\documentclass{article} \usepackage{hyperref,url,a4wide} \title{The {\sffamily chkfloat} package ver.\@ 0.1} \author{Tom\'a\v s Hejda \\ \href{mailto:tohecz@gmail.com}{tohecz@gmail.com}} \date{19 August 2012} \begin{document} \maketitle \paragraph{Overview.} The package {\sffamily chkfloat} provides one single feature. It shows a warning whenever a float is placed more than \verb:tolerance: pages from its orinigal page. \paragraph{Interference.} The package should interfere well with other float-related packages like {\sffamily float} or {\sffamily floatrow}. If any problem is spotted, feel free to contact the package author. \paragraph{Package options.} The package has a single option \verb:tolerance: which is preset to \verb:1:. To change the value, use e.g. \verb:\usepackage[tolerance=0]{chkfloat}:. \paragraph{Implementation.} The package code is documented. The implementation is based on the macros that create `List of Figures' and similar lists. A new fake list is created with file extension \verb:.fof: and we store the information about each float's ``original'' page and ``final'' page. On the next run, these lines are loaded and processed. \paragraph{Version history.} Version 0.1 is the first version. \paragraph{Licence.} This material is subject to the \LaTeX{} Project Public Licence. See \url{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html} for the details of that licence. \end{document}