Elpres v0.8 2021-02-20 # Short description The `elpres` class is intended to be used for presentations on a screen or with a beamer/projector. It is derived from LaTeX’s article class and can be used with with LaTeX, pdfLaTeX and LuaLaTeX. The default "virtual paper size" of presentations generated by this class corresponds to a 4:3 (width:height) aspect ratio. Other aspect ratios for widescreen monitors (16:9, 16x:10) may be selected. The elpres class requires: `ifthen`, `fancyhdr`, `hyperref`, `graphicx`, `xcolor` and `geometry`. For enhanced features the packages `ragged2e`, `overlays`, `wallpaper`, `eso-pic`, `tcolorbox` and `footmisc` are useful. A homepage for the elpres project: http://vkiefel.de/elpres.html with additional material. # Changes in v0.8 * A bug fixed in the `elpres...scheme.sty` files (incorrect value for `\labelitemiv`) * Installation instructions in the manual completed * Detailed installation instructions added to this file (`README.md`). * Manual: a description of the new commands `\overlaysoff` and `\alertsoff` of the `overlays` package (introduced in version 2.12 of `overlays`) included # Installation For a working installation of `elpres.cls` it is required that all of the following files: elpres.cls, elpresbluelightgrayscheme.sty, elpresgrayscheme.sty, elpreswhitebluescheme.sty, elpreswhiteredscheme.sty, elpreswhitetealscheme.sty, ctan-lion.png, ep-ball-01.png, ep-ball-02.png, ep-ball-03.png, ep-ball-04.png, ep-ball-05.png, ep-ball-01.eps, ep-ball-02.eps, ep-ball-03.eps, ep-ball-04.eps, ep-ball-05.eps (in short: `elpres.cls` and all `*.sty`, `*.png` and `*.eps` files) should be copied into a directory in the `.../tex/...`-branch of a `texmf`-tree like `../texmf/tex/latex/elpres`, where `texmf` may be `texmf-dist` or `texmf-local` or an analogous directory. The manual and the example file: elpres-manual.pdf, elpres-manual.tex, elpres-example.pdf, elpres-example.tex should be copied into a directory of the `.../doc/...`-branch of a `texmf`-tree like `../texmf/doc/latex/elpres`, where `texmf` may be `texmf-dist` or `texmf-local` or an analogous directory. Finally the file location database (e.g. `ls-R`) should be updated. More details can be found in the manual. # License This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL). The latest version of this license is available in the file: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt Current maintainer is Volker Kiefel.