@online{angular, title = {{Angular}}, author = {Google}, url = {https://angular.io/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{asp, title = {{ASP.NET}}, author = {Microsoft}, url = {https://dotnet.microsoft.com/apps/aspnet}, note = {[Online]}, addendum = {(aufgerufen: 22.06.2024)}, ids = {asp_net} } @online{authjs, title = {{Auth.js}}, author = {Balázs Orbán}, url = {https://authjs.dev/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{aws, title = {{Amazon Web Services}}, author = {Amazon}, url = {https://aws.amazon.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{aws-apigateway, title = {{AWS API Gateway}}, author = {Amazon}, url = {https://aws.amazon.com/api-gateway/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{aws-apprunner, title = {{AWS AppRunner}}, author = {Amazon}, url = {https://aws.amazon.com/apprunner/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{aws-cli, title = {{AWS CLI}}, author = {Amazon}, url = {https://aws.amazon.com/cli/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{aws-codebuild, title = {{AWS CodeBuild}}, author = {Amazon}, url = 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Python}}, author = {Amazon}, url = {https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/index.html}, note = {[Online]} } @online{catapi, title = {{The Cat {API}}}, author = {Aden Forshaw}, url = {https://thecatapi.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{chai, title = {{Chai Assertion Library}}, author = {Chai}, url = {https://www.chaijs.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{chess, title = {{Chess}}, author = {chess.com}, url = {https://www.chess.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{csharp, title = {{{C\#} Programming Language}}, author = {Microsoft}, url = {https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/csharp/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{cypress, title = {{Cypress}}, author = {Brian Mann}, url = {https://www.cypress.io/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{d3js, title = {{D3.js}}, author = {Observable}, url = {https://d3js.org}, note = {[Online]} } @online{django, title = {{Django}}, author = {Adrian Holovaty and Simon Willison}, url = {https://www.djangoproject.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{docker, title = {{Docker: Accelerated Container Application Development}}, author = {Docker}, url = {https://www.docker.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{docker-compose, title = {{Compose: Defining and Running Multi-Container Docker Applications}}, author = {Docker}, url = {https://docs.docker.com/compose/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{dotnet, title = {{{.NET}: free, open-source, cross-platform framework}}, author = {Microsoft}, url = {https://dotnet.microsoft.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{elasticsearch, title = {{Elasticsearch Platform}}, author = {Elastic}, url = {https://www.elastic.co/de/elasticsearch/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{eslint, title = {{ESLint: {P}luggable {J}avaScript linter}}, author = {Nicholas Zakas}, url = {https://eslint.org/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{express, title = {{Express}}, author = {Douglas Christopher Wilson}, url = {https://expressjs.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{fastapi, title = {{FastAPI}}, author = {Sebastián Ramírez}, url = {https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{flask, title = {{Flask User's Guide}}, author = {Pallets}, url = {https://flask.palletsprojects.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{GitHub, title = {{GitHub}}, url = {https://github.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{graphql, title = {{GraphQL: {A} query language for your {API}}}, author = {Facebook}, url = {https://graphql.org/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{grpc, title = {{gRPC: A high performance, open source universal RPC framework}}, author = {{CNCF}}, url = {https://grpc.io/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{hetzner, title = {{Hetzner Cloud Hosting}}, author = {Hetzner}, url = {https://www.hetzner.com/cloud/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{InstaApi, title = {{Instagram Basic Display API}}, author = {Facebook}, url = {https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-basic-display-api}, note = {[Online]} } @online{istanbuljs, title = {{Istanbul: {J}avaScript test coverage made simple}}, author = {Istanbul}, url = {https://istanbul.js.org/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{jest, title = {{Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity}}, author = {Facebook}, url = {https://jestjs.io/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{json, title = {{JSON}}, author = {Douglas Crockford}, url = {https://www.json.org/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{kaggle-elonmusktweets, title = {{Kaggle Datasets: Elon Musk Tweets}}, author = {Google}, url = {https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/gpreda/elon-musk-tweets}, note = {[Online]} } @online{kubernetes, title = {{Kubernetes/K8s: open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications}}, author = {{CNCF}}, url = {https://kubernetes.io/}, note = {[Online]}, ids = {k8s} } @online{mariadb, title = {{MariaDB Community Server}}, author = {Michael Widenius}, url = {https://mariadb.com/}, note = {[Online]}, ids = {maria} } @online{mocha, title = {{Mocha Testing Framework}}, author = {Mocha}, url = {https://mochajs.org/}, note = {[Online]} } @book{mongo_book, title = {{MongoDB: The Definitive Guide}}, author = {Kristina Chodorow}, year = 2013, publisher = {O'Reilly Media} } @online{mongodb, title = {{MongoDB}}, author = {Dwight Merriman and Eliot Horowitz and Kevin Ryan}, url = {https://www.mongodb.com/}, note = {[Online]}, ids = {mongo} } @online{mongodb-atlas, title = {{MongoDB Atlas}}, author = {{MongoDB, Inc.}}, url = {https://www.mongodb.com/atlas}, note = {[Online]} } @online{mongodb-atlas-serverless, title = {{{AWS} Prescriptive Guidance: {MongoDB Atlas} on {AWS} -- Migrating from a self-managed environment to the {AWS} Cloud}}, author = {Amazon}, url = {https://docs.aws.amazon.com/prescriptive-guidance/latest/migration-mongodb-atlas/serverless.html}, note = {[Online]} } @online{mongodb-replication, title = {{{MongoDB} Replication}}, author = {{MongoDB, Inc.}}, url = {https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/replication/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{mswjs, title = {{Mock Service Worker: {API} mocking library for browser and Node.js}}, author = {Artem Zakharchenko}, url = {https://mswjs.io/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{mui, title = {{{MUI}: The React component library you always wanted}}, author = {{Material UI SAS}}, url = {https://mui.com}, note = {[Online]} } @online{mysql, title = {{MySQL: high-performance and scalable Online Transaction Processing}}, author = {Michael Widenius und David Axmark}, url = {https://www.mysql.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{nextjs, title = {{Next.js}}, author = {Vercel}, url = {https://nextjs.org/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{node, title = {{Node.js}}, author = {Ryan Dahl}, url = {https://www.nodejs.org/}, note = {[Online]}, ids = {nodejs} } @online{npm, title = {{npm}}, author = {Isaac Schlueter}, url = {https://www.npmjs.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{ontotext, title = {{GraphDB}}, author = {Ontotext}, url = {https://www.ontotext.com/products/graphdb/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{opcua, title = {{OPC Unified Architecture: a platform independent service-oriented architecture that integrates all the functionality of the individual OPC Classic specifications into one extensible framework}}, author = {{OPC}}, url = {https://opcfoundation.org/about/opc-technologies/opc-ua/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{opencv, title = {{{OpenCV}: Open Source Computer Vision Library}}, author = {Gray Bradsky}, url = {https://opencv.org}, note = {[Online]} } @online{phaser, title = {{Phaser Game Framework}}, author = {{Photon Storm}}, url = {https://phaser.io/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{pinia, title = {{Pinia}}, author = {Eduardo San Martin Morote}, url = {https://pinia.vuejs.org/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{postgresql, title = {{PostgreSQL: Open Source Relational Database}}, author = {Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen}, url = {https://www.postgresql.org/}, note = {[Online]}, ids = {postgres} } @online{prettier, title = {{Prettier: {O}pinionated {C}ode {F}ormatter}}, author = {Prettier}, url = {https://prettier.io/}, note = {[Online]} } 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= {https://testing-library.com/docs/react-testing-library/intro/}, note = {[Online]} } @book{restful, title = {{Architectural styles and the design of network-based software architectures}}, author = {Fielding, Roy Thomas}, year = 2000, publisher = {University of California, Irvine}, ids = {rest} } @online{restfulapi, title = {{REST API Tutorial}}, author = {Lokesh Gupta}, url = {https://restfulapi.net/}, note = {[Online]} } @techreport{rfc6455, title = {{The WebSocket Protocol}}, author = {Alexey Melnikov and Ian Fette}, year = 2011, month = dec, number = 6455, doi = {10.17487/RFC6455}, issn = {2070-1721}, url = {https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6455}, type = {{RFC}} } @online{scikit, title = {{scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python}}, author = {David Cournapeau}, url = {https://scikit-learn.org/}, note = {[Online]}, ids = {scikit-learn} } @article{scikit-image, title = {{scikit-image: image processing in {P}ython}}, author = {van der Walt, {S}t\'efan and {S}ch\"onberger, {J}ohannes {L}. and {Nunez-Iglesias}, {J}uan and {B}oulogne, {F}ran\c{c}ois and {W}arner, {J}oshua {D}. and {Y}ager, {N}eil and {G}ouillart, {E}mmanuelle and {Y}u, {T}ony and the scikit-image contributors}, year = 2014, month = 6, journal = {PeerJ}, volume = 2, pages = {e453}, doi = {10.7717/peerj.453}, issn = {2167-8359}, url = {https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.453}, keywords = {Image processing, Reproducible research, Education, Visualization, Open source, Python, Scientific programming} } @online{scratch, title = {{Scratch}}, author = {{MIT Media Lab}}, url = {https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{selenium, title = {{Selenium}}, author = {Selenium}, url = {https://www.selenium.dev/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{socketio, title = {{Socket.IO}}, author = {Guillermo Rauch}, url = {https://socket.io/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{sqlite, title = {{{SQLite}: {F}eatures}}, author = {Richard Hipp}, url = {https://sqlite.org/features.html}, note = {[Online]} } 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IAM}}, author = {Amazon}, url = {https://aws.amazon.com/iam/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{aws-lambda, title = {{AWS Lambda}}, author = {Amazon}, url = {https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{aws-s3, title = {{Amazon S3}}, author = {Amazon}, url = {https://aws.amazon.com/s3/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{aws-sam, title = {{AWS SAM}}, author = {Amazon}, url = {https://aws.amazon.com/serverless/sam/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{aws-sdk-js, title = {{{AWS SDK} for {JavaScript}}}, author = {Amazon}, url = {https://www.npmjs.com/package/aws-sdk}, note = {[Online]} } @online{aws-toolkit-intelij, title = {{{AWS Toolkit} for {IntelliJ IDEA}}}, author = {Amazon}, url = {https://aws.amazon.com/intellij/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{axios, title = {{Axios}}, author = {Matt Zabriskie}, url = {https://axios-http.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{bootstrap, title = {{Bootstrap: Build fast, responsive sites}}, author = {Mark Otto und Jacob Thornton}, url = 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and Simon Willison}, url = {https://www.djangoproject.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{docker, title = {{Docker: Accelerated Container Application Development}}, author = {Docker}, url = {https://www.docker.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{docker-compose, title = {{Compose: Defining and Running Multi-Container Docker Applications}}, author = {Docker}, url = {https://docs.docker.com/compose/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{dotnet, title = {{{.NET}: free, open-source, cross-platform framework}}, author = {Microsoft}, url = {https://dotnet.microsoft.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{elasticsearch, title = {{Elasticsearch Platform}}, author = {Elastic}, url = {https://www.elastic.co/de/elasticsearch/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{eslint, title = {{ESLint: {P}luggable {J}avaScript linter}}, author = {Nicholas Zakas}, url = {https://eslint.org/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{express, title = {{Express}}, author = {Douglas Christopher Wilson}, url = {https://expressjs.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{fastapi, title = {{FastAPI}}, author = {Sebastián Ramírez}, url = {https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{flask, title = {{Flask User's Guide}}, author = {Pallets}, url = {https://flask.palletsprojects.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{GitHub, title = {{GitHub}}, url = {https://github.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{graphql, title = {{GraphQL: {A} query language for your {API}}}, author = {Facebook}, url = {https://graphql.org/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{grpc, title = {{gRPC: A high performance, open source universal RPC framework}}, author = {{CNCF}}, url = {https://grpc.io/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{hetzner, title = {{Hetzner Cloud Hosting}}, author = {Hetzner}, url = {https://www.hetzner.com/cloud/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{InstaApi, title = {{Instagram Basic Display API}}, author = {Facebook}, url = {https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-basic-display-api}, note = {[Online]} } @online{istanbuljs, title = {{Istanbul: {J}avaScript test coverage made simple}}, author = {Istanbul}, url = {https://istanbul.js.org/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{jest, title = {{Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity}}, author = {Facebook}, url = {https://jestjs.io/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{json, title = {{JSON}}, author = {Douglas Crockford}, url = {https://www.json.org/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{kaggle-elonmusktweets, title = {{Kaggle Datasets: Elon Musk Tweets}}, author = {Google}, url = {https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/gpreda/elon-musk-tweets}, note = {[Online]} } @online{kubernetes, title = {{Kubernetes/K8s: open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications}}, author = {{CNCF}}, url = {https://kubernetes.io/}, note = {[Online]}, ids = {k8s} } @online{mariadb, title = {{MariaDB Community Server}}, author = {Michael Widenius}, url = {https://mariadb.com/}, note = {[Online]}, ids = {maria} } @online{mocha, title = {{Mocha Testing Framework}}, author = {Mocha}, url = {https://mochajs.org/}, note = {[Online]} } @book{mongo_book, title = {{MongoDB: The Definitive Guide}}, author = {Kristina Chodorow}, year = 2013, publisher = {O'Reilly Media} } @online{mongodb, title = {{MongoDB}}, author = {Dwight Merriman and Eliot Horowitz and Kevin Ryan}, url = {https://www.mongodb.com/}, note = {[Online]}, ids = {mongo} } @online{mongodb-atlas, title = {{MongoDB Atlas}}, author = {{MongoDB, Inc.}}, url = {https://www.mongodb.com/atlas}, note = {[Online]} } @online{mongodb-atlas-serverless, title = {{{AWS} Prescriptive Guidance: {MongoDB Atlas} on {AWS} -- Migrating from a self-managed environment to the {AWS} Cloud}}, author = {Amazon}, url = {https://docs.aws.amazon.com/prescriptive-guidance/latest/migration-mongodb-atlas/serverless.html}, note = {[Online]} } @online{mongodb-replication, title = {{{MongoDB} Replication}}, author = {{MongoDB, Inc.}}, url = {https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/replication/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{mswjs, title = {{Mock Service Worker: {API} mocking library for browser and Node.js}}, author = {Artem Zakharchenko}, url = {https://mswjs.io/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{mui, title = {{{MUI}: The React component library you always wanted}}, author = {{Material UI SAS}}, url = {https://mui.com}, note = {[Online]} } @online{mysql, title = {{MySQL: high-performance and scalable Online Transaction Processing}}, author = {Michael Widenius und David Axmark}, url = {https://www.mysql.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{nextjs, title = {{Next.js}}, author = {Vercel}, url = {https://nextjs.org/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{node, title = {{Node.js}}, author = {Ryan Dahl}, url = {https://www.nodejs.org/}, note = {[Online]}, ids = {nodejs} } @online{npm, title = {{npm}}, author = {Isaac Schlueter}, url = {https://www.npmjs.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{ontotext, title = {{GraphDB}}, author = {Ontotext}, url = {https://www.ontotext.com/products/graphdb/}, note = 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{P}ython}}, author = {van der Walt, {S}t\'efan and {S}ch\"onberger, {J}ohannes {L}. and {Nunez-Iglesias}, {J}uan and {B}oulogne, {F}ran\c{c}ois and {W}arner, {J}oshua {D}. and {Y}ager, {N}eil and {G}ouillart, {E}mmanuelle and {Y}u, {T}ony and the scikit-image contributors}, year = 2014, month = 6, journal = {PeerJ}, volume = 2, pages = {e453}, doi = {10.7717/peerj.453}, issn = {2167-8359}, url = {https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.453}, keywords = {Image processing, Reproducible research, Education, Visualization, Open source, Python, Scientific programming} } @online{scratch, title = {{Scratch}}, author = {{MIT Media Lab}}, url = {https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{selenium, title = {{Selenium}}, author = {Selenium}, url = {https://www.selenium.dev/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{socketio, title = {{Socket.IO}}, author = {Guillermo Rauch}, url = {https://socket.io/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{sqlite, title = {{{SQLite}: {F}eatures}}, author = {Richard 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= {{TypeScript: JavaScript With Syntax For Types}}, author = {Microsoft}, url = {https://www.typescriptlang.org/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{uvicorn, title = {{Uvicorn}}, author = {Sebastián Ramírez}, url = {https://www.uvicorn.org/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{virtuoso, title = {{Virtuoso Universal Server}}, author = {OpenLink}, url = {https://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{vite, title = {{Vite: {N}ext {G}eneration {F}rontend {T}ooling}}, author = {Evan You}, url = {https://github.com/vitejs/vite}, note = {[Online]} } @online{vitest, title = {{Vitest: {A} {V}ite-native unit test framework}}, author = {Anthony Fu and Matías Capeletto}, url = {https://vitest.dev/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{vue, title = {{Vue.js}}, author = {Evan You}, url = {https://vuejs.org/}, note = {[Online]} } @online{websocket-whatwg, title = {{Origin of {WebSocket} ({IRC} logs: freenode / \#whatwg / 20080618)}}, author = {Ian Hickson and Michael Carter}, url = {https://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20080618#l-1145}, note = {[Online]} } @online{yfinance, title = {{Yahoo Finance}}, author = {Yahoo}, url = {https://finance.yahoo.com}, note = {[Online]} } @Online{bibtemplate, title = {}, author = {}, url = {}, note = {[Online]}, }