# Windy City ## About Windy City is a style for [biblatex](http://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex "biblatex") that formats notes, bibliographies, parenthetical citations, and reference lists according to the 17th edition of [The Chicago Manual of Style](http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/ "Chicago Manual of Style"). It accurately handles a wide range of citations and includes a set of options and commands to support special circumstances. It also has extensive support for citing and arranging different kinds of editors, translators, and compilers within a single citation. These features make Windy City especially suitable for academic work. Windy City's latest release is available on [CTAN](https://www.ctan.org/pkg/windycity "CTAN: pkg/windycity"), the [Comprehensive TeX Archive Network](https://www.ctan.org "CTAN"). It includes a PDF of the [user guide](http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/windycity/doc/windycity.pdf "windycity.pdf"). More recent changes are available at Windy City's [repository on GitHub](https://github.com/brianchase/windycity "GitHub: brianchase/windycity"). ## Getting Started If you already know how to use [biblatex](http://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex "biblatex"), getting started with Windy City is easy. The first task is to confirm that [biblatex](http://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex "biblatex") and Windy City are installed properly on your system. Since both are included in some distributions of [LaTeX](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaTeX "LaTeX"), you might be able to skip this step. Windy City consists of four files: * [windycity.dbx](https://github.com/brianchase/windycity/blob/master/windycity.dbx "windycity.dbx") * [windycity.bbx](https://github.com/brianchase/windycity/blob/master/bbx/windycity.bbx "windycity.bbx") * [windycity.cbx](https://github.com/brianchase/windycity/blob/master/cbx/windycity.cbx "windycity.cbx") * [american-windycity.lbx](https://github.com/brianchase/windycity/blob/master/lbx/american-windycity.lbx "american-windycity.lbx") If you need to install Windy City on your system, you may copy its files to one of several places. One option is to locate [biblatex](http://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex "biblatex") on your system and use its directories: * .../biblatex/[windycity.dbx](https://github.com/brianchase/windycity/blob/master/windycity.dbx "windycity.dbx") * .../biblatex/bbx/[windycity.bbx](https://github.com/brianchase/windycity/blob/master/bbx/windycity.bbx "windycity.bbx") * .../biblatex/cbx/[windycity.cbx](https://github.com/brianchase/windycity/blob/master/cbx/windycity.cbx "windycity.cbx") * .../biblatex/lbx/[american-windycity.lbx](https://github.com/brianchase/windycity/blob/master/lbx/american-windycity.lbx "american-windycity.lbx") If you prefer not to mix Windy City's files with [biblatex](http://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex "biblatex")'s, another option is to find where your distribution of [LaTeX](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaTeX "LaTeX") keeps [biblatex](http://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex "biblatex")'s third-party style files and proceed accordingly. Yet another option is to install Windy City in your local `texmf`. Its location will depend on your system and preferences. For a one-off compilation, say, to give Windy City a trial run on a single document, you can copy Windy City's files to the document's root directory. After copying the files to one of those places — or another of your choosing — remember that for every option but the last (a document's root directory), you need to update your `texmf` file name database. To compile a document with Windy City, tell [biblatex](http://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex "biblatex") to load it with the load-time option `style`: ``` \usepackage[style=windycity]{biblatex} ``` Typically, this goes in a document's preamble or in one of its style files. For some entries in your bibliography database, you may need to add fields or make other adjustments to get the right output. But since Windy City relies as much as possible on standard [BibTeX](http://www.bibtex.org "BibTeX") fields, and secondarily on [biblatex](http://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex "biblatex") fields, you may not need to make major changes. The examples in this document and its accompanying bibliography database, [windycity.bib](https://github.com/brianchase/windycity/blob/master/doc/windycity.bib "windycity.bib"), should serve as a guide for how to manage your input for nearly every circumstance that the style is meant to handle. ## License Copyright (c) 2019 Brian Michael Chase. Under the terms of the [LaTeX Project Public License](http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt "lppl.txt"), version 1.3, permission is granted to copy, distribute, or modify this software. See also . This software is provided as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. ## Requirements * [biblatex](http://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex "biblatex") 3.8 or higher