%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% File biblatex-publist.tex %% %% Manual of the biblatex-publist package. %% %% This file is part of the biblatex-publist package. %% %% Author: Juergen Spitzmueller %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2003/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Juergen Spitzmueller. %% %% Code repository and issue tracker: https://github.com/jspitz/jslectureplanner %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass[english]{article} \usepackage[osf]{libertine} \usepackage[scaled=0.76]{beramono} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin9]{inputenc} \usepackage{listings} \lstset{% language={[LaTeX]TeX}, basicstyle={\small\ttfamily}, frame=single} \usepackage{babel} \usepackage{url} \usepackage[svgnames]{xcolor} \usepackage[unicode=true]{hyperref} \hypersetup{% pdftitle={The biblatex-publist manual}, pdfauthor={Jürgen Spitzmüller}, pdfkeywords={biblatex,publication list} bookmarks=true, bookmarksnumbered=false, bookmarksopen=false, breaklinks=false, backref=false, colorlinks, linkcolor=black, filecolor=Maroon, urlcolor=Maroon, citecolor=black } % Tweak the TOC (make it more compact) \usepackage{tocloft} \setlength{\cftaftertoctitleskip}{6pt} \setlength{\cftbeforesecskip}{3pt} \setlength{\cftbeforesubsecskip}{0pt} \renewcommand{\cfttoctitlefont}{\normalsize\bfseries} \renewcommand{\cftsecfont}{\small\bfseries} \renewcommand{\cftsecpagefont}{\small\bfseries} \renewcommand{\cftsubsecfont}{\small} \renewcommand{\cftsubsecpagefont}{\small} % Some semantic markup \makeatletter \def\jmacro{\@ifstar\@@jmacro\@jmacro} \newcommand*\@marginmacro[1]{\marginpar{\small\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand*\@jmacro[1]{\textbf{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand*\@@jmacro[1]{\@jmacro{#1}\@marginmacro{#1}} \def\jcsmacro{\@ifstar\@@jcsmacro\@jcsmacro} \newcommand*\@jcsmacro[1]{\@jmacro{\textbackslash{#1}}} \newcommand*\@@jcsmacro[1]{\@@jmacro{\textbackslash{#1}}} \newcommand*\joption[1]{\textbf{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand*\jfoption[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand*\jfmacro[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand*\jfcsmacro[1]{\jfmacro{\textbackslash{#1}}} \newcommand*\bpl{\texttt{biblatex-publist}} \newcommand*\bibltx{\texttt{biblatex}} \makeatother \reversemarginpar % Conditional page breaks \def\condbreak#1{% \vskip 0pt plus #1\pagebreak[3]\vskip 0pt plus -#1\relax} % \condbr{} \newcommand*\condbr[1]{\condbreak{#1\baselineskip}} \renewcommand{\lstlistingname}{Example} % %% \begin{document} \title{biblatex-publist} \author{Jürgen Spitzmüller%% \thanks{Please report issues via \protect\url{https://github.com/jspitz/biblatex-publist}.}% } \date{Version 1.25, 2021/12/14} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \noindent The \bpl\ package provides a \bibltx\ style file for publication lists, i.\,e., a bibliography containing one's own publications. It draws on \bibltx's \emph{authoryear} style by default (which can be changed), but provides some extra features needed for publication lists, such as the omission or highlighting of the own name from\slash in author or editor data. The package requires at least version 3.8 of the \bibltx\ package\footnote{For \bibltx, see \url{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex}.} and \texttt{biber} (the respective version as required by \bibltx). \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \section{Aim of the package} The \bpl\ package provides a \bibltx\ bibliography style for a specific task: academic publication lists. Such lists, which are a central part of the academic CV, contain all or selected publications of a specific author, usually sorted by genre and year. Even though publication lists are actually nothing else than (specific) bibliographies, they diverge from those in some respects. Most notably, it is widespread practice to omit your own name in your publication list and only list your co-authors, if there are any, or to highlight your own name (e.\,g., with bold face letters). If you want to follow this practice, a normal bibliography style does not produce the desired result. Given the fact that maintaining a publication list is a routine task in an academian's life, it is surprising how few specified solutions exist to generate such lists (particularly from Bib\TeX\ data). For classic Bib\TeX, Nicolas Markey provides (off CTAN) a Bib\TeX\ style file dedicated to that task, \emph{publist.bst}% \footnote{See \url{http://www.lsv.fr/~markey/BibTeX/publist/publist.bst} for the style file, \url{http://www.lsv.fr/~markey/BibTeX/publist/doc.ps.gz} for documentation; see also \cite{ttb}.}. The \bpl\ package started off as the attempt to emulate the features of \emph{publist.bst} with \bibltx's means; it thus partly draws on its conceptual ideas. Meanwhile, however, it has significantly exceeded that initial goal and provides many more features than \emph{publist.bst}. The list of features includes: \begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{0pt} \item Omit or hide selected author names, with a specific indication of co-authors in the former case \item Filter publications of specific authors from heterogeneous bibliography databases \item Date-centric sorting (as typical for publication lists) \item Number items in ascending or descending order, globally or sectional \item Highlight year of publication \item Indicate year of publication (sets) in the margin \item Clickable titles, linking to the URL, DOI, or a web catalog \item List reviews of specific titles \item Adjustable base bibliography style \end{itemize} % Many features have been suggested by users of the package. If you miss a specific feature, feel free to suggest it via \url{https://github.com/jspitz/biblatex-publist/issues}. Note that \bpl\ relies on rather advanced features of \bibltx\ for some of its own features. These are only available with the \texttt{biber} backend of \bibltx. Hence \bpl\ requires the use of \texttt{biber} as well -- the \texttt{bibtex} backend won't work! \section{Usage} \subsection{Standard usage\label{sec:standard-usage}} The standard way of using the package is to load the style file via \begin{lstlisting}[moretexcs={[1]{plauthorname}}] \usepackage[bibstyle=publist]{biblatex} \plauthorname[first name][von-part]{surname} \end{lstlisting} The \jcsmacro*{plauthorname} macro\footnote{The macro was named \jfcsmacro{omitname} until v.\,1.4 of the \bpl\ package. The old macro still works, but is marked as deprecated.} (at least with the mandatory \emph{surname} argument) needs to be given (at least\footnote{See sec.~\ref{sec:multiauthors} for the case of handling multiple authors and name variants.}) once. It informs the style file which name(s) it should suppress or highlight in the author\slash editor list (usually yours). With the default settings, the author\slash editor name(s) will be omitted completely for all publications which are authored or edited only by the specified person(s), as in: \begin{quote} \textbf{2012.} Some recent trends in gardening. In: \emph{Gardening Practice} 56, pp.~34--86. \end{quote} If there are co-authors\slash co-editors, your name(s) will be filtered out and the collaborators added in parentheses, as in: \begin{quote} \textbf{1987} (with John Doe and Mary Hall). Are there new trends in gardening? In: \emph{Gardening Practice} 24, pp.~10--15. \end{quote} If \joption{plauthorhandling=highlight} is used (see next section), the plauthor(s) will be printed in bold face instead, as in: \begin{quote} Doe, John, \textbf{Myself, Me} and Hall, Mary, \textbf{1987}. Are there new trends in gardening? In: \emph{Gardening Practice} 24, pp.~10--15. \end{quote} % Note that \jcsmacro{plauthorname} expects the name constituents as they are recorded in the database (special characters will be expanded). The option \joption{plauthorfirstinit} (see next section), however, allows you to pass only an initial character instead of a first name. If you want to refer to an item number, use \jcsmacro*{citeitem}\jmacro{\{\}} within your publication list. This will print the item number in square brackets (like the \jfcsmacro{cite} command in numeric citation styles), but as opposed to normal \jfcsmacro{cite} it also considers all numbering tweaks you make via the \bpl\ options. \condbr{4} \subsection{Additional options}\label{sec:addopts} Currently, the following additional options are provided (next to the options provided by the \bibltx\ package itself% \footnote{Please refer to the \bibltx\ manual \cite{bibltx} for those.}): \begin{description} \item [{\joption{plauthorname=}}] \item [{\joption{plauthorfirstname=}}] \item [{\joption{plauthornameprefix=}}] ~ This is an alternative to the \jcsmacro{plauthorname} macro described in sec.~\ref{sec:standard-usage}.\footnote{The options were called \jfoption{omitname}, \jfoption{omitfirstname} and \jfoption{omitnameprefix} until v.\,1.4 of \bpl. The old options still work, but are marked as deprecated.} However, due to the way bibliography options are implemented in \bibltx, this only works if your name does not consist of non-ASCII characters. Hence, the \jcsmacro{plauthorname} macro is the recommended way. \item [{\joption{plauthorhandling{[}=omit|highlight{]}}}] default: \emph{omit}. By default, the publist author (as defined with \jmacro{plauthor}) is omitted from the author or editor list. If you use the option \joption{plauthorhandling=highlight}, it is highlighted instead (i.\,e., set in bold face by default; see sec.~\ref{sec:auxmacros} how to change that). \item [{\joption{nameorder{[}=family-given|given-family{]}}}] default: \emph{family-given}. By default, the author and editor names with \joption{plauthorhandling=highlight} are output in the order ``Lastname, Given Names''. To change the order to ``Given Names Lastname'', pass the option \joption{nameorder=given-family} to \bibltx. \item [{\joption{boldyear{[}=true|false{]}}}] default: \emph{true}. By default, the year (or pubstate, if no year is given) is printed in bold face. To prevent this, pass the option \joption{boldyear=false} to \bibltx. \item [{\joption{pubstateextra{[}=true|false{]}}}] default: \emph{false}. If this is \texttt{true}, the extradate marker (a, b etc.) is also appended to pubstates if there are multiple indentical pubstates (e.\,g., \emph{Forthcoming(a)}, \emph{Forthcoming(b)}) \item [{\joption{marginyear{[}=true|false{]}}}] default: \emph{false}. With this option set to \joption{true}, the publication year (or pubstate) will be printed in the margin once a new year starts. The option also has the effect that all marginpars are printed ``reversed'', i.\,e. on the left side in one-sided documents (via \jfcsmacro{reversemarginpar}). \item [{\joption{plnumbered{[}=true|false|reset{]}}}] default: \emph{true}. By default, the publication list is numbered continuously. If you divide your publication list into sections by means of \jfcsmacro{refsection}s (as documented in section~\ref{sec:example}), you will thus get a global numbering over all sections. If you prefer the numbering to start from 1 at each section instead, set this option to \joption{reset}. If you do not want to have any numbers at all, set this option to \joption{false}. \item [{\joption{reversenumbering{[}=true|false{]}}}] default: \emph{false}. If this option is \joption{true}, the entries will be numbered in descending order, starting from the total number of entries back to 1. Also works with \joption{plnumbered=reset}. \item [{\joption{plauthorfirstinit{[}=true|false{]}}}] default: \emph{false}. If you set this option to \joption{true}, you can (and are supposed to) pass only an initial character as first name value of \jcsmacro{plauthorname} (e.\,g., \jcsmacro{plauthorname[J]\{Doe\}} or \jcsmacro{plauthorname[J][van]\{Doe\}}). In consequence, \bpl\ will consider all entries of the specified given name (and prefix, if specified) whose prename starts with the specified character. This allows you to deal with databases that record entries of your work with abbreviated and full first name (\textsc{J. Doe} and well as \textsc{John Doe} and \textsc{John Robert Doe}) \emph{as well as} works of colleagues with the same surname (maybe your family members), which you will not want to mark as your own's. Of course, the solution does not help if there is an entry with same surname and same first name initial (such as \textsc{Jane Doe}). \end{description} % The following options are available if \textsf{hyperref} is loaded: \begin{description} \item [{\joption{linktitleall{[}=true|false{]}}}] default: \emph{false}. Turns the title (and subtitle, if available) into a clickable hyperlink to either the DOI, the URL, the ISBN, or the ISSN (the latter two via customizable search provider), if any of these is available. See section~\ref{sec:clicktitles} for details. \item [{\joption{linktitledoi{[}=true|false{]}}}] default: \emph{false}. Turns the title (and subtitle, if available) into a clickable hyperlink to the DOI, if available. See section~\ref{sec:clicktitles} for details. \item [{\joption{linktitleurl{[}=true|false{]}}}] default: \emph{false}. Turns the title (and subtitle, if available) into a clickable hyperlink to the URL, if available. See section~\ref{sec:clicktitles} for details. \item [{\joption{linktitleisbn{[}=true|false{]}}}] default: \emph{false}. Turns the title (and subtitle, if available) into a clickable hyperlink to the ISBN (via customizable search provider), if available. See section~\ref{sec:clicktitles} for details. \item [{\joption{linktitleissn{[}=true|false{]}}}] default: \emph{false}. Turns the title (and subtitle, if available) into a clickable hyperlink to the ISSN (via customizable search provider), if available. See section~\ref{sec:clicktitles} for details. \end{description} \subsection{Handling multiple authors and\slash or name variants}\label{sec:multiauthors} If multiple \jcsmacro{plauthorname} specifications have been entered (or a \jcsmacro{plauthorname} specification in addition to a specification via the options \joption{plauthorname}, \joption{plauthorname} and \joption{plauthornameprefix}), all of them will be considered. Thus it is possible to highlight multiple authors in the publication list (for instance to mark contributions of a research team): \begin{lstlisting}[moretexcs={[2]{plauthorname}}] \usepackage[style=publist,plauthorhandling=highlight]{biblatex} \plauthorname[Cristiano]{Ronaldo} \plauthorname[\'Angel][Di]{Mar\'ia} \plauthorname{Neymar} \end{lstlisting} % Multiple specifications can also be used to deal with name variants: \begin{lstlisting}[moretexcs={[2]{plauthorname}}] \plauthorname[Bill]{Gates} \plauthorname[William]{Gates} \plauthorname[William Henry]{Gates} \plauthorname[William H.]{Gates} \end{lstlisting} % Since the latter is also useful with \joption{plauthorhandling=omit}, this mode also considers multiple specifications. By entering something such as the former, it is even possible to omit more than one and different authors from the entries (and \bpl\ will take care of the change in the author separation this involves; think of final \emph{and} vs. \emph{comma}, which have to be adjusted accordingly if names are omitted). However, it does not strike me sensible to do so (in other words, if you need to deal with a \emph{team} of authors, you should really consider to use \joption{plauthorhandling=highlight}). Note that multiple specifications also affect filtering (see sec.~\ref{sec:filtering}), i.\,e., the \joption{mine} filter selects entries authored or edited by any and all specified persons. \subsection{Truncation of name lists}\label{sec:trunc} Truncation of name lists via the \jfoption{maxnames} and \jfoption{minnames} \bibltx\ options is supported. However, it works a bit differently than normal truncation, since the publication list authors have to be taken care of specifically. With \joption{plauthorhandling=omit}, the \jfoption{maxnames} value specifies how many co-authors are added in parenthesis (the omitted author name is not counted here). If the treshold is reached, \emph{et al.}\ (or the corresponding localized string) is appended (and the list truncated to the \jfoption{minnames} value, \jfoption{1} by default). So you get something like: \begin{quote} \textbf{2020} (with John Doe et al.). What's up in gardening? In: \emph{Gardening Practice} 44, pp.~1--7. \end{quote} % With \joption{plauthorhandling=highlight}, \bpl\ outputs all publist authors, even if the \jfoption{maxnames} treshold has been reached. However, other authors (beyond \jfoption{minnames}) are omitted. If they come before a publist author, this is indicated by [\ldots\unkern], if authors follow after all publication list authors, \emph{et al.} is appended, as in: \begin{quote} Doe, John, [\ldots\unkern], \textbf{Myself, Me}, et al., \textbf{2020}. What's up in gardening? In: \emph{Gardening Practice} 44, pp.~1--7. \end{quote} % The omission indicator, \jcsmacro*{plnameomission}, can be redefined. The default definition is: \begin{lstlisting}[moretexcs={[4]{plnameomission,bibellipsis,addcomma,addspace}}] \newcommand*\plnameomission{\bibellipsis\addcomma\addspace} \end{lstlisting} \condbr{4} \section{Customization} \subsection{Auxiliary macros and lengths}\label{sec:auxmacros} The appearance of the \emph{marginyear} is controlled by the \jcsmacro*{plmarginyear} macro, which has the following default definition: \begin{lstlisting}[moretexcs={[2]{providecommand,plmarginyear}}] \providecommand*\plmarginyear[1]{% \raggedleft\small\textbf{#1}% } \end{lstlisting} If you want to change the appearance, just redefine this macro via \jfcsmacro{renewcommand{*}}. The highlighting of the publication list author, if \joption{plauthorhandling=highlight} has been set, is controlled by the \jcsmacro*{plauthorhl} macro, which has the following default definition: \begin{lstlisting}[moretexcs={[2]{providecommand,plauthorhl,mkbibbold}}] \providecommand*\plauthorhl[1]{% \mkbibbold{#1}% } \end{lstlisting} If you need another form of highlighting, redefine this macro via \jfcsmacro{renewcommand{*}}. The indendation of the bibliographic entries (lines > 1) can be adjusted by setting the length \jmacro*{extralabel\-numberwidth} via \jfcsmacro{setlength} (default is \texttt{0pt}). This might be needed for long bibliographies (> 99 entries) in order to adjust to the extra space the item number needs. If you need to adjust the numbering of items manually, you can do so with the macro \jcsmacro*{shiftbplnum}. It takes a positive or negative integer value that determines how much and in which direction it is shifted (e.\,g., \verb|\shiftpblnum{2}| or \verb|\shiftbplnum{-1}|). This can be used repeatedly, anywhere, and applies to all subsequent items. For the numbering output by \jfcsmacro{citeitem}, analogous shifting can be done by \jcsmacro*{shiftciteitem}. \subsection{Using a different base style}\label{sec:basestyle} By default, \bpl\ loads \bibltx's \emph{authoryear} style, and it has been written to work with that style. However, it is possible to try a diffent base style, if \emph{author\-year} does not fit your needs.\condbreak{2\baselineskip} In order to do so, enter the following \emph{before} loading \bibltx: \begin{lstlisting}[moretexcs={[2]{publistbasestyle}}] \newcommand*\publistbasestyle{} \end{lstlisting} where is the name of the biblatex bibliography style (\emph{bbx}) you want to use, without the \emph{bbx} entension (e.\,g., \lstinline|\newcommand*\publistbasestyle{mla}|). Note, though, that there is (and can be) no guarantee that \bpl\ will work with all styles, although it has been successfully tested with several. Be prepared to bump into \LaTeX\ errors and carefully check the output for correctness if you try a different base style. Note, further, that the order of author's and editor's given and family names is hardcoded in \bpl\ due to the complex omission\slash highlighting mechanism. This might differ from what you expect with specific base styles. To change the order, use the package option \joption{nameorder} (see sec.~\ref{sec:addopts}). \subsection{Clickable titles}\label{sec:clicktitles} With the options \joption{linktitledoi}, \joption{linktitleurl}, \joption{linktitleisbn}, \joption{linktitleissn} or the combining option \joption{linktitleall}, titles and subtitles are turned into clickable hyperlinks if the \textsf{hyperref} package is loaded, and the respective data is there, i.\,e., if either the DOI field, the URL field, the ISBN field or the ISSN field is defined for the given entry (checked in this order if multiple of these options or \joption{linktitleall} are used). With URL and DOI, direct links are created. With ISBN or ISSN, a link to a search provider is created instead (\textsf{worldcat} by default). The search provider can be customized by redefining the following macros: \begin{lstlisting}[moretexcs={[2]{plisbnlink,plissnlink}}] \newcommand*\plisbnlink[1]{https://www.worldcat.org/search?qt=worldcat_org_all&q=#1} \newcommand*\plissnlink[1]{https://www.worldcat.org/search?qt=worldcat_org_all&q=#1} \end{lstlisting} % where \verb|#1| is a placeholder for the ISBN or ISSN, respectively. Note that the output of URLs, DOIs, ISBNs and ISSNs is not affected by the \joption{linktitle} options, so you might get redundant output. To control (e.\,g., omit) them, use the \joption{url}, \joption{doi} and \joption{isbn} biblatex options. \section{Localization} Since the package draws on \bibltx, it supports localization. The following additional localization keys (\jfcsmacro{bibstrings}) are added by the package: \begin{itemize} \item \emph{with}: the preposition ``with'' that precedes the list of co-authors by default (i.\,e., with \joption{plauthorhandling=omit}). \item \emph{parttranslationof}: the expression ``partial translation of'' for entries referring to partially translated work via \bibltx's ``related entries'' feature (see sec.~\ref{sec:partial-translations}). \end{itemize} Currently, these additional localization keys are available in the following languages: English, French and German.% \footnote{Please send suggestions for other languages to the package author.} \section{Further Extensions} The following extensions of standard \bibltx\ features are provided. \subsection{Review bibliography type}\label{sec:review-bibliography-type} Although a \emph{review} entry type is provided by \bibltx, this type is treated as an alias for \emph{article}. The \bpl\ package uses this entry type for a specific purpose: Foreign reviews of your own work. It therefore defines a new bibliography environment \emph{reviews} with a specific look (particularly as far as the author names are concerned) and its own numbering; furthermore, it redefines the \emph{review} bibliography driver. The purpose of this is that you can add other people's reviews of your work to your publication list, while these titles are clearly marked and do not interfere with the overall numbering (see sec.~\ref{sec:example} for an example). \subsection{Partial translations}\label{sec:partial-translations} A new ``related entry'' type \emph{parttranslationof} is provided. This is an addition to the \emph{translationof} related entry type \bibltx\ itself provides. Please refer to the \bibltx\ manual \cite{bibltx} on what ``related entries'' are and how to use them. \section{An example}\label{sec:example} Publication lists are usually categorized by genre (monographs, articles, book chapters, etc.). For this task, the use of \jfmacro{refsections} (see \cite[sec 3.7.4]{bibltx} for details) is suggested. Other possibilities were not tested extensively and might fail (in particular as far as the numbering of the items is concerned). The suggested procedure is to maintain separate bib files for each category, say \emph{mymonographs.bib}, \emph{myarticles.bib}, \emph{myproceedings.bib}.% \footnote{But see sec.~\ref{sec:filtering} for an alternative.} Then a typical file would look like example~\ref{example} (p.~\pageref{example}). % \begin{lstlisting}[caption={Typical document}, float, frame=single, label={example}, moretexcs={[5]{plauthorname,addbibresource,printbibliography,maketitle,newrefsection}}] \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin9]{inputenc} \usepackage{csquotes}% not required, but recommended \usepackage[style=publist]{biblatex} \plauthorname[John]{Doe} \addbibresource{mymonographs.bib} \addbibresource{myarticles.bib} \addbibresource{myproceedings.bib} \begin{document} \title{John Doe's publications} \date{\today} \maketitle \section{Monographs} \newrefsection[mymonographs] \nocite{*} \printbibliography[heading=none] \section{Proceedings} \newrefsection[myproceedings] \nocite{*} \printbibliography[heading=none] \section{Articles} \newrefsection[myarticles] \nocite{*} \printbibliography[heading=none] \end{document} \end{lstlisting} % If you want to add other people's reviews of your work, add a section such as the following: \begin{lstlisting}[caption={Adding foreign reviews}, moretexcs={[4]{bibfont,subsubsection,printbibliography,newrefsection}}] \subsubsection*{Reviews of my thesis} \newrefsection[mythesis-reviews] \renewcommand\bibfont{\small} \nocite{*} \printbibliography[heading=none,env=reviews] \end{lstlisting} Note that the \jfcsmacro{printbibliography} option \joption{env=reviews} is crucial if you want to use the specifics \bpl\ defines for reviews (see sec.~\ref{sec:review-bibliography-type}). \section{Filtering\label{sec:filtering}} If you have a bibliographic database consisting not only of your own publications, you can extract yours with the bibliography filter \joption{mine}, which has to be passed to \jfcsmacro{printbibliography}, as in: \begin{lstlisting}[caption={Using a bibliography filter}, moretexcs={[1]{printbibliography}}] \nocite{*} \printbibliography[heading=none,filter=mine] \end{lstlisting} % This will effectively print only publications which have been authored or edited by the person(s) specified as via \jcsmacro{plauthorname} (or the corresponding option). Of course, you can also use other filter possibilities provided by \bibltx, such as filtering by type or by keyword. So if you want to extract all of your articles from a larger database with entries of diverse type and authors, specify: \begin{lstlisting}[moretexcs={[1]{printbibliography}}] \printbibliography[heading=none,filter=mine,type=article] \end{lstlisting} % Note that several reruns of \texttt{latex} might be required to fix the numbering. \section{Sorting\label{sec:sorting}} \subsection{Sorting Publication Lists} The sorting conventions of publication lists differ from those of normal bibliographies. Publication lists are usually not sorted by author name, the prime criterion of normal bibliographies, but rather chronologically (usually \emph{descending} from the newest through the oldest publication). How to sub-sort within a year depends on the handling of author names. If you display all authors and only highlight your own (via \joption{plauthorhandling=highlight}), it probably makes sense to sub-sort first by author name, and then by title. If you omit your own name and just mention your co-authors (the default), it makes more sense to sub-sort by title right away, without taking the author names into account. To account for these needs, \bpl\ adds some sorting options on top of those that come with \bibltx\ itself. \subsection{Sorting Templates}\label{sec:sorttemplates} The sorting of items is done via \bibltx's sorting mechanism, via so called \emph{sorting templates} (please refer to the \bibltx\ manual for details). By default, \bpl\ uses an own template, \joption{ydt}, which sorts hierarchically by \textbf{y}ear (\textbf{d}escending) and \textbf{t}itle (alphabetically ascending), ignoring author names. This default is used since author name sorting does not make much sense at least in the default configuration, where the own name is omitted and the list of co-authors is presented in a particular way. If you use \joption{plauthorhandling=highlight}, however, the default changes to \joption{ydnt} (a template provided by \bibltx\ itself) which sub-sorts by author names (alphabetically ascending) before sub-sorting by title. In addition to this default template, \bpl\ provides some sorting templates that account for the full date (rather than just the year). This is especially useful for sorting talks, since those usually do not only have a year, but a full date (day, month and year). The following templates, with and without author sorting, are provided: \begin{itemize} \item \jmacro{ddt}: Sort by full \textbf{d}ate (\textbf{d}escending) and \textbf{t}itle (both ascending). \item \jmacro{ddnt}: Sort by full \textbf{d}ate (\textbf{d}escending), author \textbf{n}ame and \textbf{t}itle (both ascending). \item \jmacro{dt}: Sort by full \textbf{d}ate and \textbf{t}itle (all ascending). \item \jmacro{dnt}: Sort by full \textbf{d}ate, author \textbf{n}ame and \textbf{t}itle (all ascending). \item \jmacro{ydmdt}: Sort by \textbf{y}ear (\textbf{d}escending), \textbf{m}onth, \textbf{d}ay and \textbf{t}itle (all ascending). \item \jmacro{ydmdnt}: Sort by \textbf{y}ear (\textbf{d}escending), \textbf{m}onth, \textbf{d}ay, author \textbf{n}ame and \textbf{t}itle (all ascending). \end{itemize} In order to use any of these, or another sorting template provided by \bibltx\, use \bibltx's \jfmacro{sorting} option, which can be passed either globally (via \joption{sorting=