%% %% This is file `DesignCon.tex', %% Version 1.0 %% %% Author: Peter J. Pupalaikis (pete_pope at hotmail dot com) %% Copyright 2012 Peter J. Pupalaikis %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either %% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any %% later version. %% The latest version of the license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of %% LaTeX version 2003/06/01 or later. %% %% This work consists of the files listed in the README file. %% %% THIS MUST BE COMPILED WITH XeLaTeX. %% USE XeLaTeX+MakeIndex+BibTeX in TeXworks %% \documentclass[12pt,twoside,english,american]{designcon} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Times New Roman} \setsansfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Arial Black} \usepackage{refstyle} \makeatletter \AtBeginDocument{\providecommand\figref[1]{\ref{fig:#1}}} \AtBeginDocument{\providecommand\eqref[1]{\ref{eq:#1}}} \RS@ifundefined{subref} {\def\RSsubtxt{section~}\newref{sub}{name = \RSsubtxt}} {} \RS@ifundefined{thmref} {\def\RSthmtxt{theorem~}\newref{thm}{name = \RSthmtxt}} {} \RS@ifundefined{lemref} {\def\RSlemtxt{lemma~}\newref{lem}{name = \RSlemtxt}} {} \makeatother \usepackage{xunicode} \usepackage{polyglossia} \setdefaultlanguage[variant=american]{english} \setotherlanguage{english} \begin{document} \begin{acronym} \acro{DFT}{discrete Fourier transform} \acro{PCB}{printed circuit board} \end{acronym} \setHeading{DesignCon 2013\vspace{2.5in}} \title{Title} \setSkip{\vspace{3in}} \setAuthorInfo{First Author Name, Company} \setAuthorInfo{First Author E-mail, Phone Number} \setAuthorInfo{~} \setAuthorInfo{Second Author Name, Company} \setAuthorInfo{Second Author E-mail, Phone Number etc.} \maketitle \section*{Abstract} Abstract here \section*{Biography} Bio here \designConPaperStart \begin{figure} \begin{centering} % % include a PDF or other picture here - I'm including a tikz picture as an example. % \begin{tikzpicture}[x=1.00mm, y=1.00mm, inner xsep=0pt, inner ysep=0pt, outer xsep=0pt, outer ysep=0pt] \path[line width=0mm] (5.00,44.14) rectangle +(47.67,32.00); \definecolor{L}{rgb}{0,0,0} \definecolor{F}{rgb}{0,0,0} \path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L, fill=F] (20.01,69.99) circle (0.51mm); \path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L] (9.95,69.98) -- (20.00,70.00); \path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L, fill=F] (20.00,70.00) -- (17.20,70.70) -- (17.20,69.30) -- (20.00,70.00) -- cycle; \path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L, fill=F] (20.02,49.99) circle (0.53mm); \draw(9.00,69.00) node[anchor=base east]{\fontsize{11.38}{13.66}\selectfont $1$}; \path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L] (19.95,69.98) -- (43.00,70.00); \path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L, fill=F] (43.00,70.00) -- (40.20,70.70) -- (40.20,69.30) -- (43.00,70.00) -- cycle; \path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L] (20.00,70.00) .. controls (25.00,65.00) and (25.00,55.01) .. (20.00,50.01); \path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L, fill=F] (20.00,50.01) -- (22.20,51.87) -- (21.07,52.69) -- (20.00,50.01) -- cycle; \path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L, fill=F] (43.01,69.99) circle (0.51mm); \path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L] (43.01,50.01) .. controls (38.01,55.01) and (38.01,65.00) .. (43.01,70.00); \path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L, fill=F] (43.01,70.00) -- (40.82,68.14) -- (41.95,67.32) -- (43.01,70.00) -- cycle; \path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L, fill=F] (43.02,49.99) circle (0.53mm); \path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L] (43.00,49.98) -- (19.95,50.00); \path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L, fill=F] (19.95,50.00) -- (22.75,49.30) -- (22.75,50.70) -- (19.95,50.00) -- cycle; \draw(24.00,59.00) node[anchor=base west]{\fontsize{11.38}{13.66}\selectfont $S_{11}$}; \draw(39.00,59.00) node[anchor=base east]{\fontsize{11.38}{13.66}\selectfont $S_{22}$}; \draw(30.00,71.00) node[anchor=base]{\fontsize{11.38}{13.66}\selectfont $S_{21}$}; \draw(30.00,47.00) node[anchor=base]{\fontsize{11.38}{13.66}\selectfont $S_{12}$}; \path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L] (43.01,70.00) .. controls (48.01,65.00) and (48.01,55.01) .. (43.01,50.01); \path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L, fill=F] (43.01,50.01) -- (45.20,51.87) -- (44.07,52.69) -- (43.01,50.01) -- cycle; \draw(48.00,59.00) node[anchor=base west]{\fontsize{11.38}{13.66}\selectfont $\Gamma$}; \draw(17.00,49.00) node[anchor=base]{\fontsize{11.38}{13.66}\selectfont $M$}; \end{tikzpicture} \par\end{centering} \caption{Signal Flow Diagram} \label{fig:signal-flow-diagram} \end{figure} \section*{Section} This is a section. We can refer to the picture of the signal flow diagram as \figref{signal-flow-diagram}. We can insert an equation like Euler's equation: \begin{equation} e^{j\theta}=\cos\theta+j\cdot\sin\theta\label{eq:euler} \end{equation} Then, we can refer to this equation as \eqref{euler}. \subsection*{Subsection} This is a subsection. To fill in the bibliography a bit, I'll cite the following \cite{article,conference,phdthesis,unpublished}. The bibliography is in DesignCon.bib provided. % put an optional \clearpage here to put the Bibliography on the next page \bibliographystyle{ieeetr} \bibliography{DesignCon} \end{document}