% \begin{macrocode} \documentclass[color,table,nolot,nolof]{fithesis3} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{hologo} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \usepackage{minted} \usepackage{ltxcmds} \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage[ backend=biber, style=numeric, citestyle=numeric-comp, sorting=none, sortlocale=auto ]{biblatex} \addbibresource{guide.bib} \usepackage[os=win]{menukeys} \makeatletter \thesissetup{ title=A fibeamer user guide for the \thesis@english@facultyName, TeXtitle=A \textit{fibeamer} user guide\medskip\\\Large for the \thesis@english@facultyName, type=bc, department=Department of Computer Graphics and Design, programme=Applied Informatics, field=Typesetting, titleEn=\thesis@title, departmentEn=\thesis@department, programmeEn=\thesis@programme, fieldEn=\thesis@field, author=Vít Novotný, advisor={Doc.\ RNDr.\ Petr Sojka, Ph.D.}, assignment={}, abstract={\textsf{Fibeamer} is a theme for the \textsf{beamer} \LaTeX{} document class and is intended to be used for the preparation of thesis defense presentations across the faculties of the \thesis@english@universityName. This document describes the installation of the \textsf{fibeamer} theme, its configuration, and its use.}, keywords={thesis, typesetting, LaTeX}, TeXkeywords={thesis, typesetting, \LaTeX{}}, keywordsEn=\thesis@keywords, TeXkeywordsEn=\thesis@TeXkeywords, abstractEn=\thesis@abstract, faculty=\jobname, autoLayout=false} \makeatother \begin{document} \makeatletter\thesis@preamble\makeatother \chapter{Introduction} To use the \textsf{fibeamer} beamer theme, you can use an online \LaTeX{} editor, such as Overleaf% \footnote{Overleaf \textsf{fibeamer} templates are located at \url{http://www.overleaf.com/gallery/tagged/muni}.}, which allows you to skip the installation described in Section \ref{sec:install} completely. %<*fi> {\makeatletter\newcount\thguide@tl\expandafter\thguide@tl\the \year\if\month<7\advance\thguide@tl-1\fi\makeatother Another way to avoid installation is to use any public-access computer at the \makeatletter\thesis@english@facultyName \makeatother\ that runs Microsoft Windows. By running \begin{center} \makeatletter\menu[,]{Start,Programs,Document Tools,TeXLive% \the\thguide@tl\ namapovani na T}\makeatother \end{center} you can mount the faculty \TeX\ Live installation to drive \verb'T:\'. Consequently, you can either use the command line to run commands from the \TeX{} distribution by running \begin{center} \makeatletter\menu[,]{Start,Programs,Document Tools,TeXLive% \the\thguide@tl\ CMD}\makeatother \end{center} or you can use the graphical \TeX\ editor \TeX Works by running \begin{center} \makeatletter\menu[,]{Start,Programs,Document Tools,TeXWorks+% TeXLive\the\thguide@tl}\makeatother \end{center}} Yet another way to avoid installation is to either connect to the Linux server at \url{aisa.fi.muni.cz} over SSH, or use any public-access computer at the \makeatletter\thesis@english@facultyName\makeatother\ that runs Linux or Mac OS, and load the faculty \TeX\ Live installation by issuing the \texttt{module add texlive} command on the command line. If you choose this approach, you can also skip the entire Section \ref{sec:install}, although a certain degree of proficiency in working with a Unix operating system is required compared to the other methods. % \makeatletter % This macro kerns an icon next to a word. \def\thguide@iconkern{\kern.2ex} \makeatother %<*sci> \makeatletter % This macro typesets the URL of a math.muni server. \def\thguide@server#1{% \includegraphics[height=.5em]{resources/#1.pdf}% \thguide@iconkern\url{#1.math.muni.cz}} \makeatother Another way to avoid installation is to use the faculty \TeX\ Live installation by connecting to the Linux server at \makeatletter\thguide@server{yoda}\makeatother\ or \makeatletter\thguide@server{vader}\makeatother\ over SSH (through port 22222) or over the remote desktop protocol\footnote{ For more information about connecting through the remote desktop protocol, see \url{http://www.math.muni.cz/aktuality/347-vzdaleny-pristup-yoda-vader.html}.} (through port 13556), or to use any public-access computer at the \makeatletter\thesis@english@facultyName\makeatother\ that runs Linux. If you choose this approach, you can also skip this entire section, although a certain degree of proficiency in working with a Unix operating system is required compared to the first method. % \section{Installation}\label{sec:install} \subsection{Installing a \TeX{} distribution} If you decided not to use a public \TeX{} distribution, you will need to install one locally before proceeding further. A \TeX{} distribution contains tools and packages that are going to help you with preparing and typesetting your \LaTeX\ documents. The two major \TeX{} distributions that you can install are Mik\TeX\footnote{Mik\TeX\ can be acquired from \url{http://miktex.org/2.9/setup}.}, which can be used with the Microsoft Windows operating system, and \TeX\ Live\footnote{% \TeX\ Live can be acquired from \url{http://www.tug.org/texlive}.}, which can be installed on both Unix and Windows operating systems. The advantages of Mik\TeX\ include refined graphical user interface and the ability to install new packages on the fly. Along with Mik\TeX{}, you will also need to install a Perl interpreter, such as Strawberry Perl\footnote{Strawberry Perl can be downloaded from \url{http://strawberryperl.com/}.}. \TeX\ Live installs a Perl interpreter by default. \subsection{Installing packages}\label{sec:req-packages} In order to function properly, \textsf{fibeamer} needs the following packages packages to be installed in your \TeX\ distribution: \textsf{ifthen}, \textsf{ifxetex}, \textsf{ifluatex}, \textsf{lm}, \textsf{carlito}, \textsf{arev}, \textsf{iwona}, \textsf{dejavu}, \textsf{setspace}, \textsf{fontenc}, \textsf{fontspec}, \textsf{beamer}, \textsf{fibeamer}. {\makeatletter %% A placeholder string macro \def\thguide@placeholder#1{$\langle$\textit{#1}$\rangle$} If you performed a full installation of \TeX\ Live, you should already have all the required packages installed. If you are using a partial installation of \TeX\ Live, you can use the \texttt{tlmgr} command-line tool by executing \texttt{tlmgr install} \thguide@placeholder{pkgname}, where \thguide@placeholder{pkgname} is the name of the package you wish to install. In some cases, \TeX\ Live may assign a different name to a package. To find out the \TeX\ Live name of a package, open the \texttt{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/}\thguide@placeholder{pkgname} webpage in a web browser. It should contain the following text: \begin{center} Contained in \TeX\ Live as \thguide@placeholder{texlivename} \end{center} where \thguide@placeholder{texlivename} corresponds to the \TeX\ Live name of the package. Use this name instead of \thguide@placeholder{pkgname} with \texttt{tlmgr}. Alternatively, you can download the packages manually from \texttt{http://www.ctan.org\discretionary{/}{/}{/}pkg/}% \thguide@placeholder{pkgname} and extract them into the \texttt{texmf/} directory located in your user home directory. Mind that the packages themselves may depend on other packages; if you are using a partial installation of \TeX\ Live, you will have to resolve these dependencies manually by inspecting the documentation of each package. If you use Mik\TeX\ and you enabled the \textit{over the air installation of packages} during the installation, Mik\TeX\ will automatically download all the required packages, when you first typeset a \textsf{fibeamer} document. If you didn't enable this feature, you will need to enter the Mik\TeX\ package manager by running \begin{center} \menu[,]{Start,MikTeX,MikTeX Package Manager (Admin)} \end{center} and download the packages manually through the user interface. In some cases, Mik\TeX\ may assign a different name to a package. To find out the Mik\TeX\ name of a package, open the \texttt{http://www.ctan.org\discretionary{/}{/}{/}pkg/}% \thguide@placeholder{pkgname} webpage in a web browser, where \thguide@placeholder{pkgname} is the name of the package you wish to install. It should contain the following text: \begin{center} Contained in Mik\TeX\ as \thguide@placeholder{miktexname} \end{center} where \thguide@placeholder{miktexname} corresponds to the Mik\TeX\ name of the package. If you still can't find the package, try synchronizing the package database by selecting \begin{center} \menu[,]{Repository,Synchronize} \end{center} from the menu bar of the Mik\TeX\ package manager. Mind that the packages themselves may depend on other packages; if you disabled the over the air installation of packages, you will have to resolve these dependencies manually by inspecting the documentation of each package.} If you wish to use a newer version of \textsf{fibeamer} than the one that is available in your \TeX\ distribution, you should download a file named \texttt{fibeamer.tds.zip} containing the version of the package you wish to use and place it in a root directory that is recognized by your \TeX\ distribution. In \TeX\ Live\footnote{For more information about the \TeX\ Live root directories, see \url{http://www.tug.org/texlive/doc/texlive-en/texlive-en.html\#x1-110002.3}, Chapter 2.3.}, one of such directories is the \texttt{texmf/} folder in your user home directory. In Mik\TeX\footnote{ For more information about the \TeX\ Live root directories, see \url{http://docs.miktex.org/manual/localadditions.html}.}, the list of recognized root directories can be gleaned by running \begin{center} \menu[,]{Start,MikTeX,MikTeX Options (Admin),Roots} \end{center} \section{Picking a \TeX\ engine} There are several programs, called \TeX\ engines, that you can use to typeset \textsf{fibeamer} \LaTeX{} source files into displayable PDF documents. The ones we will discuss are \hologo{pdfTeX} and \Hologo{LuaTeX}. \Hologo{pdfTeX} is the more conservative choice and most \TeX\ editors use \hologo{pdfTeX} as the default \TeX\ engine. The main advantage \Hologo{LuaTeX} over \hologo{pdfTeX} for a \textsf{fibeamer} user is the ability to use standard OpenType and TrueType fonts installed on your system, whereas \hologo{pdfTeX} is confined to the fonts installed in your \TeX\ distribution. If the ability to use arbitrary fonts within your documents interests you, Chapter 3 of the \textsf{fontspec} package manual\footnote{The \textsf{fontspec} package manual is available at \url{http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/fontspec/fontspec.pdf}.} should provide you with the relevant information. If you are only going to use the fonts present in the \TeX{} distribution or if you do not intend to change the preset \textsf{fibeamer} fonts at all, you can safely use \hologo{pdfTeX}, which is currently also considerably faster than \Hologo{LuaTeX}. \section{Creating and typesetting a \textsf{fibeamer} document} Before using the \textsf{fibeamer} theme, it is useful to be familiar with the \LaTeX{} typesetting system. A good way to get started is to read one of the introductory texts in English \cite{veryshortlatex,shortlatex,longlatex,latex} or in Czech \cite{rybicka03,satrapa11}. Taking one of the \textit{FI:PB029}, \textit{PřF:M5751}, or \textit{FF:PLIN028} courses taught at the \makeatletter\thesis@english@universityName\makeatother\ is also helpful. To become familiar with \textsf{fibeamer}, you are encouraged to inspect the example \textsf{fibeamer} documents named \makeatletter \texttt{\thesis@university-\thesis@faculty-pdflatex.pdf} and \texttt{\thesis@university-\thesis@faculty-lualatex.pdf} as well as their \LaTeX{} source files that are named \texttt{\thesis@university-\thesis@faculty-pdflatex.tex} and \texttt{\thesis@university-\thesis@faculty-lualatex.tex}. These example documents are distributed along with the package inside the \texttt{example/} directory\footnote{The example \textsf{fibeamer} documents are also available online at \url{http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/beamer-contrib/fibeamer/example/mu}. To typeset the example documents, you need to download the \texttt{resources/} directory as well, as it contains vector images used in the examples.}. By modifying and by typesetting these \LaTeX{} source files using either the \hologo{pdfTeX} or the \Hologo{LuaTeX} engine, you can quickly gain a working knowledge of \LaTeX{} and use these source files as the basis for your thesis. If you are using an online editor, such as Overleaf \footnote{Overleaf \textsf{fibeamer} templates are located at \url{http://www.overleaf.com/gallery/tagged/muni}.}, \LaTeX{} source files will be typeset automatically, as you edit them. The \TeX{} engine can be selected inside the \includegraphics[height=1.3ex]{resources/cog.pdf}\makeatletter \thguide@iconkern\makeatother project settings. If you are using a graphical \TeX{} editor, such as \TeX works\footnote{\TeX works can be downloaded from \url{http://www.tug.org/texworks/}.}, you can typeset a \LaTeX{} source file by opening the source file from within the editor and running either the \hologo{pdfLaTeX} or \Hologo{LuaLaTeX} (depending on your choice of \TeX\ engine) command from the task bar. The command needs to be executed at least twice. If you are using the command line, you can typeset \LaTeX{} source files by running either \texttt{pdflatex \textit{name.tex}} or \texttt{lualatex \textit{name.tex}} (depending on your choice of \TeX\ engine), where \texttt{\textit{name.tex}} corresponds to the name of a \LaTeX\ source file. In the case of the two aforementioned example files, the corresponding commands would be: \begin{center}\makeatletter \texttt{pdflatex \thesis@university-\thesis@faculty-pdflatex.tex} \\\texttt{lualatex \thesis@university-\thesis@faculty-lualatex.tex} \makeatother\end{center} The command needs to be executed from within the directory, where the \LaTeX\ source file is located. In Windows, the command line can be opened in a directory by holding down the \keys{Shift} key and by clicking the right mouse button while hovering the cursor over a directory. Select the \menu{Open Command Window Here} option in the context menu that opens shortly afterwards. The command also needs to be executed at least twice. Beside Overleaf and \TeX works, any text editor can be used to modify \LaTeX{} source files. \chapter{Configuration} A \textsf{fibeamer} \LaTeX{} source file should begin as follows: \begin{minted}{latex} \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme[option1, option2, ..., optionN]{fibeamer} \end{minted} The following list summarizes the options that are recognized by the \textsf{fibeamer} theme and their meaning. Options that are enabled by default are \textit{set in italics}. {\makeatletter % This macro formats a default class option. \def\thguide@default{\itshape} % This macro formats a class option. \let\thguide@itemfmt\textbf \begin{description} \item[faculty=$\langle${name}$\rangle$] This option changes the color theme based on the selected faculty. To choose the color theme of the \thesis@english@facultyName, use {\thguide@itemfmt\thesis@faculty} as the $\langle$name$\rangle$. \item[\thguide@default fonts] This option sets up the combination of the font families of Carlito, Arev, Iwona, Dsfont, and DejaVu for the typesetting of text and mathematics. \item[nofonts] This option prevents \textsf{fibeamer} from setting up the fonts. The user must set the fonts manually in the preamble of the document. %<*fi> The \thesis@english@facultyName\ has licensed the Comenia font family. If you wish to use it in your thesis, you should contact Doc.\ RNDr.\ Petr Sojka, Ph.D. If you are typesetting your thesis on a public-access computer at the \thesis@english@facultyName\ or on the \url{aisa.fi.muni.cz} Linux server, you can use the commercial Math Time mathematical font family, % %<*sci> If you are typesetting your thesis on a public-access computer at the \thesis@english@facultyName\ that runs Linux or on either the \thguide@server{yoda} or \thguide@server{vader} Linux server, you can also use the commercial Math Time mathematical font family, % %<*sci,fi> which goes well with the \TeX\ Gyre Termes text font family. To use Math Time and \TeX\ Gyre Termes within your thesis, the preamble of your document should look as follows: \begin{minted}{latex} \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme[nofonts, ...]{fibeamer} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{cmap} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{tgtermes} \usepackage{mathtime} %% Here goes the rest of the document. \end{minted} % \item[\thguide@default microtype] This option sets up microtypographic extensions\footnote{ For more information about the \TeX\ engine microtypographic extensions, see \url{http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/microtype/microtype.pdf}. }, which results in visually more pleasing paragraphs of text. \item[nomicrotype] This option prevents \textsf{fibeamer} from setting up microtypographic extensions. \end{description} The complete list of the package options can be found in Section 2 of the technical documentation of the \textsf{fibeamer} class \cite{novotny15}.} \makeatletter\thesis@postamble\makeatother \tolerance=300\emergencystretch=1em \printbibliography[heading=bibintoc] \end{document} % \end{macrocode}