\documentclass[pagesize=auto]{scrartcl} \addtokomafont{title}{\rmfamily} \title{The \textsf{ditaa} package} \author{Hiroshi Ukai} \date{2018/10/18} \usepackage{verbatim} \def\imagepath{./resources} \usepackage[imagepath=\imagepath]{ditaa} \graphicspath{ {\imagepath/} } \begin{document} \maketitle \noindent The \LaTeX\ \textsf{ditaa} package renders your ascii art inside your LaTeX files into pretty image files which you can use them in your papers. \minisec{Usage:} To \texttt{usepackage} \textbf{ditaa}, typically do following. \begin{verbatim} \def\imagepath{./resources} \usepackage[imagepath=\imagepath]{ditaa} \graphicspath{ {\imagepath/} } \end{verbatim} A vaiable \texttt{\textbackslash imagepath} points a directory that your images reside. Under it, you need to create a directory \texttt{ditaa} in advance. In this directory, \texttt{ditaa} environment creates its working files. \minisec{Features:} % This is a ditaa diagram example. \begin{verbatim} \begin{ditaa}[8cm]{ditaa caption example}{ditaaexample} +--------+ +-------+ +-------+ | | --+ ditaa +--> | | | Text | +-------+ |diagram| |Document| |!magic!| | | | {d}| | | | | +---+----+ +-------+ +-------+ : ^ | Lots of work | +-------------------------+ \end{ditaa} \end{verbatim} The fragment above will be rendered into following diagram. \begin{ditaa}[8cm]{ditaa caption example}{ditaaexample} +--------+ +-------+ +-------+ | | --+ ditaa +--> | | | Text | +-------+ |diagram| |Document| |!magic!| | | | {d}| | | | | +---+----+ +-------+ +-------+ : ^ | Lots of work | +-------------------------+ \end{ditaa} \pagebreak And you can specify image width like this Figure.\ref{fig:ditaaexample2}. \begin{verbatim} \begin{ditaa}[6cm]{ditaa caption example2}{ditaaexample2} +---------+ | cBLU | | | | +----+ | |cPNK| | | | +----+----+ \end{ditaa} \end{verbatim} To denote your diagram, you can do \begin{verbatim} Figure~\ref{fig:ditaaexample2} \end{verbatim} , where \texttt{ditaaexample2} is the second argument you gave to the \texttt{ditaa} environment as you see above. The prefix \texttt{fig:} is given by \texttt{ditaa} environment automatically. \begin{ditaa}[6cm]{ditaa caption example2}{ditaaexample2} +---------+ | cBLU | | | | +----+ | |cPNK| | | | +----+----+ \end{ditaa} Enjoy! \minisec{ChangeLog:} % \begin{labeling}[\hspace{\labelsep}--]{0.9} \item[0.9] Preparation for first \textsf{ditaa} release. \end{labeling} \end{document}