% \iffalse % !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode %<*internal> \begingroup \input docstrip.tex \keepsilent \preamble Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Claudio Beccari all rights reserved. Distributable under the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c or higher (your choice). The latest version of this license is at: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt \endpreamble \askforoverwritefalse \generate{\file{euclideangeometry.sty}{\from{euclideangeometry.dtx}{package}}} %\generate{\file{README.txt}{\from{euclideangeometry.dtx}{readme}}} \def\tmpa{plain} \ifx\tmpa\fmtname\endgroup\expandafter\bye\fi \endgroup % % \fi % % \iffalse %<*driver> \ProvidesFile{euclideangeometry.dtx}% % %\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2019/01/01] %\ProvidesPackage{euclideangeometry}% %File README.txt for package euclideangeometry %<*package|readme> [2021-10-04 v.0.2.1 Extension package for curve2e] % %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc}\errorcontextlines=100 \hfuzz 10pt \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{lmodern,textcomp} \usepackage{mflogo} \usepackage{multicol,amsmath,fancyvrb,graphicx,verbatim} \usepackage{etoolbox,enumitem,xspace,xcolor,euclideangeometry} \providecommand*\diff{\mathop{}\!\mathrm{d}} \providecommand\file{} \renewcommand*\file[1]{{\normalfont\texttt{#1}}} \providecommand\prog{} \renewcommand*\prog[1]{{\normalfont\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand*\conta[1]{\texttt{\slshape#1}} \providecommand\cs{} \renewcommand\cs[1]{{\normalfont\texttt{\char92#1}}} \renewcommand\meta[1]{{\normalfont\textlangle\textit{#1}\textrangle}} \renewcommand\marg[1]{\texttt{\{\meta{#1}\}}} \providecommand\Marg{} \renewcommand*\Marg[1]{\texttt{\{#1\}}} \providecommand\oarg{} \renewcommand*\oarg[1]{\texttt{[\meta{#1}]}} \providecommand\Oarg{} \renewcommand*\Oarg[1]{\texttt{[#1]}} \providecommand\aarg{} \renewcommand*\aarg[1]{\texttt{<\meta{#1}>}} \providecommand\Aarg{} \renewcommand*\Aarg[1]{\texttt{<#1>}} \providecommand\parg{} \renewcommand*\parg[1]{\texttt{(\meta{#1})}} \providecommand\Parg{} \renewcommand*\Parg[1]{\texttt{(#1)}} \providecommand\pack{} \renewcommand*\pack[1]{{\textsf{#1}}} \providecommand\opt{} \renewcommand*\opt[1]{{\normalfont\textsl{#1}}}\let\opz\opt \providecommand\env{} \renewcommand*\env[1]{{\normalfont\textit{\bfseries#1}}}\let\amb\env \providecommand\TB{\mbox{\normalfont\slshape TUGboat}\xspace} \definecolor{verdeguit}{rgb}{0, 0.40, 0} \def\GuIT{\mbox{\color{verdeguit}\def\I{\textcolor{black}{I}}% \fontfamily{lmr}\fontseries{m}\fontshape{sc}\selectfont g\raisebox{-0.715ex}{\kern-0.26em u}\kern-0.13em\I\kern-0.14em t}\xspace} \RequirePackage{etoolbox} \makeatletter \AfterEndPreamble{% \DeclareRobustCommand{\TeX}{T\kern-.1667em \lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX\@\xspace} \DeclareRobustCommand{\LaTeX}{L\kern-.36em% {\sbox\z@ T% \vbox to\ht\z@{\hbox{\check@mathfonts \fontsize\sf@size\z@ \math@fontsfalse\selectfont A}% \vss}% }% \kern-.15em% \TeX}} \makeatother \DeclareRobustCommand*\TeXLive{\TeX\ Live\xspace} \DeclareRobustCommand*\MikTeX{Mik\TeX} \DeclareRobustCommand*\MacTeX{Mac\TeX} \DeclareRobustCommand*\pdfLaTeX{pdf\/\LaTeX} \DeclareRobustCommand*\LuaLaTeX{Lua\LaTeX} \DeclareRobustCommand*\XeLaTeX{X\ifdim\fontdimen1\font=0pt\kern-0.15em\fi \lower.5ex\hbox{\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{E}}% \ifdim\fontdimen1\font=0pt\kern-0.15em\else\kern-0.275em\fi \LaTeX} \DeclareRobustCommand*\TikZ{Ti\emph{k}Z\xspace} \newenvironment{ttsintassi}{\begin{lrbox}{0} \minipage{\dimexpr\linewidth-2\fboxrule-2\fboxsep}\ttfamily\obeylines}% {\endminipage\end{lrbox}\center\fbox{\box0}\endcenter} \let\ttsyntax\ttsintassi \let\endttsyntax\endttsintassi \unless\ifcsname Gr@phGrid\endcsname \let\originalGraphGrid\GraphGrid \RenewDocumentCommand\GraphGrid{r() d()}{% \IfValueTF{#2}{\put(#1){\originalGraphGrid(#2)}}% {\put(0,0){\originalGraphGrid(#1)}}}\fi \begin{document}\errorcontextlines=100 \GetFileInfo{euclideangeometry.dtx} \title{The \textsf{euclideangeometry} package} \author{Claudio Beccari\\[1ex]\texttt{claudio dot beccari at gmail dot com}} \date{Version \fileversion~--~Last revised \filedate.} \maketitle \columnseprule=0.4pt \begin{multicols}{2} \tableofcontents \end{multicols} \DocInput{euclideangeometry.dtx} \end{document} % % \fi %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \section*{Preface} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % This file contains the documented code of \pack{euclideangeometry}. % The user manual source file \file{euclideangeometry-man.tex} and the % readable document is \file{euclideangeometry.pdf}; it should already be % installed with your updated complete \TeX system installation. % Please refer to the user manual before using this package. % \CheckSum{1294} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\StopEventually{} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %\iffalse %<*package> %\fi %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \section{The code} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \subsection{Test the date of a sufficiently recent \texttt{curve2e} % package} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This package has been already identified by the commands extracted % by the |docstrip| package, during the |.dtx| file compilation. % In any case, if the test checks that the |curve2e| file date is too old; % it warns the user with an emphasised error message on the console, % loading this |euclideangeometry| package is stopped and the whole % job aborts. The emphasised error message appears like this:\\~ %\begin{flushleft}\ttfamily\obeylines %************************************************************* %Package curve2e too old %Be sure that your TeX installation is complete and up to date %************************************************************* %Input of euclideangeometry is stopped and job aborted %************************************************************* %\end{flushleft} % This message should be sufficiently strong in order to avoid using % this package with a vintage version of \TeXLive or \MikTeX. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{curve2e} \@ifpackagelater{curve2e}{2020/01/18}{}% {% \typeout{*************************************************************} \typeout{Package curve2e too old} \typeout{Be sure that your TeX installation is complete and up to date} \typeout{*************************************************************} \typeout{Input of euclideangeometry stopped and job aborted} \typeout{*************************************************************} \@@end }% % \end{macrocode} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\subsection{Labelling} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % While doing any graphical geometrical drawing it is necessary to label % points, lines, angles and other such items. Non measurable labels % should be in upright sans serif font, according to the ISO regulations, % but here we are dealing with point identified by macros the contain % their (cartesian or polar) coordinates that very often are both labels % and math variables. % % Here we provide a versatile macro that can do several things. Its name % is |\Pbox| and it produces a box containing the label in math format. By % default the point label is typeset with the math font variant produced % by command |\mathsf|, but the macro is sufficiently versatile to allow % other settings; it accepts several optional arguments, therefore it % syntax is particular: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{Pbox}\parg{coordinates}\oarg{alignment}\marg{label}\oarg{diameter}\meta{$\star$}\aarg{angle} %\end{ttsyntax} % where \meta{coordinates} are the coordinates where to possibly set a % black dot with the specified \meta{diameter}; in any case it is the % reference point of the \meta{label}; the \meta{alignment} is formed by % the usual letters \texttt{t, b, c, l, r} that can be paired in a % coherent way (for example the couple \texttt{tb} is evidently % incoherent, as well as \texttt{lr}), but in absence of this optional % specification, the couple \texttt{cc} is assumed; most often than % not, the label position becomes such that when the user reviews the % document drafts, s/he understands immediately that s/he forgot to % specify some reasonable \meta{alignment} codes; in any case the % \texttt{cc} code works fine to just put the dot of a specified % diameter but with an empty label. Think of the \meta{alignment} % letters as the position of the reference point with respect to the % the \meta{label} optical center. The optional \meta{angle} argument % produces a rotation of the whole label by that angle; it may be used % in several circumstances, especially when the label is just text, to % produce, for example, a sideways legend. It is useful also when the % labels are produced within a rotated box, in order to counterrotate % them. % % The optional asterisk draws a frame around the \emph{label}. Notice % that the separator between the visible or the invisible frame and the % box contents varies according the the fact that the \meta{alignment} % specification contains just one or two letter codes; this is useful, % because the diagonal position of the label should be optically equal % to the gap that exists between the reference point and the \meta{label} % box. % % If the \meta{diameter} is zero, no dot is drawn, the whole \meta{label} % is typeset with the |\mathit| math font; otherwise only the first symbol % of a math expression is typeset in sans serif. The presence of subscripts % makes the labels appear more distant from their reference point; the same % is true when math symbols, even without subscripts, are used, because % of the oblique nature of the math ‘letters’ alphabet. % % If some text has to be printed as a label, it suffices to surround it % with dollar signs, that switch back to text mode when the default mode % is the math one. With this kind of textual labels it might be convenient % to use the optional asterisk to frame the text. % The final optional argument \meta{angle} (to be delimited with the % \texttt{<~>} signs) specifies the inclination of the label with respect % to the horizontal line; it is useful, for example to set a label along % a sloping line. % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand\Pbox{} \RenewDocumentCommand\Pbox{D(){0,0} O{cc} m O{0.5ex} s D<>{0}}{% \put(#1){\rotatebox{#6}{\makebox(0,0){% \settowidth\PbDim{#2}% \edef\Rapp{\fpeval{\PbDim/{1ex}}}% \fptest{\Rapp > 1.5}{\fboxsep=0.5ex}{\fboxsep=0.75ex}% \IfBooleanTF{#5}{\fboxrule=0.4pt}{\fboxrule=0pt}% \fptest{#4 = 0sp}% {\makebox(0,0)[#2]{\fbox{$\relax#3\relax$}}}% {\edef\Diam{\fpeval{(#4)/\unitlength}}% \makebox(0,0){\circle*{\Diam}}% \makebox(0,0)[#2]{\fbox{$\relax\mathsf#3\relax$}}% }}}% }\ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % The following command, to be used always within a group, or a % environment or inside a box, works only with piecewise continuously % scalable font collection, such as, for example, the Latin Modern % fonts, or with continuously scalable fonts, such as, for example, % the Times ones. They let the operator select, for the scope of the % command ,any size, even fractional so as to fine adjust the text % width in the space allowed for it; it is particularly useful with % the monospaced fonts, that forbid hyphenation, and therefore cannot % be adjusted to the current line width. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand\setfontsize[2][1.2]{% \linespread{#1}\fontsize{#2}{#2}\selectfont} % \end{macrocode} % With OpenType fonts there should not be any problems even with math % fonts; with Type~1 fonts the only scalable fonts I know of, are the % LibertinusMath fonts, usable through the LibertinusT1math package, are % also the only ones that have 8~bit encoded math fonts (256 % glyph fonts), while the standard default math fonts are just % 7~bit encoded (128 glyphs fonts). % % Another useful labelling command is |Zbox|; this command is an % evolution of a command that I have been using for years in several % documents of mine. It uses some general text, not necessarily % connected to a particular point of the |picture| environment, % as a legend; it can draw short text as a simple horizontal box, % and longer texts as a vertical box of specified width and height % % Is syntax is the following: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{Zbox}\parg{position}\parg(dimensions)\oarg{alignment}\marg{text} %\end{ttsyntax} % where \meta{position} is where the box reference point has % to be put in the picture; \meta{dimensions} are optional; if not % specified, the box is a horizontal one, and it is as wide as its % contents; if it is specified, it must be a comma separated list % of two integer or fractional numbers that are the width and the % height of the box; if the height is specified as zero, the width % specifies a horizontal box of that width; \meta{alignment} is optional % and is formed by one or two coherent letter codes from the usual set % \texttt{t, b, c, l, r}; if the \meta{alignment} is absent, the % default alignment letters are \texttt{bl}, i.e. the box reference % point is the bottom left corner; \meta{text} contains general text, % even containing some math. % \begin{macrocode} \def\EUGsplitArgs(#1,#2)#3#4{\edef#3{#1}\edef#4{#2}} \newlength\EUGZbox \providecommand\Zbox{} \RenewDocumentCommand\Zbox{r() D(){0,0} O{bl} m}{% \EUGsplitArgs(#2)\ZboxX\ZboxY % splits box dimensions \fboxsep=2\unitlength \ifnum\ZboxX=\z@ \def\ZTesto{\fbox{#4}}% \else \ifnum\ZboxY=\z@ \def\ZTesto{\fbox{\parbox{\ZboxX\unitlength}{#4}}}% \else \def\ZTesto{% \setbox\EUGZbox=\hbox{\fbox{% \parbox[c][\ZboxY\unitlength][c]{\ZboxX\unitlength}{#4}}}% \dimen\EUGZbox=\dimexpr(\ht\EUGZbox +\dp\EUGZbox)/2\relax \ht\EUGZbox=\dimen\EUGZbox\relax \dp\EUGZbox=\dimen\EUGZbox\relax \box\EUGZbox% }% \fi \fi \put(#1){\makebox(0,0)[#3]{\ZTesto}}\ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \subsection{Service macros for ellipses} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The |\ellisse| has a control sequence name in Italian; it differs for % just one letter from the name |ellipse| English name, but we cannot use % the latter one because it may conflict with other packages loaded by % the user; actually this command and the next one are just shortcuts % for executing more general commands with specific sets of arguments. % For details and syntax, please refer yourself to % section~\ref{ssec:ellissi} % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand\ellisse{ s m m}{% \IfBooleanTF{#1}% {\let\fillstroke\fillpath}% {\let\fillstroke\strokepath}% \Sellisse{#2}{#3}% } \NewDocumentCommand\Xellisse{ s D(){0,0} O{0} m m O{} o}{% \IfBooleanTF{#1}% {\XSellisse*(#2)[#3]{#4}{#5}[#6][#7]}% {\XSellisse(#2)[#3]{#4}{#5}[#6][#7]}% } % \end{macrocode} % % We do not know if the following macro |\polyvector| may be useful for % euclidean geometry constructions, but it may be useful in block % diagrams; it is simply a polyline where the last segment is a geometrical % vector. As in polyline the number of recursions is done until the last % specified coordinate pair; recognising that it is the last one, instead % of drawing a segment, the macro draws a vector. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\polyvector(#1){\roundcap\def\EUGpreviouspoint{#1}\EUGpolyvector} \def\EUGpolyvector(#1){% \@ifnextchar({% \segment(\EUGpreviouspoint)(#1)\def\EUGpreviouspoint{#1}\EUGpolyvector}% {\VECTOR(\EUGpreviouspoint)(#1)}% } % \end{macrocode} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \subsection{Processing lines and segments} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % The next macros are functional for the geometric constructions we are % going to make: finding the intersection of lines or segments, % finding the lengths and arguments of segments, directions, distances, % distance of a point from a line or a segment, the symmetrical % point of a another one specified with respect to a given center of % symmetry; the axes of segments, the solutions of the relationship % between the semi axes of an ellipse and the semi focal distance, % and so on. % % Most of these commands have delimited arguments; the delimiters % may be the usual parentheses, but they may be keywords; many % commands contain the keyword \texttt{to}, not necessarily the % last one; the arguments before such keyword may be entered as % ordered comma separated numerical couples, or comma separated % macros the containing scalar values; or they may be macros that % contain the ordered couples representing vectors or directions; % they all may be in cartesian or polar form. Remember that such % ordered couples are complex numbers, representable by % vectors applied to the origin of the axes; therefore sometimes it is % necessary that the underlying commands execute some vector % differences so as to work with generic vectors. % % On the opposite the output values, i.e. the argument after that % \texttt{to} keyword, should be tokens that can receive a definition, % in general macros, to which the user should assign a mnemonic name; % s/he should use such macros for further computations or for drawing % commands. % % The first and principal command is |\IntersectionOfLines| and % it has the following syntax: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{IntersectionOfLines}\parg{point1}\parg{dir1}and\parg{point2}\parg{dir2}to\meta{crossing} %\end{ttsyntax} % where \meta{point1} and \meta{dir1} are respectively a point of the % first line and its \emph{direction}, not a second point, but the % \emph{direction} — it is important to stress this point; similarly % for the second line; the output is stored in % the macro that identifies the \meta{crossing} point. The directions % do not need to be expressed with unit vectors, but the lines must not % be parallel or anti parallel (equal directions or differing by % $180^\circ$); the macro contains a test that checks this anomalous % situation because an intersection at infinity or too far away % ($2^{14}-1$ typographical points, approximately 5,758\,m) is of no % interest; in case, no warning message is issued, the result is % put to \texttt{0,0}, and the remaining computations become nonsense. % It is a very unusual situation and I never encountered~it; % nevertheless\dots % \begin{macrocode} \def\IntersectionOfLines(#1)(#2)and(#3)(#4)to#5{\bgroup \def\IntPu{#1}\def\Uu{#2}\def\IntPd{#3}\def\Ud{#4}% \DirOfVect\Uu to\Du \DirOfVect\Ud to\Dd \XpartOfVect\Du to \a \YpartOfVect\Du to \b \XpartOfVect\Dd to \c \YpartOfVect\Dd to \d \XpartOfVect\IntPu to \xu \YpartOfVect\IntPu to \yu \XpartOfVect\IntPd to \xd \YpartOfVect\IntPd to \yd \edef\Den{\fpeval{-(\a*\d-\b*\c)}}% \fptest{abs(\Den)<1e-5}{% Almost vanishing determinant \def#5{0,0}% }{% Determinant OK \edef\Numx{\fpeval{(\c*(\b*\xu-\a*\yu)-\a*(\d*\xd-\c*\yd))/\Den}}% \edef\Numy{\fpeval{(\d*(\b*\xu-\a*\yu)-\b*(\d*\xd-\c*\yd))/\Den}}% \CopyVect\Numx,\Numy to\Paux \edef\x{\egroup\noexpand\edef\noexpand#5{\Paux}}\x\ignorespaces}} % \end{macrocode} % % The |IntersectionOfSegments| macro is similar but in input it % contains the end points of two segments: internally it uses % |\IntersectionOfLines| and to do so it has to determine the % directions of both segments. The syntax is the following: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{IntersectionOfSegments}\parg{point11}\parg{point12}and\parg{point21}\parg{point22} %\qquad to\meta{crossing} %\end{ttsyntax} % The \meta{crossing} point might fall outside one or both segments. % It is up to the users to find out if the result is meaningful % or nonsense. Two non parallel lines are infinitely long in both % directions and any \meta{crossing} point is acceptable; with % segments the situation might become nonsense. % \begin{macrocode} \def\IntersectionOfSegments(#1)(#2)and(#3)(#4)to#5{% \SubVect#1from#2to\IoSvectu \DirOfVect\IoSvectu to\DirIoSVecu \SubVect#3from#4to\IoSvectd \DirOfVect\IoSvectd to\DirIoSVecd \IntersectionOfLines(#1)(\DirIoSVecu)and(#3)(\DirIoSVecd)to#5\ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % % An application of the above intersections is formed by the next % two macros; they find the axes of a couple of sides of a triangle % and use their base point and direction to identify two lines the % intersection of which is the circumcenter; the distance of one % base point from the circumcenter is the radius of the circumcircle % that can be drawn with the usual macros. We have to describe % the macros |\AxisOf| and |CircleWithCenter| and we will do it in % a little while. Meanwhile the syntax of the whole macro is the % following: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{ThreePointCircle}\meta{$\star$}\parg{vetex1}\parg{vertex2}\parg{vertex3} %\end{ttsyntax} % where the three vertices are the three points where the circle % must pass, but they identify also a triangle. Its side axes % intersect in one point that by construction is at the same % distance from the three vertices, therefore it is the center of % the circle that passes through the three vertices. A sub product % of the computations is the macro |\C| that contains the center % coordinates. If the optional asterisk is used the whole drawing % is executed, while if it is missing, only the |\C| macro remains % available but the user is responsible to save/copy its value % into another macro; for this reason another macro should be more % easy to use; its syntax is the following: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{ThreePointCircleCenter}\parg{vetex1}\parg{vertex2}\parg{vertex3} %\qquad to\meta{center} %\end{ttsyntax} % where the vertices have the same meaning, but\meta{center} is % the user chosen macro that contains the center coordinates. % % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand\ThreePointCircle{s r() r() r()}{% \AxisOf#2and#3to\Mu\Du \AxisOf#2and#4to\Md\Dd \IntersectionOfLines(\Mu)(\Du)and(\Md)(\Dd)to\C \SubVect#2from\C to\R \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\CircleWithCenter\C Radius\R}{}\ignorespaces} \NewDocumentCommand\ThreePointCircleCenter{r() r() r() m}{% \ThreePointCircle(#1)(#2)(#3)\CopyVect\C to#4} % \end{macrocode} % % There are some useful commands that help creating |picture| % diagrams in an easier way; for example one of the above described % commands internally uses |\CircleWithCenter|. It is well known % that the native |picture| command |\circle| requires the % specification of the diameter but many |euclideangeometry| % commands already get the distance of two points, or the magnitude % of a segment, or similar objects that may be used as a radius, rather % than the diameter; why should we not have macros that simultaneously % compute the require diameter and draw the circle. Here there are two % such macros; they are similar to one another but their names differ in % capitalisation, but also in the way they use the available input % information. The syntax is the following: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{CircleWithCenter}\meta{center} Radius\meta{Radius} %\cs{Circlewithcenter}\meta{center} radius\meta{radius} %\end{ttsyntax} % where in both cases \meta{center} is a vector/ordered couple % that points to the circle center. On the contrary \meta{Radius} % is a vector obtained through previous calculations, while % \meta{radius} is a scalar containing a previously calculated length. % \begin{macrocode} \def\CircleWithCenter#1Radius#2{\put(#1){\ModOfVect#2to\CWR \circle{\fpeval{2*\CWR}}}\ignorespaces} % \def\Circlewithcenter#1radius#2{\put(#1){\circle{\fpeval{2*abs(#2)}}}% \ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % % As announced, here we have a macro to compute the axis of a segment; % given two points $P_1$ and $P_2$, for example the end points of a % segment, or better the end point of the vector that goes from % $P_1$ to $P_2$, the macro determines the segment middle point and % a second point the lays on the perpendicular at a distance equal to half % the first two points distance; this second point lays at the left of % vector $P_2-P_1$, therefore it is important to select the right initial % vector, in order to have the second axis point on the desired side. %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{AxisOf}\meta{P1} and\meta{P2} to\meta{Axis1}\meta{Axis2} %\end{ttsyntax} % Macros |\SegmentCenter| and |\MiddlePointOf| are alias of one another; % their syntax is: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{SegmentCenter}\parg{P1}\parg{P2}to\meta{center} %\cs{MiddlePointOf}\parg{P1}\parg{P2}to\meta{center} %\end{ttsyntax} % \meta{P1}, \meta{p2} and \meta{center} are all vectors. % \begin{macrocode} \def\AxisOf#1and#2to#3#4{% \SubVect#1from#2to\Base \ScaleVect\Base by0.5to\Base \AddVect\Base and#1to#3 \MultVect\Base by0,1to#4} \def\SegmentCenter(#1)(#2)to#3{\AddVect#1and#2to\Segm \ScaleVect\Segm by0.5to#3\ignorespaces} \let\MiddlePointOf\SegmentCenter % \end{macrocode} % % Some other macros are needed to solve certain triangle problems; % one of such macros is the one allows to determine the length of one % leg of a right triangle by knowing the lengths of the hypothenuse % and the other leg. The syntax is the following: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{LegFromHypotenuse}\meta{hypothenuse} AndOtherLeg\meta{leg1} to\meta{leg2} %\end{ttsyntax} % where the three parameters may be macros, especially the last one; % all of them contina scalar values. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\LegFromHypotenuse#1AndOtherLeg#2to#3{% \edef#3{\fpeval{sqrt(#1**2-#2**2)}}} % \end{macrocode} % % Another useful macro determines the two intersections of a line with % a circumference if they exist; otherwise it issues a warning and sets % both output values to vector \texttt{0,0}, which, of course, is wrong, % but it allows to go on with typesetting, although with non sense results. % Warnings do not stop the compilation program, therefore their message % goes to the \file{.log} file and the user might not notice it; but % since the results are probably absurd, s/he certainly notices this % fact and looks for messages; the user, therefore, who has carefully % read this user manual, immediately looks onto the \file{.log} file % and realises the reason of the wrong results. A similar approach % is used for the macro that determines the intersection of two circles; % see below % The syntax of this macro is the following: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{IntersectionsOfLine}\parg{point}\parg{direction} WithCircle\parg{center}\marg{radius} to\meta{int1} and\meta{int2} %\end{ttsyntax} % where \meta{point} and \meta{direction} are the line parameters % that can be explicit complex values or macros; \meta{center} is % the circumference explicit complex value, or a macro, containing % the center coordinates; \meta{radius} is the scalar explicit or % macro radius length; The intersection points \meta{int1} and % \meta{ind2} are supposed to be macros that get defined with the % intersection point coordinates; \meta{int1} is the first intersection % that is determined along the line \emph{direction}. Please notice the % different first part of the macro name \texttt{IntersectionsOfLine} % compared to the macro that determines the intersection of two lines % \texttt{IntersectionOfLines}: two intersections and one line vs. one % intersection with two lines. % \begin{macrocode} \def\IntersectionsOfLine(#1)(#2)WithCircle(#3)#4to#5and#6{% \CopyVect#3 to\C \edef\R{#4} \CopyVect#1to\Pu \CopyVect#2to\Pd \Circlewithcenter\C radius\R \segment(\Pu)(\Pd)\SegmentArg(\Pu)(\Pd)to\Diru \edef\Dird{\fpeval{\Diru+90}}\Pbox(\C)[b]{C}[2] \IntersectionOfLines(\Pu)(\Diru:1)and(\C)(\Dird:1)to\Int \SegmentLength(\C)(\Int)to\A \fptest{\A > \R}{\PackageError{euclideangeometry}% {Distance of line \A\space larger than radius \R. No intersections}% {Check your data; correct and retry}}{% \LegFromHypotenuse\R AndOtherLeg\A to\B \AddVect\Int and\Diru:-\B to\Pt \edef#5{\Pt} \SymmetricalPointOf\Pt respect\Int to\Pq \edef#6{\Pq} }} % \end{macrocode} % % Another useful macro determines the point \meta{p2} symmetric % to a given point \meta{p1} with respect to a given segment the % end points of which are \meta{Segm1} and \meta{Segm2}: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{Segment}\parg{Segm1}\parg{Segm2}SymmetricPointOf\marg{p1} to\meta{p2} %\end{ttsyntax} % where, as usual, the input data may be explicit or macro defined % coordinates, while the output result should be a macro name. % \begin{macrocode} \def\Segment(#1)(#2)SymmetricPointOf#3to#4{% \SegmentArg(#1)(#2)to\Sanguno\edef\Sangdue{\fpeval{\Sanguno+90}} \IntersectionOfLines(#1)(\Sanguno:1)and(#3)(\Sangdue:1)to\Smed \SymmetricalPointOf#3respect\Smed to#4\ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % % This useful macro draws a circle given its \meta{center} and the % coordinates of the \meta{point} which the circumference should pass % through. The syntax is: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{CircleThrough}\parg{[point}WithCenter\marg{center} %\end{ttsyntax} % As usual, the parameters are all explicit or macro defined complex % numbers. % \begin{macrocode} \def\CircleThrough#1WithCenter#2{% \SegmentLength(#1)(#2)to\Radius \Circlewithcenter#2radius\Radius} % \end{macrocode} % The above macro is the building block for a simple macro that draws % two circles that cross at a given point; but it is so simple that % it is not worth defining a macro: if the user wants to try his/her % ability, s/he may define: %\begin{flushleft}\obeylines %| \NewDocumentCommand{r() r() r()}{%| %| \CircleThrough#3 WithCenter{#1}| %| \CircleThrough#3 WithCenter{#2}\ignorespaces}| %\end{flushleft} % where \cs{ignorespaces} may be superfluous, but is always a safety action % when defining commands to be used within the \amb{picture} environment. % In any case see example~15 in \file{euclideangeometry-man.pdf} %^^A\ref{fig:two-intersecting-circles}. % % If it is necessary to find the intersections of two circles that % do not share a previously known point; we can use the following % macro. Analytically given the equations of two circumferences, % it is necessary to solve a system of two second degree equations % the processing of which ends up with a second degree polynomial % that might have real roots (the coordinates of the intersection % points), or two coincident roots (the circles are tangent), or % complex roots (the circles do not intersect), or they may be % indefinite (the two circles heve the same center and the same % radii). Let us exclude the last case, although it would be trivial % to create the macro with a test that controls such situation. But % even the analysis of the discriminant of the second degree equation % requires a complicated code. % % On the opposite a simple drawing of the two circles, with centers % $C_1$ and $C_2$ and radii $R_1$ and $R_2$, with the centers distance % of $ a= |C_1-C_2|$, allows to understand that in order to have % intersections: $(\alpha)$ if $a\leq \max(R_1,R_2)$ (the center % of a circle is contained within the other one) then it must be % $ a \geq |R_1 - R_2|$, where the ‘equals’ sign applies when the % circles are internally tangent; $(\beta)$ otherwise % $a \geq \max(R_1,R_2)$ and it must be $a \leq R_1+R_2$ , where % the ‘equals’ sign applies when the circles are externally tangent. % In conclusion in any case il the range $|R_1-R_2|\leq a\leq R_1+R_2$ % is where the two circles intersect, while outside this distance % range the circles do not intersect. % % For simplicity let us assume that $R_1 \geq R_2$; the macro can % receive the circle data in any order, but the macro very easily % switches their data so that circle number~1 is the one with larger % radius. If the distance $a$ is outside the allowed range, there % are no intersections, therefore a warning message is output and the % intersection point coordinates are both set to \texttt{0,0}, so that % processing continues with non sense data; the remaining geometric % construction based on such intersection points might continue with % other error messages or to absurd results; a string message to the % user who, having read the documentation, understand the problem and % provides for. % % The new macro has the following syntax: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{TwoCirclesIntersections}\parg{C1}\parg{C2}withradii\marg{R1} and\marg{R2} to\meta{P1} and\meta{P2} %\end{ttsyntax} % where the symbols in input may be macros or explicit numerical % values; the output point coordinates \meta{P1} and \meta{P2} % should be definable single tokens, therefore the surrounding % braces are not necessary. % \begin{macrocode} \def\TwoCirclesIntersections(#1)(#2)withradii#3and#4to#5and#6{% \fptest{#3 >=#4}{% \edef\Cuno{#1}\edef\Cdue{#2}% \edef\Runo{#3}\edef\Rdue{#4}% }{% \edef\Cdue{#2}\edef\Cuno{#2}% \edef\Rdue{#3}\edef\Runo{#4}% } % \end{macrocode} % Above we switched the circle data so as to be sure that symbols relating % to circle ‘one’ refer to the circle with larger (or equal) radius. % Now we define the centers distance in macro \cs{A}; the test if \cs{A} % lays in the correct range, otherwise we output a warning message. % \begin{macrocode} \SegmentLength(\Cuno)(\Cdue)to\A \edef\TCIdiffR{\fpeval{\Runo-\Rdue}}\edef\TCIsumR{\fpeval{\Runo+\Rdue}} \fptest{\TCIdiffR > \A || \A > \TCIsumR}{% \edef#5{0,0}\edef#6{0,0}% Valori assurdi se i cerchi non si intersecano \PackageWarning{euclideangeometry}{% ***********************************\MessageBreak Circles do not intersect \MessageBreak Check centers and radii and retry \MessageBreak Both intersection point are set to \MessageBreak (0,0) therefore expect errors \MessageBreak ***********************************\MessageBreak}% }{% % \end{macrocode} % Here we are within the correct range and we proceed with the % calculations. We take as a temporary reference the segment % that joins the centers. The common chord that joins the % intersection points is perpendicular to such a segment crossing % it by a distance $c$ form $C_1$, and, therefore by a distance % $a-c$ from $C_2$; this chord forms two isosceles triangles with the % centers; the above segment bisects such triangles, forming four right % triangles; their hypotenuses equal the radii of the respective % circles; their bases $h$ are all equal to half the chord; Pythagoras' % theorem allows us to write: %\[ %\left\{ % \begin{aligned} % h^2 &= R_1^2 - c^2\\ % h^2 &= R_2^2 - (a-c)^2 % \end{aligned} %\right. %\] % Solving for $c$, we get: %\[\left\{ %\begin{aligned} %c &= \frac{R_1^2 - R_2^2 + a^2 }{2a}\\ %h &= \sqrt{R_1^2 -c^2} %\end{aligned} %\right. %\] % \begin{macrocode} \SegmentArg(\Cuno)(\Cdue)to\Acompl \SubVect\Cuno from\Cdue to \Cdue \edef\CI{\fpeval{(\Runo^2 - \Rdue^2 +\A^2)/(2*\A)}} \edef\H{\fpeval{sqrt(\Runo^2 - \CI^2)}} \CopyVect\CI,-\H to\Puno \CopyVect\CI,\H to\Pdue % \end{macrocode} % Now we do not need anymore the chord intersection distance \cs{CI} % any more, so we can use for other tasks, and we create a vector with % absolute coordinates; We then add the rotated vector corresponding % to the base \cs{H} so as to get the absolute chord extrema \cs{PPuno} % and \cs{PPdue}. % \begin{macrocode} \MultVect\CI,0 by\Acompl:1 to\CI \AddVect\Cuno and\CI to\CI \MultVect\Puno by\Acompl:1 to\PPunorot \AddVect\PPunorot and \Cuno to \PPuno \MultVect\Pdue by\Acompl:1 to\PPduerot \AddVect\PPduerot and \Cuno to \PPdue \edef#5{\PPuno}\edef#6{\PPdue}% }% } % \end{macrocode} % It may be noticed that the first intersection point, assigned to % parameter |#5| is the one found along the orthogonal direction % to the vector form $C_1$ to $C_2$, obtained by a rotation of % $90^\circ$ counterclockwise. % The whole construction of the geometry described above is shown % in figure~16 in the user manual \file{euclideangeometry-man.pdf}. % %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \subsection{Triangle special points} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Here we have the macros to find the special points on a triangle % side that are the “foot” of special lines from one vertex to the % opposite side. We already described the circumcircle and the % circumcenter, but that is a separate case, because the circumcenter % is not the intersection of special lines from one vertex to the % opposite base. The special lines we are interested in here are % the height, the median, and the bisector % The macros have the same aspect |\Triangle...Base|, where the dots % are replaced with each of the (capitalised) special line names. % Their syntaxes are therefore very similar: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{TriangleMedianBase}\meta{vertex} on\meta{base1} and\meta{base2} to\meta{M} %\cs{TriangleHeightBase}\meta{vertex} on\meta{base1} and\meta{base2} to\meta{H} %\cs{TrinagleBisectorBase}\meta{vertex} on\meta{base1} and\meta{base2} to\meta{B} %\end{ttsyntax} % where \meta{vertex} contains one of the vertices coordinates, and % \meta{base1} and \meta{base2} are the end points of the side % opposite to that triangle vertex; \meta{M}, meta{H}, and \meta{B} % are the intersections of these special lines from the \meta{vertex} % to the opposite side; in order, they are the foot of the median, % the foot of the height; the foot of the bisector. The construction % of the median foot \meta{M} is trivial because this foot is the base % center; the construction of the height foot is a little more % complicated, because it is necessary to find the exact direction % of the perpendicular from the vertex to the base in order to % find the intersection \meta{H}; the construction of the bisector % base implies finding the exact direction of the two sides starting at the % \meta{vertex}, and taking the mean direction, which is trivial if % polar coordinates are used; at this point the bisector line is completely % determined and the intersection with the base line \meta{B} is % easily obtained. % \begin{macrocode} \def\TriangleMedianBase#1on#2and#3to#4{% \SubVect#1from#2to\TMBu \SubVect#1from#3to\TMBd \SubVect\TMBu from\TMBd to\Base \ScaleVect\Base by0.5to\TMBm\AddVect#2and\TMBm to#4\ignorespaces} % \def\TriangleHeightBase#1on#2and#3to#4{% \SubVect#2from#3to\Base \ArgOfVect\Base to\Ang \CopyVect\fpeval{\Ang+90}:1 to\Perp \IntersectionOfLines(#1)(\Perp)and(#2)(\Base)to#4\ignorespaces} % \def\TriangleBisectorBase#1on#2and#3to#4{% \SubVect#2from#1to\Luno \SubVect#3from#1to\Ldue \SubVect#2from#3to\Base \ArgOfVect\Luno to\Arguno \ArgOfVect\Ldue to\Argdue \edef\ArgBis{\fpeval{(\Arguno+\Argdue)/2}}% \CopyVect \ArgBis:1to \Bisect \IntersectionOfLines(#2)(\Base)and(#1)(\Bisect)to#4\ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % Having defined the previous macros, it becomes very easy to create % the macros to find the\emph{barycenter}, the \emph{orthocenter}, % the\emph{incenter}; for the \emph{circumcenter} and the % \emph{circumcircle} we have already solved the question with the % |\ThreePointCircleCenter| and the |ThreePointCircle| macros; for % homogeneity, we create here their aliases with the same form as % the new “center” macros. Actually, for the “circle” macros, % once the center is known, there is no problem with the circumcircle, % while for the incircle it suffices a macro to determine the distance % of the incenter from one of the triangle sides; such a macro is going to % be defined in a little while; it is more general than simply to % determine the radius of the incircle. % \begin{macrocode} \let\TriangleCircumcenter\ThreePointCircleCenter \let\TriangleCircummcircle\ThreePointCircle % \end{macrocode} % % The other “center” macros are the following; they all consist % in finding two of the specific triangle lines, and finding their % intersection. Therefore for the barycenter we intersect two % median lines; for the orthocenter we intersect two height lines; % for the incenter we intersect two bisector lines; % \begin{macrocode} \def\TriangleBarycenter(#1)(#2)(#3)to#4{% \TriangleMedianBase#1on#2and#3to\Pa \TriangleMedianBase#2on#3and#1to\Pb \DistanceAndDirOfVect#1minus\Pa to\ModPa and\AngPa \DistanceAndDirOfVect#2minus\Pb to\ModPb and\AngPb \IntersectionOfLines(#1)(\AngPa)and(#2)(\AngPb)to#4} \def\TriangleOrthocenter(#1)(#2)(#3)to#4{% \TriangleHeightBase#1on#2and#3to\Pa \TriangleHeightBase#2on#3and#1to\Pb \DistanceAndDirOfVect#1minus\Pa to\ModPa and\AngPa \DistanceAndDirOfVect#2minus\Pb to\ModPb and\AngPb \IntersectionOfLines(#1)(\AngPa)and(#2)(\AngPb)to#4} \def\TriangleIncenter(#1)(#2)(#3)to#4{% \TriangleBisectorBase#1on#2and#3to\Pa \TriangleBisectorBase#2on#3and#1to\Pb \DistanceAndDirOfVect#1minus\Pa to\ModPa and\AngPa \DistanceAndDirOfVect#2minus\Pb to\ModPb and\AngPb \IntersectionOfLines(#1)(\AngPa)and(#2)(\AngPb)to#4} % \end{macrocode} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\subsection{Other specific service macros}\label{ssec:ellissi} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % And here it comes the general macro to determine the distance % of a point from a segment or from a line that contains that % segment; it may be used for determining the radius of the % incenter, but it is going to be used also for other purposes. % Its syntax is the following: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{DistanceOfPoint}\meta{point} from\parg{P1}\parg{P2}to\meta{distance} %\end{ttsyntax} % where \meta{point} is a generic point; \meta{P1} and \meta{P2} % are a segment end points, or two generic points on a line; % \meta{distance} is the macro that receives the computed scalar % distance value. % \begin{macrocode} \def\DistanceOfPoint#1from(#2)(#3)to#4{% \SubVect#2from#3to\Base \MultVect\Base by0,1to\AB \IntersectionOfLines(#1)(\AB)and(#2)(\Base)to\D \SubVect#1from\D to\D \ModOfVect\D to#4} % \end{macrocode} % The following macros are specific to solve other little geometrical % problems that arise when creating more complicated constructions. % % The |\AxisFromAxisAndFocus| is an unhappy name that describes % the solution of an ellipse relationship between the ellipse axes % and the focal distance %\begin{equation} a^2 = b^2 + c^2\label{equ:axes-foci}\end{equation} % This relation exists between the “semi” values, but it works equally % well with the full values. Evidently $a$ is the largest quantity and % refers to the main ellipse axis, the one that passes through the two % foci; $b$ refers to the other shorter ellipse axis and $c$ refers to % the foci; $b$ and $c$ are smaller than $a$, but there is no specific % relationship among these two quantities It goes by itself that % these statements apply to a veritable ellipse, not to a circle, % that is the special case where $b=a$ and $c=0$. % % Since to solve the above equation we have one unknown and two % known data, but we do not know what they represent, we have to % assume some relationship exist between the known data; therefore % if $a$ is known it must be entered as the first macro argument; % otherwise $a$ is the unknown and the first Argument has to be the % smaller one among $b$ and $c$. Since $b$ and$c$ may come from other % computation the user has a dilemma: which is the smaller one? % But this is a wrong approach; of course if the user knows which is the % smaller, s/he can use the macro by entering the data in the proper % order; but the user is determining the main axis, therefore it better % that s/he uses directly the second macro |\MainAxisFromAxisAndFocus| % that directly computes $a$ disregarding the order with which $b$ % and $c$ are entered; the macro name suggests to enter $b$ first % and $c$ second, but it is irrelevant thanks to the sum properties. % Summarising: %\begin{itemize}[noitemsep] %\item if the main axis is known use |\AxisFromAxisAndFocus| by % entering the main axis as the first argument; otherwise %\item ~ % \begin{itemize} % \item if it is known which is smaller among $b$ and $c$, it is % possible to use |\AxisFromAxisAndFocus| by entering the smaller % one as the first argument; otherwise % \item determine the main axis by using |\MainAxisFromAxisAndFocus| % \end{itemize} %\end{itemize} % Their syntaxes of these two commands are basically the following: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{AxisFromAxisAndFocus}\meta{main axis} and\meta{axis or focus} to\meta{focus or axis} %\cs{MainAxisFromAxisAndFocus}\meta{axis or focus} and\meta{focus or axis} to\meta{main axis} %\end{ttsyntax} % but it is possible to enter the data in a different way with the % first command; the described syntax is the suggested one. % Evidently \meta{axis or focus} and \meta{focus or axis} imply % that if you specify the focus in one of the two, you have to % specify the axis in the other one. % \begin{macrocode} \def\AxisFromAxisAndFocus#1and#2to#3{% \fptest{abs(#1)>abs(#2)}% {\edef#3{\fpeval{sqrt(#1**2-#2**2)}}}% {\edef#3{\fpeval{sqrt(#2**2+#1**2)}}}} \def\MainAxisFromAxisAndFocus#1and#2to#3{% \edef#3{\fpeval{sqrt(#2**2+#1**2)}}} % \end{macrocode} % The following macros allow to determine some scalar values relative % to segments; in the second one the order of the segment end points is % important, because the computed argument refers to the vector $P_2 - P_1$. % Their syntaxes are the following: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{SegmentLength}\parg{P1}\parg{P2}to\meta{length} %\cs{SegmentArg}\parg{P1}\parg{P2}to\meta{argument} %\end{ttsyntax} % Both \meta{length} and \meta{argument} are macros that contain % scalar quantities; the argument is in the range % $-180^\circ <\Phi \leq +180^\circ$. % \begin{macrocode} \def\SegmentLength(#1)(#2)to#3{\SubVect#1from#2to\Segm \ModOfVect\Segm to#3} \def\SegmentArg(#1)(#2)to#3{\SubVect#1from#2to\Segm \GetCoord(\Segm)\SegmX\SegmY\edef#3{\fpeval{atand(\SegmY,\SegmX)}}% \ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % % In the following sections we need some transformations, in % particular the affine shear one. The macros we define here are % not for general use, but are specific for the purpose of this package. % % The fist macro shears a segment, or better a vector that goes % from point $P_1$ to point $P_2$ with a horizontal shear % factor/angle $\alpha$; the origin of the vector does not vary % and remains $P_1$ but the arrow tip of the vector is moved % according to the shear factor; in practice this shearing macro % is valid only for vectors that start from any point laying on % the $x$ axis. The shear factor $\alpha$ is the angle of the % \emph{clock wise} rotation vector operator by which the vertical % coordinate lines get rotated with respect to their original position. % The syntax is the following: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{ShearVect}\parg{P1}\parg{P2}by\meta{shear} to\meta{vector} %\end{ttsyntax} % where \meta{P1} and \meta{P2} are the initial and final points of the % vector to be sheared with the \meta{shear} angle, and the result is put % in the output \meta{vector} % \begin{macrocode} \def\ShearVect(#1)(#2)by#3to#4{% \SubVect#1from#2to\AUX \GetCoord(\AUX)\Aux\Auy \edef\Aux{\fpeval{\Aux + #3*\Auy}}% \edef\Auy{\fpeval{\Auy}}% \AddVect\Aux,\Auy and#1to#4\ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % Again we have another different |\ScaleVector| macro that takes in input % the starting and ending points of a vector, and scales the vector % independently of the initial point. % \begin{macrocode} \def\ScaleVector(#1)(#2)by#3to#4{% % Scala per il fattore #3 il vettore da #1 a #2 \SubVect#1from#2to\AUX \ScaleVect\AUX by#3to\AUX \AddVect\AUX and#1to#4\ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % % The following macro to draw a possibly sheared ellipse appears % complicated; but in reality it is not much different from a % “normal” ellipse drawing command. In oder to do the whole work % the ellipse center is set in the origin of the axes, therefore % it is not altered by the shearing process; everything else is % horizontally sheared by the shear angle $\alpha$. In particular the % 12~nodes and control point that are required by the Bézier % splines that draw the four ellipse quarters. It is this multitude % of shearing commands that makes the macro mach longer and apparently % complicated. % The syntax is the following: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{Sellisse}\meta{$\star$}\marg{h-axis}\marg{v-axis}\oarg{shear} % \end{ttsyntax} % where the optional asterisk is used to mark and label the Bézier % spline nodes and the control points of the possibly sheared ellipse; % without the asterisk the ellipse is drawn without any “decoration”; % the optional \meta{shear} is as usual the angle of the sheared % vertical coordinate lines; its default value is zero. % \begin{macrocode} % \NewDocumentCommand\Sellisse{s m m O{0}}{\bgroup \CopyVect#2,#3to\Ptr \ScaleVect\Ptr by-1to\Pbl \CopyVect#2,-#3to\Pbr \ScaleVect\Pbr by-1to\Ptl \edef\Ys{\fpeval{tand{#4}}}% \edef\K{\fpeval{4*(sqrt(2)-1)/3}}% % \ShearVect(0,0)(0,#3)by\Ys to\Pmt \ShearVect(0,0)(0,-#3)by\Ys to\Pmb \ShearVect(0,0)(#2,0)by\Ys to\Pmr \ShearVect(0,0)(-#2,0)by\Ys to\Pml % \ShearVect(\Pmr)(\Ptr)by\Ys to\Ptr \ShearVect(\Pml)(\Ptl)by\Ys to\Ptl \ShearVect(\Pmr)(\Pbr)by\Ys to\Pbr \ShearVect(\Pml)(\Pbl)by\Ys to\Pbl % \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\Pbox(\Ptr)[bl]{P_{tr}}\Pbox(\Pbl)[tr]{P_{bl}}% \Pbox(\Pbr)[tl]{P_{br}}\Pbox(\Ptl)[br]{P_{tl}}% \polygon(\Pbr)(\Ptr)(\Ptl)(\Pbl)}{}% % \ScaleVector(\Pmr)(\Ptr)by\K to\Crt \ScaleVector(\Pmr)(\Pbr)by\K to\Crb \ScaleVector(\Pml)(\Ptl)by\K to\Clt \ScaleVector(\Pml)(\Pbl)by\K to\Clb \ScaleVector(\Pmt)(\Ptr)by\K to\Ctr \ScaleVector(\Pmt)(\Ptl)by\K to\Ctl \ScaleVector(\Pmb)(\Pbr)by\K to\Cbr \ScaleVector(\Pmb)(\Pbl)by\K to\Cbl % \IfBooleanTF{#1}{% \Pbox(\Crt)[l]{C_{rt}}\Pbox(\Crb)[l]{C_{rb}} \Pbox(\Clt)[r]{C_{lt}}\Pbox(\Clb)[r]{C_{lb}} \Pbox(\Ctr)[b]{C_{tr}}\Pbox(\Ctl)[b]{C_{tl}} \Pbox(\Cbr)[t]{C_{br}}\Pbox(\Cbl)[t]{C_{bl}} % \Pbox(\Pmr)[l]{P_{mr}}\Pbox(\Pmt)[b]{P_{mt}}% \Pbox(\Pml)[r]{P_{ml}}\Pbox(\Pmb)[t]{P_{mb}}% % \polygon(\Pbr)(\Ptr)(\Ptl)(\Pbl)\thicklines}{}% % \moveto(\Pmr) \curveto(\Crt)(\Ctr)(\Pmt) \curveto(\Ctl)(\Clt)(\Pml) \curveto(\Clb)(\Cbl)(\Pmb) \curveto(\Cbr)(\Crb)(\Pmr) \fillstroke \egroup} % \end{macrocode} % This user macro is used to call the |\Sellisse| macro with % the desired parameters, but also to act with it on order % to fill or stroke the ellipse contour, and to select some % settings such as the contour line thickness, or the color % of the ellipse contour or interior. % the syntax is the following: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{XSellisse}\meta{$\star$1}\parg{center}\oarg{angle}\aarg{shear}\marg{h-axis}\marg{v axis}\meta{$\star$2}\oarg{settings1}\oarg{settings2} %\end{ttsyntax} % where there are two optional asterisks, \meta{$\star$1} and % \meta{$\star$2}; the first one controls the coloring of the ellipse: % if present the interior is filled, if absent the contour is stroked; the % second one controls the way a possibly sheared ellipse appears: % if present, the construction is shown, if absent only the final result % is shown; \meta{center} is optional: if present, the ellipse center is % specified; if absent, its center is at the origin of the picture axes; % \meta{angle} is optional with default value zero: if absent, % the ellipse is not rotated and the \meta{h-axis} remains horizontal, % while the \meta{v-axis} remains vertical, while if present and with a % non vanishing value, the ellipse is rotated counterclockwise % the amount specified, and, of course, if the value is negative, % the rotation is clockwise. The optional parameter \meta{shear}, % if present, shears the ellipse paralle the \meta{h-axis} direction; % the \meta{settings1} and \meta{settings2} operate as described % for command \cs{Xellisse}. % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand\XSellisse{ s D(){0,0} O{0} D<>{0} m m s O{} o }% {\IfBooleanTF#1{\let\fillstroke\fillpath}% {\let\fillstroke\strokepath}% \put(#2){\rotatebox{#3}{#8\relax \IfBooleanTF{#7}{\Sellisse*{#5}{#6}[#4]}% {\Sellisse{#5}{#6}[#4]}% \IfValueTF{#9}{\let\fillstroke\strokepath #9\Sellisse{#5}{#7}[#4]}{}}}% \ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \subsection{Regular polygons and special ellipses} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % We finally arrive to more complex macros used to create special % polygons and special ellipses. % %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \subsubsection{Regular polygons} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Regular polygons are not that special; it is possible to draw them % by using the |\multiput| or |\xmultiput| commands, but a single % command that does everything by itself with more built in % functionalities is much handier. The new command |\RegPolygon| % has the following syntax: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{RegPoligon}\meta{$\star$}\parg{center}\marg{radius}\marg{number}\oarg{angle}\aarg{settings} %\end{ttsyntax} % where \meta{$\star$} is an optional asterisk; its presence means % that the polygon interior is filled, instead of the polygon % contour being stroked; the \meta{center} specification of the % polygon is optional; if it is omitted, the polygon center goes % to the origin of the |picture| coordinates; \meta{radius} is the % mandatory radius of the circumscribed circle, or, in other words, % the distance of each polygon vertex form the \meta{center}; the % mandatory \meta{number} is an integer that specifies the number of % polygon sides; the first vertex that is being drawn by this % command, has an angle of zero degrees with respect to the % \meta{center}; if a different initial \meta{angle} different from % zero is desired, it is specified through this optional argument; % possibly the angle bracketed optional \meta{setting} parameter % may be used to specify, for example, the line thickness for the % contour, and/or the color for the polygon contour or interior. % See the documentation \file{euclideangeometry-man.pdf} for more % information and usage examples. % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\RPI \NewDocumentCommand\RegPolygon{s D(){0,0} m m O{0} D<>{\relax} }{{% %\countdef\RPI=258 \RPI=0 \CopyVect#5:#3to\P \CopyVect\fpeval{360/#4}:1to\R \put(#2){#6\relax \moveto(\P)\fpdowhile{\RPI < #4}% {\MultVect\P by\R to\P \lineto(\P)\advance\RPI by 1}% \IfBooleanTF{#1}% {\fillpath}{#6\strokepath}}}\ignorespaces} %%%%%%%%% \def\DirOfVect#1to#2{\GetCoord(#1)\t@X\t@Y \ModOfVect#1to\@tempa \unless\ifdim\@tempa\p@=\z@ \DividE\t@X by\@tempa to\t@X \DividE\t@Y by\@tempa to\t@Y \fi\MakeVectorFrom\t@X\t@Y to#2\ignorespaces}% % \end{macrocode} % %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \subsubsection{The Steiner ellipse} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The construction of the Steiner ellipse is very peculiar; it is % almost intuitive that any triangle has infinitely many internal % tangent ellipses; therefore it is necessary to state some other % constraints to find one specific ellipse out from this unlimited set. % % One such ellipse is the Steiner one, obtained by adding the % constraint that the ellipse be tangent to the median points % of the triangle sides. But one thing is the definition, and % another totally different one is to find the parameters of % such an ellipse; and working with ruler and compass, it is % necessary to find a procedure to draw such an ellipse. % % The construction described here and implemented with the % |SteinerEllipse| macro is based on the following steps, each % one requiring the use of some of the commands and/or % transformations described in the previous sections. %\begin{enumerate}[noitemsep] %^^A %\item Given a generic triangle (the coordinates of its three % vertices) it is not necessary, but it is clearer to explain, % if the triangle is shifted and rotated so as to have one of % its sides horizontal, and the third vertex in the upper part % of the |picture| drawing. So we first perform the initial % shift and rotation and memorise the parameters of this % transformation so that, at the end of the procedure, we can % put back the triangle (and its Steiner ellipse) in its % original position. Let us call this shifted and rotated triangle % with the symbol $T_0$. %^^A %\item We transform $T_0$ with an affine shear transformation into an % isosceles triangle $T_1$ that has the same base and the same % height as $T_0$. We memorise the shear “angle” so as to proceed % to an inverse transformation when the following steps are completed: % let be $\alpha$ this shear angle; geometrically it represents the % angle of the sheared vertical coordinate lines with respect % to the original vertical position.\label{enum:shear} %^^A %\item With another affine vertical scaling transformation we transform $T_1$ into an equilateral triangle $T_2$; the ratio of the vertical % transformation equals the ratio between the $T_2$ to the % $T_1$ heights; we memorise this ratio for the reverse transformation % at the end of the procedure.\label{enum:ratio} %^^A %\item The Steiner ellipse of the equilateral triangle $T_2$ is its % incircle. We are almost done; we just have to proceed to the % inverse transformations; getting back from $T_2$ to $T_1$ first implies % transforming the incircle of $T_2$ into an ellipse with its % vertical axis scaled by the inverse ratio memorised in % step~\ref{enum:ratio}. %^^A %\item The second inverse transformation by the shear angle is easy % with the passage from $T_1$ to $T_0$, but it would be more difficult % for transforming the ellipse into the sheared ellipse. We have already % defined the |\Sellipse| and the |\XSellipse| macros that may take % care of the ellipse shear transformation; we already memorised the % shear angle in step~\ref{enum:shear}, therefore the whole procedure, % except for putting back the triangle, is almost done. %^^A %\item Eventually we perform the last shifting and rotating transformation % and the whole construction is completed. %^^A %\end{enumerate} % % The new macro Steiner ellipse has therefore the following syntax: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{SteinerEllipse}\meta{$\star$}\parg{P1}\parg{P2}\parg{P3}\oarg{diameter} %\end{ttsyntax} % where \meta{P1}, \meta{P2}, \meta{P3} are the vertices of the % triangle; \meta{$\star$} is an optional asterisk; without it % the maro draws only the final result, that contains only the % given triangle and its Steiner ellipse; on the opposite, if the asterisk % is used the whole construction from $T_0$ to its Steiner ellipse % is drawn; the labelling of points is done with little dots of % the default \meta{diameter} or a specified value; by default it is a 1\,pt % diameter, but sometimes it would be better to use a slightly % larger value (remembering that 1\,mm — about three points — % is already too much). % Please refer to the documentation file \file{euclideangeometry-man.pdf} % for usage examples and suggestions. % \begin{macrocode} % \NewDocumentCommand\SteinerEllipse{s d() d() d() O{1}}{\bgroup % \IfBooleanTF{#1}{}{\put(#2)}{% \CopyVect0,0to\Pu \SubVect#2from#3to\Pd \SubVect#2from#4to\Pt \ModAndAngleOfVect\Pd to\M and\Rot \MultVect\Pd by-\Rot:1 to\Pd \MultVect\Pt by-\Rot:1 to\Pt \IfBooleanTF{#1}{}{\rotatebox{\Rot}}{\makebox(0,0)[bl]{% \Pbox(\Pu)[r]{P_1}[#5]<-\Rot>\Pbox(\Pd)[t]{P_2}[#5]<-\Rot> \Pbox(\Pt)[b]{P_3}[#5]<-\Rot>% \polygon(\Pu)(\Pd)(\Pt)% \edef\B{\fpeval{\M/2}}\edef\H{\fpeval{\B*tand(60)}} \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\Pbox(\B,\H)[b]{H}[#5] \polygon(\Pu)(\B,\H)(\Pd)}{}% \edef\R{\fpeval{\B*tand(30)}} \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\Pbox(\B,\R)[bl]{C}[#5] \Circlewithcenter\B,\R radius{\R}}{}% \GetCoord(\Pt)\Xt\Yt\edef\VScale{\fpeval{\Yt/\H}} \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\polyline(\Pu)(\B,\Yt)(\Pd) \Pbox(\B,\Yt)[b]{V}[#5]}{}% \edef\Ce{\fpeval{\R*\VScale}} \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\Xellisse(\B,\Ce){\R}{\Ce} \Pbox(\B,\Ce)[r]{C_e}[#5]\Pbox(\B,0)[t]{B}[#5]}{}% \SubVect\B,0 from\Pt to\SlMedian \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\Dotline(\B,0)(\Pt){2}[1.5]}{}% \ModAndAngleOfVect\SlMedian to\Med and\Alfa \edef\Alfa{\fpeval{90-\Alfa}} \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\Dotline(\B,\Yt)(\B,0){2}[1.5] \Pbox(\fpeval{\B+\Ce*tand{\Alfa}},\Ce)[l]{C_i}[#5] \VectorArc(\B,0)(\B,15){-\Alfa} \Pbox(\fpeval{\B+2.5},14)[t]{\alpha}[0]}{}% \edef\a{\R}\edef\b{\Ce}% \CopyVect\fpeval{\B+\Ce*tand{\Alfa}},\Ce to\CI \XSellisse(\CI)<\Alfa>{\R}{\Ce} }}}% \egroup\ignorespaces} \let\EllisseSteiner\SteinerEllipse % \end{macrocode} % %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\subsubsection{The ellipse that is internally tangent to a triangle while one of its foci is prescribed} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % We now are going to tackle another problem. As we said before, any % triangle has an infinite set of internally tangent circles, unless % some further constraint is specified. % % Another problem of this kind is the determination and geometrical % construction of an internally tangent ellipse when one focus is % specified; of course since the whole ellipse is totally internal % to the triangle, we assume that the user has already verified % that the coordinates of the focus fall inside the triangle. % We are not going to check this feature in place of the user; % after all, if the user draws the triangle within a |picture| image, % together with the chosen focus, is suffices a glance to verify that % such focus lays within the triangle perimeter. % % The geometrical construction is quite complicated, but it is % described in a paper by Estevão V.~Candia on \TB~2019 \textbf{40}(3); % it consists of the following steps. %\begin{enumerate}[noitemsep] %^^A %\item Suppose you have specified a triangle by means of its three % vertices, and a point inside it to play the role of a focus; it % is necessary to find the other focus and the main axis length in % order to have a full description of the ellipse. %^^A %\item To do so, it is necessary to find the focus three symmetrical % points with respect to the three sides. %^^A %\item The center of the three point circle through these symmetrical % points is the second focus. %^^A %\item The lines that join the second focus to the three symmetrical % points of the first focus, intersect the triangle sides in three % points that result to be the tangency points of the ellipse to the % triangle. %^^A %\item Chosen one of these tangency points and computing the sum of its % distances from both foci, the total length of the ellipsis main axis % is found. %^^A %\item Knowing both foci, the total inter focal distance is found, % therefore equation~\eqref{equ:axes-foci} allows to find the other % axis length. %^^A %\item The inclination of the focal segment gives us the the rotation % to which the ellipse is subject, and the middle point of such % segment gives the ellipse center. %^^A %\item At this point we have all the necessary elements to draw % the ellipse. %^^A %\end{enumerate} % % We need another little macro to find the symmetrical points; % if the focus $F$ and its symmetrical point $P$ with respect % to a side/segment, the intersection of such segment $F-P$ with % the side is the segment middle point $M$; from this property % we derive the formula $P= 2M -F$. Now $M$ is also the % intersection of the line passing through $F$ and perpendicular % to the side. Therefore it is particularly simple to compute, % but its better to have available a macro that does the whole % work; here it is, but it assumes the the center of symmetry is % already known: % \begin{macrocode} \def\SymmetricalPointOf#1respect#2to#3{\ScaleVect#2by2to\Segm \SubVect#1from\Segm to#3\ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % And its syntax is the following: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{SymmetricalPointOf}\meta{focus} respect\meta{symmetry center} %\qquad to\meta{symmetrical point} %\end{ttsyntax} % where the argument names are self explanatory. % % The overall macro that executes all the passages described in % the above enumeration follows; the reader can easily recognise % the various steps, since the names of the macros are self % explanatory; the $S_i$ point names are the symmetrical ones % to the first focus $F$; the $M_i$ points are the centers of % symmetry; the $F'$ point is the second focus; the $T_i$ points % are the tangency points. The macro |\EllipseWithFOcus| has the % following syntax: %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{EllipseWithFocus}\meta{$\star$}\parg{P1}\parg{P2}\parg{P3}\parg{focus} %\end{ttsyntax} % where \meta{P1}, \meta{P2}, \meta{P3} are the triangle vertices % and \meta{focus} contains the first focus coordinates; the % optional asterisk, as usual, selects the construction steps % versus the final result: no asterisk, no construction steps. % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand\EllipseWithFocus{s d() d() d() d()}{\bgroup% \CopyVect#2to\Pu \CopyVect#3to\Pd \CopyVect#4to\Pt \CopyVect#5to\F \polygon(\Pu)(\Pd)(\Pt) \Pbox(\Pu)[r]{P_1}[1.5pt]\Pbox(\Pd)[t]{P_2}[1.5pt] \Pbox(\Pt)[b]{P_3}[1.5pt]\Pbox(\F)[b]{F}[1.5pt] \SegmentArg(\Pu)(\Pt)to\At \SegmentArg(\Pu)(\Pd)to\Ad \SegmentArg(\Pd)(\Pt)to\Au \IntersectionOfLines(\Pu)(\At:1)and(\F)(\fpeval{\At+90}:1)to\Mt \IntersectionOfLines(\Pd)(\Ad:1)and(\F)(\fpeval{\Ad+90}:1)to\Md \IntersectionOfLines(\Pd)(\Au:1)and(\F)(\fpeval{\Au+90}:1)to\Mu \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\Pbox(\Mt)[br]{M_3}[1.5pt]\Pbox(\Md)[t]{M_2}[1.5pt] \Pbox(\Mu)[b]{M_1}[1.5pt]}{} \SymmetricalPointOf\F respect\Mu to\Su \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\Pbox(\Su)[l]{S_1}[1.5pt]}{} \SymmetricalPointOf\F respect \Md to\Sd \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\Pbox(\Sd)[t]{S_2}[1.5pt]}{} \SymmetricalPointOf\F respect \Mt to\St \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\Pbox(\St)[r]{S_3}[1.5pt]}{} \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\ThreePointCircle*(\Su)(\Sd)(\St)}% {\ThreePointCircle(\Su)(\Sd)(\St)} \CopyVect\C to\Fp \Pbox(\Fp)[l]{F'}[1.5pt] \IfBooleanTF{#1}{% \Dotline(\F)(\St){2}[1.5pt] \Dotline(\F)(\Sd){2}[1.5pt] \Dotline(\F)(\Su){2}[1.5pt]}{} \IntersectionOfSegments(\Pu)(\Pt)and(\Fp)(\St)to\Tt \IntersectionOfSegments(\Pu)(\Pd)and(\Fp)(\Sd)to\Td \IntersectionOfSegments(\Pd)(\Pt)and(\Fp)(\Su)to\Tu \IfBooleanTF{#1}{\Pbox(\Tu)[l]{T_1}[1.5pt] \Pbox(\Td)[b]{T_2}[1.5pt] \Pbox(\Tt)[tl]{T_3}[1.5pt] \Dashline(\Fp)(\Su){1}\Dashline(\Fp)(\Sd){1}\Dashline(\Fp)(\St){1}}{} \DistanceAndDirOfVect\Fp minus\Tt to\DFp and\AFu \DistanceAndDirOfVect\F minus\Tt to\DF and\AF \SegmentCenter(\F)(\Fp)to\CE \Pbox(\CE)[b]{C}[1.5pt] \edef\a{\fpeval{(\DFp+\DF)/2}} \SegmentArg(\F)(\Fp)to\AngFocalAxis \SegmentLength(\F)(\CE)to\c \AxisFromAxisAndFocus\a and\c to\b \Xellisse(\CE)[\AngFocalAxis]{\a}{\b}[\thicklines] \VECTOR(-30,0)(120,0)\Pbox(120,0)[t]{x}[0] \VECTOR(0,-20)(0,130)\Pbox(0,130)[r]{y}[0]\Pbox(0,0)[tr]{O}[1.5pt] \egroup\ignorespaces} \let\EllisseConFuoco\EllipseWithFocus % \end{macrocode} % %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \section{Comments on this package} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % In general we found very comfortable to draw ellipses and % to define macros to draw not only such shapes or filled elliptical % areas, but also to create “legends” with coloured backgrounds and % borders; such applications found their way in other works. % But here we dealt with other geometrical problems. The accompanying % document |euclideangeometry-man.pdf| describes much clearly with % examples what you can do with the macros described in this package. % In facts, this file just describes the package macros, and it gives % some ideas on how to extend the ability of |curve2e| to draw % geometrical diagrams. % The users who would like to modify or to add some functionalities % are invited to do so; I will certainly acknowledge their contributions % and even add their names to the list of authors. % % As long as I can, I enjoy playing with \LaTeX\ and its wonderful % facilities; but, taking into consideration my age, I would invite % the users to consider the possibility of assuming the maintenance % of this package. %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\section{Acknowledgements} %^^A%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % I am very grateful to Enrico Gregorio who let me know the several % glitches I made in my first version; besides being a real \TeX wizard, % he is a wise person and suggested me several things that was important % to change, because they could offer risks of confusion with other % packages. % %\iffalse % %\fi % \Finale %