$Id: wcltx.bib,v 1.1 1993/04/09 15:36:52 schrod Exp $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % % extracted from litprog.bib database % @string{ tub = "TUGboat"} @article{litprog:schrod:cweb, author = {Klaus Guntermann and Joachim Schrod}, title = {{\WEB} adapted to {C}}, journal = tub, volume = 7, number = 3, month = {}, year = 1986, pages = {134-137}, annote = {\js{} My {\small CWEB}, an adaption of Knuth's Pascal \WEB{}, ie, written in \WEB{}. Created to write an IBM~/370 assembler/emulater for undergrad CS courses. I was an graduate student, Klaus was my supervisor then.} }