\documentclass{ltxdockit}[2011/03/25] \usepackage{btxdockit} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage[mono=false]{libertine} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage[american]{babel} \usepackage[strict]{csquotes} \setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{DejaVu Sans Mono} \usepackage{shortvrb} \usepackage{pifont} \usepackage{minted} \setminted{breaklines} % Usefull commands \newcommand{\biblatex}{biblatex\xspace} \pretocmd{\bibfield}{\sloppy}{}{} \pretocmd{\bibtype}{\sloppy}{}{} \newcommand{\namebibstyle}[1]{\texttt{#1}} % Meta-datas \titlepage{% title={Description of real authors with biblatex}, subtitle={New data field}, email={maieul maieul net}, author={Maïeul Rouquette}, revision={2.7.1a}, date={19/11/2017}, url={https://github.com/maieul/biblatex-realauthor}} % biblatex \usepackage[bibstyle=realauthor,citestyle=verbose]{biblatex} \addbibresource{example-realauthor.bib} \begin{document} \printtitlepage \tableofcontents \section{Introduction} The standard biblatex fields allow to describe the author of a work, with the so called \bibfield{authors} field. However, some works are published without name, or with pseudonyme, but the scholars know the real author. This package adds a new field \bibfield{realauthor}, to specify the knew real author. It also add a new field \bibfield{realeditor}, to specify the knew real editor. \section{Basic use} \subsection{Requirement} The packages require \biblatex~3.5 or later. \subsection{The .bib file} Basically, you just have to add the real author / editor name in the field \bibfield{realauthor} / \bibfield{realdeditor}, like in the following examples: \inputminted{tex}{example-realauthor.bib} \subsection{Loading of the \biblatex package} When loading the \biblatex package, use the \namebibstyle{realauthor} bibstyle, which is based on the \namebibstyle{verbose} bibstyle: \begin{minted}{latex} \usepackage[citestyle=verbose,bibstyle=realauthor]{biblatex} \end{minted} Not that the package patches some bibmacro. If you redefine them, don't forget the patches\footnote{We suppose that, if you redefine them, you could understand the packages.}. Here the list of macro patched: \begin{itemize} \item author; \item author/editor+others; \item author/translator+others; \item author/editor+others/translator+others; \item bbx:editor; \item byeditor; \item byeditor+others; \item cite:name (patched at the beginning of the document); \end{itemize} \subsection{Example of result} By default, the real author name is printed in brackets, with an equal, between fine nonbreak spaces, when a pseudonym is also use: \begin{quotation} \cite{LeClerc1686} \cite{Simon1686} \end{quotation} \subsection{\bibfield{Labelname} field}\label{field:label} This package, since version 2.0.0, declares the \bibfield{realauthor} name as the \bibfield{labelname}, if a \bibfield{author} name is not defined. That implies this field is use for: \begin{itemize} \item Sorting. \item \emph{ibid} / \emph{op. cit} abreviation. \end{itemize} Note that this field is not affected by \verb+useauthor+ option, but it is by \verb+userealauthor+ option \secref{userealauthor}. Used in a bibliography macro or driver, \cmd{ifuserealauthor}\mprm{true}\mprm{false} expands to \prm{true} if the \opt{userealauthor} option is enabled (either globally or for the current entry), and \prm{false} otherwise. There is also a \verb+userealeditor+ option and a \cmd{ifuserealeditor} field, similar, but for \bibfield{realeditor} field. \subsection{Sorting}\label{sorting} The default sorting schemes \verb+nty+ is problematic, because it doesn't consider the \bibfield{realauthor} field as a name. That is why the package provides two sorting scheme: \begin{itemize} \item \verb|realauthor|, which but considers the \bibfield{realauthor} and \bibfield{realeditor} fields to sort list by authors' name. If an entry has both \bibfield{realauthor} and \bibfield{author}, only the \bibfield{author} field will be used. \item \verb|anonymous+realauthor|, which push the anonymous texts at the beginning of the list (as the \verb+anonymous+ sorting of the \emph{biblatex-anonymous+} package), but considers the \bibfield{realauthor} and \bibfield{realeditor} fields to sort list by authors' name (as the \verb+realauthor+ sorting). \end{itemize} See the example file to have an illustration. +The package also provides \verb-realauthor+manuscripts- and \verb-realauthor+anonymous+manuscripts- sorting schemes to use in combination with the \emph{biblatex-manuscripts-philology} package (please read handbook of this package for more details about it). \section{Disable realauthor use}\label{userealauthor} The package, or rather \biblatex, defines an \verb+userealauthor+ option, which can be settable on a per-entry basis in the \bibfield{options} field, or by entrytype, using \cmd{ExecuteBibliographyOptions}, or globally, when loading \biblatex. This option, when set to false: \begin{itemize} \item Disable use of \bibfield{realauthor} as label name. \item Disable use of \bibfield{realauthor} for sorting. \item Before the version 2.4.0. with the default style, and contrary to the \verb+useauthor+ option, also disabled printing of \bibfield{realauthor}. From version 2.4.0, if you don't want to print the field, don't use the package\ldots. \end{itemize} The same is true for \opt{realeditor} option for the \bibfield{realeditor}. \section{Customization} You can redefine the \cmd{mkrealauthor} command to change the way the real author name is printed. Default value is: \begin{minted}{tex} \newcommand{\mkrealauthor}[1]{\mkbibbrackets{#1}} \end{minted} You can also redefine the \cmd{realauthorequalsign} command to change the sign before the real author name when a pseudonym is also used. Default value is: \begin{minted}{tex} \newcommand{\realauthorequalsign}{\addnbthinspace=\addnbthinspace} \end{minted} There are also \cmd{mkrealeditor}, which by default calls \cmd{mkrealauthor}, and \cmd{realeditorequalsign}, which by default calls \cmd{realauthorequalsign}. For more customization, you have to redefine the macros defined in \file{realauthor.bbx}. \section{Use with biblatex-manuscripts-philology} To use this package with the features of \verb+biblatex-manuscripts-philology+, you must use the package \verb+biblatex-multiple-dm+. \section{Credits} This package was created for Maïeul Rouquette's phd dissertation\footnote{\url{http://apocryphes.hypothese.org}.} in 2014. It is licensed on the \emph{\LaTeX\ Project Public License}\footnote{\url{http://latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.html}.}. All issues can be submitted, in French or English, in the GitHub issues page\footnote{\url{https://github.com/maieul/biblatex-realauthor/issues}.}. \section{Change history} \begin{changelog} \begin{release}{2.7.1a}{2017-11-19} \item Add compatibility with \biblatex~3.8 \end{release} \begin{release}{2.7.0}{2016-10-23} \item New sorting schemes. \end{release} \begin{release}{2.6.0}{2016-09-08} \item Take account of \bibfield{realauthor} to manage dash in bibliography. \item Require \biblatex\ 3.5. \end{release} \begin{release}{2.5.0}{2016-06-09} \item Add error message to know more quickly break compatibility with new releases of biblatex. \end{release} \begin{release}{2.4.1}{2016-06-07} \item Fix bug with abreviatted form of citation. \end{release} \begin{release}{2.4.0}{2016-06-05} \item Add \bibfield{realeditor}. \item Restores normal behavior of \opt{userealeauthor}. \item Takes account of the real names when choosing to print a dash in the final bibliography. \item Requires biblatex 3.3. \end{release} \begin{release}{2.3.0}{2016-03-11} \item Compatibility with biblatex 3.3. \end{release} \begin{release}{2.2.1}{2016-02-28} \item Correct description of datamodel specification about which entrytype can have a \bibfield{realauthor} field. \end{release} \begin{release}{2.2.0}{2015-04-26} \item Add new \verb|userealauthor| option. Require \biblatex~3.0. \see{userealauthor} \item Provides good file version in the \cs{ProvidesFile} command. \end{release} \begin{release}{2.1.0}{2014-10-30} \item Add new \verb|realauthor| sorting scheme. \see{sorting} \end{release} \begin{release}{2.0.0}{2014-10-27} \item Print the realauthor name in bracket when cited in a abreviated form. \item Define \bibfield{realauthor} as \bibfield{labelname}. \see{field:label} \end{release} \begin{release}{1.1.0}{2014-10-09} \item In a bibliographical list, print the last name before the first name of a real author, except if a \bibfield{author} is defined. \item Add \verb|anonymous+realauthor| sorting scheme. \see{sorting} \item Compatibility with \bibtype{article} entry. \end{release} \begin{release}{1.0.0}{2014-06-25} \item First public release. \end{release} \end{changelog} \end{document}