# Trigon theme ![Pipeline status](https://gitlab.com/thlamb/beamertheme-trigon/badges/master/pipeline.svg) _A modern, elegant and versatile theme for Beamer._ [![Demo][demo-shield]][demo-url] [![Documentation][docs-shield]][docs-url] **Trigon** found its origin and inspiration in the graphical guidelines resulting from the visual identity overhaul of the [University of Liège](https://www.uliege.be/cms/c_9247131/en/a-new-visual-identity). Although directly inspired from these guidelines, the theme was stripped out of any mention or specificities related the University and its faculties. This makes the **Trigon** theme perfectly suitable for many different contexts. The final product provides a modern, elegant and versatile theme with a high degree of customization. The main design focuses on triangular shapes for major layout elements and noise minimization for the main body of the work. The theme is now available on [CTAN](https://ctan.org/pkg/beamertheme-trigon) and a template is publicly available on the [Overleaf Gallery][overleaf-gallery]. Feature requests, issues and pull requests are welcome. ## Features - Multiple style variations for title, section and regular slides - Dark theme - Many convenient options (numbering style, toggle section slides, title font changes,...) - Looks better on 16:9 format, but supports 4:3 as well - Lightweight (does not require lots of additional packages) - Similar options than with [Metropolis theme](https://github.com/matze/mtheme) ## Note - This theme works best using the `sourcesanspro` font package, which is loaded by default. As some users may not want to load additional packages or want to use other fonts, the package can be disabled using the option `usesourcefonts=false`. ## Screenshots Default Style | Example alternative style ----------------------------------------|--------------------------------------- ![](https://thlamb.gitlab.io/beamertheme-trigon/trigon_demo-01.jpg) | ![](https://thlamb.gitlab.io/beamertheme-trigon/trigon_demo_alt-01.jpg) ![](https://thlamb.gitlab.io/beamertheme-trigon/trigon_demo-03.jpg) | ![](https://thlamb.gitlab.io/beamertheme-trigon/trigon_demo_alt-03.jpg) ![](https://thlamb.gitlab.io/beamertheme-trigon/trigon_demo-04.jpg) | ![](https://thlamb.gitlab.io/beamertheme-trigon/trigon_demo_alt-04.jpg) ![](https://thlamb.gitlab.io/beamertheme-trigon/trigon_demo-07.jpg) | ![](https://thlamb.gitlab.io/beamertheme-trigon/trigon_demo_alt-07.jpg) ![](https://thlamb.gitlab.io/beamertheme-trigon/trigon_demo-09.jpg) | ![](https://thlamb.gitlab.io/beamertheme-trigon/trigon_demo_alt-09.jpg) ![](https://thlamb.gitlab.io/beamertheme-trigon/trigon_demo-13.jpg) | ![](https://thlamb.gitlab.io/beamertheme-trigon/trigon_demo_alt-13.jpg) ## Installation To install a stable version of this theme, please refer to update instructions of your TeX distribution. Trigon has been on [CTAN](https://ctan.org/pkg/beamertheme-trigon) since March 2021. For users of typical TeX distributions (TexLive, MacTeX, MikTeX), simply updating your package list should install Trigon on your system. If you want to use the cutting-edge development version of Trigon, you can install it manually by following these steps: 1. **Download the source** using a `git clone` of the [Trigon repository](https://gitlab.com/thlamb/beamertheme-trigon) or as a [zip archive](https://gitlab.com/thlamb/beamertheme-trigon/-/archive/master/beamertheme-trigon-master.zip) 2. **Compile the style files** by running `make sty` inside the downloaded directory. (Or run LaTeX directly on `source/trigontheme.ins`.) 3. **Move the resulting `*.sty` files** to the folder containing your presentation. To use Trigon with many presentations, run `make install` or move the `*.sty` files to a folder in your TeX path instead. 4. **Use the theme** by declaring `\usetheme{trigon}` in the preamble of your document. ### Overleaf Since October 2021, [TexLive 2021 is available on Overleaf](https://www.overleaf.com/blog/tex-live-2021-now-available). Trigon is therefore automatically supported for new documents. If you want to switch older documents to use the Trigon theme, you need to [select TexLive 2021 or higher as your TeX Live version](https://www.overleaf.com/blog/new-feature-select-your-tex-live-compiler-version) (this may cause issues with other packages used in your presentation). In addition to that, a template project was created and is publicly available in the [Overleaf Gallery][overleaf-gallery] to bootstrap your presentation. ## Usage See [the package documentation][docs-url] for a detailed view of the package options. ## Contributing All contributions to this theme are welcomed, whereas in the form of issue report, feature requests or pull requests. If you want to propose an interesting alternative layout for this theme (for the title, section or regular slides), please make sure to respect the following criteria: - Maximum three main triangles on the layout - Blending type "multiply" for overlapping triangles - Triangles must all be equilateral (60° angles), some useful macros are defined in _beamerinnerthemettrigon.dtx_ for that ## References & Acknowledgment - The theme structure and options are heavily based on the [Metropolis theme](https://github.com/matze/mtheme) - Illustration picture for the demo titlepage from Taryn Elliott @ [pexels](https://pexels.com) (published under Pexel License, free to use without attribution). ## License Copyright 2021 by Thomas Lambert . **Author and maintainer**: Thomas Lambert. This theme is licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/), which is essentially a _free software_ license. Do not hesitate to copy and modify the code to fit your needs. [demo-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Demo-PDF-blue.svg [docs-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Documentation-PDF-blue.svg [demo-url]: https://gitlab.com/thlamb/beamertheme-trigon/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/demo/trigon_demo.pdf?job=tex-compile [docs-url]: https://gitlab.com/thlamb/beamertheme-trigon/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/docs/trigontheme.pdf?job=tex-compile [overleaf-gallery]: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/trigon-beamer-theme/wjyyzvdzqkgf