# Easybook document class Easybook is a minimalist style template based on the ctexbook book document class, and it also has the functions of the book and article document classes, its basic macro package easybase can also be used with CTeX and standard document classes. Easybook considers some details and loads some almost necessary macro packages for packaging and improvement, and provides multiple commands and interfaces to make settings easy for users. It is suitable for typesetting Chinese and English dissertations, academic books or notes. ## License This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LPPL-1.3c License. The latest version of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt ## Website | [Gitee](https://gitee.com/texl3/easybook) | [Github](https://github.com/texl3/easybook) | [CTAN](https://ctan.org/pkg/easybook) | # easybook 文档类 easybook 是基于 ctexbook 书籍文档类创建以极简为风格的模板,同时兼具 book 与 article 文档类的用途,它的基础宏包 easybase 还可以搭配 CTeX 和标准文档类使用。easybook 考虑了一些细节并载入一些几乎必备的宏包进行包装和改进,提供多个命令和接口可以使用户简便地进行设置。它适用于排版中英文学位论文、学术书籍或者是笔记。 ## 协议 可以使用 LPPL-1.3c 许可协议传播和修改此作品。此许可协议的最新版本位于 http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt ## 网址 | [Gitee](https://gitee.com/texl3/easybook) | [Github](https://github.com/texl3/easybook) | [CTAN](https://ctan.org/pkg/easybook) |