\documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage{a4wide} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage[ style=numeric+sw, % numeric bibliography style with software halid=true, % toggle typesetting of halid swhid=true, % toggle typesetting of swhid vcs=true, % toggle typesetting of repository license=true, % toggle typesetting of software licenses swlabels=true, % toggle typesetting of software type labels in the bibliography abbreviate=false, natbib=true, sorting=ydnt, backend=biber, bibencoding=utf8, giveninits=true, url=false, doi=false, defernumbers, maxcitenames=10, defernumbers=true, maxbibnames=100]{biblatex} % % Make title an hyperlink to the DOI or URL to make the result leaner (suggested by N. Rougier 4/4/2020) % \newcommand{\doiorurl}{% \iffieldundef{doi} {\iffieldundef{url} {} {\strfield{url}}} {http://dx.doi.org/\strfield{doi}}% } \newcommand{\myhref}[1]{% \ifboolexpr{% test {\ifhyperref} and not test {\iftoggle{bbx:url}} and not test {\iftoggle{bbx:doi}} } {\href{\doiorurl}{#1}} {#1}% } \DeclareFieldFormat{title}{\myhref{\mkbibemph{#1}}} \DeclareFieldFormat [article,inbook,incollection,inproceedings,patent,thesis,unpublished] {title}{\myhref{\mkbibquote{#1\isdot}}} \addbibresource{biblio.bib} \addbibresource{manual.bib} \author{Inria Software Citation Working Group} \date{\today} \title{Test document for software entries} \begin{document} \maketitle This is how the proposed entries are rendered with the standard BibLaTeX style extended with the \texttt{software} module. \begin{itemize} \item software entry CGAL \cite{cgal} and Scilab \cite{delebecque:hal-02090402} \item softwareversion entry CGAL 5.0.2 \cite{cgal:5-0-2} \item softwareversion Scilab 1.1.1 : from the chain of crossrefs \cite{delebecque:hal-02090402v1}, and from the condensed bibtem \cite{delebecque:hal-02090402-condensed} (they should be identical) \item softwaremodule entry Voronoi: from the chain of crossrefs \cite{cgal:lp-gi-20a}, and the from the condensed bibtem \cite{cgal:lp-gi-20a-condensed} (they should be identical) \item software entry Parmap \cite{parmap} \item codefragment entry simplemapper \cite{simplemapper} \item documentation in a software entry \cite{scilabdoc} \end{itemize} \printbibheading \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,type=software,title={Software Projects}] \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,nottype=software,title={Software versions, modules, excerpts and manuals}] \end{document}