\documentclass[12pt,pdftex,sansfont,4x3]{elpres} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[perpage,para,symbol,norule]{footmisc} \usepackage[document]{ragged2e} \RaggedRight \usepackage{elpreswhitebluescheme} % \usepackage{elpresgrayscheme} % \usepackage{elpreswhiteredscheme} % \usepackage{elpresbluelightgrayscheme} % \usepackage{elpreswhitetealscheme} \begin{document} \begin{titlepage} \centering \distance{1} { \Huge \bfseries \textcolor{eptitlecolor}{Title of presentation} \par } \vspace{1.3ex} \large Author\\[2ex]Date and place of presentation \distance{2} \end{titlepage} \begin{psli}[Title of first page] This is an example of a \LaTeX\ \texttt{itemize} list \begin{itemize} \item first line in an itemized list \item second line in an itemized list \item third line in an itemized list \end{itemize} \end{psli} \begin{psli}[Title of second page\footnote{footnotes are often not a good idea for a presentation}] % \raggedright The second page with nested, ``vertically compressed'' lists using the \texttt{citemize} and \texttt{cenumerate} environments. \begin{citemize} \item first line in an itemized list \item second line in an itemized list \begin{cenumerate} \item first line of numbered list \item second line of numbered list \end{cenumerate} \item final line in itemized list\footnote{\dots\ it is therefore useful to write comments into a single footnote paragraph in order to save space} \end{citemize} {\small For footnotes, the \texttt{footmisc} package, providing the options \texttt{perpage} and \texttt{symbol} is recommended. \par} \end{psli} \begin{psli}[Title of third page] \begin{cdescription} \item[environment name:] \texttt{cdescription}, comparable to \LaTeX s \texttt{des\-cription} environment \item[used for:] vertically compressed lists with small ``titles'' \end{cdescription} \end{psli} \begin{psli}[A page with two columns] \begin{minipage}[b]{0.58\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{ctan-lion} \end{minipage} \hspace{0.4em} \begin{minipage}[b]{0.39\paperwidth} \small Figure 1: The ``CTAN \TeX-lion'' drawn by Duane Bibby, thanks to \texttt{ctan.org} \end{minipage} \end{psli} \begin{rsli} A final page written with the \textcolor{ephighlightcolor}{\texttt{rsli}} environment \begin{itemize} \item This slide type is intended to be used for freely arranged text and graphics. \item In contrast to \textcolor{ephighlightcolor}{\texttt{psli}}-slides, the contents are \emph{not} centered vertically. \end{itemize} \end{rsli} \end{document}