\documentclass[oldtoc,a4paper,10pt]{artikel3} \usepackage{a4wide} \begin{document} \author{J.B.~Rhebergen} \date{\today} \title{{\tt sig.sty} Documentation} \maketitle This is the {\tt sig.sty} package which can be used to put a scanned signature in your fax document or other documents. If you want to use this {\tt sig.sty} there are a number of things you need to change. The dimension of the \verb|\vbox| and \verb|\hbox| depend on the size of the signature. Measure them and change accordingly. The \verb|\sig| command puts the signature in the text. I added some negative kern which causes the signature to overlap a little just as happens sometimes when you put your signature on a document by hand. If you don't want this, use \verb|\altsig|. The \verb|\zsig| and \verb|zaltsig| are similar except that the \verb|\vbox| and \verb|\hbox| have zero dimensions. This allows you to put the signature on top of other text. (yes I know that is weird but it can be handy sometimes) Remember that you need to scale your signature to the proper size with a graphics program. To use with a fax document in fax resolution just put the command \verb|\usepackage[fax]{sig}| in the preamble of your document. In non fax document leave out the {\tt fax} option. \footnotesize \begin{verbatim} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{sig}[1995/07/04 v1.0 by: JBR] \newcommand{\sig}{\leavevmode \hbox to 62mm{\kern-5mm\vbox to 12mm{\kern-5mm\special{em:graph sig}\vfil}\hfil}} \newcommand{\altsig}{\leavevmode \hbox to 67mm{\vbox to 17mm{\special{em:graph sig}\vfil}\hfil}} \newcommand{\zsig}{\leavevmode \hbox to 0mm{\kern-5mm\vbox to 0mm{\kern-10mm\special{em:graph sig}\vfil}\hfil}} \newcommand{\zaltsig}{\leavevmode \hbox to 0mm{\vbox to 0mm{\special{em:graph sig}\vfil}\hfil}} \DeclareOption{fax}{\typeout{Using signature for fax!} \renewcommand{\sig}{\leavevmode% \hbox to 62mm{\kern-5mm\vbox to 12mm{\kern-5mm\special{em:graph faxsig}\vfil}\hfil}} \renewcommand{\altsig}{\leavevmode% \hbox to 67mm{\vbox to 17mm{\special{em:graph faxsig}\vfil}\hfil}} \renewcommand{\zsig}{\leavevmode% \hbox to 0mm{\kern-5mm\vbox to 0mm{\kern-10mm\special{em:graph faxsig}\vfil}\hfil}} \renewcommand{\zaltsig}{\leavevmode% \hbox to 0mm{\vbox to 0mm{\special{em:graph faxsig}\vfil}\hfil}} } \ProcessOptions \end{verbatim} \normalsize \end{document}