@comment{This file has been generated by Pybliographer} @Misc{Plants, Author = {{W. Greuter} and {F. R. Barrie} and {H. M. Burdet} and {W. G. Chaloner} and {V. Demoulin} and {D. L. Hawksworth} and {P. M. J\o{}rgensen} and {D. H. Nicolson} and {P. C. Silva} and {P. Trehane} and {J. McNeill}}, Title = {International {C}ode of {B}otanical {N}omenclature}, Note = {\url{http://www.bgbm.fu-berlin.de/iapt/nomenclature/code/tokyo-e/default.htm}}, year = 1993, month = aug, } @Book{Goossens1994, Author = {Goossens, Michel and Samarin, Alexander and Mittelbach, Frank}, Title = {The {\LaTeX} comapanion}, Publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, year = 1994, } @Manual{Carlisle1999, Title = {The keyval package}, Author = {Carlisle, David}, year = 1999, month = {16 } # mar, } @Misc{Bacteria, Author = {{P.H.A. Sneath}}, Title = {International {C}ode of {N}omenclature of {B}acteria}, year = 1992, } @Misc{Animals, Title = {International {C}ode of {Z}oological {N}omenclature}, Note = {\url{http://www.iczn.org/code.htm}}, year = 1999, month = aug, }