% (APA 9.8) @BOOK{9.8:1, AUTHOR = {A. A. Author and B. B. Author}, DATE = {2014} } @BOOK{9.8:2, GROUPAUTHOR = {{American Psychological Association} and {National Institutes of Health}}, DATE = {2014} } @BOOK{9.8:3, AUTHOR = {A. A. Author and B. B. Author and C. C. Author}, DATE = {2014} } @BOOK{9.8:4, AUTHOR = {First and Second and Third and Fourth and Fifth and Sixth and Seventh and Eighth and Ninth and Tenth and Eleventh and Twelfth and Thirteenth and Fourteenth and Fifteenth and Sixteenth and Seventeenth and Eighteenth and Nineteenth and Twentieth}, DATE = {2014} } @BOOK{9.8:5, AUTHOR = {First and Second and Third and Fourth and Fifth and Sixth and Seventh and Eighth and Ninth and Tenth and Eleventh and Twelfth and Thirteenth and Fourteenth and Fifteenth and Sixteenth and Seventeenth and Eighteenth and Nineteenth and Twentieth and Twentyfirst and Twentysecond}, DATE = {2014} } @BOOK{9.8:6, AUTHOR = {Xu, Ai-Jun}, DATE = {2014} } % protect the hyphenated lower-case initial from being detected @BOOK{9.8:7, AUTHOR = {Raboso, {Lee-ann}}, DATE = {2014} } @BOOK{9.8:8, AUTHOR = {Author, Jr., A. A. and B. B. Author}, DATE = {2014} } @BOOK{9.8:9, AUTHOR = {K. Meyers}, WITH = {W. T. Long}, TITLE = {Withering Worrying}, DATE = {2014} } @BOOK{9.8:10, AUTHOR = {Plato}, DATE = {2014} } % using the biber string annotation feature for usernames. This allows % usernames to be attached to any name in a name list. Must call a username % annotation "username" @BOOK{9.8:11, AUTHOR = {U. Author}, AUTHOR+an:username = {1="@ausername"}, DATE = {2014} } % (APA 9.44) @NAMEONLY{9.44:1a, AUTHOR = {A. S. Benjamin} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:1b, AUTHOR = {ben Yaakov, D.} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:2a, AUTHOR = {N. K. Denzin} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:2b, AUTHOR = {de Onís, C.} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:2c, AUTHOR = {J. T. Devlin} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:3a, AUTHOR = {Girard, John-Bill} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:3b, AUTHOR = {Girard-Perregaux, A. S.} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:4a, AUTHOR = {Ibn Abdulaziz, T.} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:4b, AUTHOR = {Ibn Nidal, A. K. M.} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:5a, AUTHOR = {M. E. López} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:5b, AUTHOR = {López de Molina, G.} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:6a, AUTHOR = {MacCallum, II, T.} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:6b, AUTHOR = {MacCallum, III, T.} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:7a, AUTHOR = {E. MacNeil} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:7b, AUTHOR = {Z. C. E. McAdoo} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:7c, AUTHOR = {L. L. M'Carthy} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:8a, AUTHOR = {S. R. Olson} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:8b, AUTHOR = {U. O'Neil} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:8c, AUTHOR = {R. Oppenheimer} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:9a, AUTHOR = {F. Partridge} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:9b, AUTHOR = {Plato} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:10a, AUTHOR = {San Martin, Q. E} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:10b, AUTHOR = {Santa Maria, M.} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:10c, AUTHOR = {F. E. Santayana} } % Silly requirement to list "Sr" before "Jr" because it's "older" @NAMEONLY{9.44:11a, AUTHOR = {Santiago, Sr., J.}, SORTNAME = {SantiagoJ1} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:11b, AUTHOR = {Santiago, Jr., J.}, SORTNAME = {SantiagoJ2} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:12a, AUTHOR = {S. A. Villafuerte} } @NAMEONLY{9.44:12b, AUTHOR = {Villa-Lobos, J.} } % (APA 9.46) @BOOK{9.46:1, AUTHOR = {S. N. Patel} } @BOOK{9.46:2, AUTHOR = {S. N. Patel}, DATE = {2016} } @BOOK{9.46:3, AUTHOR = {S. N. Patel}, DATE = {2020} } @BOOK{9.46:4, AUTHOR = {S. N. Patel}, DATE = {2020-04} } @BOOK{9.46:5, AUTHOR = {S. N. Patel}, PUBSTATE = {inpress} } @BOOK{9.46:6, AUTHOR = {T. E. Davidson}, DATE = {2019} } @BOOK{9.46:7, AUTHOR = {T. E. Davidson and McCabe, M. P.}, DATE = {2015} } @BOOK{9.46:8, AUTHOR = {Costa, Jr., P. T. and McCrae, R. R.}, DATE = {2013} } @BOOK{9.46:9, AUTHOR = {Costa, Jr., P. T. and McCrae, R. R.}, DATE = {2014} } @BOOK{9.46:10, AUTHOR = {T. E. Jacobson and B. Duncan and S. E. Young}, DATE = {2019} } @BOOK{9.46:11, AUTHOR = {T. E. Jacobson and K. M. Raymond}, DATE = {2017} } @BOOK{9.46:12, AUTHOR = {S. J. Pfeiffer and Wan-Wan Chu and S. H. Park}, DATE = {2018} } @BOOK{9.46:13, AUTHOR = {S. J. Pfeiffer and Wan-Wan Chu and T. L. Wall}, DATE = {2018} } % (APA 9.47) @BOOK{9.47:1, AUTHOR = {H. Azikiwe and A. Bello}, DATE = {2020} } @BOOK{9.47:2, AUTHOR = {H. Azikiwe and A. Bello}, DATE = {2020-03-26} } @BOOK{9.47:3, AUTHOR = {H. Azikiwe and A. Bello}, DATE = {2020-04-02} } @ARTICLE{9.47:4, AUTHOR = {T. A. Judge and Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D}, TITLE = {General and Specific Measures in Organizational Behaviour Research}, SUBTITLE = {Considerations, Examples, and Recommandations for Researchers}, JOURNALTITLE = {Organizational Behaviour}, VOLUME = {33}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {161--174}, DATE = {2012}, DOI = {10.1002/job.764} } @ARTICLE{9.47:5, AUTHOR = {T. A. Judge and Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D}, TITLE = {On the Value of Aiming High}, SUBTITLE = {The Causes and Consequences of Ambition}, JOURNALTITLE = {Journal of Applied Psychology}, VOLUME = {97}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {758--775}, DATE = {2012}, DOI = {10.1037/a0028084} } % Testing title nosort options - title sorting ignores "The" "An" and "A" % at the beginning @BOOK{9.47:6, AUTHOR = {A. Smith}, TITLE = {Interesting Things}, DATE = {2014} } @BOOK{9.47:7, AUTHOR = {A. Smith}, TITLE = {A Litany of Special Things}, DATE = {2014} } @BOOK{9.47:8, AUTHOR = {A. Smith}, TITLE = {An Awful Lot of Special Things}, DATE = {2014} } @BOOK{9.47:9, AUTHOR = {A. Smith}, TITLE = {The Banality of Special Things}, DATE = {2014} } % Testing no date and in press extradate @BOOK{9.47:10, AUTHOR = {B. Brown} } @BOOK{9.47:11, AUTHOR = {B. Brown} } @BOOK{9.47:12, AUTHOR = {B. Brown}, PUBSTATE = {inpress} } @BOOK{9.47:13, AUTHOR = {B. Brown}, PUBSTATE = {inpress} } % (APA 9.48) @BOOK{9.48:1, AUTHOR = {J. M. Taylor and G. J. Neimeyer}, DATE = {2015} } @BOOK{9.48:2, AUTHOR = {T. Taylor}, DATE = {2014} } % (APA 9.49) @BOOK{9.49:1, AUTHOR = {Anonymous}, TITLE = {The Pnakotic Manuscript}, DATE = {-3000~} } @BOOK{9.49:2, TITLE = {The Book of Eibon}, DATE = {-2000~} } @BOOK{9.49:3, AUTHOR = {A. Smith}, TITLE = {Top 100 Silliest Reference List Sorting Requirements}, SORTTITLE = {Top One Hundred Silliest Reference List Sorting Requirements}, DATE = {2019} } @BOOK{9.49:4, AUTHOR = {A. Smith}, TITLE = {Top 10 Political Pandering Epithets in Psychology}, SORTTITLE = {Top Ten Political Pandering Epithets in Psychology}, DATE = {2019} } @ARTICLE{9.49:5, AUTHOR = {J. Jones}, TITLE = {Annoyingly Casual Titles}, SUBTITLE = {How to Exhaust all Effort on the Title Alone}, SORTTITLE = {Annoyingly Casual Titles Part 1}, JOURNALTITLE = {Journal of the Decline of Academia}, DATE = {2012} } @ARTICLE{9.49:6, AUTHOR = {J. Jones}, TITLE = {Annoyingly Casual Titles}, SUBTITLE = {Creating Titles to Distract from Vacuity}, SORTTITLE = {Annoyingly Casual Titles Part 2}, JOURNALTITLE = {Journal of the Decline of Academia}, DATE = {2012} } % (APA 9.51) @INBOOK{9.51:1, AUTHOR = {L. K. Barber and M. J. Grawitch and P. W. Maloney}, EDITOR = {M. J. Grawitch and D. W. Ballard}, TITLE = {Work-life Balance}, SUBTITLE = {Contemporary Perspectives}, BOOKTITLE = {The Psychologically Healthy Workplace}, BOOKSUBTITLE = {Building a Win-Win Environment for Organizations and Employees}, PAGES = {111--113}, PUBLISHER = {American Psychological Association}, DATE = {2016}, DOI = {10.1037/14731-006}, ANNOTATION = {This book chapter provides an overview of the psychosociological concept of work-life balance. The authors discuss findings from studies showing harmful effects of work-life conflict on psychological and behavioural health as well as beneficial effects of work-life facilitation, wherein one role makes a positive contribution to the other. The chapter concludes with a description of work-life balance initiatives that organizations have adopted to help employees manage their dual work and nonwork obligations and some of the key factors influencing their effectiveness.} } @ARTICLE{9.51:2, AUTHOR = {D. S. Carlson and M. J. Thompson and K. M. Kacmar}, TITLE = {Double Crossed}, SUBTITLE = {The Spillover and Crossover Effect of Work Demands on Work Outcomes Through the Family}, JOURNALTITLE = {Journal of Applied Psychology}, VOLUME = {104}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {214--228}, DATE = {2019}, DOI = {10.1037/apl0000348}, ANNOTATION = {\textcite{9.51:2} conducted an empirical study to examine the multiple paths through which work and family variables can affect work outcomes. Whereas \textcite{9.51:1} explored how work obligations can increase stress or enhance fulfillment at home, \citeauthor{9.51:2} viewed work demands as raising family stress, with potential negative consequences on work performance. Results supported a model in which direct effects of work demands and spillover effects of work demands to work-to-family conflict led to a lower job satisfaction and affective commitment, as well as crossover effects of work-to-family conflict, spousal stress transmission, and later family-to-work conflict on organizational citizenship and absenteeism. Overall, the study demonstrated a link from work demands to work outcomes when considering the family, but those paths differed depending on whether attitudinal or behavioural work outcomes were examined.} } % (APA 9.52) @ARTICLE{9.52:1, AUTHOR = {L. Angel and C. Bastin and S. Genon and E. Balteau and C. Phillips and A. Luxen and P. Maquet and E. Salmon and F. Collette}, TITLE = {Differential Effects of Aging on the Neural Correlates of Recollection and Familiarity}, JOURNALTITLE = {Cortex}, VOLUME = {49}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {1585--1597}, DATE = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.cortex.2012.10.002}, KEYWORDS = {meta} } @INBOOK{9.52:2, AUTHOR = {J. R. Finley and J. G. Tullis and A. S. Benjamin}, EDITOR = {M. S. Khine and I. M. Saleh}, TITLE = {Metacognitive Control of Learning and Remembering}, BOOKTITLE = {New Science of Learning}, BOOKSUBTITLE = {Cognition, Computers and Collaboration in Education}, PAGES = {109--131}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, DATE = {2010}, DOI = {10.1007/978-1-4419-57160_6} } @ARTICLE{9.52:3, AUTHOR = {R. Hanaki and N. Abe and T. Fujii and A. Ueno and Y. Nishio and K. Hiraoka and T. Shimomura and O. Iizuka and M. Shinohara and K. Hirayama and E. Mori}, TITLE = {The Effects of Aging and Alzheimer's Disease on Associative Recognition Memory}, JOURNALTITLE = {Neurological Sciences}, VOLUME = {32}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {1115--1122}, DATE = {2011}, DOI = {10.1007/s10072-011-0748-4}, KEYWORDS = {meta} } @ARTICLE{9.52:4, AUTHOR = {M. B. Hargis and A. D. Castel}, TITLE = {Younger and Older Adults' Associative Memory for Medication Interactions of Varying Severity}, JOURNALTITLE = {Memory}, VOLUME = {26}, NUMBER = {8}, PAGES = {1151--1158}, DATE = {2018}, DOI = {10.1080/09658211.2018.1441423}, } % (APA 10.1 Example 1) % Note that the URL is suppressed if there is a DOI @ARTICLE{10.1:1, AUTHOR = {S. M. McCauley and M. H. Christiansen}, TITLE = {Language Learning as Language Use}, SUBTITLE = {A Cross-linguistic Model of Child Language Development}, JOURNALTITLE = {Psychological Review}, VOLUME = {126}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1--51}, DATE = {2019}, DOI = {10.1037/rev0000126}, URL = {http://some.url} } % (APA 10.1 Example 2) @ARTICLE{10.1:2, AUTHOR = {E. Ahmann and L. J. Tuttle and M. Saviet and S. D. Wright}, TITLE = {A Descriptive Review of {ADHD} Coaching Research}, SUBTITLE = {Implications for College Students}, JOURNALTITLE = {Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability}, VOLUME = {31}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {17--39}, DATE = {2018}, URL = {https://www.ahead.org/professional-resources/publications/jped/archived-jped/jped-volume-31} } % (APA 10.1 Example 3) @ARTICLE{10.1:3a, AUTHOR = {M. Anderson}, TITLE = {Getting Consistent with Consequences}, JOURNALTITLE = {Educational Leadership}, VOLUME = {76}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {26-33}, DATE = {2018} } @ARTICLE{10.1:3b, AUTHOR = {C. Goldman}, TITLE = {The Complicated Calibration of Love, Especially in Adoption}, JOURNALTITLE = {Chicago Tribune}, KEYWORDS = {nonacademic}, DATE = {2018-11-28} } % (APA 10.1 Example 4) % This is incorrect in APA 7th as the DOI is http but the standard is https @ARTICLE{10.1:4, AUTHOR = {E. Kalnay and M. Kanamitsu and R. Kistler and W. Collins and D. Deaven and L. Gandin and M. Iredell and S. Saha and G. White and J. Wollen and Y. Zhu and M. Chelliah and W. Ebisuzaki and W. Higgins and J. Janowiak and K. C. Mo and C. Ropelewski and J. Wang and A. Leetma and A. Aaron and B. Baron C. Court and D. Joseph}, TITLE = {The {NCEP/NCAR} 40-year Reanalysis Project}, JOURNALTITLE = {Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society}, VOLUME = {77}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {437--471}, DATE = {1996-01-01}, DOI = {fg6rf9} } % (APA 10.1 Example 5) % Use AUTHOR for mixed people/group author lists as special formatting is only % specified for group author lists (APA 9.8) @ARTICLE{10.1:5, AUTHOR = {De Vries, R. and M. Nieuwenhuijze and S. E. Buitendijk and {the members of Midwifery Science Work Group}}, TITLE = {What Does It Take To Have a Strong and Independent Profession of Midwifery? {L}essons From the {N}etherlands}, JOURNALTITLE = {Midwifery}, VOLUME = {29}, NUMBER = {10}, PAGES = {1122--1128}, DATE = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.midw.2013.07.007} } % (APA 10.1 Example 6) @ARTICLE{10.1:6, AUTHOR = {D. Burin and K. Kilteni and M. Rabuffetti and M. Slater and L. Pia}, TITLE = {Body Ownership Increases the Interference Between Observed and Executed Movements}, JOURNALTITLE = {{PLOS ONE}}, VOLUME = {14}, NUMBER = {1}, DATE = {2019}, EPRINTTYPE = {article}, EPRINT = {e0209899}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0209899} } % (APA 10.1 Example 7) @ARTICLE{10.1:7, AUTHOR = {S. M. Huestegge and T. Raettig and L. Huestegge}, TITLE = {Are Face-incongruent Voices Harder to Process? {E}ffects of Face-Voice Gender Incongruity on Basic Cognitive Information Processing}, JOURNALTITLE = {Experimental Psychology}, NOTE = {Advance online publication}, DATE = {2019}, DOI = {10.1027/1618-3169/a000440} } % (APA 10.1 Example 8) @ARTICLE{10.1:8, PUBSTATE = {inpress}, AUTHOR = {T. Pachur and B. Scheibehenne}, TITLE = {Unpacking Buyer-Seller Differences in Valuation from Experience}, SUBTITLE = {A Cognitive Modeling Approach}, JOURNALTITLE = {Psychonomic Bulletin \& Review} } % (APA 10.1 Example 9) @ARTICLE{10.1:9, AUTHOR = {V. Chaves-Morillo and Gómez Calero, C. and J. J. Fernández-Muñoz and A. Toledano-Muñoz and J. Fernández-Heute and N. Martinez-Monge and D. Palacios-Ceña and C. Peñacoba-Puente}, ORIGTITLE = {La anosmia neurosensorial: Relación entre subtipo, tiempo de reconocimiento y edad}, TITLE = {Sensorineural Anosmia}, SUBTITLE = {Relationship Between Subtype, Recognition Time, and Age}, JOURNALTITLE = {Clínica y Salud}, VOLUME = {28}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {155--161}, DATE = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.clysa.2017.04.002} } % (APA 10.1 Example 10) @ARTICLE{10.1:10, AUTHOR = {J. Piaget}, TRANSLATOR = {J. Bliss and H. Furth}, TITLE = {Intellectual Evolution from Adolescence to Adulthood}, JOURNALTITLE = {Human Development}, VOLUME = {15}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1--12}, DATE = {1972}, ORIGDATE = {1970}, DOI = {10.1159/00027/1225} } % (APA 10.1 Example 11) @ARTICLE{10.1:11, AUTHOR = {M. F. Shore}, TITLE = {Marking Time in the Land Of Plenty}, SUBTITLE = {Reflections on Mental Health in the {U}nited {S}tates}, JOURNALTITLE = {American Journal of Orthopsychiatry}, VOLUME = {84}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {611--618}, DATE = {2014}, DOI = {10.1037/h0100165}, RELATED = {10.1:11r}, RELATEDTYPE = {reprintfrom} } @ARTICLE{10.1:11r, TITLE = {Marking Time in the Land Of Plenty}, SUBTITLE = {Reflections on Mental Health in the {U}nited {S}tates}, JOURNALTITLE = {American Journal of Orthopsychiatry}, VOLUME = {51}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {391--402}, DATE = {1981}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1939-0025.1981.tb01388.x} } % (APA 10.1 Example 12) @PERIODICAL{10.1:12a, EDITOR = {S. O. Lilienfeld}, TITLE = {Heterodox Issues in Psychology}, ISSUETITLE = {Special section}, JOURNALTITLE = {Archives of Scientific Psychology}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {51--104}, DATE = {2018} } @PERIODICAL{10.1:12b, EDITOR = {S. H. McDaniel and E. Salas and A. E. Kazak}, TITLE = {The Science of Teamwork}, ISSUETITLE = {Special issue}, JOURNALTITLE = {American Psychologist}, VOLUME = {73}, NUMBER = {4}, DATE = {2018} } % (APA 10.1 Example 13) @ARTICLE{10.1:13, AUTHOR = {J. Mehrholz and M. Pohl and T. Platz and J. Kugler and B. Elsner}, TITLE = {Electromechanical and Robot-Assisted Arm Training for Improving Activities of Daily Living, Arm Function, and Arm Muscle Strength After Stroke}, JOURNALTITLE = {Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews}, DATE = {2018}, DOI = {10.1002/14651858.CD006876.pub5} } % (APA 10.1 Example 14) @ARTICLE{10.1:14, AUTHOR = {M. C. Morey}, TITLE = {Physical Activity and Exercise in Older Adults}, JOURNALTITLE = {{UpToDate}}, DATE = {2019}, URLDATE = {2019-07-22}, URL = {https://www.uptodate.com/contents/physical-activity-and-exercise-in-older-adults} } % (APA 10.1 Example 15) % Note use of KEYWORDS to indicate non-academic magazine so that dates % are formatted correctly @ARTICLE{10.1:15a, AUTHOR = {S. Bergeson}, TITLE = {Really Cool Neutral Plasmas}, JOURNALTITLE = {Science}, VOLUME = {363}, NUMBER = {6422}, PAGES = {33--34}, KEYWORDS = {nonacademic}, DATE = {2019-01-04}, DOI = {10.1126/science.aau7988} } @ARTICLE{10.1:15b, AUTHOR = {M. Bustillos}, TITLE = {On Video Games and Storytelling}, SUBTITLE = {An Interview with {T}om {B}issell}, JOURNALTITLE = {The New Yorker}, KEYWORDS = {nonacademic}, DATE = {2013-03-19}, URL = {https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/on-video-games-and-storytelling-an-interview-with-tom-bissell} } @ARTICLE{10.1:15c, AUTHOR = {K. Wier}, TITLE = {Forgiveness Can Improve Mental and Physical Health}, JOURNALTITLE = {Monitor on Psychology}, VOLUME = {48}, NUMBER = {1}, KEYWORDS = {nonacademic}, PAGES = {30}, DATE = {2017-01} } % (APA 10.1 Example 16) @ARTICLE{10.1:16a, AUTHOR = {B. Guarino}, TITLE = {How Will Humanity React to Alien Life? {P}sychologists Have Some Predictions}, JOURNALTITLE = {The Washington Post}, KEYWORDS = {nonacademic}, DATE = {2017-12-04}, URL = {https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2017/12/04/how-will-humanity-react-to-alien-life-psychologists-have-some-predictions} } @ARTICLE{10.1:16b, AUTHOR = {A. Hess}, TITLE = {Cats Who Take Direction}, JOURNALTITLE = {The New York Times}, KEYWORDS = {nonacademic}, DATE = {2019-01-03}, PAGES = {C1} } % (APA 10.1 Example 17) % Can't be ONLINE as the format isn't the same as all other ONLINE examples @MISC{10.1:17, AUTHOR = {M. Klymkowsky}, TITLE = {Can We Talk Scientifically About Free Will?}, LOCATION = {Sci-Ed}, DATE = {2018-09-15}, URL = {https://blogs.plos.org/scied/2018/09/15/can-we-talk-scientifically-about-free-will/}, } % (APA 10.1 Example 18) % This uses the RELATED method which is sensitive to language for the % "Comment on the article" string. A simpler but less general way of getting the same % results would be: %@ARTICLE{10.1:18, % AUTHOR = {{KS in NJ}}, % TITLE = {From this article, it sounds like men are figuring % something out that women have known forever. {I} know of many}, % TITLEADDON = {Comment on the article ``How workout buddies can help stave off loneliness''}, % JOURNALTITLE = {The Washington Post}, % KEYWORDS = {nonacademic}, % DATE = {2019-01-15}, % URL = {https://wapo.st/2HDToGJ} %} @ARTICLE{10.1:18, AUTHOR = {{KS in NJ}}, TITLE = {From this article, it sounds like men are figuring something out that women have known forever. {I} know of many}, RELATED = {10.1:18r}, RELATEDTYPE = {commentonarticle}, JOURNALTITLE = {The Washington Post}, KEYWORDS = {nonacademic}, DATE = {2019-01-15}, URL = {https://wapo.st/2HDToGJ} } @ARTICLE{10.1:18r, AUTHOR = {A. Author}, TITLE = {How Workout Buddies can Help Stave off Loneliness}, JOURNALTITLE = {The Washington Post}, DATE = {2019-01-15} } % (APA 10.1 Example 19) @ARTICLE{10.1:19, AUTHOR = {N. G. Cuellar}, TITLE = {Study Abroad Programs}, TITLEADDON = {Editorial}, JOURNALTITLE = {Journal of Transcultural Nursing}, VOLUME = {27}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {209}, DATE = {2016}, DOI = {10.1177/1043659616638722} } % (APA 10.2 Example 20) @BOOK{10.2:20, AUTHOR = {L. S. Brown}, TITLE = {Feminist Therapy}, EDITION = {2}, PUBLISHER = {American Psychological Association}, DATE = {2018}, DOI = {10.1037/0000092-000} } % (APA 10.2 Example 21) @BOOK{10.2:21, AUTHOR = {R. Burgess}, TITLE = {Rethinking Global Health}, SUBTITLE = {Frameworks of Power}, PUBLISHER = {Routledge}, DATE = {2019} } % (APA 10.2 Example 22) % The ENTRYSUBTYPE is inserted as a literal string because it is not a known % localisation string - this is automatically detected. @BOOK{10.2:22a, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Audiobook}, AUTHOR = {S. Cain}, NARRATOR = {K. Mazur}, TITLE = {Quiet}, SUBTITLE = {The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking}, PUBLISHER = {Random House Audio}, DATE = {2012}, URL = {http://bit.ly/2GOBpbl} } @BOOK{10.2:22b, AUTHOR = {B. Christian and T. Griffiths}, TITLE = {Algorithms to Live By}, SUBTITLE = {The Computer Science of Human Decisions}, PUBLISHER = {{Henry Holt and Co.}}, DATE = {2016}, URL = {http://a.co/7qGBZAk} } % (APA 10.2 Example 23) @BOOK{10.2:23, AUTHOR = {D. H. Meadows}, EDITOR = {D. Wright}, TITLE = {Thinking in Systems}, SUBTITLE = {A Primer}, PUBLISHER = {Chelsea Green Publishing}, DATE = {2008} } % (APA 10.2 Example 24) @BOOK{10.2:24, EDITOR = {Schmid, Henry-James}, TITLE = {Entrenchment and the Psychology of Language Learning}, SUBTITLE = {How we Reorganize and Adapt Linguistic Knowledge}, PUBLISHER = {American Psychological Association and De Gruyter Mouton}, DATE = {2017}, DOI = {10.1037/15969-000} } % (APA 10.2 Example 25) @BOOK{10.2:25, EDITOR = {Hacker Hughes, J.}, TITLE = {Military Veteran Psychological Health and Social Care}, SUBTITLE = {Contemporary Approaches}, PUBLISHER = {Routledge}, DATE = {2017} } % (APA 10.2 Example 26) @BOOK{10.2:26, EDITOR = {K. F. Pridham and R. Limbo and M. Schroeder}, TITLE = {Guided Participation in Pediatric Nursing Practice}, SUBTITLE = {Relationship-based Teaching and Learning with Parents, Children and Adolescents}, PUBLISHER = {Springer Publishing Company}, DATE = {2018}, URL = {http://a.co/0IAiVgt} } % (APA 10.2 Example 27) @BOOK{10.2:27a, AUTHOR = {N. Amano and H. Kondo}, TITLE = {Lexical Characteristics of {J}apanese Language}, ORIGTITLE = {Nihongo no goi tokusei}, PUBLISHER = {Sansei-do}, VOLUME = {7}, DATE = {2000} } @BOOK{10.2:27b, AUTHOR = {J. Piaget and B. Inhelder}, TITLE = {The Psychology of the Child}, ORIGTITLE = {La psychologie de l'enfant}, PUBLISHER = {Quadrige}, DATE = {1966} } % (APA 10.2 Example 28) @BOOK{10.2:28, AUTHOR = {J. Piaget and B. Inhelder}, TRANSLATOR = {H. Weaver}, EDITION = {2}, TITLE = {The Psychology of the Child}, PUBLISHER = {Basic Books}, DATE = {1969}, ORIGDATE = {1966} } % (APA 10.2 Example 29) @BOOK{10.2:29a, AUTHOR = {S. Freud}, EDITOR = {J. Strachey}, TRANSLATOR = {J. Strachey}, TITLE = {The Interpretation of Dreams}, SUBTITLE = {The Complete and Definitive Text}, PUBLISHER = {Basic Books}, DATE = {2010}, ORIGDATE = {1900} } @BOOK{10.2:29b, AUTHOR = {J. K. Rowling}, NARRATOR = {J. Dale}, TITLE = {Harry {P}otter and the Sorceror's Stone}, TITLEADDON = {Audiobook}, PUBLISHER = {Pottermore Publishing}, DATE = {2015}, ORIGDATE = {1997}, URL = {http://bit.ly/2TcHchx} } % (APA 10.2 Example 30) @BOOK{10.2:30a, AUTHOR = {S. T. Fiske and D. T. Gilbert and G. Lindzey}, TITLE = {Handbook of Social Psychology}, PUBLISHER = {John Wiley \& Sons}, EDITION = {5}, VOLUME = {1}, DATE = {2010}, DOI = {10.1002/9780470561119} } @BOOK{10.2:30b, EDITOR = {C. B. Travis and J. W. White}, TITLE = {{APA} Handbook of the Psychology of Women}, SUBTITLE = {Vol. 1. History, theory, and Battlegrounds}, PUBLISHER = {American Psychological Association}, DATE = {2018}, DOI = {10.1037/0000059-000} } % (APA 10.2 Example 31) @BOOK{10.2:31, AUTHOR = {S. Madigan}, TITLE = {Narrative Therapy}, PUBLISHER = {American Psychological Association}, SERIES = {Theories of Psychotherapy Series}, EDITION = {2}, DATE = {2019}, DOI = {10.1037/00000131-000} } % (APA 10.2 Example 32) % Note the use of GROUPAUTHOR instead of AUTHOR here @MANUAL{10.2:32a, GROUPAUTHOR = {{American Psychiatric Association}}, TITLE = {Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders}, SHORTHAND = {DSM-5}, EDITION = {5}, PUBLISHER = {American Psychiatric Association}, DATE = {2013}, DOI = {10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596} } @MANUAL{10.2:32b, GROUPAUTHOR = {{World Health Organization}}, TITLE = {International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems}, SHORTHAND = {ICD-11}, EDITION = {11}, PUBLISHER = {{World Health Organization}}, DATE = {2019}, URL = {https://icd.who.int/} } % (APA 10.2 Example 33) @BOOK{10.2:33a, GROUPAUTHOR = {{American Psychological Association}}, TITLE = {{APA} Dictionary of Psychology}, URL = {https://dictionary.apa.org/}, URLDATE = {2019-06-14} } @BOOK{10.2:33b, GROUPAUTHOR = {{Merriam-Webster}}, TITLE = {{M}erriam-{W}ebster.com Dictionary}, URL = {https://www.merriam-webster.com/}, URLDATE = {2019-05-05} } @BOOK{10.2:33c, EDITOR = {E. N. Zalta}, TITLE = {The {S}tanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy}, EDITION = {Summer 2019 ed.}, URL = {https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2019/}, PUBLISHER = {Stanford University}, DATE = {2019} } % (APA 10.2 Example 34) @BOOK{10.2:34, EDITOR = {M. Gold}, TITLE = {The Complete Social Scientist}, SUBTITLE = {A {K}urt {L}ewin Reader}, PUBLISHER = {American Psychological Association}, DATE = {1999}, DOI = {10.1037/10319-000} } % (APA 10.2 Example 35) % No AUTHOR or GROUPAUTHOR - title goes in author position @BOOK{10.2:35a, TITLE = {{K}ing {J}ames {B}ible}, DATE = {2017}, ORIGDATE = {1769}, URLDESCRIPTION = {King James Bible Online}, URL = {https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/} } @BOOK{10.2:35b, TITLE = {The {Q}ur'an}, TRANSLATOR = {Abdel Haleem, M. A. S.}, PUBLISHER = {Oxford University Press}, DATE = {2004} } @BOOK{10.2:35c, TITLE = {{T}he {T}orah}, SUBTITLE = {The Five Books of {M}oses}, EDITION = {3}, PUBLISHER = {The Jewish Publication Society}, DATE = {2015}, ORIGDATE = {1962} } % (APA 10.2 Example 36) % Note the special format of the ORIGDATE field and the resulting output. % Biber supports considerable ISO8601 date formats like this with full % localisation support for the output. See the BibLaTeX manual. @BOOK{10.2:36, AUTHOR = {Aristotle}, TRANSLATOR = {S. H. Butcher}, TITLE = {Poetics}, DATE = {1994}, ORIGDATE = {-0349~}, PUBLISHER = {The Internet Classics Archive}, URL = {http://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/poetics.html} } % (APA 10.2 Example 37) @BOOK{10.2:37, AUTHOR = {W. Shakespeare}, EDITOR = {B. A. Mowat and P. Werstine}, TITLE = {Much Ado About Nothing}, PUBLISHER = {Washington Square Press}, DATE = {1995}, ORIGDATE = {1623} } % (APA 10.3 Example 38) @INBOOK{10.3:38, AUTHOR = {K. F. Balsam and C. R. Martell and K. P. Jones and S. A. Safren}, EDITOR = {G. Y. Iwamasa and P. A. Hays}, TITLE = {Affirmative Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with Sexual and Gender Minority People}, BOOKTITLE = {Culturally Responsive Cognitive Behaviour Therapy}, BOOKSUBTITLE = {Practice and Supervision}, EDITION = {2}, PAGES = {287--314}, PUBLISHER = {American Psychological Association}, DATE = {2019}, DOI = {10.1037/0000119-012} } % (APA 10.3 Example 39) @INBOOK{10.3:39, AUTHOR = {R. Weinstock and G. B. Leong and J. A. Silva}, EDITOR = {R. Rosner}, TITLE = {Defining Forensic Psychiatry}, SUBTITLE = {Roles and Responsibilities}, BOOKTITLE = {Principles and Practise of Forensic Psychiatry}, EDITION = {2}, PAGES = {7--13}, PUBLISHER = {CRC Press}, DATE = {2003} } % (APA 10.3 Example 40) @INBOOK{10.3:40, AUTHOR = {N. Tafoya and Del Vecchio, A.}, EDITOR = {M. McGoldrick and J. Giordano and N. Garcia-Preto}, TITLE = {Back to the Future}, SUBTITLE = {An Examination of the {N}ative {A}merican {H}olocaust experience}, BOOKTITLE = {Ethnicity and Family Therapy}, EDITION = {3}, PAGES = {55--63}, PUBLISHER = {Guilford Press}, DATE = {2005}, URL = {http://a.co/36xRhBT} } % (APA 10.3 Example 41) @INBOOK{10.3:41, AUTHOR = {Carcavilla González, N.}, EDITOR = {Garcia Meilán, J. J.}, TITLE = {Auditory Sensory Therapy}, SUBTITLE = {Brain Activation Through Music}, ORIGTITLE = {Terapia senorial auditiva: {A}ctivation cerebral por medio de la música}, BOOKTITLE = {Guía práctica de terapias estimulativas en el {A}lzhéimer}, PAGES = {67--86}, PUBLISHER = {Editorial Síntesis}, DATE = {2015}, URL = {http://www.sintesis.com/guias-profesionales-203/guia-practica-de-terapias-estimulativas-en-el-alzheimer-libro-1943.html} } % (APA 10.3 Example 42) @INBOOK{10.3:42, AUTHOR = {M. Heidegger}, EDITOR = {D. F. Krell}, TRANSLATOR = {J. Sallis}, TITLE = {On the Essence of Truth}, BOOKTITLE = {Basic Writings}, PAGES = {111--138}, PUBLISHER = {Harper Perennial Modern Thought}, DATE = {2008}, ORIGDATE = {1961} } % (APA 10.3 Example 43) % Note that this done with the related entries functionality supported by Biber @INBOOK{10.3:43, AUTHOR = {C. Sacchett and G. W. Humphreys}, EDITOR = {D. A. Balota and E. J. Marsh}, TITLE = {Calling a Squirrel and Squirrel but a Canoe a Wigwam}, SUBTITLE = {A Category-specific Deficit for Artefactual Objects and Body Parts}, BOOKTITLE = {Cognitive Psychology}, BOOKSUBTITLE = {Key Readings in Cognition}, PAGES = {100--108}, PUBLISHER = {Psychology Press}, DATE = {2004}, RELATED = {10.3:43r}, RELATEDTYPE = {reprintfrom} } @ARTICLE{10.3:43r, AUTHOR = {C. Sacchett and G. W. Humphreys}, TITLE = {Calling a Squirrel and Squirrel but a Canoe a Wigwam}, SUBTITLE = {A Category-specific Deficit for Artefactual Objects and Body Parts}, JOURNALTITLE = {Cognitive Neuropsychology}, VOLUME = {9}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {73--86}, DATE = {1992}, DOI = {d4vb59} } % (APA 10.3 Example 44) @INBOOK{10.3:44, AUTHOR = {U. Bronfenbrenner}, EDITOR = {U. Bronfenbrenner}, TITLE = {The Social Ecology of Human Development}, SUBTITLE = {A Retrospective Conclusion}, BOOKTITLE = {Making Human Beings Human}, BOOKSUBTITLE = {Bioecological Perspectives on Human Development}, PAGES = {72--40}, PUBLISHER = {SAGE Publications}, DATE = {2005}, RELATED = {10.3:44r}, RELATEDTYPE = {reprintfrom} } @INCOLLECTION{10.3:44r, EDITOR = {F. Richardson}, TITLE = {Brain and Intelligence}, SUBTITLE = {The Ecology of Child Development}, PUBLISHER = {National Education Press}, PAGES = {113--123}, DATE = {1973} } % (APA 10.3 Example 45) @INBOOK{10.3:45, AUTHOR = {S. Goldin-Meadow}, EDITOR = {L. S. Lisben and U. Mueller}, TITLE = {Gesture and Cognitive Development}, BOOKTITLE = {Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science}, BOOKSUBTITLE = {Vol. 2. {C}ognitive Processes}, EDITION = {7}, PAGES = {339--380}, PUBLISHER = {John Wiley \& Sons}, DATE = {2015}, DOI = {10.1002/9781118963418.childpsy209} } % (APA 10.3 Example 46) @INBOOK{10.3:46, AUTHOR = {K. Lewin}, EDITOR = {M. Gold}, TITLE = {Group Decision and Social Change}, BOOKTITLE = {The Complete Social Scientist}, BOOKSUBTITLE = {A {K}urt {L}ewin Reader}, PUBLISHER = {American Psychological Association}, PAGES = {265--284}, DATE = 1999, ORIGDATE = 1948, DOI = {10.1037/10319-000} } % (APA 10.3 Example 47) @INBOOK{10.3:47a, GROUPAUTHOR = {{American Psychological Association}}, TITLE = {Positive Transference}, BOOKTITLE = {{APA} Dictionary of Psychology}, URL = {https://dictionary.apa.org/positive-transference}, URLDATE = {2019-08-31} } @INBOOK{10.3:47b, GROUPAUTHOR = {{Merriam-Webster}}, TITLE = {Self-report}, BOOKTITLE = {{M}erriam-{W}ebster.com Dictionary}, URL = {https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/self-report}, URLDATE = {2019-07-12} } % (APA 10.3 Example 48) @INBOOK{10.3:48, AUTHOR = {G. Graham}, EDITOR = {E. N. Zalta}, TITLE = {Behaviourism}, BOOKTITLE = {The {S}tanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy}, EDITION = {Summer 2019 ed.}, URL = {https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2019/entries/behaviourism}, PUBLISHER = {Stanford University}, DATE = {2019} } % (APA 10.3 Example 49) @INBOOK{10.3:49, TITLE = {List of Oldest Companies}, BOOKTITLE = {Wikipedia}, URL = {https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_oldest_companies&oldid=878158136}, DATE = {2019-01-13} } % (APA 10.4 Example 50) @REPORT{10.4:50a, GROUPAUTHOR = {{Australian Government Productivity Commission} and {New Zealand Productivity Commission}}, TITLE = {Strengthening Trans-{T}asman Economic Relations}, URL = {https://www.pc.gov.au/inquiries/completed/australia-new-zealand/report/trans-tasman.pdf}, DATE = {2012} } @REPORT{10.4:50b, GROUPAUTHOR = {{Canada Council for the Arts}}, TITLE = {What We Heard}, SUBTITLE = {Summary of Key Findings: 2013 {C}anada {C}ouncil's {I}nter-{A}rts {O}ffice Consultation}, URL = {http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/canadacouncil/K23-65-2013-eng.pdf}, DATE = {2013} } % NUMBER field has the (localised) "No." prefix as the field is basically % numerical. This detection is automatic. @REPORT{10.4:50c, GROUPAUTHOR = {{National Cancer Institute}}, TITLE = {Facing Forward}, SUBTITLE = {Life After Cancer Treatment}, NUMBER = {18-2424}, TYPE = {NIH Publication}, URL = {https://www.cancer.gov/publications/patient-education/life-after-cancer-treatment.pdf}, DATE = {2018} } % (APA 10.4 Example 51) @REPORT{10.4:51a, AUTHOR = {D. Fried and A. Polyakova}, TITLE = {Democratic Defense Against Disinformation}, PUBLISHER = {Atlantic Council}, URL = {https://www.atlantic.org/images/publications/Democratic_Defense_Against_Disinformation_FINAL.pdf}, DATE = {2018} } @REPORT{10.4:51b, AUTHOR = {A. Segaert and A. Bauer}, TITLE = {The Extent and Nature of Veteran Homelessness in {C}anada}, PUBLISHER = {{Employment and Social Development Canada}}, URL = {https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/communities/homelessness/publications-bulletins/veterans-report.html}, DATE = {2015} } % (APA 10.4 Example 52) @REPORT{10.4:52, AUTHOR = {D. L. Blackwell and J. W. Lucas and T. C. Clarke}, TITLE = {Summary Health Statistics for {U}.{S}. Adults}, SUBTITLE = {National {H}ealth {I}nterview {S}urvey, 2012}, PUBLISHER = {{Centers for Disease Control and Prevention}}, ISSUE = {Vital and Health Statistics Series}, NUMBER = {10, Issue 260}, URL = {https://www.atlantic.org/images/publications/Democratic_Defense_Against_Disinformation_FINAL.pdf}, DATE = {2014} } % (APA 10.4 Example 53) @REPORT{10.4:53, GROUPAUTHOR = {{British Cardiovascular Society Working Group}}, TITLE = {British {C}ardiovascular {S}ociety {W}orking {G}roup report}, SUBTITLE = {Out-of-hours Cardiovascular Care: {M}anagement of Cardiac Emergencies and Hospital In-patients}, PUBLISHER = {British Cardiovascular Society}, URL = {http://www.bcs.com/documents/BCSOOHWP_Final_Report_05092016.pdf}, DATE = {2016} } % (APA 10.4 Example 54) @REPORT{10.4:54, GROUPAUTHOR = {{U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission}}, TITLE = {Agency Financial Report}, SUBTITLE = {Fiscal Year 2017}, URL = {https://www.sec.gov/files/sec-2017-agency-financial-report.pdf}, DATE = {2017} } % (APA 10.4 Example 55) @REPORT{10.4:55a, GROUPAUTHOR = {{American Counseling Association}}, TITLE = {2014 {ACA} code of ethics}, URL = {https://www.counseling.org/knowledge-center}, DATE = {2014} } @REPORT{10.4:55b, GROUPAUTHOR = {{American Nurses Association}}, TITLE = {Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements}, URL = {https://www.nursingworld.org/coe-view-only}, DATE = {2015} } @REPORT{10.4:55c, GROUPAUTHOR = {{American Psychological Association}}, TITLE = {Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct}, TYPE = {2002, amended effective June 1, 2010, and January 1, 2017}, URL = {https://www.apa.org/ethics/code/index.aspx}, DATE = {2017} } % (APA 10.4 Example 56) % Annotations for author roles must be called "role". This is an example of % a literal annotation as there is no localised string for this role since it % is quite rare. You could create a localisation string for this with % \NewBibliographyString and \DeclareBibliographyStrings and remove the % quotes. See the Data Annotation documentation in the biblatex manual @REPORT{10.4:56, AUTHOR = {C. B. Blair}, AUTHOR+an:role = {1="Principal Investigator"}, TITLE = {Stress, Self-Regulation and Psychopathology in Middle Childhood}, TITLEADDON = {Grant}, TYPE = {Project No. 5R01HD081252-04}, INSTITUTION = {Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health \& Human Development}, URL = {https://projectreporter.nih.gov/project_info_details.cfm?aid=9473071&icde=40092311}, DATE = {2015/2020} } % (APA 10.4 Example 57) @REPORT{10.4:57, AUTHOR = {J. Lichtenstein}, TITLE = {Profile of Veteran Business Owners}, SUBTITLE = {More Young Veterans Appear to be Starting Businesses}, TYPE = {Issue Brief}, NUMBER = {1}, PUBLISHER = {U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy}, URL = {https://www.sba.org/sites/default/files/Issue%20Brief%201,%20Veteran%20Business%20Owners.pdf}, DATE = {2013} } % (APA 10.4 Example 58) @REPORT{10.4:58, AUTHOR = {M. Harwell}, TITLE = {Don't Expect Too Much}, SUBTITLE = {The Limited Usefulness of Common {SES} Measures and a Prescription for Change}, TITLEADDON = {Policy Brief}, PUBLISHER = {National Education Policy Center}, URL = {https://nepc.colorado.edu/publication/SES}, DATE = {2018} } % (APA 10.4 Example 59) % PUBLISHER should be ignored as it is the same as the GROUPAUTHOR % This is enforced by a Biber style source map @REPORT{10.4:59, GROUPAUTHOR = {{U.S. Food and Drug Administration}}, TITLE = {{FDA} Authorizes First Interoperable Insulin Pup Intended to Allow Patients to Customize Treatment Through their Individual Diabetes Management Devices}, TITLEADDON = {Press release}, PUBLISHER = {{U.S. Food and Drug Administration}}, URL = {https://www.fds.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm631412.htm}, DATE = {2019-02-14} } % (APA 10.5 Example 60) @PROCEEDINGS{10.5:60, AUTHOR = {A. Fistek and E. Jester and K. Sonnenberg}, TITLE = {Everybody's Got a Little Music in Them}, SUBTITLE = {Using Music Therapy to Connect, Engage, and Motivate}, TITLEADDON = {Conference session}, EVENTTITLE = {Autism Society National Conference}, LOCATION = {Milwaukee, WI, United States}, URL = {https://asa.confex.com/asa/2017/webprogramarchives/Session9517.html}, DATE = {2017-07-12/2017-07-15} } % (APA 10.5 Example 61) @PROCEEDINGS{10.5:61, AUTHOR = {S. Maddox and J. Hurling and E. Stewart and A. Edwards}, TITLE = {If Mama Ain't Happy, Nobody's Happy}, SUBTITLE = {The Effect of Parental Depression on Mood Dysregulation in Children}, TITLEADDON = {Paper presentation}, EVENTTITLE = {Southeastern Psychological Association 62nd Annual Meeting}, LOCATION = {New Orleans, LA, United States}, DATE = {2016-03-30/2016-04-02} } % (APA 10.5 Example 62) @PROCEEDINGS{10.5:62, AUTHOR = {J. Pearson}, TITLE = {Fat Talk and its Effects on State-Based Body Image in Women}, TITLEADDON = {Poster presentation}, EVENTTITLE = {Australian Psychological Society Congress}, LOCATION = {Sydney, NSW, Australia}, URL = {http://bit.ly/2XGSThP}, DATE = {2018-09-27/2018-09-30} } % (APA 10.5 Example 63) % A special case here of roles for uncommon, secondary name lists. Use the % EDITORA--EDITORC fields with an associated EDITORTYPE localisation string @INPROCEEDINGS{10.5:63, AUTHOR = {De Boer, D. and LaFavour, T.}, EDITORA = {A. M. Schmidt and A. Kryvanos}, EDITORATYPE = {chair}, TITLE = {The Art and Significance of Successfully Identifying Resilient Individuals}, SUBTITLE = {A Person-Focused Approach}, MAINTITLE = {Perspectives on Resilience: {C}onceptualization, Measurement, and Enhancement}, MAINTITLEADDON = {Symposium}, EVENTTITLE = {Western Psychological Association 98th Annual Convention}, LOCATION = {Portland, OR, United States}, DATE = {2018-04-26/2018-04-29} } % (APA 10.6 Example 64) @THESIS{10.6:64, AUTHOR = {L. Harris}, TITLE = {Instructional Leadership Perceptions and Practices of Elementary School Leaders}, TITLEADDON = {Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation}, INSTITUTION = {University of Virginia}, DATE = {2014} } % (APA 10.6 Example 65) @THESIS{10.6:65, AUTHOR = {M. M. Hollander}, TITLE = {Resistance to Authority}, SUBTITLE = {Methodological Innovations and New Lessons from the {M}ilgram Experiment}, TITLEADDON = {Doctoral Dissertation, {U}niversity of {W}isconsin-{M}adison}, PUBLISHER = {{ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global}}, TYPE = {Publication}, NUMBER = {10289373}, DATE = {2017} } % (APA 10.6 Example 66) @THESIS{10.6:66, AUTHOR = {V. H. Hutcheson}, TITLE = {Dealing with Dual Differences}, SUBTITLE = {Social Coping Strategies of Gifted and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Adolescents}, TITLEADDON = {Master's Thesis, {T}he {C}ollege of {W}illiam \& {M}ary}, PUBLISHER = {William \& Mary Digital Archive}, URL = {https://digitalarchive.wm.edu/bitstream/handle/10288/16594/HutchesonVirginia2012.pdf}, DATE = {2012} } % (APA 10.7 Example 67) @ARTICLE{10.7:67, AUTHOR = {L. A. Mirabito and N. C. Heck}, TITLE = {Bringing {LGBTQ} Youth Theater into the Spotlight}, RELATED = {10.7:67r}, RELATEDTYPE = {reviewoffilm}, JOURNALTITLE = {Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity}, VOLUME = {3}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {499--500}, DATE = {2016}, DOI = {10.1037/sgd0000205} } % Data annotation for the first name in the |AUTHOR| list. "director" is a % localisation string @VIDEO{10.7:67r, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {film}, AUTHOR = {E. Brodsky}, AUTHOR+an:role = {1=director}, TITLE = {The Year We Thought About Love}, DATE = {2016} } % (APA 10.7 Example 68) @ARTICLE{10.7:68, AUTHOR = {F. Santos}, TITLE = {Reframing Refugee Children's Stories}, RELATED = {10.7:68r}, RELATEDTYPE = {reviewofbook}, JOURNALTITLE = {The New York Times}, KEYWORDS = {nonacademic}, DATE = {2019-01-11}, URL = {https://nyt.ms/2Hlgjk3} } @BOOK{10.7:68r, AUTHOR = {M. Yousafzai}, TITLE = {We are Displaced}, SUBTITLE = {My Journey and Stories From Refugee Girls Around the World}, DATE = {2016} } % (APA 10.7 Example 69) % APA gives little thought to automated formatting in general, likely % because they are not aware of any automated styles and expect people to % just manually type bibliographies ... have to manually "reverse % emphasise" part of the title @ONLINE{10.7:69, AUTHOR = {D. Perkins}, TITLE = {\textup{The good place} ends its Remarkable Second Season With Irrational Hope, Unexpected Gifts, and a Smile}, RELATED = {10.7:69r}, RELATEDTYPE = {reviewoftv}, ORGANIZATION = {A.V. Club}, DATE = {2018-02-01}, URL = {https://www.avclub.com/the-good-place-ends-its-remarkable-second-season-with-i-1822649316} } % Two data annotations for the first name in the |AUTHOR| list. These are automatically % combined @VIDEO{10.7:69r, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {tvepisode}, AUTHOR = {M. Schur}, AUTHOR+an:role = {1=writer,director}, TITLE = {Somewhere Else}, DATE = {2018} } % (APA 10.8 Example 70) % HOWPUBLISHED recognises the following localisation strings: % manunpub - Unpublished Manuscript % maninprep - Manuscript in preparation % mansub - Manuscript submitted for publication @UNPUBLISHED{10.8:70, AUTHOR = {J. Yoo and Y. Miyamoto and A. Rigotti and C. Ryff}, TITLE = {Linking Positive Affect to Blood Lipids}, SUBTITLE = {A Cultural Perspective}, LOCATION = {Department of Psychology}, INSTITUTION = {University of Wisconsin-Madison}, HOWPUBLISHED = {manunpub}, DATE = {2016} } % (APA 10.8 Example 71) @UNPUBLISHED{10.8:71, AUTHOR = {M. O'Shea}, TITLE = {Understanding Proactive Behaviour in the Workplace as a Function of Gender}, LOCATION = {Department of Management}, INSTITUTION = {University of Kansas}, HOWPUBLISHED = {maninprep}, DATE = {2018} } % (APA 10.8 Example 72) @UNPUBLISHED{10.8:72, AUTHOR = {T. Lippincott and E. K. Poindexter}, TITLE = {Emotion Recognition as a Function of Facial Cues}, SUBTITLE = {Implications for Practice}, LOCATION = {Department of Psychology}, INSTITUTION = {University of Washington}, HOWPUBLISHED = {mansub}, DATE = {2019} } % (APA 10.8 Example 73) @UNPUBLISHED{10.8:73a, AUTHOR = {C. Leuker and L. Samartzidis and R. Hertwig and T. J. Pleskac}, TITLE = {When Money Talks}, SUBTITLE = {Judging Risk and Coercion in High-Paying Clinical Trials}, LOCATION = {PsyArXiv}, DOI = {10.17605/OSF.IO/9P7CB}, DATE = {2018} } @UNPUBLISHED{10.8:73b, AUTHOR = {M. A. Stults-Kolehmainen and R. Sinha}, TITLE = {The Effects of Stress on Physical Activity and Exercise}, LOCATION = {PubMed Central}, URL = {https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3894304}, DATE = {2015} } % (APA 10.8 Example 74) @UNPUBLISHED{10.8:74, AUTHOR = {H-K Ho}, TITLE = {Teacher Preparation for Early Childhood Special Education in {T}aiwan}, NUMBER = {ED545393}, LOCATION = {ERIC}, URL = {https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED545393.pdf}, DATE = {2014} } % (APA 10.9 Example 75) @DATASET{10.9:75a, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Data Set}, AUTHOR = {A. D'Souza and M. Wiseheart}, TITLE = {Cognitive Effects of Music and Dance Training in Children}, NUMBER = {ICPSR 37080}, VERSION = {V1}, PUBLISHER = {ICPSR}, DOI = {10.3886/ICPSR37080.1}, DATE = {2018} } @DATASET{10.9:75b, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Data set and code book}, GROUPAUTHOR = {{National Center for Education Statistics}}, TITLE = {Fast Response Survey System ({FRSS})}, SUBTITLE = {Teacher's Use of Educational Technology in {U}.{S}. Public Schools, 2009}, NUMBER = {ICPSR 35531}, VERSION = {V3}, PUBLISHER = {{National Archive of Data on Arts and Culture}}, DOI = {10.3886/ICPSR335531.v3}, DATE = {2016} } @DATASET{10.9:75c, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Data set}, GROUPAUTHOR = {{Pew Research Center}}, TITLE = {American Trends Panel {W}ave 26}, URL = {https://www.pewsocialtrends.org/dataset/american-trends-panel-wave-26/}, DATE = {2018} } % (APA 10.9 Example 76) @DATASET{10.9:76a, TITLEADDON = {Unpublished raw data on the correlations between the {F}ive {F}acet {M}indfulness {Q}uestionnaire and the {K}entucky {I}nventory of {M}indfulness {S}kills}, INSTITUTION = {University of Kentucky}, AUTHOR = {R. A. Baer}, DATE = {2015} } @DATASET{10.9:76b, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Unpublished raw data}, GROUPAUTHOR = {{Oregan Youth Authority}}, TITLE = {Recidivism Outcomes}, DATE = {2011} } % (APA 10.10 Example 77) @SOFTWARE{10.10:77, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Computer software}, AUTHOR = {M. Borenstein and L. Hedges and J. Higgins and H. Rothstein}, TITLE = {Comprehensive Meta-Analysis}, VERSION = {3.3.070}, PUBLISHER = {Biostat}, URL = {https://www.meta-analysis.com/}, DATE = {2014} } % (APA 10.10 Example 78) @HARDWARE{10.10:78a, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Apparatus and software}, AUTHOR = {{SR Research}}, TITLE = {Eyelink 1000 Plus}, URL = {https://www.sr-research.com/eyelink1000plus.html}, DATE = {2016} } @HARDWARE{10.10:78b, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Apparatus}, AUTHOR = {{Tactile Labs}}, TITLE = {Latero Tactile Display}, URL = {https://www.tactilelabs.com/products/haptics/latero-tactile-display/}, DATE = {2015} } % (APA 10.10 Example 79) % The ENTRYSUBTYPE here is not a localisation string as such neologisms % don't need them usually - it's just inserted as it is @SOFTWARE{10.10:79, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Mobile app}, AUTHOR = {Epocrates}, TITLE = {Epocrates Medical References}, VERSION = {18.12}, PUBLISHER = {App Store}, URL = {https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/epocrates/id281935788?mt=8}, DATE = {2019} } % (APA 10.10 Example 80) % The \relax is in the AUTHOR field just to make it different to 10.10.79 % to suppress extrayear for the purposes of matching the APA guide exactly @SOFTWARE{10.10:80, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Mobile app}, AUTHOR = {Epocrates\relax}, APPENTRY = {Interaction Check: {A}spirin + Sertraline}, TITLE = {Epocrates Medical References}, VERSION = {18.12}, PUBLISHER = {Google Play Store}, URL = {https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.epocrates&hl=en_US}, DATE = {2019} } % (APA 10.11 Example 81) @MANUAL{10.11:81, AUTHOR = {A. Tellegen and Y. S. Ben-Porath}, TITLE = {Minnesota {M}ultiphasic {P}ersonality {I}nventory--2 {R}estructured {F}orm ({MMPI-2-RF})}, SUBTITLE = {Technical Manual}, PUBLISHER = {Pearson}, DATE = {2011} } % (APA 10.11 Example 82) @SOFTWARE{10.11:82, AUTHOR = {{Project Implicit}}, TITLE = {Gender-{S}cience {IAT}}, URL = {https://implicit.harvard.edi/implicit/takeatest.html} } % (APA 10.11 Example 83) @SOFTWARE{10.11:83a, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Database record}, AUTHOR = {J. Alonso-Tapia and C. Nieto and E. Merino-Tejedor and J. A. Huertas and M. Ruiz}, TITLE = {Situated {G}oals {Q}uestionnaire for {U}niversity {S}tudents ({SGQ-U}, {CMS-U})}, PUBLISHER = {PsycTESTS}, DOI = {10.1037/t66267-000}, DATE = {2018} } @SOFTWARE{10.11:83b, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Database record}, AUTHOR = {D. Cardoza and J. K. Morris and H. F. Myers and N. Rodriguez}, TITLE = {Acculturative {S}tress {I}nventory ({ASI})}, NUMBER = {TC022704}, PUBLISHER = {ETS TestLink}, DATE = {2000} } % (APA 10.12 Example 84) % Annotations for author roles must be called "role". This is an example of % an annotation which is a localisation string @VIDEO{10.12:84a, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {film}, AUTHOR = {M. Forman}, AUTHOR+an:role = {1=director}, TITLE = {One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest}, PUBLISHER = {United Artists}, DATE = {1975} } % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string @VIDEO{10.12:84b, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {film}, AUTHOR = {D. Fosha and H. Levenson}, AUTHOR+an:role = {1=guestexpert;2=host}, TITLE = {Accelerated Experiental Dynamic Psychotherapy ({AEDP}) Supervision}, NOTE = {educational DVD}, PUBLISHER = {American Pychological Association}, URL = {http://www.apa.org/pubs/videos/4310958.aspx}, DATE = {2017} } % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string @VIDEO{10.12:84c, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {film}, AUTHOR = {P. Jackson}, AUTHOR+an:role = {1=director}, TITLE = {The Lord of the Rings}, SUBTITLE = {The Fellowship of the Ring}, NOTE = {four-disc special extended ed. on DVD}, PUBLISHER = {WingNut Films and The Saul Zaentz Company}, DATE = {2001} } % (APA 10.12 Example 85) % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string @VIDEO{10.12:85, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {film}, AUTHOR = {L. Malle}, AUTHOR+an:role = {1=director}, TITLE = {Goodbye Children}, ORIGTITLE = {Au revoir les enfants}, PUBLISHER = {Nouvelles Éditions de Films}, DATE = {1987} } % (APA 10.12 Example 86) % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string @VIDEO{10.12:86, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {tvseries}, AUTHOR = {D. Simon and R. F. Colesberry and Kostroff Noble, N.}, AUTHOR+an:role = {=execproducers}, TITLE = {The Wire}, PUBLISHER = {Blown Deadline Productions and HBO}, DATE = {2002/2008} } % (APA 10.12 Example 87) % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string % Dual localisation string data annotation for the first AUTHOR @VIDEO{10.12:87a, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {tvepisode}, AUTHOR = {K. Barris}, AUTHOR+an:role = {1=director,writer}, TITLE = {Lemons ({S}eason 3, {E}pisode 12)}, MAINTITLE = {Black-ish}, EXECPRODUCER = {K. Barris and J. Groff and A. Anderson and E. B. Dobbins and L. Fishburne and H. Sugland}, PUBLISHER = {Wilmore Films and Artists First and Cinema Gypsy Productions and ABC Studios}, DATE = {2017-01-11} } % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string % Three data annotations, one for each name in the AUTHOR list @VIDEO{10.12:87b, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {tvepisode}, AUTHOR = {B. Oakley and J. Weinstein and J. Lynch}, AUTHOR+an:role = {1=writer;2=writer;3=director}, TITLE = {Who Shot {M}r. {B}urns? ({P}art {O}ne) ({S}eason 6, {E}pisode 25)}, MAINTITLE = {The Simpsons}, EXECPRODUCER = {D. Mirkin and J. L. Brooks and M. Groening and S. Simon}, PUBLISHER = {Gracie Films and Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation}, DATE = {1995-05-21} } % (APA 10.12 Example 88) % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string @VIDEO{10.12:88a, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {video}, AUTHOR = {S. Giertz}, TITLE = {Why You Should Make Useless Things}, PUBLISHER = {TED Conferences}, DATE = {2018-04}, URL = {https://www.ted.com/talks/simone_giertz_why_you_should_make_useless_things} } % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string @VIDEO{10.12:88b, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {video}, GROUPAUTHOR = {TED}, TITLE = {Brené {B}rown}, SUBTITLE = {Listening to Shame}, PUBLISHER = {YouTube}, DATE = {2012-03-16}, URL = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psN1DORYYV0} } % (APA 10.12 Example 89) % Here, the ENTRYSUBTYPE is not a localisation string as there is no % localisation necessary for such ugly neologisms @VIDEO{10.12:89, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Webinar}, AUTHOR = {J. F. Goldberg}, TITLE = {Evaluating Adverse Drug Effects}, PUBLISHER = {American Psychiatric Association}, DATE = {2018}, URL = {https://education.psychiatry.org/Users/ProductDetails.aspx?ActivityID=6172} } % (APA 10.12 Example 90) % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string @VIDEO{10.12:90a, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {video}, AUTHOR = {S. Cutts}, TITLE = {Happiness}, PUBLISHER = {Vimeo}, DATE = {2017-11-24}, URL = {https://vimeo.com/244405542} } % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string % A literal data annotation (not a localisation string) for the AUTHOR username @VIDEO{10.12:90b, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {video}, AUTHOR = {M. Fogarty}, AUTHOR+an:username = {1="Grammar Girl"}, TITLE = {How to Diagram a Sentence (Absolute Basics)}, PUBLISHER = {YouTube}, DATE = {2016-09-30}, URL = {https://youtube.be/deiEY5Yq1ql} } % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string @VIDEO{10.12:90c, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {video}, GROUPAUTHOR = {{University of Oxford}}, TITLE = {How Do Geckos Walk on Water?}, PUBLISHER = {YouTube}, DATE = {2016-12-06}, URL = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qm1xGfOZJc8} } % (APA 10.13 Example 91) % ENTRYSUBTYPE is (obviously) not a localisation string, inserted literally @AUDIO{10.13:91a, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Album recorded by Academy of St Martin in the Fields}, AUTHOR = {J. S. Bach}, TITLE = {The {B}randenburg Concertos}, SUBTITLE = {Concertos {BVW} 1043 \& 1060}, PUBLISHER = {Decca}, DATE = {2010}, ORIGDATE = {1721} } @AUDIO{10.13:91b, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {album}, AUTHOR = {D. Bowie}, TITLE = {Blackstar}, PUBLISHER = {Columbia}, DATE = {2016} } % (APA 10.13 Example 92) % Notice that useprefix is disabled as Beethoven generally does not have % the prefix leading % ENTRYSUBTYPE is not a localisation string @AUDIO{10.13:92a, OPTIONS = {useprefix=false}, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Song recorded by Staatskapelle Dresden}, AUTHOR = {van Beethoven, L.}, TITLE = {Symphony {N}o. 3 in {E}-flat major}, MAINTITLE = {Beethoven: {C}omplete {S}ymphonies}, PUBLISHER = {Brilliant Classics}, DATE = {2012}, ORIGDATE = {1804} } % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string @AUDIO{10.13:92b, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {song}, AUTHOR = {Beyoncé}, TITLE = {Formation}, MAINTITLE = {Lemonade}, PUBLISHER = {Parkwood and Columbia}, DATE = {2016} } % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string @AUDIO{10.13:92c, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {song}, GROUPAUTHOR = {{Childish Gambino}}, TITLE = {This is {A}merica}, PUBLISHER = {mcDJ and RCA}, DATE = {2018} } % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string @AUDIO{10.13:92d, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {song}, AUTHOR = {K. Lamar}, TITLE = {Humble}, MAINTITLE = {Damn}, PUBLISHER = {Aftermath Entertainment and Interscope Records and Top Dawg Entertainment}, DATE = {2017} } % (APA 10.13 Example 93) % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string as it expands to the localisable "Audio podcast" % for some reason best known to the APA @AUDIO{10.13:93, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {podcast}, AUTHOR = {S. Vedantam}, AUTHOR+an:role = {1=host}, TITLE = {Hidden Brain}, PUBLISHER = {NPR}, DATE = {2015/}, URL = {https://www.npr.org/series/423302056/hidden-brain} } % (APA 10.13 Example 94) % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string as it expands to the localisable % "Audio podcast episode" for some reason best known to the APA @AUDIO{10.13:94, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {podcastepisode}, AUTHOR = {I. Glass}, AUTHOR+an:role = {1=host}, TITLE = {Amusement Park}, MAINTITLE = {This {A}merican {L}ife}, NUMBER = {443}, PUBLISHER = {WBEZ Chicago}, DATE = {2011-08-12}, URL = {https://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/443/amusement-park} } % (APA 10.13 Example 95) % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string @AUDIO{10.13:95, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {interview}, AUTHOR = {de Beauvoir, S.}, TITLE = {Simone de {B}eauvoir Discusses the Art of Writing}, PUBLISHER = {Studs Terkel Radio Archive and The Chicago History Museum}, DATE = {1960-05-04}, URL = {https://studsterkel.wfmt.com/programs/simone-de-beauvoir-discusses-art-writing} } % (APA 10.13 Example 96) % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string @AUDIO{10.13:96, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {speech}, AUTHOR = {King, Jr., M. L.}, TITLE = {I Have a Dream}, PUBLISHER = {American Rhetoric}, DATE = {1963-08-28}, URL = {https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm} } % (APA 10.14 Example 97) % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string @IMAGE{10.14:97a, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {lithograph}, AUTHOR = {E. Delacroix}, TITLE = {Faust Attempts to Seduce {M}arguerite}, LOCATION = {The Louvre, Paris, France}, DATE = {1826/1827} } % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string @IMAGE{10.14:97b, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {painting}, AUTHOR = {G. Wood}, TITLE = {American Gothic}, LOCATION = {Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States}, DATE = {1930}, URL = {https://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/artwork/6565} } % (APA 10.14 Example 98) % No need for a localisation string for such neologisms which are the same % in all languages @IMAGE{10.14:98, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Clip art}, AUTHOR = {GDJ}, TITLE = {Neural Network Deep Learning Prismatic}, PUBLISHER = {Openclipart}, DATE = {2018}, URL = {https://openclipart.org/detail/309343/neural-network-deep-learning-prismatic} } % (APA 10.14 Example 99) % No need for a localisation string for such neologisms which are the same % in all languages @IMAGE{10.14:99, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Infographic}, AUTHOR = {J. Rossman and R. Palmer}, TITLE = {Sorting Through our Space Junk}, PUBLISHER = {World Science Festival}, DATE = {2015}, URL = {https://www.worldsciencefestival.com/2015/11/space-junk-infographic/} } % (APA 10.14 Example 100) % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string @IMAGE{10.14:100a, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {map}, AUTHOR = {D. Cable}, TITLE = {The Racial Dot Map}, LOCATION = {University of Virginia}, PUBLISHER = {Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service}, DATE = {2013}, URL = {https://demographics.coopercenter.org/Racial-Dot-Map} } % TITLEADDON is used to unconditionally add what is usually post-title % information in brackets when there is no title @IMAGE{10.14:100b, AUTHOR = {Google}, TITLEADDON = {Google {M}aps directions for driving from {L}a {P}az, {B}olivia, to {L}ima, {P}eru}, URL = {https://goo.gl/YYE3GR}, URLDATE = {2020-02-16} } % (APA 10.14 Example 101) % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string @IMAGE{10.14:101a, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {photograph}, AUTHOR = {S. McCurry}, TITLE = {Afghan Girl}, PUBLISHER = {National Geographic}, DATE = {1985}, URL = {https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/national-geographic-magazine-50-years-of-covers/#/ngm-1985-jun-714.jpg} } @IMAGE{10.14:101b, AUTHOR = {Jessica Rinaldi}, TITLEADDON = {Photograph series of a boy who finds his footing after abuse by those he trusted}, PUBLISHER = {The Pulitzer Prizes}, DATE = {2016}, URL = {https://www.pulitzer.org/winners/jessica-rinaldi} } % (APA 10.14 Example 102) @IMAGE{10.14:102a, AUTHOR = {E. Canan and J. Vasilev}, TITLEADDON = {Lecture notes on resource allocation}, LOCATION = {{Department of Management Control and Information Systems}}, PUBLISHER = {University of Chile}, DATE = {2019-05-22}, URL = {https://uchilefau.academia.edu/ElseZCanan} } % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string as it expands to "Powerpoint Slides" @IMAGE{10.14:102b, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {powerpoint}, AUTHOR = {Brian Housand}, TITLE = {Game on! {I}ntegrating Games and Simulations in the Classroom}, PUBLISHER = {SlideShare}, DATE = {2016}, URL = {https://www.slideshare.net/brianhousand/game-on-iagc-2016/} } % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string as it expands to "Powerpoint Slides" @IMAGE{10.14:102c, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {powerpoint}, AUTHOR = {R. Mack and G. Spake}, TITLE = {Citing Open Source Images and Formatting References for Presentations}, PUBLISHER = {Canvas@FNU}, DATE = {2018}, URL = {https://fnu.onelogin.com/login} } % (APA 10.15 Example 103) % ENTRYTYPE is not a localisation string for such, unfortunately, universal neologisms @ONLINE{10.15:103a, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Tweet}, GROUPAUTHOR = {{APA Education}}, GROUPAUTHOR+an:username = {1="@APAEducation"}, TITLE = {College Students are Forming Mental-Health Clubs--and They're Making a Difference @washingtonpost}, TITLEADDON = {Thumbnail with link attached}, ORGANIZATION = {Twitter}, DATE = {2018-06-29}, URL = {https://twitter.com/apaeducation/status/1012810490530140161} } % ENTRYTYPE is not a localisation string for such, unfortunately, universal neologisms @ONLINE{10.15:103b, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Tweet}, GROUPAUTHOR = {{Badlands National Park}}, GROUPAUTHOR+an:username = {1="@BadlandsNPS"}, TITLE = {Biologists Have Identified More Than 400 Different Plant Species Growing in @{B}adlandsNPS \#{DYK} \#biodoversity}, ORGANIZATION = {Twitter}, DATE = {2018-02-26}, URL = {https://twitter.com/BadlandsNPS/status/968196500412133379} } % ENTRYTYPE is not a localisation string for such, unfortunately, universal neologisms @ONLINE{10.15:103c, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Tweet}, AUTHOR = {B. White}, AUTHOR+an:username = {1="@BettyMWhite"}, TITLE = {I Treasure Every Minute We Spent Together \#koko}, TITLEADDON = {Image attached}, ORGANIZATION = {Twitter}, DATE = {2018-06-21}, URL = {https://twitter.com/BettyMWhite/status/1009951892846227456} } % (APA 10.15 Example 104) % ENTRYTYPE is not a localisation string for such, unfortunately, universal neologisms @ONLINE{10.15:104, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Twitter profile}, GROUPAUTHOR = {{APA Style}}, GROUPAUTHOR+an:username = {1="@APA\_Style"}, TITLE = {Tweets}, ORGANIZATION = {Twitter}, URL = {https://twitter.com/APA_Style}, URLDATE = {2019-11-01} } % (APA 10.15 Example 105) % ENTRYTYPE is not a localisation string for such, unfortunately, universal neologisms @ONLINE{10.15:105a, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Status update}, AUTHOR = {N. Gaiman}, TITLE = {100,000+ {R}ohingya Refugees Could be at Serious Risk during {B}angladesh's Monsoon Season. {M}y Fellow {UNHCR} {G}oodwill {A}mbassador {C}ate {B}lanchett is}, TITLEADDON = {Image attached}, ORGANIZATION = {Facebook}, URL = {http://bit.ly/2JQxPAD}, DATE = {2018-03-22} } % ENTRYTYPE is not a localisation string for such, unfortunately, universal neologisms @ONLINE{10.15:105b, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Infographic}, GROUPAUTHOR = {{National Institute of Mental Health}}, TITLE = {Suicide Affects all Ages, Genders, Races, and Ethnicities. {C}heck out These 5 {A}ction {S}teps for {H}elping {S}omeone in {E}motional {P}ain}, ORGANIZATION = {Facebook}, URL = {http://bit.ly/321Qstq}, DATE = {2018-11-28} } % Note protecting of automatic sentence-casing in SUBTITLE for url @ONLINE{10.15:105c, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {video}, GROUPAUTHOR = {{News From Science}}, TITLE = {These Frogs Walk Instead of Hop}, SUBTITLE = {{h}ttps://scimag.2{K}lriw{H}}, ORGANIZATION = {Facebook}, URL = {https://www.facebook.com/ScienceNOW/videos/10155508587605108}, DATE = {2018-06-26} } % (APA 10.15 Example 106) % ENTRYTYPE is not a localisation string for such, unfortunately, universal neologisms @ONLINE{10.15:106, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Facebook page}, GROUPAUTHOR = {{Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute}}, TITLE = {Home}, ORGANIZATION = {Facebook}, URL = {https://www.facebookcom/nationalzoo}, URLDATE = {2019-06-22} } % (APA 10.15 Example 107) % ENTRYSUBTYPE is a localisation string @ONLINE{10.15:107, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {photographs}, GROUPAUTHOR = {{Zeitz MOCAA}}, GROUPAUTHOR+an:username = {1="@zeitzmocaa"}, TITLE = {Grade 6 Learners from {P}arkfields {P}rimary {S}chool in {H}anover {P}ark Visited the Museum for a Tour and Workshop Hosted by}, ORGANIZATION = {Instagram}, URL = {https://www.instagram.com/p/BqpHpjFBs3b}, DATE = {2018-11-26} } % (APA 10.15 Example 108) % ENTRYTYPE is not a localisation string for such, unfortunately, universal neologisms @ONLINE{10.15:108, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Highlight}, GROUPAUTHOR = {{The New York Public Library}}, GROUPAUTHOR+an:username = {1="@nypl"}, TITLE = {The Raven}, ORGANIZATION = {Instagram}, URL = {https://bitly.com/2FV8bu3}, URLDATE = {2019-04-16} } % (APA 10.15 Example 109) % ENTRYTYPE is not a localisation string for such, unfortunately, universal neologisms @ONLINE{10.15:109, ENTRYSUBTYPE = {Online forum post}, GROUPAUTHOR = {{National Aeronautics Space Administration}}, GROUPAUTHOR+an:username = {1="nasa"}, TITLE = {I'm {NASA} Astronaut {S}cott {T}ingle. {A}sk me anything about adjusting to being back on {E}arth after my first spaceflight!}, ORGANIZATION = {Reddit}, URL = {https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/9fagqy/im_nasa_astronaut_scott_tingle_ask_me_anything/}, DATE = {2018-09-12} } % (APA 10.16 Example 110) @ONLINE{10.16:110a, AUTHOR = {N. Avramova}, TITLE = {The Secret to a Long, Happy, Health Life? {T}hink Age-Positive}, ORGANIZATION = {CNN}, DATE = {2019-01-03}, URL = {https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/03/health/respect-towards-elderly-leads-to-long-life-intl/index.html} } @ONLINE{10.16:110b, AUTHOR = {C. Bologna}, TITLE = {What Happens to Your Mind and Body When you Feel Homesick?}, ORGANIZATION = {HuffPost}, DATE = {2018-06-27}, URL = {https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/what-happens-mind-body-homesick_us_5b201ebde4b09d7a3d77eee1} } % (APA 10.16 Example 111) @ONLINE{10.16:111a, GROUPAUTHOR = {{Centers for Disease Control and Prevention}}, TITLE = {People at High Risk of Developing Flu-related Complications}, DATE = {2018-01-23}, URL = {https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/disease/high_risk.htm} } @ONLINE{10.16:111b, GROUPAUTHOR = {{World Health Organization}}, TITLE = {Questions and Answers on Immunization and Vaccine Safety}, DATE = {2018-03}, URL = {https://www.who.int/features/qa/84/en/} } % (APA 10.16 Example 112) @ONLINE{10.16:112, AUTHOR = {Martin Lillie, C. M.}, TITLE = {Be Kind To Yourself}, SUBTITLE = {How Self-Compassion can Improve Your Resiliency}, ORGANIZATION = {Mayo Clinic}, DATE = {2016-12-29}, URL = {https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/self-compassion-can-improve-your-resiliency/art-20267193} } % (APA 10.16 Example 113) @ONLINE{10.16:113a, AUTHOR = {J. Boddy and T. Neumann and S. Jennings and V. Morrow and P. Alderson and R. Rees and W. Gibson}, TITLE = {Ethics Principles}, ORGANIZATION = {The Research Ethics Guidebook: A Resource for Social Scientists}, URL = {http://www.ethicsguidebook.ac.uk/EthicsPrinciples} } @ONLINE{10.16:113b, GROUPAUTHOR = {{National Nurses United}}, TITLE = {What Employers Should do to Protect Nurses from {Z}ika}, URL = {https://www.nationalnursesunited.org/pages/what-employers-should-do-to-protect-rns-from-zika} } % (APA 10.16 Example 114) @ONLINE{10.16:114, GROUPAUTHOR = {{U.S. Census Bureau}}, TITLE = {{U}.{S}. and World Population Clock}, ORGANIZATION = {U.S. Department of Commerce}, URL = {https://www.census.gov/popclock/}, URLDATE = {2019-07-03} } % (APA 11.8 Example 22) @PATENT{11.8:22, AUTHOR = {S. C. Hiremath and S. Kumar and F. Lu and A Salehi}, TITLE = {Using Metaphors to Present Concepts Across Different Intellectual Domains}, TYPE = {U.S. Patent}, NUMBER = {9,367,592}, PUBLISHER = {{U.S. Patent and Trademark Office}}, URL = {http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?patentnumber=9367592}, DATE = {2016} }