\documentclass{ltxdockit}[2011/03/25] \usepackage{btxdockit} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage[mono=false]{libertine} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage[american]{babel} \usepackage[strict]{csquotes} \setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{DejaVu Sans Mono} \usepackage{shortvrb} \usepackage{pifont} \usepackage{minted} \usepackage{csquotes} \setminted{breaklines} \hypersetup{citecolor=black} % Usefull commands \newcommand{\biblatex}{biblatex\xspace} \pretocmd{\bibfield}{\sloppy}{}{} \pretocmd{\bibtype}{\sloppy}{}{} \newcommand{\namebibstyle}[1]{\texttt{#1}} % Meta-datas \titlepage{% title={Biblatex-shortfields}, subtitle={Using short version of fields}, email={maieul maieul net}, author={Maïeul Rouquette}, revision={1.0.1}, date={2017/11/19}, url={https://git.framasoft.org/maieul/biblatex-shortfields}} % biblatex \begin{document} \printtitlepage \tableofcontents \section{Aim of the package} The \biblatex\ package provide \bibfield{shortseries} and \bibfield{shortjournal} field, but default styles didn't use them. It also provides a mechanism to print the equivalence between short forms of fields and long fields (\cs{printbiblist}), but this mechanism does not allow to mix between different type of short fields, for example, between short forms of journal title and short forms of series title.\footnote{Cf.~\url{https://github.com/plk/biblatex/issues/317}.} This package provides solution to these two problems: \begin{itemize} \item If a \bibfield{shortjournal} field is defined, it prints it instead of the \cs{journal} field. \item If a \bibfield{shortseries} field is defined, it prints it instead of the \cs{series} field. \item It provides a \cs{printbibshortfields} command to print a list of the sort forms of the fields. \item This list also includes the \emph{claves} defined with the \emph{biblatex-claves} package \textbf{v.~1.2 or later}. \end{itemize} \section{Use} You must load the package after the \biblatex\ package. \begin{minted}{latex} \usepackage[…]{biblatex} \usepackage{biblatex-shortfields} \end{minted} You just need to put \cs{printbibshortfields} when you need to print the shortlist. The command take an optional argument, which could contain options in the optional argument of \cs{printbibliography}, except \opt{check} and \cs{env} options. For example, to change the title of this list, use: \begin{minted}{latex} \printbibshortfields[title=List of shorthands] \end{minted} The equivalence between short and long form of field are determined by the entries. For example, if you want to tell that \enquote{Corpus Christianorum Series Apocryphorum} is abbreviated \enquote{CCSA}, your entries in this series must contains the following fields: \begin{minted}{latex} @entrytype{key, Fields …, Series = {Corpus Christianorum Series Apocryphorum}, Shortseries = {CCSA} } \end{minted} The only exception is for \emph{claves}, which abbreviations are determined by the mechanism used in the \emph{biblatex-claves} package. See the \href{./example-biblatex-shortfields.tex}{example file}. \section{Customization} You can change the width devoted to the abbreviations by redefining the \cs{shortfieldswidth} length, using \cs{setlength}. Default value is 4~em. For more customization, contact us. If your need is generic, we will add it in the package. \section{Credits} This package was created for Maïeul Rouquette's for Hélène Wiener's needs.\footnote{\url{http://geekographie.maieul.net/144\#forum1736}.} The original idea of the code is explained in Maïeul Rouquette's website.\footnote{\url{http://geekographie.maieul.net/99}.} All issues can be submitted, in French or English, in the Framasoft's issues page\footnote{\url{https://git.framasoft.org/maieul/biblatex-shortfields/issues}.}. \section{Change history} \begin{changelog} \begin{release}{1.0.1}{2017-11-19} \item Compatibility with \biblatex~3.8. \end{release} \begin{release}{1.0.0}{2017-04-02} \item First public release. \end{release} \end{changelog} \end{document}