\ProvidesFile{A1.clo}[2016/12/19 1.1.4] \typeout{A1 exam options, 1.1.4} %%%% Source: Mercurial revision e8a612cb25f4, 2016-12-19 16:49 +0000, tag exam-n-1.1.4 + 0 %%%% File: A1.clo %%%% Copyright 2005--2016, Norman Gray %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Norman Gray %% %% This work consists of the files exam-n.dtx and exam-n.ins, %% the derived file exam-n.cls, %% and the associated *.clo files. % Nothing here beyond the constants sheet \constantssheet{ \begin{center} \def\e{{\rm e}}\def\deg{^\circ} \def\dmin{^{\rm m}} \def\dsec{^{\rm s}} \def\ez{\epsilon_{\rm 0}} % permittivity of free space \def\er{\epsilon_{\rm r}} % relative permittivity \def\ep{\epsilon} % permittivity \def\muz{\mu_{\rm 0}} % permeability of free space \def\mur{\mu_{\rm r}} % relative permeability \def\me{m_{\rm e}} % mass of the electron \def\mprot{m_{\rm p}} % mass of the proton \def\az{\a_{\rm 0}} % Bohr radius \def\mub{\mu_{\rm B}} % Bohr magneton % \def\tothe#1{$^{#1}$} % raise to the power #1 \def\metre{\,{\rm m}} \def\kg{\,{\rm kg}} \def\sec{\,{\rm s}} \def\mm{\,{\rm mm}} \def\mol{\,{\rm mol}} \def\kelvin{\,{\rm K}} \def\joule{\,{\rm J}} \def\farad{\,{\rm F}} \def\ampere{\,{\rm A}} \def\ev{\,{\rm eV}} \def\hz{\,{\rm Hz}} \def\volt{\,{\rm V}} \def\watt{\,{\rm W}} \def\newton{\,{\rm N}} \def\unit#1{\,{\rm #1}} % {\Large\textbf{Values of astrophysical constants}}\\[\bigskipamount] \begin{tabular}{lll} \hline\\[-1.5ex] % slightly hacky extra space after hline speed of light & $c$ & $2.998\times 10^8 \metre\sec^{-1}$\\ gravitational constant & $G$ & $6.673\times10^{-11}\newton\metre^2\kg^{-2}$\\ Planck constant & $h$ & $6.626\times10^{-34}\joule\sec$\\ Boltzmann constant & $k_{\rm B}$ & $1.381\times10^{-23} \joule\kelvin^{-1}$\\ Stefan-Boltzmann constant & $\sigma$ & $5.671\times10^{-8}\watt\metre^{-2}\kelvin^{-4}$\\ Rydberg constant & $R_\infty$ &$1.097\times10^{7}\metre^{-1}$\\ Avogadro constant & $N_{\rm A}$ & $6.022\times 10^{23}\unit{mol}^{-1}$\\ gas constant & $R$ & $8.315 \joule\mol^{-1}\kelvin^{-1}$\\ proton mass & $\mprot$ & $1.673\times10^{-27} \kg$\\ electron mass & $\me$ & $9.109\times10^{-31} \kg$\\ elementary charge & $e$ & $1.602\times 10^{-19}\unit{C}$\\ electronvolt & ${\rm eV}$ & $1.602\times 10^{-19}\unit{J}$\\[3pt] astronomical unit & au & $1.496\times10^{11} \metre$\\ parsec & pc & $3.086\times10^{16}\metre$\\ light year & ly & $9.461\times10^{15} \metre$\\[3pt] solar mass & $M_\odot$ & $1.989\times10^{30} \kg$\\ solar radius & $R_\odot$ & $6.960\times10^8 \metre$\\ solar luminosity & $L_\odot$ & $3.826\times10^{26}\watt$\\ Earth mass & $M_\oplus$ & $5.976\times10^{24} \kg$\\ Earth radius & $R_\oplus$ & $6.378\times10^6 \metre$\\ obliquity of the ecliptic & $\epsilon$ & $23^\circ\,26'$\\[\medskipamount] \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} }