# Contributing [![Chinese version](./assets/chinese.svg)](./contributing-zh.md) :tada: First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! :tada: The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to BIThesis. These are mostly guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request. ## Guidance **[I don't want to read this whole thing, I just have a small question!!!](#join-our-slack-channel)** | | For Users | For Developers | | --------------- | -------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | | Have a Question | [Slack](#join-our-slack-channel) | [Slack](#join-our-slack-channel) | | Bug Report | [Slack](#join-our-slack-channel) | [Github - Issues](#bug-report-on-github) | | Feature Request | [Slack](#join-our-slack-channel) | [Slack](#join-our-slack-channel) | | Pull Request | | [Github - Pull Request](#pull-request-process) | ## Join Our Slack Channel We provide an [official Slack channel][slack channel invitation] with **a bunch of active maintainers** and **a friendly community** to give helpful advice **if you have any questions**. [![Join on Slack](/assets/slack.svg)](https://join.slack.com/t/bithesis/shared_invite/zt-epmzkyk0-fJRsUS36AlwMNB2AI_Q~Vw) - use `#community` channel to **report a bug**, **feature request** and **asking for help**. - use `#random` channel to have **unrelated discussion**:laughing:! - use `#announcement` channel if you don't want to miss the **updated news and features**! > note: there is no detailed rules about how to ask question, just provide enough information and rethink before write. ## Bug Report on Github If you can locate the bug or provide more detailed information, you may _[report an issue here][issue reporting link]_. ## Pull Request Process Pull Request are welcomed! The following steps will help you finish a pull request. 1. Fork this repo. 2. `git clone` your forked repo. 3. Make changes until the bug is fixed. 4. Commit your changes. 5. Create a pull request with related information. 6. Keep in touch with further discussion and refine. For more information, refer to the _[Github Help](https://help.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests)_. [slack channel invitation]: https://join.slack.com/t/bithesis/shared_invite/zt-epmzkyk0-fJRsUS36AlwMNB2AI_Q~Vw [issue reporting link]: https://github.com/BITNP/BIThesis/issues/new