\documentclass[compose]{exam-n} \begin{document} \begin{question}{30} \comment{by John Brown} Show by considering the Newtonian rules of vector and velocity addition that in Newtonian cosmology the cosmological principle demands Hubble's Law $v_r\propto r$.\partmarks{10} Prove that, in Euclidean geometry, the number $N(F)$ of objects of identical luminosity $L$, and of space density $n(r)$ at distance $r$, observed with radiation flux $\ge F$ is (neglecting other selection and redshift effects) \begin{equation*} N(F)=4\pi\int_0^{(\frac{L}{4\pi F})^{1/2}} n(r) r^2\ddd r. \end{equation*} \partmarks*{5} Use this to show that for $n=n_1=$constant at $rr_1$, \begin{equation*} N(F) = N_1\left(\frac{F}{F_1}\right)^{-3/2}\qquad \text{for $F>F_1$}, \end{equation*} and \ifbigfont \begin{multline*} N(F) = N_1\left\{1+\frac{n_2}{n_1}\left[\left(\frac{F}{F_1}\right)^{-3/2}-1\right] \right\}\\\text{for $F