# Easybook book document class Easybook is a minimalist style template based on the ctexbook book document class. It is mainly suitable for typesetting Chinese books or notes, and can even be slightly modified to become a dissertation template. Some commonly used macro packages have been loaded to achieve general typesetting requirements. Although some details have been considered as much as possible, there are still deficiencies. ## Compilation method Please use the UTF8 encoding and enter the following command on the command line ``` xelatex -shell-escape easybook-demo bibtex easybook-demo makeindex easybook-demo xelatex -shell-escape easybook-demo xelatex -shell-escape easybook-demo ``` ## Reference documents - [CTeX macro collection manual](https://ctan.org/pkg/ctex) - [Xiamen University graduation thesis template](https://github.com/CamuseCao/XMU-thesis) - [Fudan University graduation thesis template](https://github.com/stone-zeng/fduthesis) - [Wuhan University graduation thesis template](https://github.com/mtobeiyf/whu-thesis) - [ElegantBook book template](https://ctan.org/pkg/elegantbook) ## Website | [Gitee](https://gitee.com/TeX-doc/easybook) | [Github](https://github.com/TeX-doc/easybook) | [CTAN]() | [Font](https://wws.lanzous.com/b01ns361i) | # easybook 书籍文档类 easybook 是基于 ctexbook 书籍文档类的极简风格模板。它主要适用于中文书籍或笔记的排版,甚至可以稍作修改成为论文模板。已加载一些常用的宏程序包以实现一般的排版要求。尽管已尽可能多地考虑了一些细节,但仍然存在不足。 ## 编制方法 请使用 UTF8 编码,并在命令行上输入以下命令 ``` xelatex -shell-escape easybook-demo bibtex easybook-demo makeindex easybook-demo xelatex -shell-escape easybook-demo xelatex -shell-escape easybook-demo ``` ## 参考文档 - [CTeX 宏集手册](https://ctan.org/pkg/ctex) - [厦门大学毕业论文模板](https://github.com/CamuseCao/XMU-thesis) - [复旦大学毕业论文模板](https://github.com/stone-zeng/fduthesis) - [武汉大学毕业论文模板](https://github.com/mtobeiyf/whu-thesis) - [ElegantBook 书籍模板](https://ctan.org/pkg/elegantbook) ## 网址 | [Gitee](https://gitee.com/TeX-doc/easybook) | [Github](https://github.com/TeX-doc/easybook) | [CTAN]() | [字体](https://wws.lanzous.com/b01ns361i) |