% arara: lualatex: { interaction: nonstopmode } % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % the EMBRAC package % % Upright Brackets in Emphasized Text % % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Clemens Niederberger % Web: https://github.com/cgnieder/embrac/ % E-Mail: contact@mychemistry.eu % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Copyright 2012--2021 Clemens Niederberger % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2008/05/04 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Clemens Niederberger. % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The embrac package consists of the files % - embrac.sty, embrac_en.tex, embrac_en.pdf, embrac_kerning_test.tex and % README % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please % feel free to contact me. % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % \usepackage{fontspec} % load desired font, for example: % \usepackage{libertine} % \setmainfont{Minion Pro} \usepackage[p,osf]{ETbb} % osf in text, tabular lining figures in math \usepackage[scaled=.95,type1]{cabin} % sans serif in style of Gill Sans \usepackage[varqu,varl]{zi4}% inconsolata typewriter \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % LY1 also works \usepackage[libertine,vvarbb]{newtxmath} \usepackage{embrac} \begin{document} % see the default: \emph{This is emphasized [sic] text with [long] bla.} \emph{This is emphasized text [as you can see].} \emph{This is (sic) emphasized text with (long) bla.} \emph{This is emphasized text (as you can see).} \hrulefill % without additional kerning at all: \RenewEmph{[}{]} \RenewEmph{(}{)} \emph{This is emphasized [sic] text with [long] bla.} \emph{This is emphasized text [as you can see].} \emph{This is (sic) emphasized text with (long) bla.} \emph{This is emphasized text (as you can see).} \hrulefill % your changes: % oo(io ic)oc \RenewEmph{[}[0pt,-.09em]{]}[.055em,-.09em] \ChangeEmph{(}[-.01em,-.09em]{)}[.04em,-.09em] \emph{This is emphasized [sic] text with [long] bla.} \emph{This is emphasized text [as you can see].} \emph{This is (sic) emphasized text with (long) bla.} \emph{This is emphasized text (as you can see).} \end{document}