\documentclass[ %parspace, % Add vertical space between paragraphs %noindent, % No indentation of first lines in each paragraph %nohyp, % No hyphenation of words %twoside, % Double sided format %draft, % Quicker draft compilation without rendering images %final, % Set final to hide todos ]{elteikthesis}[2023/04/10] % The minted package is also supported for source highlighting % See minted-intregration.tex for example %\usepackage[newfloat]{minted} % Document's metadata \title{Dolgozat címe} % title \date{2023} % year of defense % Author's metadata \author{Hallgató Hanga} \degree{programtervező informatikus BSc} % Superivsor(s)' metadata \supervisor{Témavezető Tamás} % internal supervisor's name \affiliation{egyetemi tanársegéd} % internal supervisor's affiliation %\extsupervisor{Külső Kornél} % external supervisor's name %\extaffiliation{informatikai igazgató} % external supervisor's affiliation % University's metadata \university{Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem} % university's name \faculty{Informatikai Kar} % faculty's name \department{Programozáselmélet és Szoftvertechnológiai\\ Tanszék} % department's name \city{Budapest} % city \logo{elte_cimer_szines} % logo % Add bibliography file \addbibresource{elteikthesis.bib} % The document \begin{document} % Set document language \documentlang{hungarian} %\documentlang{english} % List of todos (not in the final document) %\listoftodos[\todolabel] % Title page (mandatory) \maketitle % Topic declaration page (mandatory) - can also be attached instead %\includepdf{temabejelento.pdf} % Table of contents (mandatory) \tableofcontents \cleardoublepage % Main content \input{samples_hu/intro.tex} \cleardoublepage \input{samples_hu/user.tex} \cleardoublepage \input{samples_hu/impl.tex} \cleardoublepage \input{samples_hu/sum.tex} \cleardoublepage % Acknowledgements (optional) - in case your thesis received funding or would like to express special thanks to someone \chapter*{\acklabel} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\acklabel} Amennyiben a szakdolgozati / diplomamunka projekted pénzügyi támogatást kapott egy projektből vagy az egyetemtől, jellemzően kötelező feltüntetni a dolgozatban is. A dolgozat elkészítéséhez segítséget nyújtó oktatók, hallgatótársak, kollégák felé is nyilvánítható külön köszönet. % Appendices (optional) - useful for detailed information in long tables, many and/or large figures, etc. \appendix \input{samples_hu/sim.tex} \cleardoublepage % Bibliography (mandatory) \phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\biblabel} \printbibliography[title=\biblabel] \cleardoublepage % List of figures (optional) - useful over 3-5 figures \phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\lstfigurelabel} \listoffigures \cleardoublepage % List of tables (optional) - useful over 3-5 tables \phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\lsttablelabel} \listoftables \cleardoublepage % List of algorithms (optional) - useful over 3-5 algorithms \phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\lstalgorithmlabel} \listofalgorithms \cleardoublepage % List of codes (optional) - useful over 3-5 code samples \phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\lstcodelabel} \lstlistoflistings \cleardoublepage % List of symbols (optional) %\printnomenclature \end{document}