% $DocId: cweb-conf.tex,v 2.1 1995/08/29 15:19:45 schrod Exp $ %------------------------------------------------------------ % % internal interface of cweb class % % [LaTeX] % (history at end) % This file is either a subdocument of the style doc or a document on % its own. In the former case it's a chapter, in the latter it's a % ``normal'' LaTeX progltx document. % If it's a subdocument, this file will be included after % \begin{document}. We can detect this: \document redefines % \documentclass to be \@twoclasseserror. Then we also have to define % how this document is ended: Either by \endinput or by an additional % revision log. % Of course, this test works only if LaTeX 2e is used for processing. \expandafter\ifx \csname @twoclasseserror\endcsname \documentclass \let\endSubDocument=\endinput \chap The internal interface. \else \let\endSubDocument=\relax \documentclass{progltx} \usepackage{cweb-doc} % additional document-specific markup \usepackage{a4-9} % Tschichold's A4 layout \nofiles % no crossreferences used \begin{document} \title{The \texttt{cweb} Class\\ {\large (Internal Interface)}% } \author{Joachim Schrod% \thanks{Email: \texttt{schrod@iti.informatik.th-darmstadt.de}}% } \RCS $DocDate: 1995/08/29 15:19:45 $ \date{% \RCSDocDate\\[3pt] % LaTeX Error: Paragraph terminated too early (Revision \RCSStyleRevision{} of \texttt{cweb.cls})% } \maketitle \sect \fi This % \ifx \endSubDocument\relax document \else section \fi % shall describe the internal interface for \TeX{} programmers who want to write packages or subclasses to enhance the \cls{cweb} class. In particular, it shall describe all control sequences a programmer may redefine to adapt this class to special needs. (There are an awful lot of them, all cseqs that start with `|Cweb|'.) Due to time constraints this description has not been written yet. It depends on the demand when it will be written. I.e., if \emph{you} are a package/class writer and if you want to enhance the \cls{cweb} class, send me email. Please mention the kind of enhancement you want to do. I will then add information to this description as needed. \endSubDocument %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \vskip \PltxPreSectSkip \begin{rcslog} $DocLog: cweb-conf.tex,v $ \Revision 2.1 1995/08/29 15:19:45 schrod Added (hint to non-existence of) description of the internal interface. \end{rcslog} \end{document} % LocalWords: