@mlasource{mla:shaw, author = {Jane Smith}, title = {Heartbreak House}, titletype = {part}, contributora = {Directed by Robin Lefevre}, publishera = {Roundabout Theatre Company}, datea = {11 Oct. 2006}, locationa = {American Airlines Theatre, New York City}, } @patent{sorace, author = {Sorace, Ronald E. and Reinhardt, Victor S. and Vaughn, Steven A.}, title = {High-Speed Digital-to-{RF} Converter}, number = 5668842, date = {1997-09-16}, holder = {{Hughes Aircraft Company}}, type = {patentus}, options = {totalnames=true}, langid = {english}, } @patent{laufenberg, author = {Laufenberg, Xaver and Eynius, Dominique and Suelzle, Helmut and Usbeck, Stephan and Spaeth, Matthias and Neuser-Hoffmann, Miriam and Myrzik, Christian and Schmid, Manfred and Nietfeld, Franz and Thiel, Alexander and Braun, Harald and Ebner, Norbert}, title = {Elektrische Einrichtung und Betriebsverfahren}, number = 1700367, date = {2006-09-13}, holder = {{Robert Bosch GmbH} and {Daimler Chrysler AG} and {Bayerische Motoren Werke AG}}, type = {patenteu}, langid = {german}, } @misc{misc:smith, author = {Smith, Jane}, title = {Personal interview}, date = {2014-05-19}, } @misc{elkm, author = {Anne Elk}, title = {Lecture on a Theory on Brontosauruses}, date = {1972-11-16}, publisher = {University of Python}, location = {Monty}, note = {Online lecture}, } @bookinbook{tolstoy:kreutzer, author = {Tolstoy, Leo}, title = {Крейцерова соната}, titleaddon = {\mkbibbrackets{Kreĭtserova sonata; \emph{Kreutzer Sonata}}}, shorttitle = {Крейцерова \emph{\mkbibbrackets{\emph{Kreĭtserova}}}}, volume = {27}, pages = {5-78}, crossref = {tolstoy:complete}, } @incollection{tolstoy:readers, author = {Tolstoy, Leo}, title = {К читателям}, titleaddon = {\mkbibbrackets{K chitateliam; To Readers}}, shorttitle = {К читателям \mkbibbrackets{K chitateliam}}, volume = {1}, pages = {207-209}, crossref = {tolstoy:complete}, } @book{tolstoy:complete, author = {Tolstoy, Leo}, title = {Лев Толстой: Полное cобрание cочинений}, titleaddon = {\mkbibbrackets{Lev Tolstoĭ: Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ; \emph{Leo Tolstoy: Complete Collected Works}}}, shorttitle = {Лев Толстой \emph{\mkbibbrackets{\emph{Lev Tolstoĭ}}}}, langid = {other}, volumes = {90}, publisher = {Khudozhestvennaya Literatura}, date = {1928/1958} } @unpublished{librodehorasisabel, Booktitle = {Libro de horas de Isabel I}, Sorttitle = {Libro de horas de Isabel I}, Library = {Real Biblioteca del Palacio Real de Madrid}, Number = {II/Tesoro}, Year = {15\textsuperscript{th}~c.}} @incollection{interview:amis, author = {Amis, Kingsley}, title = {Mimic and Moralist}, entrysubtype = {interview}, booktitle = {Interviews with Britain's Angry Young Men}, bookauthor = {Dale Salwak}, publisher = {Borgo Press}, date = {1984}, pages = {13-40} } @article{interview:gaitskill, author = {Gaitskill, Mary}, title = {Interview with Charles Bock}, entrysubtype = {untitled}, journal = {Mississippi Review}, volume = {27}, number = {3}, date = {1999}, pages = {129-150} } @book{cejador33, Address = {Madrid}, Author = {Julio {Cejador y Frauca}}, Edition = {3}, Publisher = {Hernando}, Title = {Historia de la lengua y literatura castellana}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1933}} @article{Babich:2011dg, author = {Babich, L P and Kudryavtsev, A Yu and Kudryavtseva, M L and Kutsyk, I M}, title = {Atmospheric Gamma-Ray and Neutron Flashes}, journal = {Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics}, date = {2011-02}, volume = {106}, number = {1}, pages = {65--76}, doi = {10.1134/S1063776108010056}, language = {English}, url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1134/S1063776108010056}, urldate = {2013-03-30}} @online{shimabukuro2006aa, Annote = {This is the citation for a YouTube video. I found this source listed in the OWL Purdue MLA Formatting and Style Guide.}, Author = {Jake Shimabukuro}, Date = {2006-04-22}, Maintitle = {YouTube}, Publisher = {YouTube}, Titleaddon = {Online video clip}, Title = {Ukulele Weeps by Jake Shimabukuro}, Url = {www.youtube.com/watch?v=puSkP3uym5k}, Urldate = {2013-03-04}} @online{Grammar-Girl2008, Author = {{Grammar Girl}}, Date = {2008-09-16}, Date-Added = {2013-03-24 16:34:36 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2013-03-24 16:41:10 +0000}, Mainsubtitle = {Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing}, Maintitle = {Grammar Girl}, Nameaddon = {Mignon Fogarty}, Publisher = {Macmillan}, Title = {What Is the Plural of `Mouse'?}, Url = {http://grammar.quickanddirtytips.com/the-plural-of-mouse.aspx}, Urldate = {2013-03-04}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://grammar.quickanddirtytips.com/the-plural-of-mouse.aspx}} @article{a, Author = {Larry Port}, Journal = {Law Practice: The Business of Practicing Law}, Number = {5}, Pages = {18}, Title = {Four Ways to Eliminate Procrastination}, Url = {http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=54459308&site=ehost-live}, Urldate = {2011-09-08}, Volume = {36}, Year = {2010}} @periodical{appiah92aa, Annote = {This is the citation for a periodical entrytype. I found this source listed in the \emph{MLA Style Manual}.}, Booktitle = {Critical Inquiry}, Date-Added = {2008-10-20 14:15:43 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-10-20 14:27:34 +0100}, Editor = {Kwame Anthony Appiah and Gates, Jr., Henry Louis}, Issuetitle = {Identities}, Number = {4}, Pages = {625--884.}, Title = {Critical Inquiry}, Volume = {18}, Year = {1992}} @proceedings{smith09aa, Address = {Amsterdam}, Annote = {This is the citation for a proceedings entrytype.}, Booktitle = {What a Cool Booktitle!}, Date-Added = {2008-10-20 13:52:39 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-10-27 08:18:19 +0000}, Editor = {Bob Smith}, Eventtitle = {Cool Titles Conf.}, Institution = {Hali\c{c} University}, Organization = {Funny Little Society}, Pages = {101-112}, Publisher = {Rodopi}, Title = {What a Cool Booktitle!}, Urldate = {2008-04-17}, Venue = {Istanbul}, Year = {2009}} @phdthesis{webb80ab, Annote = {This is the citation for a phdthesis entrytype.}, Author = {I. C. Webb}, Date-Added = {2008-10-20 10:39:11 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-10-20 10:59:54 +0100}, Entrysubtype = {unpublished}, Institution = {Correspondence Course State University}, Location = {Somewhere, NB}, Origyear = {1975}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Shorttitle = {MSc}, Sorttitle = {MSc}, Title = {An Unpublished Lic.~Phil.~Thesis}, Type = {lic}, Year = {1981}} @phdthesis{webb80aa, Annote = {This is the citation for a phdthesis entrytype.}, Author = {I. C. Webb}, Date-Added = {2008-10-20 10:33:40 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-10-20 11:12:18 +0100}, Entrysubtype = {published}, Institution = {Correspondence Course State University}, Location = {Somewhere, NB}, Number = {4}, Origyear = {1975}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Series = {Transnational Thought}, Shorttitle = {MSc}, Sorttitle = {MSc}, Title = {A Published MSc Thesis}, Type = {msc}, Year = {1981}} @article{slinger07ab, Annote = {This is the citation for an article entrytype.}, Author = {Mudd Slinger}, Date = {2007-07-02}, Date-Added = {2008-10-04 12:10:52 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-10-04 12:40:18 +0100}, Entrysubtype = {newspaper}, Journal = {Copycat}, Pages = {1-3}, Shorttitle = {Sectional}, Sorttitle = {Sectional 2}, Title = {Sectional Sections with Numbers in Newspapers}} @article{slinger07aa, Annote = {This is the citation for an article entrytype.}, Author = {Mudd Slinger}, Chapter = {4}, Date = {2007-06-27}, Date-Added = {2008-10-04 11:48:09 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-10-04 12:39:49 +0100}, Entrysubtype = {newspaper}, Journaltitle = {Zeitgeist}, Location = {Albuquerque}, Pages = {2-4}, Shorttitle = {Sectional}, Sorttitle = {Sectional 1}, Title = {Sectional Sections with Numbers in Newspapers}, Version = {natl. ed.}} @book{craig87aa, Address = {Aberdeen}, Annote = {This is the citation for a book entrytype.}, Author = {Craig, Cairns}, Bookauthor = {Craig, Cairns}, Date-Added = {2008-09-12 14:25:31 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-09-12 14:26:29 +0100}, Publisher = {Aberdeen UP}, Title = {History of Scottish Literature}, Volume = {2--3}, Date = {1987/1988}} @book{gamer00aa, Address = {Cambridge}, Annote = {This is the citation for a book entrytype.}, Author = {Gamer, Michael}, Date-Added = {2008-09-12 14:21:23 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-09-12 14:22:14 +0100}, Number = {40}, Publisher = {Cambridge UP}, Series = {Cambridge Studies in Romanticism}, Title = {Romanticism and the Gothic: Genre, Reception, and Canon Formation}, Year = {2000}} @article{makward95ab, Annote = {This is the citation for an article entrytype.}, Author = {Christiane Makward}, Date-Added = {2008-09-09 14:53:56 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-10-04 11:42:47 +0100}, Issuetitle = {Maryse Cond{\'e}}, Journal = {Callaloo}, Number = {3}, Pages = {681--689}, Shorttitle = {Reading}, Title = {Reading Maryse Cond{\'e}'s Theater}, Volume = {18}, Year = {1995}} @article{makward95aa, Annote = {This is the citation for an article entrytype. I found this source listed in the \emph{MLA Style Manual}.}, Author = {Christiane Makward}, Date-Added = {2008-09-09 14:21:14 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-10-04 11:59:19 +0100}, Editor = {Delphine Perret and Marie-Denise Shelton}, Issuetitle = {Maryse Cond{\'e}}, Journal = {Callaloo}, Number = {3}, Pages = {681--689}, Shorttitle = {Reading}, Title = {Reading Maryse Cond{\'e}'s Theater}, Volume = {18}, Year = {1995}} @inreference{reference-noon89aa, Annote = {This is the citation for an inreference entrytype. I found this source listed in the \emph{MLA Style Manual}.}, Booktitle = {The Oxford English Dictionary}, Date-Added = {2008-05-08 14:08:17 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-05-08 14:08:48 +0100}, Edition = {2}, Title = {Noon}, Titleaddon = {Def.~4b}, Date = {1989}} @inreference{reference-ginsburg02aa, Annote = {This is the citation for an inreference entrytype. I found this source listed in the \emph{MLA Style Manual}.}, Booktitle = {Who's Who in Americana}, Date-Added = {2008-05-08 14:03:36 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-05-08 14:04:29 +0100}, Edition = {56}, Title = {Ginsburg, Ruth Bader}, Year = {2002}} @inreference{mohanty87aa, Annote = {This is the citation for an inreference entrytype. I found this source listed in the \emph{MLA Style Manual}.}, Author = {Jitendra M. Mohanty}, Booktitle = {The New Encyclopaedia Britannica}, Booksubtitle = {Macropaedia}, Date-Added = {2008-05-08 14:08:17 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-05-08 14:08:48 +0100}, Edition = {15}, Title = {Indian Philosophy}, Date = {1987}} @video{capra01aa, Annote = {This is the citation for a video entrytype. I found this source listed in the \emph{MLA Style Manual}.}, Date-Added = {2008-05-08 13:29:17 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-10-20 19:05:07 +0100}, Editor = {Frank Capra}, Editortype = {director}, Howpublished = {DVD}, Namea = {James Stewart and Donna Read and Lionel Barrymore and Thomas Mitchell}, Nameatype = {performers}, Options = {useeditor=false}, Origdate = {1946}, Publisher = {Republic}, Title = {It's a Wonderful Life}, Year = {2001}} @video{jhabvala85aa, Annote = {This is the citation for a video entrytype. I found this source listed in the \emph{MLA Style Manual}.}, Author = {Ruth Prawer Jhabvala}, Authortype = {adaptor}, Bookauthor = {E. M. Forster}, Date-Added = {2008-05-08 13:29:17 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-10-20 19:04:40 +0100}, Editor = {James Ivory}, Editortype = {director}, Namea = {Ismail Merchant}, Nameatype = {producer}, Nameb = {Maggie Smith and Denholm Eliot and Helena Bonham Carter and Daniel Day-Lewis}, Namebtype = {performers}, Publisher = {Cinecom Intl.~Films}, Title = {A Room with a View}, Year = {1985}} @review{danish1972aa, Annote = {Listed here are examples of annotations listed within the Works Cited. This particular entry is the citation for a review entrytype. I found the source listed in the \emph{MLA Style Manual}.\par Define annotations in the .bib file, and call them with an option in the preamble. Indicate paragraph breaks using the ``par'' command.}, Booktitle = {Anthology of Danish Literature}, Date = {1972-07-07}, Date-Added = {2008-05-05 12:05:33 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-05-05 12:15:42 +0100}, Editor = {F. J. Billeskov Jansen and P. M. Mitchell}, Entrysubtype = {newspaper}, Journaltitle = {Times Literary Supplement}, Pages = {785}, Sortname = {{Anthology of Danish Literature}}} @review{slater01aa, Annote = {This is the citation for a review entrytype.}, Author = {Lisa Slater}, Bookauthor = {Kim Scott}, Booktitle = {Benang: From the Heart}, Date = {2001}, Date-Added = {2008-05-05 11:18:18 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-05-05 11:21:01 +0100}, Journaltitle = {Southerly}, Number = {1}, Pages = {224}, Title = {\emph{Benang}: \mkbibquote{I found myself among Paper}}, Volume = {61}} @incollection{haggis99aa, Annote = {This is the citation for an incollection entrytype.}, Author = {Mary Haggis}, Crossref = {reader99aa}, Date-Added = {2007-08-14 12:55:28 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-10-26 23:22:40 +0000}, Origyear = {1965}, Pages = {6-10}, Title = {Another Article (Incollection) Cross-Reffing a Book}} @incollection{sampul99aa, Annote = {This is the citation for an incollection entrytype.}, Author = {F. I. N. Al Sampul}, Crossref = {reader99aa}, Date-Added = {2007-08-14 12:54:53 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-08-14 12:55:25 +0100}, Pages = {1-5}, Title = {An Article Crossref-ing a Collection}} @collection{reader99aa, Address = {Utopia, NB}, Annote = {This is the citation for a collection entrytype.}, Booktitle = {Book of Collected Things by Many People for Crossrefs}, Date-Added = {2007-08-14 12:51:22 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-08-14 13:10:32 +0100}, Editor = {Ima G. Reader}, Publisher = {Publishers, Ltd.}, Shorttitle = {Book of Collected}, Title = {Book of Collected Things by Many People for Crossrefs}, Year = {1999}} @incollection{example99aa, Annote = {This is the citation for an incollection entrytype.}, Author = {Anna Other Example}, Crossref = {public99ac}, Date-Added = {2007-08-14 12:49:19 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-08-14 12:51:16 +0100}, Pages = {105-195}, Shorttitle = {Incollection}, Title = {Incollection Template}, Volume = {1}} @incollection{example99ab, Annote = {This is the citation for an incollection entrytype.}, Author = {Anna Other Example}, Crossref = {public99ac}, Date-Added = {2007-08-14 12:49:19 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-08-14 12:51:16 +0100}, Pages = {275-301}, Shorttitle = {Yet Another}, Title = {Yet Another Crossref Work}, Volume = {1}} @thesis{webb84aa, Address = {Somewhere, NB}, Annote = {This is the citation for a thesis entrytype.}, Author = {I. C. Webb}, Date-Added = {2007-08-14 12:48:08 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-10-04 11:07:25 +0100}, Note = {Nota bene}, School = {Correspondence Course State University}, Sorttitle = {Masters}, Title = {The Masters Thesis Template}, Titleaddon = {Nota bene}, Type = {msc}, Year = {1984}} @thesis{webb81aa, Address = {Somewhere, NB}, Annote = {This is the citation for a thesis entrytype.}, Author = {I. C. Webb}, Date-Added = {2007-08-14 12:46:19 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-08-22 08:57:18 +0100}, School = {Correspondence Course State University}, Shorttitle = {PhD}, Sorttitle = {PhD}, Title = {A PhD Dissertation Template}, Type = {phd}, Year = {1981}} @article{webb83aa, Annote = {This is the citation for an article entrytype.}, Author = {I. C. Webb}, Date-Added = {2008-01-29 12:44:36 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-01-29 13:13:08 +0100}, Journal = {Online Studies}, Number = {1}, Shorttitle = {Online}, Title = {Online Article Template with Access Date}, Url = {www.example.com/webb1983}, Urldate = {2007-11-22}, Volume = {9}, Year = {1983}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {www.example.com/webb1983}} @article{askme06aa, Annote = {This is the citation for an article entrytype.}, Author = {Donna Askme}, Date-Added = {2007-08-14 12:43:03 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-08-14 12:44:20 +0100}, Journal = {Journal of Translated Articles}, Month = {9}, Pages = {12-19}, Shorttitle = {Elaborate}, Title = {Elaborate Article}, Translator = {Minnie Tongues}, Volume = {29}, Year = {2006}} @article{askme92aa, Annote = {This is the citation for an article entrytype.}, Author = {Donna Askme}, Journal = {Journal of Pseudonyms}, Nameaddon = {Donnatella}, Number = {1}, Pages = {314--329}, Shorttitle = {Unique}, Title = {Unique Pseudonymity}, Volume = {4}, Year = {1992}} @article{taskme06aa, Annote = {This is the citation for an article entrytype.}, Author = {Donna Taskme}, Date-Added = {2007-08-14 12:43:03 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-08-14 12:44:20 +0100}, Journal = {Journal of Translated Articles}, Month = {9}, Pages = {12-19}, Shorthand = {EA}, Shorttitle = {Elaborate Article}, Title = {Elaborate Article with Shorthand}, Translator = {Minnie Tongues}, Volume = {29}, Year = {2006}} @article{taskme07aa, Annote = {This is the citation for an article entrytype.}, Author = {Donna Taskme}, Date-Added = {2007-08-14 12:43:03 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-08-14 12:44:20 +0100}, Journal = {Journal of Translated Articles}, Month = {9}, Pages = {12-19}, Shorttitle = {Simple Article}, Title = {Simple Article without Shorthand}, Translator = {Minnie Tongues}, Volume = {29}, Year = {2007}} @article{doe05aa, Annote = {This is the citation for an article entrytype.}, Author = {Jane Doe}, Date-Added = {2007-08-14 12:41:58 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-08-14 12:42:46 +0100}, Journal = {General Studies}, Number = {4}, Pages = {12-45}, Shorttitle = {Default}, Title = {Default Article Template}, Volume = {4}, Year = {2005}} @article{slinger02aa, Annote = {This is the citation for an article entrytype.}, Author = {Mudd Slinger}, Date = {2002-10-13}, Date-Added = {2007-08-14 12:41:58 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2008-10-04 11:52:12 +0100}, Entrysubtype = {newspaper}, Journal = {Daily Newspaper}, Location = {Toronto}, Pages = {B1+}, Shorttitle = {Newspaper}, Title = {Newspaper Article}, Version = {late ed.}} @book{public08aa, Address = {Hello, HI}, Annote = {This is the citation for a book entrytype.}, Author = {John Q. Public}, Booktitle = {Absolutely Elaborate Book Template}, Date-Added = {2007-08-14 12:39:11 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-08-14 12:41:55 +0100}, Edition = {9}, Editor = {Ima G. Reader}, Number = {4}, Origyear = {2007}, Publisher = {Publishers Unlimited}, Series = {Elaborate Book Template Series}, Shorttitle = {Elaborate}, Title = {Absolutely Elaborate Book Template}, Translator = {Minnie Tongues}, Year = {2008}} @incollection{beowulf06aa, Address = {New York}, Annote = {This is the citation for an incollection entrytype.}, Booktitle = {The Norton Anthology of English Literature}, Edition = {8}, Editor = {Stephen Greenblatt and M. H. Abrams and Carol T. Christ and Alfred David and Barbara K. Lewalski and Lawrence Lipking and George M. Logan and Deidre Shauna Lynch}, Options = {useeditor=false}, Pages = {34-100}, Publisher = {W. W. Norton}, Title = {Beowulf}, Volume = {1}, Year = {2006}} @collection{public99ac, Address = {Utopia, NB}, Annote = {This is the citation for a collection entrytype.}, Booktitle = {My Favorite Things}, Date-Added = {2007-08-14 12:49:19 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-08-14 12:51:16 +0100}, Editor = {John Q. Public}, Publisher = {Publishers, Ltd.}, Shorttitle = {Collected}, Title = {Collected Poems}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1999}} @book{public08ab, Address = {Hello, HI}, Annote = {This is the citation for a book entrytype.}, Author = {John Q. Public and Mimi Moi}, Booktitle = {Multi-Authored, More Elaborate Book Template}, Edition = {9}, Editor = {Ima G. Reader}, Number = {4}, Publisher = {Publishers Unlimited}, Series = {Elaborate Book Template Series}, Shorttitle = {Multi-Elaborate}, Title = {Multi-Authored, More Elaborate Book Template}, Translator = {Minnie Tongues}, Year = {2008}} @book{coulson64aa, Address = {New York}, Annote = {This is the citation for a book entrytype. I found this source listed in the \emph{MLA Style Manual}.}, Author = {Feodor Dostoevsky}, Date-Modified = {2008-10-26 17:52:29 +0000}, Editor = {George Gibian}, Options = {useauthor=false,useeditor=false,usetranslator=true}, Publisher = {Norton}, Sorttitle = {Coulson, Jessie}, Title = {Crime and Punishment}, Translator = {Jessie Coulson}, Year = {1964}} @book{public07aa, Address = {Anywhere, NB}, Annote = {This is the citation for a book entrytype.}, Author = {John Q. Public}, Booktitle = {Default Book Template}, Date-Added = {2007-08-14 12:37:30 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2007-08-14 12:39:01 +0100}, Publisher = {Publishers, Ltd.}, Shorttitle = {Default}, Title = {Default Book Template}, Year = {2007}} @book{king, address = {Boston}, series = {The King Legacy Series}, title = {Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?}, isbn = {978-0-8070-0067-0}, shorttitle = {Where Do We Go from Here}, publisher = {Beacon Press}, location = {Boston}, author = {King, Jr, Martin Luther}, year = {2010}, origdate = {1967}, keywords = {African Americans, Civil rights, History, Race relations, Racism, United States} } @article{social-media-family, Author = {Ünal, Selime}, ISSN = {21461961}, Journal = {International Journal of Eurasia Social Sciences / Uluslararasi Avrasya Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi}, Keywords = {SOCIAL media, FAMILIES, VIRTUAL reality, ACQUISITION of data, aile iletişimi, facebook, family communication, Healthy communication, Sağlıklı iletişim, sanal iletişim, social media, sosyal medya, virtual communication, aile iletişimi, Sağlıklı iletişim, sanal iletişim, sosyal medya, FACEBOOK (Web resource)}, Number = {31}, Pages = {550 - 578}, Title = {The Effect of Social Media Use to the Time Spent With Family Members}, Volume = {9}, url = {http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,sso&db=a9h&AN=129236793&site=ehost-live&scope=site&custid=s8356098}, Year = {2018}, urldate = {2018-02-28} } @inbook{plutarch, Author = {Plutarch}, Booktitle = {Plutarch's Lives, Volume I}, Title = {Life of Lykurgus}, Translator = {Aubrey Stewart and George Long}, Publisher = {Project Gutenberg}, Date = {2004}, URL = {http://www.gutenberg.org/files/14033/14033-h/14033-h.htm}, Urldate = {2013-04-08}} @article{engle, Author = {Gwendolyn Compton-Engle}, Title = {Stolen Cloaks in Aristophanes' `Ecclesiazusae'}, Journaltitle = {Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974-- )}, Volume = {135}, Number = {1}, Issue = {Spring}, Date = {2005}, Pages = {163-176}, Eprint = {20054125}, Eprinttype = {jstor}, URL = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/20054125}, Urldate = {2013-04-08}} @article{Balcone:xx, Author = {Pete Balcone}, Date = {1997-09-28}, Journal = {The Pantagraph}, Pages = {B1}, Title = {This is an article that doesn't set the entrysubtype as newspaper}} @article{Falcone:xx, Author = {Pete Falcone}, Date = {1997-09-28}, Entrysubtype = {newspaper}, Journal = {The Pantagraph}, Pages = {B1}, Title = {Seattle; Historic Past Makes `Jewel of the Pacific Northwest' a Precious Commodity}} @book{Florida:2002fu, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Author = {Richard Florida}, Date-Added = {2012-05-14 23:18:17 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-05-14 23:19:31 +0000}, Publisher = {Basic Books}, Title = {The Rise of the Creative Class}, Year = {2002}} @COLLECTION{adorno-gs10.2, editor = {Rolf Tiedemann}, year = {2003}, title = {Gesammelte Schriften Bd. 10.2}, subtitle = {Kulturkritik und Gesellschaft II. Eingriffe. Stichworte}, publisher = {Suhrkamp}, location = {Frankfurt am Main}, author = {Theodor W. Adorno}, howpublished = {Print}, options = {useeditor=false}, owner = {jakob}, shortauthor = {{In: GS 10.2}}, timestamp = {30.03.2012}} @COLLECTION{adorno-gs8, editor = {Rolf Tiedemann}, year = {2003}, title = {Gesammelte Schriften Bd. 8}, subtitle = {Soziologische Schriften I}, publisher = {Suhrkamp}, location = {Frankfurt am Main}, author = {Theodor W. Adorno}, howpublished = {Print}, options = {useeditor=false}, owner = {jakob}, shortauthor = {{In: GS 8}}, timestamp = {30.03.2012}} @article{buzetto-more2006aa, Author = {Nicole A. Buzetto-More and Retta Sweat-Guy}, Date = {2006}, Date-Added = {2013-03-24 16:48:59 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2013-03-24 16:48:59 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of Information Technology Education}, Pages = {153-164}, Shorttitle = {Incorporating}, Title = {Incorporating the Hybrid Learning Model into Minority Education at a Historically Black University}, Volume = {5}} @article{buzetto-more2007aa, Author = {Nicole A. Buzetto-More and Retta Sweat-Guy}, Date = {2007-03-24}, Date-Added = {2013-03-24 16:48:59 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2013-03-24 16:48:59 +0000}, Journal = {Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledgement, and Management}, Pages = {59-72}, Shorttitle = {Technology Ownership}, Title = {The Technology Ownership and Information Acquisition Habits of HBCU Freshmen}, Volume = {2}} @book{crane17aa, Author = {Stephen Crane}, Booktitle = {The Red Badge of Courage}, Date-Added = {2010-04-18 08:22:46 -0500}, Date-Modified = {2010-04-18 08:28:50 -0500}, Eprint = {NBMCAAAAYAAJ}, Eprinttype = {googlebooks}, Origdate = {1895}, Publisher = {{D. Appleton and Company}}, Title = {The Red Badge of Courage}, Url = {http://books.google.com/books?id=NBMCAAAAYAAJ}, Urldate = {2010-04-16}, Year = {1917}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://books.google.com/books?id=NBMCAAAAYAAJ}} @suppbook{doctorow82aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {E. L. Doctorow}, Bookauthor = {Theodore Dreiser}, Booktitle = {Sister Carrie}, Date = {1982}, Date-Added = {2009-07-27 12:37:15 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-27 12:38:25 -0400}, Entrysubtype = {introduction}, Pages = {v-xi}, Publisher = {Bantam}} @book{murasaki-shikibu76aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {{Murasaki Shikibu}}, Booktitle = {The Tale of Genji}, Date = {1976}, Date-Added = {2009-07-27 10:31:55 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-27 10:32:36 -0400}, Options = {useauthor=false,usetranslator=true}, Publisher = {Knopf}, Title = {The Tale of Genji}, Translator = {Edward G. Seidensticker}} @thesis{fullerton01aa, Addendum = {AAT 3023579}, Address = {Ann Arbor}, Author = {Matilda Fullerton}, Date = {2001}, Date-Added = {2009-07-24 10:05:36 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-24 10:11:14 -0400}, Entrysubtype = {published}, Origdate = {2001}, Publisher = {UMI}, School = {Washington State U}, Subtitle = {Towards a Feminist Educational Leadership Model}, Title = {Women's Leadership in the Public Schools}, Type = {phd}} @thesis{dietze82aa, Address = {N\"{u}rnburg}, Author = {Rudolf F. Dietze}, Date = {1982}, Date-Added = {2009-07-24 09:54:34 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-24 10:05:05 -0400}, Entrysubtype = {published}, Number = {70}, Origdate = {1982}, Publisher = {Carl}, School = {U Erlangen-N\"{u}rnburg}, Series = {Erlanger Beitr\"{a}ge zur Sprach- und Kunstwissenschaft}, Subtitle = {The Genesis of an Artist}, Title = {Ralph Ellison}, Type = {phd}} @thesis{kelly01aa, Author = {Mary Kelly}, Date = {2001}, Date-Added = {2009-07-24 09:52:59 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-24 09:53:28 -0400}, School = {U of Michigan}, Title = {Factors Predicting Hospital Readmission of Normal Newborns}, Type = {phd}} @thesis{boyle83aa, Author = {Anthony T. Boyle}, Date = {1983}, Date-Added = {2009-07-24 09:51:50 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-24 09:52:56 -0400}, School = {New York U}, Title = {The Epistemological Evolution of Renaissance Utopian Literature, 1516--1657}, Type = {phd}} @book{sendak63aa, Addendum = {n.~pag.}, Address = {New York}, Author = {Maurice Sendak}, Booktitle = {Where the Wild Things Are}, Date = {1963}, Date-Added = {2009-07-24 09:43:27 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-24 09:44:13 -0400}, Publisher = {Harper}, Title = {Where the Wild Things Are}} @book{photographic-viewXXaa, Addendum = {n.~pag.}, Address = {[Eng.]}, Booktitle = {Photographic View Album of Cambridge}, Date-Added = {2009-07-24 09:41:10 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2010-04-18 08:44:04 -0500}, Publisher = {n.p.}, Title = {Photographic View Album of Cambridge}, Note = {n.d.}} @booklet{michelangelo92aa, Addendum = {n.~pag.}, Address = {New York}, Author = {Michelangelo}, Date = {1992}, Date-Added = {2009-07-24 09:37:38 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-24 09:50:04 -0400}, Publisher = {Wings}, Title = {The Sistine Chapel}} @proceedings{malachi09aa, Address = {[Tel Aviv]}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Literary and Linguistic Computing}, Date-Added = {2009-07-24 09:36:10 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2010-12-16 18:04:00 -0600}, Editor = {Zvi Malachi}, Options = {nodate}, Publisher = {[Fac.\ of Humanities, Tel Aviv U]}, Title = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Literary and Linguistic Computing}} @book{bauer71aa, Address = {[Stuttgart]}, Author = {Johann Bauer}, Booktitle = {Kafka und Prag}, Date-Added = {2009-07-24 09:32:48 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2010-04-18 08:43:22 -0500}, Publisher = {Belser}, Title = {Kafka und Prag}, Note = {[1971?]}} @book{segni49aa, Address = {Firenze}, Author = {Bernardo Segni}, Booktitle = {Rettorica et poetica d'Aristotile}, Date = {1549}, Date-Added = {2009-07-24 09:31:02 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-24 09:31:25 -0400}, Title = {Rettorica et poetica d'Aristotile}} @book{dewey99aa, Address = {Chicago}, Author = {John Dewey}, Booktitle = {The School and Society}, Date = {1899}, Options = {showlocation = true}, Date-Added = {2009-07-24 09:30:18 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-24 09:30:38 -0400}, Title = {The School and Society}} @book{brome73aa, Address = {London}, Author = {Richard Brome}, Booktitle = {The Dramatic Works of Richard Brome}, Date = {1873}, Options = {showlocation = true}, Date-Added = {2009-07-24 09:25:16 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-24 09:25:46 -0400}, Title = {The Dramatic Works of Richard Brome}, Volumes = {3}} @book{poche77aa, Address = {Praha [Prague]}, Author = {Emanuel Poche}, Booktitle = {Prazsk\'{e} Palace}, Date = {1977}, Date-Added = {2009-07-24 09:22:31 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-24 09:23:06 -0400}, Publisher = {Odeon}, Title = {Prazsk\'{e} Palace}} @book{maraini00aa, Address = {Milano}, Author = {Dacia Maraini}, Booktitle = {Amata scrittura}, Date = {2000}, Date-Added = {2009-07-24 09:21:30 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-24 09:22:26 -0400}, Editor = {Viviana Rosi and Maria Pia Simonetti}, Publisher = {Rizzoli}, Subtitle = {Laboratorio di analisi, letture, proposte, conversazioni}, Title = {Amata scrittura}} @book{esquivel89aa, Address = {M\'{e}xico, DF [Mexico City]}, Author = {Laura Esquivel}, Booktitle = {Como agua para chocolate}, Date = {1989}, Date-Added = {2009-07-24 09:16:41 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-24 09:21:27 -0400}, Publisher = {Planeta}, Subtitle = {Novelas de entregas mensuales, con recetas, amores y remedios caseros}, Title = {Como agua para chocolate}} @book{dahlhaus67aa, Address = {K\"{o}ln}, Author = {Carl Dahlhaus}, Booktitle = {Musik\"{a}sthetik}, Date = {1967}, Date-Added = {2009-07-24 09:15:54 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-24 09:16:38 -0400}, Publisher = {Gerig}, Title = {Musik\"{a}sthetik}} @book{bessiere90aa, Address = {Paris}, Booktitle = {Mythologies de l'\'{e}criture}, Date = {1990}, Date-Added = {2009-07-24 09:14:46 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-24 09:15:48 -0400}, Editor = {Jean Bessi\`{e}re}, Publisher = {Presses Universitaires de France}, Subtitle = {Champs critiques}, Title = {Mythologies de l'\'{e}criture}} @proceedings{freed91aa, Address = {Lexington}, Booktitle = {Foreign Language Acquisition Research and the Classroom}, Date = {1991}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 13:24:40 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2010-04-18 08:39:04 -0500}, Editor = {Barbara F. Freed}, Eventdate = {1989-10}, Eventtitle = {Consortium for Lang.\ Teaching and Learning Conf.}, Institution = {U of Pennsylvania}, Publisher = {Heath}, Title = {Foreign Language Acquisition Research and the Classroom}} @inproceedings{hualde00aa, Address = {Berkeley}, Author = {Jos\'{e} Ignacio Hualde}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 12--15, 1999: General Session and Parassession on Loan Word Phenomena}, Date = {2000}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 13:23:06 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-23 13:24:38 -0400}, Editor = {Steve S. Chang and Lily Liaw and Josef Ruppenhofer}, Pages = {348--58}, Publisher = {Berkeley Linguistics Soc.}, Title = {Patterns of Correspondence in the Adaptation of Spanish Borrowings in Basque}} @proceedings{chang00aa, Address = {Berkeley}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 12--15, 1999: General Session and Parassession on Loan Word Phenomena}, Date = {2000}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 13:17:06 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-23 13:22:37 -0400}, Editor = {Steve S. Chang and Lily Liaw and Josef Ruppenhofer}, Publisher = {Berkeley Linguistics Soc.}, Title = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 12--15, 1999: General Session and Parassession on Loan Word Phenomena}} @booklet{washingtondc00aa, Annote = {This is the citation for a booklet entrytype. I found this source listed in the \emph{MLA Style Manual}.}, Date = {2000}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 13:12:40 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-23 13:12:40 -0400}, Location = {New York}, Publisher = {Trip Builder}, Title = {Washington, DC}} @booklet{renoir94aa, Annote = {This is the citation for a booklet entrytype. I found this source listed in the \emph{MLA Style Manual}.}, Date = {1994}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 13:12:40 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-23 13:12:40 -0400}, Location = {New York}, Publisher = {Dover}, Title = {Renoir Lithographs}} @book{morrison02aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Toni Morrison}, Booktitle = {Sula}, Date = {2002}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 13:09:43 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-23 13:10:14 -0400}, Origdate = {1973}, Publisher = {Plume-Penguin}, Title = {Sula}} @book{dreiser00aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Theodore Dreiser}, Booktitle = {Sister Carrie}, Date = {2000}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 13:04:33 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-23 13:05:29 -0400}, Introduction = {Richard Lingeman}, Origdate = {1900}, Publisher = {New Amer.\ Lib.-Penguin}, Title = {Sister Carrie}} @book{douglas93aa, Address = {London}, Author = {Mary Douglas}, Booktitle = {Purity and Danger}, Date = {1993}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 13:03:34 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-23 13:04:10 -0400}, Origdate = {1966}, Publisher = {Routledge}, Subtitle = {An Analysis of the Concepts of Pollution and Taboo}, Title = {Purity and Danger}} @book{doctorow96aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {E. L. Doctorow}, Booktitle = {Welcome to Hard Times}, Date = {1996}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 13:02:52 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-23 13:03:22 -0400}, Origdate = {1960}, Publisher = {Viking-Penguin}, Title = {Welcome to Hard Times}} @book{atwood01aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Margaret Atwood}, Booktitle = {The Blind Assassin}, Date = {2001}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 13:02:15 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-23 13:02:50 -0400}, Origdate = {2000}, Publisher = {Knopf-Random}, Title = {The Blind Assassin}} @book{riccoboni98aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Marie Riccoboni}, Booktitle = {The Story of Ernestine}, Date = {1998}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 12:54:25 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-23 12:55:23 -0400}, Number = {6}, Publisher = {MLA}, Series = {Texts and Trans.}, Title = {The Story of Ernestine}, Translator = {Joan Hinde Stewart and Philip Stewart}} @book{neruda91aa, Address = {Berkeley}, Author = {Pablo Neruda}, Booktitle = {Canto General}, Date = {1991}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 12:53:25 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-23 12:54:21 -0400}, Number = {7}, Publisher = {U of California P}, Series = {Latin Amer.\ Lit.\ and Culture}, Title = {Canto General}, Translator = {Jack Schmitt}} @book{murck00aa, Address = {Cambridge}, Author = {Alfreda Murck}, Booktitle = {Poetry and Painting in Song China}, Date = {2000}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 12:51:14 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2010-02-12 11:24:58 -0600}, Number = {50}, Publisher = {Harvard UP}, Series = {Harvard-Yenching Inst.\ Monograph Ser.}, Subtitle = {The Subtle Art of Dissent}, Title = {Poetry and Painting in Song China}} @book{mitchell-boyask02aa, Address = {New York}, Booktitle = {Approaches to Teaching the Dramas of Euripides}, Date = {2002}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 12:49:30 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-23 12:50:41 -0400}, Editor = {Robin Mitchell-Boyask}, Number = {73}, Publisher = {MLA}, Series = {Approaches to Teaching World Lit.}, Title = {Approaches to Teaching the Dramas of Euripides}} @book{howells68aa, Address = {Bloomington}, Author = {W. D. Howells}, Booktitle = {Their Wedding Journey}, Date = {1968}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 12:28:44 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2011-04-19 19:09:23 -0500}, Doublecheck = {-}, Editor = {John K. Reeves}, Editora = {Edwin H. Cady}, Editoratype = {generaleditor}, Eventdate = {1968/1983}, Maintitle = {A Selected Edition of W. D. Howells}, Publisher = {Indiana UP}, Rating = {0}, Title = {Their Wedding Journey}, Volume = {5}, Volumes = {32}} @book{crane69ab, Address = {Charlottesville}, Author = {Stephen Crane}, Booktitle = {The Red Badge of Courage}, Date = {1975}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 12:23:16 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2011-04-19 19:17:33 -0500}, Doublecheck = {-}, Editora = {Fredson Bowers}, Editoratype = {generaleditor}, Eventdate = {1969/1976}, Maintitle = {The University of Virginia Edition of the Works of Stephen Crane}, Publisher = {University Press of Virginia}, Booksubtitle = {An Episode of the American Civil War}, Title = {The Red Badge of Courage}, Volume = {2}, Volumes = {10}} @book{durant65ac, Address = {New York}, Author = {Will Durant and Ariel Durant}, Booktitle = {The Age of Voltaire}, Date = {1965}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 11:42:38 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2011-04-19 19:18:19 -0500}, Doublecheck = {-}, Eventdate = {1935/1975}, Maintitle = {The Story of Civilization}, Publisher = {Knopf}, Title = {The Age of Voltaire}, Volume = {9}, Volumes = {11}} @book{churchill57ab, Address = {New York}, Author = {Winston S. Churchill}, Booktitle = {The Age of Revolution}, Date = {1957}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 11:41:48 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2010-02-15 11:37:39 -0600}, Eventdate = {1956/1958}, Maintitle = {A History of the English-Speaking Peoples}, Publisher = {Knopf}, Title = {The Age of Revolution}, Volume = {3}, Volumes = {4}} @book{caro02ab, Address = {New York}, Author = {Robert A. Caro}, Booktitle = {Master of the Senate}, Date = {2002}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 08:52:10 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2011-04-19 19:19:06 -0500}, Doublecheck = {-}, Eventdate = {1982/}, Maintitle = {The Dates of Lyndon Johnson}, Publisher = {Knopf}, Title = {Master of the Senate}, Volume = {3}, Volumes = {3}} @book{durant65ab, Address = {New York}, Author = {Will Durant and Ariel Durant}, Booktitle = {The Age of Voltaire}, Date = {1965}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 08:51:18 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-23 08:51:48 -0400}, Publisher = {Knopf}, Title = {The Age of Voltaire}} @book{churchill57aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Winston S. Churchill}, Booktitle = {The Age of Revolution}, Date = {1957}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 08:50:54 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-23 08:51:16 -0400}, Publisher = {Knopf}, Title = {The Age of Revolution}} @book{caro02aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Robert A. Caro}, Booktitle = {Master of the Senate}, Date = {2002}, Date-Added = {2009-07-23 08:50:20 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-23 08:53:15 -0400}, Publisher = {Knopf}, Title = {Master of the Senate}} @book{wellek86aa, Address = {New Haven}, Author = {Ren\'{e} Wellek}, Date = {1986}, Date-Added = {2009-07-22 10:42:39 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-22 10:43:35 -0400}, Eventdate = {1955/1992}, Publisher = {Yale UP}, Title = {A History of Modern Criticism, 1750--1950}, Volume = {5}, Volumes = {8}} @incollection{stowe02ab, Address = {Boston}, Author = {Harriet Beecher Stowe}, Booktitle = {The Heath Anthology of American Literature}, Date = {2002}, Date-Added = {2009-07-22 10:40:33 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-22 11:02:13 -0400}, Edition = {4}, Editor = {Paul Lauter and Many Others and Some More and More Than Three}, Eventdate = {1863}, Pages = {2530-38}, Publisher = {Houghton}, Shorttitle = {Sojourner Truth}, Title = {Sojourner Truth, the Libyan Sibyl}, Volume = {1}, Volumes = {2}} @book{doyle93ac, Address = {New York}, Author = {Arthur Conan Doyle}, Booktitle = {The Oxford Sherlock Holmes}, Date = {1993}, Date-Added = {2009-07-22 10:40:33 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-22 10:40:57 -0400}, Editor = {Owen Dudley Edwards}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, Title = {The Oxford Sherlock Holmes}, Volume = {8}, Volumes = {9}} @incollection{stowe02aa, Address = {Boston}, Author = {Harriet Beecher Stowe}, Booktitle = {The Heath Anthology of American Literature}, Date = {2002}, Date-Added = {2009-07-22 10:23:44 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-22 10:26:02 -0400}, Edition = {4}, Editor = {Paul Lauter and Many Others and Some More and More Than Three}, Origdate = {1863}, Pages = {2530-38}, Publisher = {Houghton}, Shorttitle = {Sojourner Truth}, Title = {Sojourner Truth, the Libyan Sibyl}, Volume = {1}} @book{lawrence00aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {D. H. Lawrence}, Booktitle = {The Letters of D.~H.~Lawrence}, Date = {2000}, Date-Added = {2009-07-22 10:22:28 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-07-22 10:23:42 -0400}, Editor = {James T. Boulton}, Publisher = {Cambridge UP}, Title = {The Letters of D.~H.~Lawrence}, Volume = {8}} @book{wellek55aa, Address = {New Haven}, Author = {Ren\'{e} Wellek}, Booktitle = {A History of Modern Criticism, 1750--1950}, Date = {1955/1992}, Date-Added = {2009-06-29 08:20:17 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-29 08:20:57 -0400}, Publisher = {Yale UP}, Title = {A History of Modern Criticism, 1750--1950}, Volumes = {8}} @collection{boulton79aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {D. H. Lawrence}, Booktitle = {The Letters of D.~H.~Lawrence}, Date = {1979/2000}, Date-Added = {2009-06-29 08:19:05 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-29 08:20:12 -0400}, Editor = {James T. Boulton}, Publisher = {Cambridge UP}, Title = {The Letters of D.~H.~Lawrence}, Volumes = {8}} @book{churchill56aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Winston S. Churchill}, Booktitle = {A History of the English-Speaking Peoples}, Date = {1956/1958}, Date-Added = {2009-06-29 08:17:05 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-29 08:17:58 -0400}, Publisher = {Dodd}, Title = {A History of the English-Speaking Peoples}, Volumes = {4}} @reference{cassidy85aa, Address = {Cambridge}, Booktitle = {Dictionary of American Regional English}, Date = {1985/}, Date-Added = {2009-06-29 08:11:42 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2010-02-15 10:33:42 -0600}, Editor = {Frederic Cassidy}, Publisher = {Belknap-Harvard UP}, Title = {Dictionary of American Regional English}, Volumes = {3}} @book{schlesinger73aa, Address = {New York}, Booktitle = {History of U.S. Political Parties}, Date = {1973}, Date-Added = {2009-06-29 08:07:29 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-29 08:09:10 -0400}, Editor = {Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.}, Editortype = {generaleditor}, Publisher = {Chelsea}, Title = {History of U.S. Political Parties}, Volumes = {4}} @book{sadie80aa, Address = {London}, Booktitle = {The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians}, Date = {1980}, Date-Added = {2009-06-29 07:55:00 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-29 07:56:21 -0400}, Editor = {Stanley Sadie}, Publisher = {Macmillan}, Sorttitle = {New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians}, Title = {The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians}, Volumes = {20}} @book{rampersand02aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Arnold Rampersand}, Booktitle = {The Life of Langston Hughes}, Date = {2002}, Date-Added = {2009-06-29 07:53:09 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-29 07:54:58 -0400}, Edition = {2}, Publisher = {Oxford UP}, Title = {The Life of Langston Hughes}, Volumes = {2}} @collection{lauter02aa, Address = {Boston}, Booktitle = {The Heath Anthology of American Literature}, Date = {2002}, Date-Added = {2009-06-29 07:51:48 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-29 07:53:04 -0400}, Edition = {4}, Editor = {Paul Lauter and Saul Lauter and Paul Sauter and Saul Sauter}, Publisher = {Houghton}, Title = {The Heath Anthology of American Literature}, Volumes = {2}} @book{blanco93aa, Address = {Hamden}, Booktitle = {The American Revolution}, Date = {1993}, Date-Added = {2009-06-29 07:49:30 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-29 07:50:48 -0400}, Editor = {Richard L. Blanco}, Publisher = {Garland}, Subtitle = {An Encyclopedia}, Title = {The American Revolution, 1775--1783}, Volumes = {2}} @book{murasaki-shikibu85aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {{Murasaki Shikibu}}, Booktitle = {The Tale of Genji}, Date = {1985}, Date-Added = {2009-06-28 14:56:44 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-28 14:57:55 -0400}, Edition = {\autocap{a}bridged~ed.}, Publisher = {Vintage-Random}, Title = {The Tale of Genji}, Translator = {Edward G. Seidensticker}} @book{hyde86aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Margaret O. Hyde and Elizabeth Held Forsyth}, Booktitle = {Suicide}, Date = {1986}, Date-Added = {2009-06-28 14:55:59 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-28 14:56:39 -0400}, Edition = {\autocap{r}evised~ed.}, Publisher = {Watts}, Subtitle = {The Hidden Epidemic}, Title = {Suicide}} @book{cheyfitz97aa, Address = {Philadelphia}, Author = {Eric Cheyfitz}, Booktitle = {The Poetics of Imperialism}, Date = {1997}, Date-Added = {2009-06-28 14:54:19 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-28 14:55:29 -0400}, Edition = {Expanded edition}, Publisher = {University of Pennsylvania Press}, Subtitle = {Translation and Colonization from \emph{The Tempest} to \emph{Tarzan}}, Title = {The Poetics of Imperialism}} @book{chaucer57aa, Address = {Boston}, Author = {Geoffrey Chaucer}, Booktitle = {The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer}, Date = {1957}, Date-Added = {2009-06-28 14:53:43 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-28 14:54:16 -0400}, Edition = {2}, Editor = {F. N. Robinson}, Publisher = {Houghton}, Title = {The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer}} @book{bondanella01aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Peter Bondanella}, Booktitle = {Peter Bondanella}, Date = {2001}, Date-Added = {2009-06-28 14:51:18 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-28 14:52:26 -0400}, Edition = {3}, Publisher = {Continuum}, Subtitle = {From Neorealism to the Present}, Title = {Italian Cinema}} @book{levi87aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Primo Levi}, Booktitle = {Survival in Auschwitz}, Date = {1987}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 11:10:18 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 11:12:43 -0400}, Origdate = {1958}, Origlanguage = {italian}, Origtitle = {Se questo \`{e} un uomo}, Publisher = {Collier-Macmillan}, Subtitle = {The Nazi Assault on Humanity}, Title = {Survival in Auschwitz}, Translator = {Stuart Woolf}} @book{esquivel92ab, Address = {New York}, Author = {Laura Esquivel}, Booktitle = {Like Water for Chocolate}, Date = {1992}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 11:06:49 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 11:09:53 -0400}, Origdate = {1989}, Origlanguage = {spanish}, Origlocation = {M\'{e}xico, DF [Mexico City]}, Origpublisher = {Planeta}, Origtitle = {Como agua para chocolate: Novelas de entregas mensuales, con recetas, amores y remedios caseros}, Publisher = {Doubleday}, Subtitle = {A Novelty in Monthly Installments, with Recipes, Romances, and Home Remedies}, Title = {Like Water for Chocolate}, Translator = {Carol Christensen and Thomas Christensen}} @book{mu76aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {{Murasaki Shikibu}}, Booktitle = {The Tale of Genji}, Date = {1976}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 10:55:32 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 10:56:31 -0400}, Publisher = {Knopf}, Title = {The Tale of Genji}, Translator = {Edward G. Seidensticker}} @book{hildegard-of-bingen01aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {{Hildegard of Bingen}}, Booktitle = {Selected Writings}, Date = {2001}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 10:54:22 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 10:55:12 -0400}, Publisher = {Penguin}, Title = {Selected Writings}, Translator = {Mark Atherton}} @book{esquivel92aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Laura Esquivel}, Booktitle = {Like Water for Chocolate}, Date = {1992}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 10:53:05 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 10:54:15 -0400}, Publisher = {Doubleday}, Subtitle = {A Novelty in Monthly Installments, with Recipes, Romances, and Home Remedies}, Title = {Like Water for Chocolate}, Translator = {Carol Christensen and Thomas Christensen}} @book{beowulf01aa, Address = {New York}, Booktitle = {Beowulf}, Date = {2001}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 10:50:55 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 10:52:33 -0400}, Editor = {Nicholas Howe}, Options = {useeditor=false}, Publisher = {Norton}, Title = {Beowulf}, Translator = {E. Talbot Donaldson}} @book{crane75ab, Address = {Charlottesville}, Author = {Stephen Crane}, Booktitle = {The Red Badge of Courage}, Date = {1975}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 10:19:53 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 10:20:35 -0400}, Editor = {Fredson Bowers}, Options = {useauthor=false}, Origdate = {1895}, Publisher = {University Press of Virginia}, Sorttitle = {Red Badge of Courage}, Subtitle = {An Episode of the American Civil War}, Title = {The Red Badge of Courage}} @book{twain93aa, Author = {Mark Twain}, Booktitle = {Roughing It}, Date = {1993}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 10:17:53 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 10:18:27 -0400}, Editor = {Harriet E. Smith and Edgar M. Branch}, Publisher = {U of California P}, Title = {Roughing It}} @book{smith02aa, Address = {Bloomington}, Author = {Charlotte Smith}, Booktitle = {The Collected Letters of Charlotte Smith}, Date = {2002}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 10:17:21 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 10:18:39 -0400}, Editor = {Judith Stanton}, Publisher = {Indiana UP}, Sorttitle = {Collected Letters of Charlotte Smith}, Title = {The Collected Letters of Charlotte Smith}} @book{shakespeare92aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {William Shakespeare}, Booktitle = {Hamlet}, Date = {1992}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 10:16:30 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 10:17:05 -0400}, Editor = {Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine}, Publisher = {Washington Square-Pocket}, Title = {Hamlet}} @book{octovian86aa, Address = {London}, Date = {1986}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 10:16:14 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 10:16:14 -0400}, Editor = {Frances McSparran}, Number = {289}, Options = {useeditor=false}, Publisher = {Oxford UP}, Series = {Early English Text Soc.}, Title = {Octovian}} @book{edgeworth92aa, Address = {London}, Author = {Maria Edgeworth}, Booktitle = {\emph{Castle Rackrent} and \emph{Ennui}}, Date = {1992}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 10:15:03 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 10:19:42 -0400}, Editor = {Marilyn Butler}, Publisher = {Penguin}, Title = {\emph{Castle Rackrent} and \emph{Ennui}}} @book{crane75aa, Address = {Charlottesville}, Author = {Stephen Crane}, Booktitle = {The Red Badge of Courage}, Date = {1975}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 10:14:04 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 10:20:46 -0400}, Editor = {Fredson Bowers}, Origdate = {1895}, Publisher = {University Press of Virginia}, Sorttitle = {Red Badge of Courage}, Subtitle = {An Episode of the American Civil War}, Title = {The Red Badge of Courage}} @book{austen01aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Jane Austen}, Booktitle = {Sense and Sensibility}, Date = {2001}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 10:11:53 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 10:19:32 -0400}, Editor = {Claudia Johnson}, Publisher = {Norton}, Title = {Sense and Sensibility}} @book{bible84aa, Address = {Grand Rapids}, Booktitle = {The Holy Bible}, Date = {1984}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 07:29:05 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 07:29:05 -0400}, Publisher = {Zondervan}, Sorttitle = {Holy Bible}, Subtitle = {New International Version}, Title = {The Holy Bible}} @book{virginia93aa, Address = {New York}, Booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Virginia}, Date = {1993}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 07:29:05 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 07:29:05 -0400}, Publisher = {Somerset}, Title = {Encyclopedia of Virginia}} @book{NewYorkPublicLibrary97aa, Address = {New York}, Booktitle = {New York Public Library American History Desk Reference}, Date = {1997}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 07:29:05 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 07:29:05 -0400}, Publisher = {Macmillan}, Title = {New York Public Library American History Desk Reference}} @incollection{lennon86aa, Author = {John Lennon}, Crossref = {baker86aa}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Pages = {357-58}, Title = {The Fat Budgie}} @incollection{angelou86aa, Author = {Maya Angelou}, Crossref = {baker86aa}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Pages = {276-78}, Title = {Pickin Em Up and Layin Em Down}} @incollection{lebowitz93aa, Author = {Fran Lebowitz}, Crossref = {baker93aa}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Pages = {556-59}, Title = {Manners}} @incollection{hurston93aa, Author = {Zora Neale Hurston}, Crossref = {baker93aa}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Pages = {458-59}, Title = {Squinch Owl Story}} @incollection{walker00aa, Author = {Alice Walker}, Crossref = {oates2000aa}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Pages = {395-411}, Title = {Looking for Zora}} @incollection{rodriguez00aa, Author = {Richard Rodriguez}, Crossref = {oates2000aa}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Pages = {447-66}, Subtitle = {A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood}, Title = {Aria}} @incollection{kingston00aa, Author = {Maxine Hong Kingston}, Crossref = {oates2000aa}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Pages = {383-94}, Title = {No Name Woman}} @incollection{agee00aa, Author = {James Agee}, Crossref = {oates2000aa}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Pages = {171--75}, Subtitle = {Summer of 1915}, Title = {Knoxville}} @incollection{agee00xx, Author = {James Agee}, Crossref = {oates2000aa}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Entrysubtype = {book}, Pages = {171--75}, Subtitle = {Summer of 1915}, Title = {Knoxville}} @suppcollection{atwan00aa, Author = {Robert Atwan}, Crossref = {oates2000aa}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Entrysubtype = {foreword}, Pages = {x-xvi}} @unpublished{smithXXaa, Author = {Sonia Smith}, Date-Added = {2009-06-16 12:02:53 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-16 12:02:53 -0400}, Note = {Unpublished essay, 1998}, Title = {Shakespeare's Dark Lady Revisited}} @unpublished{twainXXaa, Author = {Mark Twain}, Date-Added = {2009-06-16 12:02:53 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2011-04-19 19:50:17 -0500}, Library = {U of California}, Location = {Berkeley}, Note = {Mark Twain Papers}, Title = {Notebook 32}, Entrysubtype = {untitled}, Type = {typescript}} @unpublished{octovianXXaa, Booktitle = {Octovian}, Date-Added = {2009-06-16 12:02:53 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-16 12:02:53 -0400}, Library = {Dean and Chapter Library}, Location = {Lincolnshire, England}, Number = {91}, Sorttitle = {Octovian}, Type = {manuscript}} @unpublished{salviatiXXaa, Author = {Lionardo Salviati}, Booktitle = {Poetica d'Aristotile parafrasata e comentata}, Date-Added = {2009-06-16 12:02:53 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-16 12:02:53 -0400}, Library = {Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale}, Location = {Firenze}, Number = {2.2.11}, Type = {manuscript}} @unpublished{chaucerXXaa, Author = {Geoffrey Chaucer}, Booktitle = {The Canterbury Tales}, Date-Added = {2009-06-16 12:02:14 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-16 12:02:14 -0400}, Library = {British Library}, Location = {London}, Number = {7334}, Type = {Harley MS}, Origdate = {1400~/1410}} @book{wpa00aa, Address = {Tuscaloosa}, Booktitle = {The WPA Guide to 1930s Alabama}, Date = {2000}, Date-Added = {2009-06-16 09:30:35 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-16 09:44:39 -0400}, Origdate = {1941}, Origtitle = {Alabama: A Guide to the Deep South}, Publisher = {U of Alabama P}, Shorttitle = {WPA Guide}, Sorttitle = {WPA Guide to 1930s Alabama}, Title = {The WPA Guide to 1930s Alabama}} @book{ishiguro01aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Kazuo Ishiguro}, Booktitle = {When We Were Orphans}, Date = {2001}, Date-Added = {2009-06-16 09:27:38 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-16 09:28:57 -0400}, Origdate = {2000}, Origlocation = {London}, Origpublisher = {Faber}, Publisher = {Vintage-Random}, Shorttitle = {When We Were}, Title = {When We Were Orphans}} @suppbook{doody96aa, Address = {New Brunswick}, Author = {Margaret Anne Doody}, Booktitle = {The True Story of the Novel}, Date = {1996}, Date-Added = {2009-05-27 14:48:46 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-27 14:49:34 +0100}, Entrysubtype = {introduction}, Pages = {1--11}, Publisher = {Rutgers UP}, Title = {In Search of the Ancient Novel}} @suppbook{brodsky97aa, Address = {Evanston}, Author = {Joseph Brodsky}, Bookauthor = {Tomas Venclova}, Booktitle = {Winter Dialogue}, Date = {1997}, Date-Added = {2009-05-27 14:46:24 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-27 14:48:15 +0100}, Entrysubtype = {foreword}, Pages = {vii-xviii}, Publisher = {Hydra-Northwestern UP}, Title = {Poetry as a Form of Resistance to Reality}, Translator = {Diana Senechal}} @suppbook{sears01aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Barry Sears}, Bookauthor = {Upton Sinclair}, Booktitle = {The Jungle}, Date = {2001}, Date-Added = {2009-05-27 14:45:03 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-27 14:45:43 +0100}, Entrysubtype = {afterword}, Pages = {343--347}, Publisher = {Signet}} @suppbook{marsalis93aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Wynton Marsalis}, Bookauthor = {John Edward Hasse}, Booksubtitle = {The Life and Genius of Duke Ellington}, Booktitle = {Beyond Category}, Date = {1993}, Date-Added = {2009-05-27 14:43:47 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-27 14:44:52 +0100}, Entrysubtype = {foreword}, Pages = {13--14}, Publisher = {Simon}} @suppcollection{hamill94aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Pete Hamill}, Booksubtitle = {Thirty Writers Celebrate America's Favorite Borough}, Booktitle = {The Brooklyn Reader}, Date = {1994}, Date-Added = {2009-05-27 14:41:41 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-27 14:43:14 +0100}, Editor = {Andrea Wyatt Sexton and Alice Leccese Powers}, Entrysubtype = {introduction}, Pages = {xi--xiv}, Publisher = {Harmony}} @suppbook{drabble85aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Margaret Drabble}, Bookauthor = {George Eliot}, Booktitle = {Middlemarch}, Date = {1985}, Date-Added = {2009-05-27 14:40:44 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-27 14:41:30 +0100}, Entrysubtype = {introduction}, Pages = {vii--xvii}, Publisher = {Bantam}} @suppbook{coetzee01aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {J. M. Coetzee}, Bookauthor = {Robert Musil}, Booktitle = {The Confusions of Young T\"{o}rless}, Date = {2001}, Date-Added = {2009-05-27 14:36:28 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-27 14:39:28 +0100}, Entrysubtype = {introduction}, Pages = {v-xiii}, Publisher = {Penguin}, Translator = {Shaun Whiteside}} @suppcollection{borges73aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Jorge Luis Borges}, Bookauthor = {Jorge Luis Borges}, Booktitle = {Selected Poems, 1923--1967}, Date = {1973}, Date-Added = {2009-05-27 14:27:27 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-27 14:40:21 +0100}, Editor = {Norman Thomas {Di Giovanni}}, Entrysubtype = {foreword}, Pages = {xv--xvi}, Publisher = {Delta-Dell}} @inreference{le-patourel87aa, Author = {John {Le Patourel}}, Booktitle = {Dictionary of the Middle Ages}, Date = {1987}, Date-Added = {2009-05-27 14:23:51 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-15 17:39:21 -0400}, Editor = {Joseph R. Strayer}, Location = {New York}, Publisher = {Scribner's}, Title = {Normans and Normandy}, Volumes = {13}} @inreference{allen95aa, Author = {Anita L. Allen}, Booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Bioethics}, Date = {1995}, Date-Added = {2009-05-27 14:20:24 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-27 14:22:12 +0100}, Edition = {Rev.~ed.}, Editor = {Warren T. Reich}, Location = {New York}, Publisher = {MacMillan-Simon}, Title = {Privacy in Health Care}, Volumes = {5}} @inreference{mandarin94aa, Booktitle = {The Encyclopedia Americana}, Date = {1994}, Date-Added = {2009-05-27 13:01:48 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-27 14:17:14 +0100}, Edition = {1994}, Title = {Mandarin}} @inreference{azimuthal93aa, Booktitle = {Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary}, Date = {1993}, Date-Added = {2009-05-27 12:58:10 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-27 12:59:22 +0100}, Edition = {10}, Title = {Azimuthal Equidistant Projection}} @incollection{franklin92aa, Address = {Boston}, Author = {Benjamin Franklin}, Booktitle = {The Faber Book of America}, Date = {1992}, Date-Added = {2009-05-25 16:33:01 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-25 16:34:08 +0100}, Editor = {Chrisopher Ricks and William L. Vance}, Origdate = {1782}, Pages = {24--26}, Publisher = {Faber}, Title = {Emigration to America}} @incollection{douglass00aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Frederick Douglass}, Booktitle = {Slave Narratives}, Date = {2000}, Date-Added = {2009-05-25 16:21:38 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-25 16:25:35 +0100}, Editor = {William L. Andrews and Gates, Jr., Henry Louis}, Entrysubtype = {book}, Origdate = {1845}, Pages = {267--368}, Publisher = {Library of America}, Shorttitle = {Narrative}, Title = {Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself}} @incollection{witchcraft86aa, Address = {Flagstaff}, Booksubtitle = {Tales from a Vanishing Culture}, Booktitle = {The Hopi Way}, Date = {1986}, Date-Added = {2009-05-25 16:14:20 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-15 21:06:19 -0400}, Editor = {Mando Sevillano}, Editortype = {compiler}, Options = {useeditor=false}, Pages = {33--42}, Publisher = {Northland}, Sorttitle = {Witchcraft Story}, Title = {A Witchcraft Story}} @incollection{more97aa, Address = {Baltimore}, Author = {Hannah More}, Booktitle = {British Women Poets of the Romantic Era}, Date = {1997}, Date-Added = {2009-05-25 16:11:24 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-25 16:13:40 +0100}, Editor = {Paula R. Feldman}, Pages = {472--482}, Publisher = {Johns Hopkins UP}, Subtitle = {A Poem}, Title = {The Black Slave Trade}} @incollection{hanzlik92aa, Address = {Cheltenham}, Author = {Josef Hanzl\'{i}k}, Booktitle = {Interference: The Story of Czechoslovakia in the Words of its Writers}, Date = {1992}, Date-Added = {2009-05-25 16:06:43 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-25 16:09:48 +0100}, Editor = {Peter Spafford}, Editortype = {compilerandeditor}, Options = {uniquetranslator}, Publisher = {New Clarion}, Title = {Vengeance}, Translator = {Ewald Osers}} @incollection{hansberry71aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Lorraine Hansberry}, Booktitle = {Black Theater: A Twentieth-Century Collection of the Work of Its Best Playwrights}, Date = {1971}, Date-Added = {2009-05-25 15:45:41 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-25 15:51:00 +0100}, Editor = {Lindsay Patterson}, Entrysubtype = {play}, Pages = {221--276}, Publisher = {Dodd}, Shorttitle = {Raisin in the Sun}, Title = {A Raisin in the Sun}} @incollection{franco98aa, Address = {Chicago}, Author = {Veronica Franco}, Booktitle = {Poems and Selected Letters}, Date = {1998}, Date-Added = {2009-05-25 15:41:45 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-16 11:35:16 -0400}, Editor = {Ann Rosalind Jones and Margaret F. Rosenthal}, Pages = {35--37}, Publisher = {U of Chicago P}, Title = {To the Painter Jacopo Tintoretto}, Translator = {Ann Rosalind Jones and Margaret F. Rosenthal}} @incollection{allende92aa, Author = {Isabel Allende}, Crossref = {colchie92aa}, Date-Added = {2009-05-25 09:37:20 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-25 15:39:27 +0100}, Options = {uniquetranslator}, Pages = {83--88}, Title = {Toad's Mouth}, Translator = {Margaret Sayers Peden}, Xref = {colchie92aa}} @collection{colchie92aa, Address = {New York}, Booksubtitle = {Stories from Latin America}, Booktitle = {A Hammock Beneath the Mangoes}, Date = {1992}, Date-Added = {2009-05-25 09:35:41 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-25 11:49:06 +0100}, Editor = {Thomas Colchie}, Publisher = {Plume}, Title = {A Hammock Beneath the Mangoes: Stories from Latin America}, Translator = {Margaret Sayers Peden}} @book{public-agenda-foundation92aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {{Public Agenda Foundation}}, Booktitle = {The Health Care Crisis}, Date = {1992}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 15:19:48 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 15:20:24 +0100}, Publisher = {McGraw}, Subtitle = {Containing Costs, Expanding Coverage}, Title = {The Health Care Crisis}} @book{national-research-council00aa, Address = {Washington}, Author = {{National Research Council}}, Booktitle = {Beyond Six Billion}, Date = {2000}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 15:18:49 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 15:19:33 +0100}, Publisher = {Natl. Acad.}, Subtitle = {Forecasting the World's Population}, Title = {Beyond Six Billion}} @book{american-medical-association89aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {{American Medical Association}}, Booktitle = {The American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine}, Date = {1989}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 15:16:04 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 15:17:02 +0100}, Editor = {Charles B. Clayman}, Publisher = {Random}, Title = {The American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine}} @collection{rabkin83aa, Address = {Carbondale}, Booktitle = {No Place Else}, Date = {1983}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 15:10:25 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 15:11:36 +0100}, Editor = {Eric S. Rabkin and Martin H. Greenberg and Joseph D. Olander}, Publisher = {Southern Illinois UP}, Subtitle = {Explorations in Utopian and Dystopian Fiction}, Title = {No Place Else}} @book{marquart94aa, Address = {Austin}, Author = {James W. Marquart and Sheldon Ekland Olson and Jonathan R. Sorensen}, Booktitle = {The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle}, Date = {1994}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 15:08:26 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 15:10:01 +0100}, Publisher = {U of Texas P}, Shorttitle = {Rope, Chair, and Needle}, Subtitle = {Capital Punishment in Texas, 1923--1990}, Title = {The Rope, the Chair, and the Needle}} @collection{frye57ab, Address = {New York}, Booktitle = {Sound and Poetry}, Date = {1957}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 15:05:15 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 15:06:05 +0100}, Editor = {Northrop Frye}, Publisher = {Columbia UP}, Title = {Sound and Poetry}} @book{frye91aa, Address = {Toronto}, Author = {Northrop Frye}, Booktitle = {The Double Vision}, Date = {1991}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 15:04:06 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 15:05:01 +0100}, Publisher = {U of Toronto P}, Shorttitle = {Double Vision}, Sorttitle = {Double Vision}, Subtitle = {Language and Meaning in Religion}, Title = {The Double Vision}} @collection{frye62aa, Address = {Toronto}, Booktitle = {Design for Learning}, Date = {1962}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 14:57:09 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 14:58:25 +0100}, Editor = {Northrop Frye}, Publisher = {U of Toronto P}, Subtitle = {Reports Submitted to the Joint Committee of the Toronto Board of Education and the University of Toronto}, Title = {Design for Learning}} @collection{frye57aa, Address = {Princeton}, Author = {Northrop Frye}, Booktitle = {Anatomy of Criticism}, Date = {1957}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 14:55:45 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 14:56:40 +0100}, Publisher = {Princeton UP}, Subtitle = {Four Essays}, Title = {Anatomy of Criticism}} @collection{weisser01aa, Address = {New York}, Booktitle = {Women and Romance}, Date = {2001}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 14:47:39 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 14:55:37 +0100}, Editor = {Susan Ostrov Weisser}, Publisher = {New York UP}, Subtitle = {A Reader}, Title = {Women and Romance}} @book{spafford92aa, Address = {Cheltenham}, Booktitle = {Interference}, Date = {1992}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 14:37:08 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-15 18:25:11 -0500}, Editor = {Peter Spafford}, Editortype = {compilerandeditor}, Publisher = {New Clarion}, Subtitle = {The Story of Czechoslovakia in the Words of Its Writers}, Title = {Interference}} @book{sevillano86aa, Address = {Flagstaff}, Booktitle = {The Hopi Way}, Date = {1986}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 14:28:51 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 14:30:39 +0100}, Editor = {Mando Sevillano}, Editortype = {compiler}, Publisher = {Northland}, Subtitle = {Tales from a Vanishing Culture}, Title = {The Hopi Way}} @collection{gilbert01ab, Address = {New York}, Booktitle = {Grand Ol' Time}, Date = {2001}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 14:11:23 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 14:16:55 +0100}, Editor = {Goofy Dog and Puddy Tat and Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck}, Options = {totalnames=false}, Publisher = {Norton}, Subtitle = {A Book of Elegies}, Title = {Grand Ol' Time}} @book{tatar92aa, Address = {Princeton}, Author = {Maria Tatar}, Booktitle = {Off with Their Heads!}, Date = {1992}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 14:07:48 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 16:08:02 +0100}, Publisher = {Princeton UP}, Shorttitle = {Off with Their Heads!}, Subtitle = {Fairy Tales and the Culture of Childhood}, Title = {Off with Their Heads!}} @book{silver97aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Lee M. Silver}, Booktitle = {Remaking Eden}, Date = {1997}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 14:07:01 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 14:07:36 +0100}, Publisher = {Avon}, Subtitle = {Cloning and Beyond in a Brave New World}, Title = {Remaking Eden}} @book{rowling00aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {J[oanne] K[athleen] Rowling}, Booktitle = {Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire}, Date = {2000}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 14:05:45 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 14:06:25 +0100}, Publisher = {Levine-Scholastic}, Title = {Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire}} @book{lecarre01aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Le Carr\'{e}, John}, Booktitle = {The Constant Gardner}, Date = {2001}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 13:59:37 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-25 16:47:46 +0100}, Nameaddon = {David Cornwell}, Options = {useprefix=true}, Publisher = {Scribner's}, Shorttitle = {Constant Gardner}, Sorttitle = {Constant Gardner}, Title = {The Constant Gardner}} @book{kurlansky02aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Mark Kurlansky}, Booktitle = {Salt}, Date = {2002}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 13:58:51 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 13:59:22 +0100}, Publisher = {Walker}, Subtitle = {A World History}, Title = {Salt}} @book{freedman84aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Richard R. Freedman}, Booktitle = {What Do Unions Do?}, Date = {1984}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 13:57:53 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 13:58:20 +0100}, Publisher = {Basic}, Title = {What Do Unions Do?}} @book{berlage94aa, Address = {Westport}, Author = {Gai Ingham Berlage}, Booktitle = {Women in Baseball}, Date = {1994}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 13:56:44 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 13:57:37 +0100}, Publisher = {Greenwood}, Subtitle = {The Forgotten History}, Title = {Women in Baseball}} @book{gilbert79aa, Address = {New Haven}, Author = {Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar}, Booktitle = {The Madwoman in the Attic}, Date = {1979}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 13:27:39 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 13:31:28 +0100}, Publisher = {Yale UP}, Shorttitle = {Madwoman in the Attic}, Sorttitle = {Madwoman in the Attic}, Subtitle = {The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination}, Title = {The Madwoman in the Attic}} @collection{gilbert01aa, Address = {New York}, Booktitle = {Inventions of Farewell}, Date = {2001}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 13:26:30 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 13:30:25 +0100}, Editor = {Sandra M. Gilbert}, Publisher = {Norton}, Subtitle = {A Book of Elegies}, Title = {Inventions of Farewell}} @collection{gilbert95aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Sandra M. Gilbert}, Booktitle = {Ghost Volcano}, Date = {1995}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 13:25:29 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 13:26:26 +0100}, Publisher = {Norton}, Subtitle = {Poems}, Title = {Ghost Volcano}} @book{durant77aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Will Durant and Ariel Durant}, Booktitle = {A Dual Autobiography}, Date = {1977}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 13:24:36 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 13:31:47 +0100}, Publisher = {Simon}, Shorttitle = {Dual Autobiography}, Sorttitle = {Dual Autobiography}, Title = {A Dual Autobiography}} @book{durant65aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Will Durant and Ariel Durant}, Booktitle = {The Age of Voltaire}, Date = {1965}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 13:23:53 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 13:31:38 +0100}, Publisher = {Simon}, Shorttitle = {Age of Voltaire}, Sorttitle = {Age of Voltaire}, Title = {The Age of Voltaire}} @book{gilman93ab, Address = {Berkeley, CA}, Author = {Sander Gilman and Helen King and Roy Porter and George Rousseau and Elaine Showalter}, Booktitle = {Hysteria beyond Freud}, Date = {1993}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 12:35:28 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 12:47:58 +0100}, Options = {totalnames=true}, Publisher = {U of California P}, Shortauthor = {{Gilman, King, Porter, Rousseau, and Showalter}}, Title = {Hysteria beyond Freud}} @book{gilman93aa, Address = {Berkeley, CA}, Author = {Sander Gilman and Helen King and Roy Porter and George Rousseau and Elaine Showalter}, Booktitle = {Hysteria beyond Freud}, Date = {1993}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 12:34:30 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 12:35:21 +0100}, Publisher = {U of California P}, Title = {Hysteria beyond Freud}} @book{quirk85ab, Address = {London}, Author = {Randolph Quirk and Sidney Greenbaum and Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik}, Booktitle = {A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language}, Date = {1985}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 12:13:04 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 13:32:02 +0100}, Options = {totalnames=true}, Publisher = {Longman}, Shortauthor = {{Quirk, Greenbaum, Leech, and Svartvik}}, Shorttitle = {Comprehensive Grammar}, Sorttitle = {Comprehensive Grammar of the English}, Title = {A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language}} @book{quirk85aa, Address = {London}, Author = {Randolph Quirk and Sidney Greenbaum and Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik}, Booktitle = {A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language}, Date = {1985}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 12:11:58 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 13:32:08 +0100}, Publisher = {Longman}, Shorttitle = {Comprehensive Grammar}, Sorttitle = {Comprehensive Grammar of the English}, Title = {A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language}} @book{hutcheon00aa, Address = {Lincoln}, Author = {Linda Hutcheon and Michael Hutcheon}, Booktitle = {Bodily Charm}, Date = {2000}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 12:10:55 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 12:11:31 +0100}, Publisher = {U of Nebraska P}, Subtitle = {Living Opera}, Title = {Bodily Charm}} @book{eggins97aa, Address = {London}, Author = {Suzanne Eggins and Diana Slade}, Booktitle = {Analysing Casual Conversation}, Date = {1997}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 12:09:54 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 12:10:20 +0100}, Publisher = {Cassell}, Title = {Analysing Casual Conversation}} @collection{borroff63aa, Address = {Englewood Cliffs}, Booktitle = {Wallace Stevens}, Date = {1963}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 12:03:13 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 12:06:05 +0100}, Editor = {Marie Borroff}, Publisher = {Prentice}, Subtitle = {A Collection of Critical Essays}, Title = {Wallace Stevens}} @book{borroff67aa, Address = {New York}, Booktitle = {Sir Gawain and the Green Knight}, Date = {1967}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 12:02:17 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 12:05:41 +0100}, Options = {usetranslator=true}, Publisher = {Norton}, Title = {Sir Gawain and the Green Knight}, Translator = {Marie Borroff}} @book{borroff79aa, Address = {Chicago}, Author = {Marie Borroff}, Booktitle = {Language and the Past}, Date = {1979}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 12:00:30 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 12:02:16 +0100}, Publisher = {U of Chicago P}, Shorttitle = {Language and the Past}, Subtitle = {Verbal Artistry in Frost, Stevens, and Moore}, Title = {Language and the Past}} @collection{lopate94aa, Address = {New York}, Booktitle = {The Art of the Personal Essay}, Date = {1994}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 11:58:05 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 13:32:22 +0100}, Editor = {Phillip Lopate}, Publisher = {Anchor-Doubleday}, Shorttitle = {Art of the Personal Essay}, Sorttitle = {Art of the Personal Essay}, Subtitle = {An Anthology from the Classical Era to the Present}, Title = {The Art of the Personal Essay}} @book{fukuyama02aa, Address = {New York}, Author = {Francis Fukuyama}, Booktitle = {Our Posthuman Future}, Date = {2002}, Date-Added = {2009-05-24 11:47:10 +0100}, Date-Modified = {2009-05-24 11:49:41 +0100}, Publisher = {Farrar}, Shorttitle = {Our Posthuman Future}, Subtitle = {Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution}, Title = {Our Posthuman Future}} @collection{baker86aa, Address = {New York}, Booktitle = {The Norton Book of Light Verse}, Date = {1986}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Editor = {Russell Baker}, Publisher = {Norton}, Shorttitle = {Norton}} @collection{baker93aa, Address = {New York}, Booktitle = {Russell Baker's Book of American Humor}, Date = {1993}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Editor = {Russell Baker}, Publisher = {Norton}, Shorttitle = {Russell Baker's Book}} @collection{oates2000aa, Address = {Boston}, Booktitle = {The Best American Essays of the Century}, Date = {2000}, Date-Added = {2009-06-17 07:15:34 -0400}, Date-Modified = {2010-02-12 11:24:53 -0600}, Editor = {Joyce Carol Oates and Robert Atwan}, Publisher = {Houghton}, Sorttitle = {Best American Essays of the Century}}