## The Problem Being Solved Some journals accept the reference list only as `\bibitem`s. If you use BibTeX, there is no problem: just paste the content of the `.bbl` file into your document. However, there were no out-of-the-box way to do the same for `biblatex`, and you had to struggle with searching appropriate `.bst` files, or formatting your reference list by hand, or something like that. Now you haven't to. ## Usage In preamble, after the `biblatex` package is loaded via `\usepackage[...]{biblatex}`: ```latex \usepackage{biblatex2bibitem} ``` At the very end of document: ```latex \printbibitembibliography ``` The desired `bibitem`s will be written directly to the PDF file. When it's time to switch to `bibitem`s (e.g. before sending the paper to the journal), just copy them to the to your `.tex` file, remove `biblatex` commands and load `cite` package. ### Disclaimer This package itself is a hack. Moreover, it is (as for 02 March 2020) under rather an active development. New features may appear and disappear, and the API may be unstable. Thus, you may want to download `biblatex2bibitem.sty` and keep it near your article instead of (or in addition to) having installing it system-wide. ## Tips ### Linebreaks in generated bibliography You can pass `block=par` option to `biblatex` like that: ```latex \usepackage[block=par,...]{biblatex} ``` but not like that (see also https://github.com/plk/biblatex/issues/968): ```latex \printbibliography[block=par,env=bibitembibliography] ``` It will add linebreaks in generated `bibitem`s and make the code a bit more beautiful :) ### (Un)desired spaces If you really want to have a space after the title of an e.g. an article, just ```latex \renewcommand{\ignorespacesaftertitlecase}{} ``` ### `bibitem` separators By default, generated `bibitem`s are separated by a line with a percent sign on it to make the readng of the cde easier. You can tweak this by e.g. ```latex \renewcommand{\printgeneratedbibitemseparator}{\ttfamily\%\\} ``` (for putting all the `bibitem`s into monotype font) or e.g. ```latex \renewcommand{\printgeneratedbibitemseparator}{} ``` (for disabling "blank" lines but not linebreaks when copying). ### Other redefinable commands Don't forget about `\makeatletter` and `\makeatother`! + `\print@begin@thebibliography` - default: `\textbackslash begin\{thebibliography\}\{99\}` + `\print@end@thebibliography` - default: `\textbackslash end\{thebibliography\} ` ## See also + https://github.com/plk/biblatex/issues/783 + https://github.com/plk/biblatex/issues/292 + https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/12175/biblatex-submitting-to-a-journal (a hopeless discussion) + https://github.com/odomanov/biblatex-gost/issues/20 (in Russian) ## Repostories + [CTAN](https://ctan.org/pkg/biblatex2bibitem) + [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/Nickkolok/biblatex2bibitem) ## License LPPL - LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c+, DFSG compat. ## Authors + Nikolai Avdeev aka @nickkolok + [@odomanov](https://github.com/odomanov/)