% These sourcemap declarations allow for .bib file oddities. Additionally, to comport with MLA expectations, they modify strings in publisher fields, drop unneeded parts of URLs, and look for patterns in a URL field to fill in missing eprint fields. If the choices here seem to do too much, use "style=mla-strict", which makes fewer accommodations and more exactly prints entries as they're defined in a given bibtex file. \ProvidesFile{mla.bbx}[2021/06/07 v2.0 biblatex bibliography style] \RequireBibliographyStyle{mla-strict} \DeclareStyleSourcemap{ \maps[datatype=bibtex]{ \map[overwrite=true]{% Convert non-integer year field to addendum field \step[fieldsource=year, match=\regexp{[a-zA-Z]}, final] \step[fieldsource=year, match=\regexp{(.+)}, final] \step[fieldset=addendum, fieldvalue=\regexp{$1}] \step[fieldset=year, null] } \map{% Convert unpublished booktitle to title, with entrysubtype "book" \pertype{unpublished} \step[notfield=title, final] \step[fieldsource=booktitle, match=\regexp{(.+)}, final] \step[fieldset=title, fieldvalue=\regexp{$1}, final] \step[fieldset=booktitle, null] \step[fieldset=entrysubtype, fieldvalue={book}] } \map{% Fill in missing publisher for US patents \pertype{patent} \step[notfield=publisher, final] \step[fieldsource=type, match=\regexp{patentus}, final] \step[fieldset=publisher, fieldvalue={United States Patent and Trademark Office}] } \map[overwrite=true]{% force consistent abbreviations for editions \step[fieldsource=edition, match={edition}, replace={ed.}] } \map[overwrite=true]{% drop unnecessary elements of company names ("and" suggests list) \step[fieldsource=publisher, match={and Company}, replace={}] \step[fieldsource=publisher, match={and Co.}, replace={}] } \map{% abbreviate and drop unneeded parts of publisher names \step[fieldsource=publisher, match={University Press}, replace={UP}] \step[fieldsource=publisher, match={University}, replace={U}] \step[fieldsource=publisher, match=\regexp{Press\b}, replace={P}] \step[fieldsource=publisher, match=\regexp{Corporation|Corp.|Incorporated|Inc.|Limited|Ltd.}, replace={}] \step[fieldsource=url, match=\regexp{http(s)?://}, replace={}] } \map{% JSTOR url to eprint \step[fieldsource=url, match={jstor.org}, final] \step[fieldset=eprint, fieldvalue={JSTOR}] % \step[fieldset=urldate, null] } \map{% Project Muse url to eprint \step[fieldsource=url, match={muse.jhu.edu}, final] \step[fieldset=eprint, fieldvalue={Project Muse}] % \step[fieldset=urldate, null] } \map{% Adelaide eBooks url to eprint \step[fieldsource=url, match={ebooks.adelaide.edu.au}, final] \step[fieldset=eprint, origfieldval] \step[fieldset=eprinttype, fieldvalue={adelaide}] % \step[fieldset=urldate, null] } \map{% Google Books url to eprint \step[fieldsource=url, match={books.google}, final] \step[fieldset=eprint, fieldvalue={Google Books}] % \step[fieldset=urldate, null] } \map{% EBSCO - Academic Search Complete url to eprint \step[fieldsource=url, match={db=a9h}, final] \step[fieldset=eprint, fieldvalue={Academic Search Complete}] % \step[fieldset=urldate, null] } \map{% EBSCO - LexisNexis Academic url to eprint \step[fieldsource=url, match={db=fdcaae48}, final] \step[fieldset=eprint, fieldvalue={LexisNexis Academic}] % \step[fieldset=urldate, null] } \map{% EBSCO - MLA Database url to eprint \step[fieldsource=url, match={db=mzh}, final] \step[fieldset=eprint, fieldvalue={MLA International Bibliography}] % \step[fieldset=urldate, null] } \map{% USPTO url to eprint \step[fieldsource=url, match={patft.uspto.gov}, final] \step[fieldset=eprint, fieldvalue={USPTO Patent Full-Text and Image Database}] } \map{% DOI url to doi \step[fieldsource=url, match=\regexp{dx.doi.org/(.+)}, fieldtarget=doi] \step[fieldsource=doi, match=\regexp{http(s)?://dx.doi.org/(.+)}, replace=\regexp{$1}] \step[fieldsource=doi, match=\regexp{dx.doi.org/(.+)}, replace=\regexp{$1}] } \map{ % remove isbns from Works Cited \step[fieldsource=isbn, final] \step[fieldset=isbn, null] } \map{ % remove url + urldate field from all entries that have a doi field \step[fieldsource=doi, final] \step[fieldset=url, null] \step[fieldset=urldate, null] } } } \endinput