used by \cs{clearpage} % when we really need the floats to get out because there is no further % text coming up. Thus, in that case we should not unravel the % float pages. That would happen with the kernel definition of % \cs{@makefcolumn} as that calls \cs{@tryfcolumn} which we just % changed above. We therefore modify its definition to include the % original code for \cs{@tryfcolumn} instead of calling our updated % version. % % Again this change is made at \verb=\begin{document}= so that it % is not overwritten in case \pkg{fltrace} is loaded afterwards. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% \def\@makefcolumn #1{% \begingroup \@fpmin -\maxdimen \let \@testfp \@gobble % \end{macrocode} % At this point the original definition called \cs[no-index]{@tryfcolumn} and % the lines above ensured that it was always succeeding in making % a float page. However, since we have changed that command to do unraveling % we had better not use it any more. Instead we replace it by its original % definition (with the addition of two tracing lines). % \begin{macrocode} \global \@fcolmadefalse \ifx #1\@empty \else \fl@trace{PAGE: trying to make a float \if@twocolumn column/page\else page\fi}% \fl@trace{----- \string #1: #1}% \xdef\@trylist{#1}% \global \let \@failedlist \@empty \begingroup \let \@elt \@xtryfc \@trylist \endgroup \if@fcolmade \@vtryfc #1% \fi \fi \endgroup }% }% -- END of \AtBeginDocument % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % % \begin{macro}[internal]{\@xtryfc} % The only change to \cs{@xtryfc} is the addition of the % \cs[no-index]{fl@trace} calls. But this extra tracing info is generally % useful and should also be done in the \pkg{fltrace} package. % % The macro initiates a float page trial starting with the first % float in \cs{@trylist}. More detailed explanations can be found % in the documented sources of the \LaTeX{} kernel~\cite{source2e}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@xtryfc #1{% \fl@trace{ starting with \string#1}% \@next\reserved@a\@trylist{}{}% \@currtype \count #1% \divide\@currtype\@xxxii \multiply\@currtype\@xxxii \@bitor \@currtype \@failedlist \@testfp #1% \@testwrongwidth #1% \ifdim \ht #1>\@colht \@testtrue \fi \if@test \@cons\@failedlist #1% \fl@trace{ --> fail}% \else \@ytryfc #1% \fi }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % % % % \begin{macro}[internal]{\@ytryfc} % % The command \cs{@ytryfc}, which is also part of the code in the % kernel, loops through the defer list and tries to build a float % page starting with the float passed to it in |#1|. If it succeeds, % the floats that are part of the float page are listed in % \cs{@flsucceed} and the switch \cs[no-index]{if@fcolmade} is set to % \texttt{true}. Also of interest to us is that inside the code % \cs[no-index]{@tempdima} holds the size taken up by the floats, so we can % use this to calculate the unused space on the float page and % store it in \cs{fp@unused@space} for use in our extended % algorithm. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@ytryfc #1{% \begingroup \gdef\@flsucceed{\@elt #1}% \global\let\@flfail\@empty \@tempdima\ht #1% \let\@elt\@ztryfc \@trylist \ifdim \@tempdima >\@fpmin \global\@fcolmadetrue % \end{macrocode} % This branch is executed when the floats together are big enough % to form a float page. Thus, this is the right place to calculate % the free space by subtracting the used space from the column % height (which may not be the full height if there are spanning % floats in two column mode). % \begin{macrocode} \@tempdimb\@colht \advance\@tempdimb-\@tempdima \xdef\fp@unused@space{\the\@tempdimb}% % \end{macrocode} % The remaining code is again unchanged except that we added two % additional tracing lines (though those should be added to % the \pkg{fltrace} package too one of these days). % \begin{macrocode} \else \@cons\@failedlist #1% \fl@trace{ --> fail}% \fi \endgroup \if@fcolmade \let\@elt\@gobble \fl@trace{ --> success: \@flsucceed}% \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % % \begin{macro}[internal]{\@largefloatcheck} % % The final kernel macro we need to patch is % \cs{@largefloatcheck}. This is called when a float box is % constructed and it checks if that box is larger than the available % \cs{textheight}, which would mean it could never be placed % anywhere, not even on a float page. The code therefore reduces % the box size as necessary and issues a warning. % % This macro is therefore a natural candidate to also check if the % float size is too large for the float to go into top or bottom % areas (if the option \option{checktb} is used). % \begin{macrocode} \def \@largefloatcheck{% \ifdim \ht\@currbox>\textheight \@tempdima -\textheight \advance \@tempdima \ht\@currbox \@latex@warning {Float too large for page by \the\@tempdima}% \ht\@currbox \textheight \fi % \end{macrocode} % The \cs{fp@maybe@check@tb} does the checking (or nothing if the % option is not given). % \begin{macrocode} \fp@maybe@check@tb } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % % % \subsection{Internal helper commands and parameters} % % % \begin{macro}[internal]{\fp@candidates} % We use an internal counter to count the number of floats in the % defer list and on a float page under construction. % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\fp@candidates % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % \begin{macro}[internal]{\fp@unused@space} % In \cs{fp@unused@space} we store the amount of free space % on the current float page. % \begin{macrocode} \def\fp@unused@space{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % \begin{macro}[internal]{\fp@analyse@floats@for@unraveling} % With \cs{fp@analyse@floats@for@unraveling} we loop over the % floats on the float page, i.e., |#1| will be one such float. % % One of its tasks is to count the floats (in \cs{fp@candidates}) and % check if % there are at least \ctr{floatpagekeeplimit} of them (which means % the float page should definitely be kept). % % Its most important task, however, is to check if one of the floats % has only a \texttt{p} specifier but no other. In that case it is % essential that we not unravel the float page because such a % float would then only go back onto the defer list as it has no % place to go except a float page. % \begin{macrocode} \def\fp@analyse@floats@for@unraveling#1{% \advance\fp@candidates\@ne \ifnum \fp@candidates <\c@floatpagekeeplimit % \end{macrocode} % So far we haven't got enough floats to know that this float page % should be kept so we check the given float specifiers. % % The test may look a little weird,\footnote{\enquote{Little} might % be an understatement. Encoding a lot of information in individual % bits of the counter value associated with a float was a great way % in the early days of \LaTeX{} to preserve macro space (and % absolutely essential back then), but these days \ldots{} Anyway, % it is the way it is and that part can't really be changed without % breaking a lot of packages.} but what we want to know is this: % is there a \texttt{p} (third bit) but neither a \texttt{b} % (second bit) nor a \texttt{t} (first bit). We don't care about % \texttt{h} or \texttt{!} which are the next two bits in the float % counter nor any of its higher bits (which encode the type of % float). So we divide the integer number by 8, which drops % the two least significant bits (think of the integer % represented in binary format), and then multiply it again by 8. As % a result the first two bits are zeroed out. We then compare the % result with the original value and if the two values are the same % then the \texttt{b} and \texttt{t} bits must both have been zero % from the start. And since the float was on a float page we also % know that it had a \texttt{p} specifier. % \begin{macrocode} \@tempcntb\count#1% \divide\@tempcntb 8\relax \multiply\@tempcntb 8\relax \ifnum \count#1=\@tempcntb % \end{macrocode} % In that case we set \cs[no-index]{if@fcolmade} to \texttt{true} % to signal that this float page should be kept, generate a tracing % message and change \cs[no-index]{@elt} to become % \cs[no-index]{@gobble} to quickly jump over any remaining floats % in the loop without doing further tests or generate further % tracing messages. % \begin{macrocode} \global \@fcolmadetrue \fl@trace{----- current float page kept, contains a float}% \fl@trace{\@spaces\space\space with p but no t or b specifier}% \let\@elt\@gobble \fi % \end{macrocode} % On the other hand, if we have seen enough floats we also know % that the float page should be kept, so change the switch, give % some tracing info and stop checking: % \begin{macrocode} \else \global \@fcolmadetrue \fl@trace{----- current float page kept (contains at least \the\fp@candidates\space floats)}% \let\@elt\@gobble \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % % \begin{macro}[internal]{\fp@maybe@add@bang} % % The helper \cs{fp@maybe@add@bang} is used to loop through all of % the floats of a float page (receiving each as |#1| in turn) and % add a \texttt{!}\@ specifier if there wasn't one before. % % However, we only define it if we implement strategy 1 which is % option \option{addbang}. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\fp@strategy=1 \def\fp@maybe@add@bang#1{% % \end{macrocode} % Find out if the fourth bit is set (which means no \texttt{!}\@) % and if so subtract 16 from the float counter which means setting % it to zero. % \begin{macrocode} \@boxfpsbit #1\sixt@@n \ifodd \@tempcnta \global\advance\count#1-\sixt@@n \fi } \else \let\fp@maybe@add@bang\@gobble \fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % % \begin{macro}[internal]{\fp@maybe@check@tb} % The code in \cs{fp@maybe@check@tb} is used in % \cs{@largefloatcheck} to test if the float has a \texttt{t} or % \texttt{b} specifier but is too large to fit into the % respective area. This test is not made by default but only if the % option \option{checktb} is used, i.e., strategy~2. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\fp@strategy=2 \def\fp@maybe@check@tb{% % \end{macrocode} % Again this is a case of % looking at various bits in the float counter value in binary % notation. % If the specifier contained a \texttt{!}\@ we are ok and it would % be wrong to change the specifier, because in % that case size restrictions for areas do not apply. For this we % have to test the fourth bit which means dividing by 16 and then % checking if the result is odd or even (odd means there was no % \texttt{!}\@).\footnote{I'm sure we had good reasons to % implement it this way in 1992\Dash we probably saved a few bytes % which was important back then. But it is certainly odd that for % \texttt{!}\@ a value of zero means that it was specified on the % float while for all other specifiers a value of \texttt{1} % indicates that the specifier was given.} The kernel % \cs{@getfpsbit} does this for us and stores the result in % \cs[no-index]{@tempcnta} so we can test this with \cs[no-index]{ifodd} to see if the % bit was set. % \begin{macrocode} \@getfpsbit \sixt@@n \ifodd \@tempcnta % \end{macrocode} % If there was no \texttt{!}\@ we check if the height of the % float is too large to fit into the top area. % \begin{macrocode} \ifdim \ht\@currbox>\topfraction\textheight % \end{macrocode} % % If that is the case we also check the first bit of the float % counter to see if a \texttt{t} was specified. For this we use % \cs{@getfpsbit} again but this time with \texttt{2} as the argument % since we test the first bit. % \begin{macrocode} \@getfpsbit \tw@ \ifodd \@tempcnta % \end{macrocode} % If \texttt{t} was specified we need to remove it (next line) and % add (if not already present) a \texttt{p} instead. This is done % by \cs[no-index]{fp@add@p@bit}. Finally we add a warning for the user about % the change. % \begin{macrocode} \global\advance\count\@currbox -\tw@ \fp@add@p@bit \@latex@warning {Float too large for top area: t changed to p}% \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % A similar test and action is needed for bottom floats; here we % need to look at and zero out the second bit (i.e., using 4 as a value). % \begin{macrocode} \ifdim \ht\@currbox>\bottomfraction\textheight \@getfpsbit 4\relax \ifodd \@tempcnta \global\advance\count\@currbox -4\relax \fp@add@p@bit \@latex@warning {Float too large for bottom area: b changed to p}% \fi \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % In all other cases \cs{fp@maybe@check@tb} does nothing. % \begin{macrocode} \else \let\fp@maybe@check@tb\relax \fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % % \begin{macro}[internal]{\fp@add@p@bit} % The command \cs{fp@add@p@bit} adds the \texttt{p} specifier which % means checking the third bit and if not set, adding 8 to the float counter. % \begin{macrocode} \def\fp@add@p@bit{% \@getfpsbit 8\relax \ifodd \@tempcnta \else \global\advance\count\@currbox 8\relax \fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % % \ifx\thisissuepageref\undefined ^^A is this TUB production ??? if not gen index % \subsection{Patches that will eventually go into \pkg{fltrace}} % % The \pkg{fewerfloatpages} package added some additional general % tracing info into some of the kernel functions which isn't % currently available when using only the \pkg{fltrace} package. As % that tracing info is generally useful for understanding what the % base part of the float algorithm does, it should also be added to % the latter package. % % \fi % % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> % \end{macrocode} % \Finale % \endinput