%PDF-1.6 % 3 0 obj << /Length 4598 >> stream BT /F15 17.2154 Tf 249.201 665.282 Td [(The)]TJ/F16 17.2154 Tf 32.481 0 Td [(axessibilit)26(y)]TJ/F15 17.2154 Tf 76.709 0 Td [(pac)26(k)52(age)]TJ/F17 11.9552 Tf -198.72 -28.892 Td [(Dragan)-326(Ahmeto)27(vic)]TJ/F24 7.9701 Tf 96.406 4.339 Td [(\003)]TJ/F17 11.9552 Tf 0 -4.339 Td [(,)-326(Tiziana)-327(Arman)1(o)]TJ/F24 7.9701 Tf 90.717 4.339 Td [(\003)]TJ/F17 11.9552 Tf 0 -4.339 Td [(,)-326(Cristian)-327(Bernareg)1(gi)]TJ/F24 7.9701 Tf 107.205 4.339 Td [(\003)]TJ/F17 11.9552 Tf 0 -4.339 Td [(,)-326(Anna)-327(Capietto)]TJ/F24 7.9701 Tf 82.913 4.339 Td [(\003)]TJ/F17 11.9552 Tf 0 -4.339 Td [(,)]TJ -365.11 -14.057 Td [(Sandro)-326(Coriasco)]TJ/F24 7.9701 Tf 83.308 4.338 Td [(\003)]TJ/F17 11.9552 Tf 0 -4.338 Td [(,)-326(Boris)-327(Doubro)28(v)]TJ/F24 7.9701 Tf 81.677 4.338 Td [(y)]TJ/F17 11.9552 Tf 0 -4.338 Td [(,)-326(Alexander)-327(Kozlo)28(vskiy)]TJ/F24 7.9701 Tf 118.417 4.338 Td [(y)]TJ/F17 11.9552 Tf 0 -4.338 Td [(,)-326(Nadir)-327(Murru)]TJ/F24 7.9701 Tf 72.829 4.338 Td [(\003)]TJ/F35 11.9552 Tf -356.521 -32.234 Td [(,,)]TJ 86.127 -13.947 Td [()]TJ/F17 11.9552 Tf 32.165 -23.313 Td [(Jan)27(uary)-326(8,)-326(2020)]TJ/F40 8.9664 Tf 20.433 -45.828 Td [(Abstract)]TJ/F39 8.9664 Tf -117.814 -15.617 Td [(PDF)-307(do)-28(cumen)28(ts)-307(con)29(taining)-307(form)29(ulae)-307(generated)-307(b)28(y)-307(L)]TJ/F19 5.9776 Tf 206.57 2.043 Td [(A)]TJ/F39 8.9664 Tf 3.975 -2.043 Td [(T)]TJ 5.119 -1.93 Td [(E)]TJ 5.119 1.93 Td [(X)-307(are)-307(usually)-307(not)]TJ -234.606 -10.959 Td [(accessible)-302(b)29(y)-302(assistiv)28(e)-302(tec)29(hnologies)-302(for)-302(p)-29(eople)-302(w)1(ith)-302(sp)-29(ecial)-302(educational)-302(needs)]TJ 0 -10.958 Td [(and)-422(visually)-422(impaired)-422(p)-28(eople)-422(\050i.e.,)-442(b)29(y)-422(screen)-422(readers)-422(and)-422(braille)-422(displa)28(ys\051.)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(The)-341(pac)28(k)58(age)-342(mana)1(ges)-342(this)-341(issue,)-341(allo)28(w)1(ing)-342(to)-341(create)-341(a)-341(PDF)-341(do)-29(cumen)29(t)-341(where)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(the)-352(form)28(ulae)-352(are)-352(read)-352(b)28(y)-352(these)-352(assistiv)29(e)-353(tec)29(hnologies,)-354(since)-353(it)-352(automatically)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(generates)-342(hidden)-342(commen)29(ts)-342(in)-342(the)-342(PDF)-342(do)-28(cumen)29(t)-342(\050b)28(y)-342(means)-342(of)-342(the)-341(/Actu-)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(alT)86(ext)-351(a)1(ttribute\051)-351(in)-350(corresp)-28(ondence)-350(to)-350(eac)28(h)-350(form)29(ula.)-480(The)-350(pac)29(k)57(age)-350(do)-29(es)-350(not)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(generate)-342(a)-343(PDF/UA)-343(do)-28(cumen)29(t.)]TJ/F47 14.3462 Tf -24.906 -32.946 Td [(Con)31(ten)32(ts)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 0 -21.918 Td [(1)-925(In)32(tro)-32(duction)-27085(2)]TJ 0 -21.917 Td [(2)-925(License)-29756(2)]TJ 0 -21.918 Td [(3)-925(Prerequisites)-26871(3)]TJ 0 -21.918 Td [(4)-925(P)32(ac)32(k)64(age)-384(sp)-32(eci\014cation)-22873(3)]TJ 0 -21.918 Td [(5)-925(Usage)-30426(5)]TJ 0 -21.918 Td [(6)-925(External)-383(scripts)-384(and)-383(screen)-383(reader)-384(in)32(tegration)-10227(6)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 14.944 -11.955 Td [(6.1)-1022(Prepro)-28(cessing)-333(scripts)-489(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-1806(6)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(6.2)-1022(Expansion)-333(of)-334(user)-333(macros)-803(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-1806(6)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(6.3)-1022(Screen)-334(reader)-333(dictionaries)-766(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-1806(6)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(6.4)-1022(Automatic)-334(r)1(e)-1(p)1(lac)-1(emen)28(t)-333(of)-333($)-334(and)-333($$)-333(mark)27(ers)-333(in)-333(Lua)-334(mo)-27(de)-867(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-1806(6)]TJ ET q 1 0 0 1 153.694 198.633 cm []0 d 0 J 0.398 w 0 0 m 141.467 0 l S Q BT /F25 5.9776 Tf 164.62 192.031 Td [(\003)]TJ/F18 7.9701 Tf 4.317 -2.813 Td [(Dipartimen)29(to)-354(di)-354(Matematica)-354(\134G.)-354(P)29(eano",)-354(Univ)30(ersit\022)531(a)-354(degli)-354(Studi)-355(di)-354(T)89(orino,)-354(10123,)-354(Italy)]TJ/F25 5.9776 Tf -3.93 -6.991 Td [(y)]TJ/F18 7.9701 Tf 3.93 -2.812 Td [(Dual)-354(Lab,)-354(Ottignies-Louv)59(ain-la-Neuv)29(e)-354(1340,)-354(Belgium)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 159.103 -40.16 Td [(1)]TJ ET endstream endobj 21 0 obj << /Length 7739 >> stream BT /F48 9.9626 Tf 153.694 707.125 Td [(7)-925(Kno)32(wn)-383(issues)-26643(7)]TJ 0 -21.918 Td [(8)-925(Implemen)32(tation)-25466(7)]TJ 0 -21.918 Td [(9)-925(History)-29074(20)]TJ/F47 14.3462 Tf 0 -32.945 Td [(1)-1125(In)31(tro)-31(duction)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -21.821 Td [(This)-250(pac)28(k)55(age)-250(fo)-27(cuse)-1(s)-250(on)-250(th)1(e)-251(sp)-27(eci\014c)-250(problem)-250(of)-250(the)-250(access)-1(ib)1(ilit)27(y)-250(of)-250(PDF)-249(do)-28(cumen)28(ts)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(generated)-396(b)28(y)-397(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 63.143 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.387 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.534 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X)-396(for)-396(visually)-397(impair)1(e)-1(d)-396(p)-27(eople)-397(and)-396(p)-28(eople)-396(with)-396(sp)-28(ecial)-396(educa-)]TJ -78.599 -11.956 Td [(tional)-344(needs.)-477(Wh)1(e)-1(n)-344(a)-344(PDF)-344(do)-27(cumen)27(t)-344(is)-344(generated)-344(starting)-344(from)-344(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 286.86 2.043 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.386 -2.043 Td [(T)]TJ 5.534 -2.144 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.144 Td [(X,)-347(form)28(ulae)]TJ -302.315 -11.955 Td [(are)-293(not)-293(accessible)-293(b)28(y)-293(screen)-293(readers)-294(an)1(d)-293(braille)-293(displa)27(ys.)-431(They)-293(can)-293(b)-27(e)-293(made)-293(ac)-1(ces-)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(sible)-351(b)27(y)-351(inserting)-352(a)-351(hidden)-351(c)-1(ommen)28(t,)-356(i.e.,)-356(an)-351(ActualT)83(ext,)-356(similarly)-352(to)-351(the)-352(case)-351(of)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(w)28(eb)-354(pages.)-507(This)-354(can)-354(b)-28(e)-354(made,)-359(e.g.,)-359(b)28(y)-354(using)-354(the)-354(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 218.475 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.386 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.534 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X)-354(pac)28(k)55(age)-354(p)-28(df)1(c)-1(ommen)28(t.st)28(y)83(.)]TJ -233.93 -11.955 Td [(In)-336(an)28(y)-336(case,)-336(this)-336(task)-336(m)27(u)1(s)-1(t)-335(b)-28(e)-336(man)28(ually)-336(p)-28(erformed)-336(b)28(y)-336(the)-336(author)-335(and)-336(it)-336(is)-336(surely)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(ine\016cien)28(t,)-415(since)-399(the)-399(author)-398(should)-399(write)-399(the)-398(form)28(ulae)-399(and,)-415(in)-399(addition,)-415(in)1(s)-1(ert)-398(a)]TJ 0 -11.956 Td [(description)-285(for)-284(eac)28(h)-285(form)28(ula.)-428(Note)-285(also)-285(that)-284(the)-285(pac)28(k)55(age)-285(p)-27(dfcommen)27(t.st)28(y)-284(do)-28(es)-285(not)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(allo)28(w)-439(to)-439(insert)-438(s)-1(p)-27(ecial)-439(c)28(haracters)-439(lik)28(e)-439(`bac)28(kslash',)-465(`brace',)-465(e)-1(tc,)-465(in)-438(the)-439(commen)27(t)1(.)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(Moreo)28(v)28(er,)-458(with)-432(these)-433(solutions,)-457(the)-433(reading)-433(is)-432(b)-28(othered)-432(s)-1(in)1(c)-1(e)-432(the)-433(screen)-432(re)-1(ad)1(e)-1(r)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(\014rst)-387(reads)-387(incorrectly)-388(the)-387(form)28(ula)-387(and)-387(then,)-401(only)-387(as)-388(a)-387(second)-387(step,)-401(pro)28(vides)-387(the)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(correct)-343(comm)-1(en)28(t)-343(of)-343(the)-344(form)28(ula.)-474(There)-344(are)-343(also)-343(s)-1(ome)-343(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 239.216 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.386 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.535 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X)-343(pac)27(k)56(ages)-343(that)-344(try)-343(to)]TJ -254.672 -11.955 Td [(impro)28(v)28(e)-420(the)-419(accessibilit)28(y)-419(of)-420(PDF)-419(do)-27(cume)-1(n)28(ts)-419(pro)-28(duced)-419(b)28(y)-419(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 262.233 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.386 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.535 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X.)-702(In)-419(particular,)]TJ -277.689 -11.956 Td [(the)-387(pac)28(k)56(ages)-387(accsupp.st)28(y)83(,)-400(accessibilit)28(y)]TJ ET q 1 0 0 1 320.955 441.35 cm []0 d 0 J 0.398 w 0 0 m 2.989 0 l S Q BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 323.944 441.15 Td [(meta.st)28(y)-387(and)-387(tagp)-27(df)-387(ha)28(v)28(e)-387(b)-28(een)-386(dev)27(elop)-27(ed)]TJ -170.25 -11.955 Td [(in)-462(order)-461(to)-462(obtain)-462(tagged)-462(PDF)-461(do)-28(cumen)28(ts.)-830(The)-462(pac)28(k)55(age)-462(accsupp.st)28(y)-462(dev)28(elops)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(some)-286(in)28(teresting)-286(to)-28(ols)-286(for)-285(commen)27(ting)-285(form)27(ulae)-285(using)-286(also)-286(sp)-28(ecial)-286(c)28(haracters)-286(\050p)-28(os-)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(sibilit)28(y)-380(t)1(hat)-380(is)-379(not)-380(a)28(v)56(ailable,)-391(e.g.,)-391(in)-380(t)1(he)-380(p)-28(dfcommen)28(t.st)28(y)-380(pac)28(k)56(age\051.)-583(The)-379(pac)27(k)56(age)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(tagp)-28(df)-484(widely)-484(further)-485(dev)28(elop)-28(ed)-484(tagging)-484(functionalities,)-522(along)-485(the)-484(most)-484(rece)-1(n)28(t)]TJ 0 -11.956 Td [(sp)-28(eci\014cations)-342(for)-342(PDF)-342(do)-28(cumen)28(ts)-342(accessibilit)27(y)84(.)-471(Ho)28(w)27(ev)28(er,)-344(all)-342(of)-342(the)-342(ab)-28(o)28(v)27(e)-342(are)-342(not)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(automatized)-325(metho)-28(ds,)-327(since)-326(th)1(e)-326(commen)28(t)-326(and)-325(tags)-325(m)28(us)-1(t)-325(b)-28(e)-325(man)28(ually)-325(inse)-1(r)1(te)-1(d)-325(b)28(y)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(the)-279(author.)-426(The)-279(pac)28(k)55(age)-278(ac)-1(cessibilit)28(y)]TJ ET q 1 0 0 1 314.791 357.663 cm []0 d 0 J 0.398 w 0 0 m 2.989 0 l S Q BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 317.78 357.464 Td [(meta.st)28(y)-279(is)-279(an)-279(impro)28(v)28(ed)-279(v)28(ersion)-279(of)-279(the)-279(pac)28(k-)]TJ -164.086 -11.955 Td [(age)-386(accessibilit)28(y)83(.st)28(y)83(.)-603(This)-386(pac)28(k)56(ag)-1(e)-386(allo)28(ws)-386(the)-386(p)-28(ossibilit)28(y)-386(of)-386(inserting)-386(sev)27(eral)-386(tags)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(for)-367(sections,)-376(links,)-376(\014gures)-368(and)-367(tables.)-547(Ho)28(w)28(ev)28(er,)-376(ev)27(en)-367(if)-367(these)-368(tags)-367(are)-368(recognized)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(b)28(y)-374(the)-375(to)-27(ol)-375(for)-374(c)28(hec)28(king)-375(tags)-374(of)-374(Acrobat)-374(Reader)-375(Pro,)-384(they)-374(are)-375(not)-374(alw)28(a)28(ys)-375(recog-)]TJ 0 -11.956 Td [(nized)-395(b)27(y)-395(the)-395(screen)-396(readers.)-630(Moreo)27(v)28(er,)-411(this)-395(pac)28(k)55(age)-395(do)-28(es)-395(not)-396(manage)-395(form)28(ulae.)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(Our)-404(pac)28(k)56(age)-404(automatically)-404(pro)-27(duces)-404(an)-404(ActualT)83(ext)-403(corresp)-28(onding)-404(to)-403(the)-404(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 330.746 2.043 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.386 -2.043 Td [(T)]TJ 5.535 -2.144 Td [(E)]TJ 5.534 2.144 Td [(X)]TJ -346.201 -11.955 Td [(commands)-437(that)-438(generate)-437(the)-438(form)28(ulae.)-756(This)-438(ActualT)84(e)-1(x)1(t)-438(is)-437(hidden)-438(in)-437(the)-437(PDF)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(do)-28(cumen)28(t,)-357(but)-352(the)-353(screen)-352(reader)-352(reads)-353(it)-352(without)-352(reading)-353(an)28(y)-352(incorrect)-352(s)-1(equ)1(e)-1(n)1(c)-1(e)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(b)-28(efore.)-428(Additional)-284(functionalities,)-295(implemen)28(ted)-285(in)-284(this)-285(v)28(ersion,)-294(are)-285(a)28(v)55(ailable)-284(when)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(the)-333(t)27(y)1(p)-28(eset)-334(is)-333(done)-333(b)27(y)-333(means)-333(of)-334(luaL)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 157.227 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.386 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.535 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X\050see)-333(b)-28(elo)28(w\051.)]TJ/F47 14.3462 Tf -172.683 -32.946 Td [(2)-1125(License)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -21.821 Td [(This)-420(w)28(ork)-420(ma)27(y)-420(b)-28(e)-420(distributed)-420(and/or)-420(mo)-28(di\014)1(e)-1(d)-420(und)1(e)-1(r)-420(the)-420(conditions)-420(of)-420(the)-420(La-)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(T)83(eX)-503(Pro)-56(ject)-503(Public)-504(License,)-546(either)-503(v)27(ersion)-503(1.3)-504(of)-503(this)-504(license)-504(or)-503(\050at)-504(y)28(our)-503(op-)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(tion\051)-360(an)28(y)-360(later)-360(v)27(ersion.)-524(The)-361(l)1(a)-1(t)1(e)-1(st)-360(v)28(ersion)-360(of)-360(this)-360(license)-360(is)-361(in)-360(h)28(ttp://www.latex-)]TJ 174.346 -31.936 Td [(2)]TJ ET endstream endobj 25 0 obj << /Length 4450 >> stream BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 153.694 707.125 Td [(pro)-55(ject.org/lppl.txt)-375(and)-375(v)28(ersion)-375(1.3)-375(or)-375(later)-375(is)-375(part)-375(of)-375(all)-375(distributions)-375(of)-375(LaT)83(eX)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(v)28(ersion)-334(2005/12/01)-333(or)-333(later.)]TJ/F47 14.3462 Tf 0 -32.803 Td [(3)-1125(Prerequisites)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -21.821 Td [(The)-341(pac)28(k)55(age)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 57.719 0 Td [(axessibilit)32(y)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 58.743 0 Td [(requires)-341(the)-341(follo)27(wing)-341(pac)28(k)56(ages)-1(:)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 141.974 0 Td [(accsupp,)-395(amsmath,)]TJ -258.436 -11.955 Td [(amssym)32(b,)-384(tagp)-32(d)1(f,)-384(xstring)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 127.117 0 Td [(.)]TJ/F47 14.3462 Tf -127.117 -32.804 Td [(4)-1125(P)31(ac)32(k)62(age)-375(sp)-31(eci\014cation)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -21.82 Td [(If)-333(y)28(ou)-334(use)-333(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 48.634 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.386 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.535 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X2)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 12.453 -1.495 Td [(\017)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 7.14 1.495 Td [(simply)-333(add)-334(th)1(e)-334(follo)28(wing)-333(line)-334(in)-333(the)-333(pream)28(ble:)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -68.739 -19.263 Td [(\017)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.962 0 Td [(for)-333(the)-334(usage)-333(based)-333(on)-334(the)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 118.307 0 Td [(tagp)-32(df)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 36.709 0 Td [(pac)28(k)55(age,)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -155.016 -27.73 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(usepac)32(k)64(age)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 54.802 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(axessibilit)32(y)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 55.344 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -120.109 -27.73 Td [(or,)-333(equiv)55(alen)28(tly)83(,)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 0 -27.729 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(usepac)32(k)64(age[tagp)-32(df)-109(])]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 94.556 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(axessibilit)32(y)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 55.343 0 Td [(g)]TJ -169.824 -19.594 Td [(\017)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.962 0 Td [(for)-333(the)-334(usage)-333(based)-333(on)-334(the)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 118.307 0 Td [(accsupp)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 42.688 0 Td [(pac)28(k)55(age,)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -160.995 -27.73 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(usepac)32(k)64(age[accsupp])]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 100.535 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(axessibilit)32(y)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 55.343 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -190.747 -24.909 Td [(The)-333(pac)27(k)56(age)-333(includes)-334(the)-333(follo)28(wing)-333(features:)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 14.944 -19.263 Td [(\017)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.962 0 Td [(In)-333(the)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 29.612 0 Td [(accsupp)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 42.688 0 Td [(v)28(ersion,)-334(th)1(e)-334(commands)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -72.3 -23.91 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(p)-32(dfcompresslev)32(el=0)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -4.982 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(p)-32(dfoptionp)-32(dfminorv)32(ersion=6)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -4.982 -23.911 Td [(pro)-28(duce)-333(an)-333(uncompresse)-1(d)-333(PDF)-333(do)-28(cumen)28(t.)-444(T)-1(h)1(e)-334(command)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 0 -23.91 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(BeginAccSupp)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -4.982 -23.91 Td [(con)28(tained)-430(in)-429(the)-430(pac)28(k)56(age)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 114.805 0 Td [(accsupp)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 39.368 0 Td [(,)-453(has)-430(b)-28(een)-429(rede\014ned)-430(so)-429(that)-430(the)-429(screen)]TJ -154.173 -11.955 Td [(readers)-333(acce)-1(ss)-333(the)-333(ActualT)83(ext)-333(created)-334(b)28(y)-333(this)-334(command.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -9.962 -19.594 Td [(\017)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.962 0 Td [(In)-333(the)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 29.612 0 Td [(tagp)-32(df)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 36.709 0 Td [(v)28(ersion,)-334(th)1(e)-334(commands)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -66.321 -23.911 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(tagp)-32(dfsetup)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 59.258 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 5.728 0 Td [(tabsorder=structure,uncompress,activ)64(a)-1(te-all,in)32(terw)32(ordspace=true)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 330.218 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -400.186 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(tagp)-32(d\014fp)-32(dftexT)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf -4.982 -11.955 Td [(f)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 0 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(p)-32(dfcatalog)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 51.874 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 5.729 0 Td [(/Lang)-383(\050en-US\051)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 73.626 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -136.211 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(usepac)32(k)64(age[T1])]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 74.866 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 5.728 0 Td [(fon)32(tenc)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 36.44 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 27.424 -29.888 Td [(3)]TJ ET endstream endobj 31 0 obj << /Length 7022 >> stream BT /F14 9.9626 Tf 178.6 707.125 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(input)-383(glyph)32(tounico)-32(de)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -4.982 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(p)-32(dfgen)32(tounico)-32(de=1)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf -4.982 -11.955 Td [(g)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 0 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(tagp)-32(d\014\015uatexT)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf -4.982 -11.956 Td [(f)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 0 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(p)-32(dfextension)-383(catalog)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 102.858 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 5.728 0 Td [(/Lang)-383(\050en-US\051)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 73.626 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -187.194 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(RequireP)32(ac)32(k)64(age)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 79.223 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 5.728 0 Td [(fon)32(tsp)-32(ec)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 41.277 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -131.21 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(RequireP)32(ac)32(k)64(age)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 79.223 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 5.728 0 Td [(luaco)-32(de)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 37.872 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -127.805 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(newfon)32(tface)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 59.035 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(zero)32(widthfon)32(t)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 68.846 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 5.728 0 Td [(freeserif)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 39.894 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -183.466 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(directlua)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 44.181 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf -49.163 -11.956 Td [(require\050"axessibilit)32(y)95(.lua"\051)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 0 -11.955 Td [(g)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -27.895 Td [(pro)-28(duce)-300(an)-299(uncompresse)-1(d)-299(PDF)-300(do)-28(cumen)28(t,)-307(directing)-299(appropriately)-300(the)-300(t)28(yp)-28(e-)]TJ 0 -11.956 Td [(setting,)-375(either)-366(via)-367(p)-27(dfL)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 98.165 2.043 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.386 -2.043 Td [(T)]TJ 5.535 -2.144 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.144 Td [(X)-366(or)-367(luaL)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 39.581 2.043 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.386 -2.043 Td [(T)]TJ 5.534 -2.144 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.144 Td [(X.)-544(Equations)-366(\050and)-367(other)-366(structures\051)]TJ -168.657 -11.955 Td [(are)-410(tagged)-409(b)27(y)-409(means)-410(of)-409(the)-410(commands)-410(de\014ned)-409(in)-410(the)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 241.586 0 Td [(tagp)-32(df)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 37.47 0 Td [(pac)28(k)55(age,)-428(so)]TJ -279.056 -11.955 Td [(that)-227(scree)-1(n)-227(readers)-227(acces)-1(s)-227(the)-227(ActualT)83(ext)-228(created)-227(b)28(y)-228(them.)-409(When)-227(t)28(yp)-28(eset)-228(via)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(luaL)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 15.924 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.386 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.535 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X,)-330(additional)-329(functionalities,)-330(implemen)28(ted)-329(in)-329(the)-329(\014le)-330(axessibilit)28(y)84(.lua,)]TJ -31.38 -11.955 Td [(can)-333(b)-28(e)-333(ac)-1(tiv)56(ated)-333(\050see)-334(Section)-333(6)-333(b)-28(elo)28(w\051.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -9.962 -19.926 Td [(\017)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.962 0 Td [(The)-333(new)-334(commands)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 0 -23.91 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(wrap)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 24.927 0 Td [(#)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 8.302 0 Td [(1)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -38.211 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(wrapml)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 37.657 0 Td [(#)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 8.302 0 Td [(1)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -50.941 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(wrapmlstar)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 56.919 0 Td [(#)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 8.302 0 Td [(1)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -70.203 -23.911 Td [(allo)28(w)-410(to)-410(store)-410(their)-410(input)-410(in)28(to)-410(an)-410(ActualT)83(ext)-410(in)-409(the)-410(PDF)-410(do)-28(cumen)28(t)-410(\050e.g.,)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(the)-343(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 19.892 2.043 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.386 -2.043 Td [(T)]TJ 5.535 -2.144 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.144 Td [(X)-343(commands)-343(f)1(o)-1(r)-342(generating)-343(a)-343(form)28(ula\051,)-345(for)-343(singl)1(e)-343(line)-343(and)-343(m)28(ultiple)]TJ -35.348 -11.955 Td [(line)-333(form)27(u)1(lae)-334(en)28(vironmen)28(ts,)-334(resp)-27(ectiv)27(ely)84(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -9.962 -19.925 Td [(\017)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.962 0 Td [(The)-333(en)27(vironmen)28(ts)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 0 -23.911 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(equation)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 42.964 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.302 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.284 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.981 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(equation)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 42.964 0 Td [(g)]TJ -172.63 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(equation*)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 48.692 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.303 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.283 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.982 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(equation*)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 48.692 0 Td [(g)]TJ -184.087 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [([)-333(.)-167(.)-167(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 19.371 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(])]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -29.335 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(\050)-333(.)-167(.)-167(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 20.478 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(\051)]TJ -30.442 -27.895 Td [(ha)28(v)28(e)-304(b)-27(ee)-1(n)-303(rede\014ned.)-434(In)-303(eac)27(h)-303(en)28(vironmen)28(t)-303(listed)-304(ab)-27(o)27(v)28(e,)-309(the)-303(command)]TJ/F55 9.9626 Tf 302.616 0 Td [(\134wrap)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -302.616 -11.956 Td [(is)-301(inserted,)-307(together)-300(with)-301(the)-300(com)-1(mand)]TJ/F55 9.9626 Tf 173.174 0 Td [(\134collect@body)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 67.994 0 Td [(,)-307(so)-301(that)-300(all)-301(the)-300(con-)]TJ -241.168 -11.955 Td [(ten)28(t)-403(of)-402(the)-403(en)28(vironmen)28(t)-403(is)-402(automatically)-403(stored)-402(in)28(to)-403(an)-402(ActualT)83(ext)-403(in)-402(the)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(PDF)-404(do)-28(cumen)28(t.)-657(The)-404(follo)28(wing)-404(m)28(ultiline)-404(form)28(ula)-404(en)27(v)1(ironmen)27(ts,)-421(de\014ned)-404(in)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(the)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 17.158 0 Td [(amsmath)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 48.894 0 Td [(pac)28(k)55(age,)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf -66.052 -23.91 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(align)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 24.028 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.302 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.284 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.981 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(align)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 24.027 0 Td [(g)]TJ -134.758 -11.956 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(align*)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 29.757 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.302 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.283 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.981 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(align*)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 29.756 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 3.225 -29.888 Td [(4)]TJ ET endstream endobj 35 0 obj << /Length 9783 >> stream BT /F14 9.9626 Tf 178.6 707.125 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(alignat)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 34.053 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.302 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.284 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.981 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(alignat)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 34.053 0 Td [(g)]TJ -154.808 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(alignat*)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 39.781 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.303 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.283 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.982 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(alignat*)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 39.781 0 Td [(g)]TJ -166.265 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(\015align)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 30.393 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.302 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.284 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.981 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(\015align)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 30.392 0 Td [(g)]TJ -147.488 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(\015align*)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 36.122 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.302 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.283 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.981 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(\015align*)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 36.121 0 Td [(g)]TJ -158.945 -11.956 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(gather)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 32.088 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.302 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.284 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.981 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(gather)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 32.087 0 Td [(g)]TJ -150.878 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(gather*)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 37.817 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.302 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.283 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.981 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(gather*)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 37.816 0 Td [(g)]TJ -162.335 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(xalignat)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 40.1 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.302 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.283 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.981 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(xalignat)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 40.1 0 Td [(g)]TJ -166.902 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(xalignat*)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 45.828 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.302 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.284 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.981 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(xalignat*)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 45.828 0 Td [(g)]TJ -178.359 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(xxalignat)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 46.146 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.303 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.283 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.981 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(xxalignat)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 46.146 0 Td [(g)]TJ -178.995 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(m)32(ultline)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 41.214 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.302 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.283 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.981 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(m)32(ultline)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 41.213 0 Td [(g)]TJ -169.129 -11.956 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.21 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(m)32(ultline*)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 46.942 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.302 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.284 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.981 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(m)32(ultline*)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 46.941 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -180.586 -27.895 Td [(ha)28(v)28(e)-223(b)-27(ee)-1(n)-222(similarly)-222(rede\014ned,)-244(using)-222(the)-223(commands)]TJ/F55 9.9626 Tf 217.684 0 Td [(\134wrapml)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 38.827 0 Td [(and)]TJ/F55 9.9626 Tf 18.265 0 Td [(\134wrapmlstar)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 57.533 0 Td [(.)]TJ -332.309 -11.955 Td [(The)-302(con)28(te)-1(n)28(t)-302(of)-302(these)-302(en)27(viron)1(m)-1(en)28(ts,)-308(to)-28(o,)-308(is)-303(no)28(w)-302(stored)-302(in)28(to)-303(an)-302(ActualT)84(ext)-303(in)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(the)-400(PDF)-399(do)-28(cumen)28(t.)-644(The)-400(supp)-28(ort)-399(for)-400(more)-400(m)28(ultiline)-400(en)28(vironmen)28(ts)-400(will)-400(b)-28(e)]TJ 0 -11.956 Td [(added)-333(in)-334(fu)1(ture)-334(v)28(ersions)-333(of)-334(the)-333(pac)28(k)55(age.)]TJ/F47 14.3462 Tf -24.906 -32.945 Td [(5)-1125(Usage)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -21.821 Td [(An)-290(author)-290(that)-290(w)28(an)28(ts)-290(to)-290(c)-1(r)1(e)-1(ate)-290(an)-290(accessible)-290(PDF)-290(do)-28(cumen)28(t)-290(for)-290(visually)-290(impaired)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(p)-28(eople,)-291(or)-281(p)-27(eople)-281(with)-281(sp)-27(ecial)-281(educational)-281(needs,)-291(can)-280(add)-281(this)-281(pac)28(k)56(age)-281(and)-281(u)1(s)-1(e)-280(the)]TJ 0 -11.956 Td [(ab)-28(o)28(v)28(e)-416(en)28(vironmen)28(ts)-416(for)-415(inserting)-416(the)-416(form)28(ulae.)-691(The)-416(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 238.273 2.043 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.387 -2.043 Td [(T)]TJ 5.534 -2.144 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.144 Td [(X)-416(co)-27(de)-416(of)-416(the)-415(inserted)]TJ -253.729 -11.955 Td [(form)28(ulae)-463(will)-462(b)-28(e)-462(added)-462(as)-463(hidden)-462(commen)28(ts)-463(in)-462(corresp)-28(ondence)-462(to)-463(the)-462(lo)-28(cation)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(of)-394(the)-393(form)28(ulae)-394(in)-394(the)-393(text.)-625(T)-1(h)1(is)-394(will)-394(allo)28(w)-394(the)-393(user)-394(to)-393(acc)-1(ess)-393(the)-394(form)28(ula)-394(co)-27(de)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(with)-358(the)-358(screen)-358(reader)-358(and)-358(with)-358(the)-358(braille)-358(refreshable)-358(displa)27(y)84(.)-519(Additionally)84(,)-365(t)1(he)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(pac)28(k)55(age)-357(enables)-358(to)-357(cop)28(y)-358(the)-357(form)27(ula)-357(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 165.23 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.387 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.534 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X)-358(co)-27(de)-358(from)-357(the)-358(PDF)-357(reader)-358(and)-357(paste)]TJ -180.686 -11.955 Td [(it)-333(elsewhere)-334(\050concerning)-333(this)-333(feature,)-334(please)-333(see)-334(also)-333(Section)-333(7)-334(b)-27(elo)27(w\051.)]TJ 14.944 -11.956 Td [(Inline)-541(and)-542(displa)28(y)28(ed)-541(mathema)-1(t)1(ic)-1(al)-541(mo)-28(des)-541(enco)-28(ded)-541(b)27(y)-541(means)-541(of)-542($)-541(and)-542($$)]TJ -14.944 -11.955 Td [(are)-498(n)1(ot)-498(supp)-28(orted)-497(b)28(y)-498(the)-497(pac)27(k)56(age.)-937(Ho)28(w)27(ev)28(er,)-538(external)-498(scripts,)-539(or)-497(a)-498(command)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 0 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 5.728 0 Td [(doreplacemen)32(t)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 72.824 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 5.729 0 Td [(true)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 20.79 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.776 0 Td [(when)-406(t)28(yp)-28(esetting)-406(w)-1(i)1(th)-407(luaL)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 118.615 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.387 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.534 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X,)-424(im)-1(p)1(lem)-1(en)28(t)-406(the)-406(auto-)]TJ -248.918 -11.955 Td [(matic)-281(replacemen)27(t)-281(of)-281(these)-281(T)83(eX)-281(mark)27(ers)-281(b)28(y)-281(their)-281(LaT)83(eX)-281(equiv)55(alen)28(ts)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 296.042 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(\050)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.874 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(\051)-281(and)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 25.53 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [([)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 2.767 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(].)]TJ -348.139 -11.955 Td [(The)-468(external)-468(scripts)-469(are)-468(pro)28(vided)-468(as)-468(companion)-468(soft)27(w)28(are)-468(and)-468(describ)-28(ed)-468(in)-468(the)]TJ 0 -11.956 Td [(follo)28(wing)-333(se)-1(ction.)]TJ 14.944 -11.955 Td [(Moreo)28(v)28(er,)-339(pro)28(vided)-337(that)-337(also)-338(the)-337(pac)28(k)55(age)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 183.588 0 Td [(eqnalign)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 45.052 0 Td [(is)-337(added,)-339(th)1(e)-338(\050old\051)-337(m)28(ulti-)]TJ -243.584 -11.955 Td [(line)-333(form)28(ula)-334(en)28(vironmen)28(ts)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 14.944 -23.91 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.211 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(eqnarra)32(y)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 44.126 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.302 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.284 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.981 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(eqnarra)32(y)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 44.126 0 Td [(g)]TJ -174.954 -11.955 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(b)-32(egin)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.211 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(eqnarra)32(y*)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 49.695 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.302 0 Td [(.)-167(.)-166(.)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.284 0 Td [(n)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(end)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 17.981 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 4.982 0 Td [(eqnarra)32(y*)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 49.695 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -201.037 -23.911 Td [(will)-333(automatically)-334(generate)-333(the)-333(corresp)-28(onding)-333(hidden)-334(ActualT)84(ext.)]TJ 174.346 -90.687 Td [(5)]TJ ET endstream endobj 38 0 obj << /Length 7995 >> stream BT /F47 14.3462 Tf 153.694 707.125 Td [(6)-1125(External)-375(scripts)-375(and)-375(screen)-375(reader)-375(in)31(tegration)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -21.821 Td [(In)-334(addition)-335(to)-334(the)-334(pac)27(k)56(age,)-335(w)28(e)-334(also)-335(pro)28(vide)-334(scripts)-335(and)-334(other)-334(resources)-335(that)-334(com-)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(plemen)28(t)-334(its)-333(functionalities.)]TJ/F47 11.9552 Tf 0 -27.888 Td [(6.1)-1125(Prepro)-31(cessing)-375(scripts)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -18.39 Td [(While)-424(w)28(e)-423(w)27(armly)-423(suggest)-424(to)-424(fol)1(lo)27(w)-423(the)-424(indications)-423(pro)27(vided)-423(in)-424(the)-423(usage)-424(guide)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(\050suggested)-331(commands)-332(and)-331(en)28(vironmen)28(ts\051,)-332(it)-331(is)-331(als)-1(o)-331(p)-28(ossible)-331(to)-331(apply)-331(our)-331(pac)27(k)56(age)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(to)-297(an)-297(already)-297(existing)-297(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 99.244 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.387 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.534 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X)-297(do)-28(cumen)28(t.)-432(In)-297(this)-298(case,)-304(if)-297(p)-28(dfL)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 140.65 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.387 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.534 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X)-297(is)-297(emplo)28(y)27(ed,)-304(it)-297(is)]TJ -270.806 -11.955 Td [(necessary)-283(to)-282(prepro)-28(cess)-283(the)-282(do)-28(cumen)27(t)-282(in)-283(order)-282(to)-283(replace)-283(some)-282(of)-283(the)-283(unsup)1(p)-28(orted)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(commands)-263(and)-262(en)28(vironmen)28(ts)-263(with)-262(the)-263(suggested)-262(ones.)-421(W)83(e)-262(pro)27(vide)-262(a)-263(prepr)1(o)-28(cessing)]TJ 0 -11.956 Td [(script)-495(to)-495(handle)-495(some)-495(of)-496(these)-495(cases)-495(at)-495(our)-495(Gith)28(ub)-495(rep)-28(ository)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 282.854 3.616 Td [(1)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.47 -3.616 Td [(.)-930(Namely)84(,)-536(the)]TJ -287.324 -11.955 Td [(underscore)-349(c)28(haracters)-349(ha)28(v)28(e)-349(to)-349(b)-28(e)-349(substituted)-349(as)-349(indicated)-348(ab)-28(o)28(v)27(e)-349(when)-348(em)-1(p)1(lo)27(ying)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(the)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 16.656 0 Td [(accsupp)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 42.186 0 Td [(mo)-28(de,)-293(while)-283(this)-283(is)-283(not)-283(necessary)-283(when)-283(the)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 186.18 0 Td [(tagp)-32(df)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 36.208 0 Td [(mo)-28(de)-283(is)-283(selected.)]TJ -281.23 -11.955 Td [($)-369(and)-369($$)-369(mark)28(ers)-369(m)27(ust)-369(b)-27(e)-369(replaced)-369(when)-369(t)27(yp)-27(es)-1(ettin)1(g)-370(with)-369(p)-27(dfL)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 277.375 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.386 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.535 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.534 2.145 Td [(X)-369(b)-28(oth)-369(in)-369(the)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf -292.83 -11.955 Td [(accsupp)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 42.688 0 Td [(and)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 19.372 0 Td [(tagp)-32(df)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 36.709 0 Td [(mo)-28(de.)]TJ/F47 11.9552 Tf -98.769 -27.889 Td [(6.2)-1125(Expansion)-375(of)-375(user)-375(macros)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -18.389 Td [(Note)-320(that)-319(custom)-320(macros)-320(used)-319(b)27(y)-319(the)-320(author)-319(within)-320(the)-320(form)28(ulae)-319(are)-320(copied)-320(as-is)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(in)28(to)-368(the)-368(ActualT)83(ext)-367(in)-368(the)-368(hidden)-368(commen)28(t.)-548(This)-368(macros)-368(ma)28(y)-368(b)-28(ear)-368(no)-367(meaning)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(for)-471(other)-471(readers,)-505(so)-471(it)-471(ma)28(y)-471(b)-27(e)-471(more)-471(meaningful)-471(to)-471(expand)-471(those)-470(m)-1(acros)-470(in)27(to)]TJ 0 -11.956 Td [(the)-485(ori)1(ginal)-485(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 58.815 2.043 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.386 -2.043 Td [(T)]TJ 5.535 -2.144 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.144 Td [(X)-485(commands.)-898(W)84(e)-485(pro)28(vide)-485(a)-484(script)-485(that)-484(can)-485(parse)-484(the)-485(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 256.475 2.043 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.386 -2.043 Td [(T)]TJ 5.535 -2.144 Td [(E)]TJ 5.534 2.144 Td [(X)]TJ -346.201 -11.955 Td [(do)-28(cumen)28(t)-264(and)-264(replace)-264(all)-264(the)-264(use)-1(r)-264(macros)-264(within)-264(the)-264(form)28(ulae)-264(with)-264(their)-264(expanded)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(de\014nitions.)-444(Y)83(ou)-333(can)-334(do)28(wnload)-333(this)-333(script)-334(at)-333(our)-333(Gith)28(ub)-334(rep)-27(os)-1(i)1(tory)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 290.425 3.615 Td [(1)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.469 -3.615 Td [(.)]TJ/F47 11.9552 Tf -294.894 -27.888 Td [(6.3)-1125(Screen)-375(reader)-375(dictionaries)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -18.39 Td [(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 2.64 2.043 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.386 -2.043 Td [(T)]TJ 5.535 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X)-330(commands)-330(that)-330(are)-330(included)-330(as)-330(ActualT)83(ext)-330(in)-330(the)-330(hidden)-330(commen)27(ts)-330(corre-)]TJ -18.096 -11.955 Td [(sp)-28(onding)-364(to)-365(form)27(ulae)-364(ma)27(y)-365(app)-27(ear)-365(a)28(wkw)27(ard)-364(when)-365(read)-365(b)28(y)-365(the)-365(screen)-365(reader.)-539(W)83(e)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(pro)28(vide)-294(dictionaries)-293(for)-294(JA)111(WS)-294(and)-293(NVD)27(A)-293(screen)-294(readers)-294(that)-293(con)27(v)28(ert)-294(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 306.787 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.387 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.534 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X)-294(com-)]TJ -322.243 -11.955 Td [(mands)-334(in)28(to)-334(natural)-334(language.)-446(Please)-334(note)-334(that)-334(the)-334(braille)-334(refreshable)-334(displa)28(y)-334(will)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(still)-398(sho)28(w)-399(th)1(e)-399(form)28(ulae)-398(in)-398(their)-398(original)-398(L)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 180.871 2.042 Td [(A)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.387 -2.042 Td [(T)]TJ 5.534 -2.145 Td [(E)]TJ 5.535 2.145 Td [(X)-398(represen)28(tations.)-639(The)-399(d)1(ic)-1(ti)1(onaries)]TJ -196.327 -11.956 Td [(can)-333(b)-28(e)-333(do)27(wnloaded)-333(at)-333(our)-333(Gith)27(ub)-333(rep)-28(ository)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 194.202 3.616 Td [(1)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.47 -3.616 Td [(.)]TJ/F47 11.9552 Tf -198.672 -27.888 Td 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[(ternal)-274(scripts)-273(are)-274(no)-274(longer)-274(required.)-424(This)-274(option)-273(is)-274(disabled)-274(b)28(y)-274(default)-273(and)-274(can)-274(b)-28(e)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(switc)28(hed)-287(on)-287(or)-286(o\013)-287(b)28(y)-287(the)-287(call)]TJ/F55 9.9626 Tf 126.901 0 Td [(\134doreplacement)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 73.224 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 5.729 0 Td [(true)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 20.79 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.585 0 Td [(or)]TJ/F55 9.9626 Tf 11.74 0 Td [(\134doreplacement)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 73.225 0 Td [(f)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 5.728 0 Td [(false)]TJ/F54 9.9626 Tf 22.023 0 Td [(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -347.945 -11.955 Td [(resp)-28(ectiv)28(ely)83(.)-439(When)-317(enabled,)-321(the)-317(replacemen)28(t)-318(is)-317(applied)-317(to)-318(ev)28(ery)-317(input)-318(line,)-320(whic)28(h)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(migh)28(t)-427(ha)28(v)28(e)-427(undesired)-427(e\013ects)-426(in)-427(v)28(erbatim)-427(mo)-28(de)-426(or)-427(other)-427(en)28(vironmen)28(ts,)-450(where)-427($)]TJ ET q 1 0 0 1 153.694 193.2 cm []0 d 0 J 0.398 w 0 0 m 141.467 0 l S Q BT /F19 5.9776 Tf 164.786 186.558 Td [(1)]TJ/F57 7.9701 Tf 4.151 -2.813 Td [(www.integr-a)1(bile.unito.it/axessibil)1(ity/?repository)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 159.103 -44.49 Td [(6)]TJ ET endstream endobj 42 0 obj << /Length 5557 >> stream BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 153.694 707.125 Td [(and)-368($$)-367(are)-368(used)-368(as)-368(regular)-368(sym)28(b)-28(ols.)-547(So,)-377(it)-368(is)-367(recom)-1(mended)-367(to)-368(switc)28(h)-368(o\013)-368(the)-368(au-)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(tomatic)-338(r)1(e)-1(p)1(lac)-1(emen)28(t)-337(functionalit)28(y)-338(in)-337(suc)27(h)-337(cases.)-457(The)-338(Lua)-337(co)-28(de)-337(implemen)27(ting)-337(the)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(replacemen)28(t)-301(is)-301(con)28(tained)-301(in)-301(the)-300(sec)-1(ond)-300(main)-301(source)-301(\014le)-301(axessibilit)28(y)83(.lu)1(a.)-434(Please)-301(see)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td 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[(\134mathdisplay{equation*}%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.958 Td [(144)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrap\134auxiliaryspace}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(145)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endmathdisplay{equation*}%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(146)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134mathdisplay@pop)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(147)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134ignorespacesafterend)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(148)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(149)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatother)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(150)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -10.627 -16.687 Td [(The)-333(next)-334(function)-333(rede\014nes)]TJ/F55 9.9626 Tf 122.956 0 Td [(\134[)-333(\134])]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 24.242 0 Td [(,)-333(using)-334(the)-333(ab)-28(o)28(v)28(e)-334(r)1(e)-1(de\014n)1(ition)-334(of)]TJ/F55 9.9626 Tf 142.273 0 Td [(\134equation*)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 52.303 0 Td [(.)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -345.745 -15.691 Td [(151)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(152)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatletter)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(153)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134protected\134def\134[#1\134]{\134begin{equation*}#1\134end{equation*}})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(154)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatother)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(155)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -10.627 -16.687 Td [(The)-495(next)-495(wrapp)-28(ers,)-535(similar)-495(to)-495(the)-494(previous)-495(one,)-536(are)-494(use)-1(d)-494(to)-495(handle)-495(m)28(ultiline)]TJ 0 -11.956 Td [(form)28(ula)-343(en)27(vir)1(onme)-1(n)28(ts.)-474(Here)-343(some)-343(additional)-343(step)-343(is)-344(n)1(e)-1(eded)-343(to)-343(obtain)-343(the)-343(desired)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(con)28(ten)28(t,)-334(to)-333(b)-28(e)-333(stored)-334(via)-333(the)-333(tagging)-333(c)-1(ommands.)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -3.971 -15.691 Td [(156)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(157)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatletter)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(158)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(159)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134long\134def\134wrapml#1{)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(160)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134def\134@mltext{\134detokenize\134expandafter{#1}})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.958 Td [(161)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134def\134@mltexttmp{})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(162)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134StrBehind[6]{\134@mltext}{)-525(}[\134@mltexttmp])]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(163)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134StrGobbleRight{\134@mltexttmp}{1}[\134@mltext])]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(164)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134tagstructbegin{tag=P,alttext-o=\134detokenize\134expandafter{\134@mltext},)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(165)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 99.329 0 Td [(actualtext-o=\134detokenize\134expandafter{\134@mltext}})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -99.329 -10.959 Td [(166)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 19.305 0 Td [(\134tagmcbegin{tag=P,alttext-o=\134detokenize\134expandafter{\134@mltext},)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -19.305 -10.959 Td [(167)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 99.329 0 Td [(actualtext-o=\134detokenize\134expandafter{\134@mltext}})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -99.329 -10.959 Td [(168)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 19.305 0 Td [(#1)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -19.305 -10.959 Td [(169)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(170)]TJ 0 -10.958 Td [(171)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(172)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)-525(This)-525(one)-525(should)-525(be)-525(\134wrapml)-525(parametrized)-525(\134StrBehind[5])]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(173)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(174)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134long\134def\134wrapmlstar#1{)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(175)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134def\134@mltext{\134detokenize\134expandafter{#1}})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(176)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134def\134@mltexttmp{})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(177)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134StrBehind[5]{\134@mltext}{)-525(}[\134@mltexttmp])]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(178)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134StrGobbleRight{\134@mltexttmp}{1}[\134@mltext])]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(179)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134tagstructbegin{tag=P,alttext-o=\134detokenize\134expandafter{\134@mltext},)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(180)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 94.622 0 Td [(actualtext-o=\134detokenize\134expandafter{\134@mltext}})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -94.622 -10.958 Td [(181)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 19.305 0 Td [(\134tagmcbegin{tag=P,alttext-o=\134detokenize\134expandafter{\134@mltext},)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -19.305 -10.959 Td [(182)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 94.622 0 Td [(actualtext-o=\134detokenize\134expandafter{\134@mltext}})]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 81.205 -29.888 Td [(11)]TJ ET endstream endobj 59 0 obj << /Length 5026 >> stream BT /F7 6.9738 Tf 149.722 707.125 Td [(183)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 19.306 0 Td [(#1)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -19.306 -10.959 Td [(184)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(185)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(186)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(187)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)-525(This)-525(one)-525(should)-525(be)-525(\134wrapml)-525(parametrized)-525(=)-525(\134wrapmlstar)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.958 Td [(188)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(189)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134long\134def\134wrapmlalt#1{)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(190)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134def\134@mltext{\134detokenize\134expandafter{#1}})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(191)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134def\134@mltexttmp{})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(192)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134StrBehind[5]{\134@mltext}{)-525(}[\134@mltexttmp])]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(193)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134StrGobbleRight{\134@mltexttmp}{1}[\134@mltext])]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(194)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134tagstructbegin{tag=P,alttext-o=\134detokenize\134expandafter{\134@mltext},)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(195)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 94.622 0 Td [(actualtext-o=\134detokenize\134expandafter{\134@mltext}})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -94.622 -10.959 Td [(196)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 19.306 0 Td [(\134tagmcbegin{tag=P,alttext-o=\134detokenize\134expandafter{\134@mltext},)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -19.306 -10.959 Td [(197)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 94.622 0 Td [(actualtext-o=\134detokenize\134expandafter{\134@mltext}})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -94.622 -10.958 Td [(198)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 19.306 0 Td [(#1)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -19.306 -10.959 Td [(199)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(200)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(201)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatother)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(202)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -10.627 -15.442 Td [(The)-534(next)-534(functions)-534(rede\014ne)-534(th)1(e)-534(en)27(vironmen)28(ts)-534(align,)-584(align*,)-584(alignat,)-584(align)1(a)-1(t)1(*,)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(\015align,)-478(\015align*,)-479(gather,)-478(gather*,)-479(xali)1(gnat,)-479(xalignat*,)-478(xxalignat,)-479(m)28(ultline,)-478(m)28(ult-)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(line*,)-355(originally)-351(de\014ned)-350(in)-351(the)-351(pac)28(k)55(age)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 171.863 0 Td [(amsmath)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 45.573 0 Td [(,)-355(b)28(y)-351(calling)-351(the)-351(ab)-27(o)27(v)28(e)-351(m)28(ultiline)]TJ -217.436 -11.956 Td [(wrapp)-28(er)-264(to)-265(their)-264(argumen)28(t.)-422(The)-264(structure,)-278(as)-265(for)-264(the)-265(original)-264(macros,)-279(is)-264(essen)28(tially)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(the)-333(same)-334(for)-333(all)-333(of)-334(them.)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -3.971 -14.446 Td [(203)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(204)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatletter)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.958 Td [(205)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(206)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{align}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(207)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapml\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(208)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 19.306 0 Td [(\134start@align\134@ne\134st@rredfalse\134m@ne)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -19.306 -10.959 Td [(209)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(210)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134math@cr)-525(\134black@\134totwidth@)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(211)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134egroup)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(212)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134@macronestedifalign)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(213)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134ignorespacesafterend)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(214)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134tagmcend)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.958 Td [(215)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134tagstructend)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(216)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(217)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(218)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{align*}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(219)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapmlstar\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(220)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@align\134@ne\134st@rredtrue\134m@ne)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(221)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(222)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endalign)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(223)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(224)]TJ 0 -10.958 Td [(225)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{alignat}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(226)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapml\134auxiliaryspace\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 151.814 -29.888 Td [(12)]TJ ET endstream endobj 62 0 obj << /Length 4424 >> stream BT /F7 6.9738 Tf 149.722 707.125 Td [(227)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@align\134z@\134st@rredfalse)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(228)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(229)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endalign)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(230)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(231)]TJ 0 -10.958 Td [(232)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{alignat*}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(233)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapmlstar\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(234)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@align\134z@\134st@rredtrue)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(235)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(236)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endalign)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(237)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(238)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(239)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{xalignat}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(240)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapmlalt\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(241)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@align\134@ne\134st@rredfalse)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.958 Td [(242)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(243)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endalign)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(244)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(245)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(246)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{xalignat*}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(247)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapmlstar\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(248)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@align\134@ne\134st@rredtrue)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(249)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(250)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endalign)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(251)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.958 Td [(252)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(253)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{xxalignat}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(254)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapmlalt\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(255)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@align\134tw@\134st@rredtrue)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(256)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(257)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endalign)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(258)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(259)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(260)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{flalign}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(261)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapml\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.958 Td [(262)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@align\134tw@\134st@rredfalse\134m@ne)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(263)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(264)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endalign)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(265)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(266)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(267)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{flalign*}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(268)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapmlstar\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(269)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@align\134tw@\134st@rredtrue\134m@ne)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(270)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(271)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endalign)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.958 Td [(272)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(273)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(274)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{gather}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(275)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapmlalt\134auxiliaryspace\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(276)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@gather\134st@rredfalse)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 151.814 -30.884 Td [(13)]TJ ET endstream endobj 66 0 obj << /Length 4555 >> stream BT /F7 6.9738 Tf 149.722 707.125 Td [(277)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(278)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134math@cr)-525(\134black@\134totwidth@)-525(\134egroup)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(279)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [($$\134ignorespacesafterend)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(280)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134tagmcend)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(281)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134tagstructend)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.958 Td [(282)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(283)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(284)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{gather*}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(285)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapmlstar\134auxiliaryspace\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(286)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@gather\134st@rredtrue)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(287)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(288)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endgather)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(289)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(290)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(291)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td 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[(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(301)]TJ 0 -10.958 Td [(302)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{multline*}{)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(303)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 33.427 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapmlstar\134auxiliaryspace\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -33.427 -10.959 Td [(304)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 33.427 0 Td [(\134start@multline\134st@rredtrue)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -33.427 -10.959 Td [(305)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(306)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endmultline)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(307)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(308)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(309)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatother)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(310)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.317 -16.936 Td [(End)-333(of)-334(tagp)-27(df)-334(op)1(tion)-334(co)-28(de)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -18.915 -15.94 Td [(311)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 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[(f)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.981 0 Td [(")-360(and)-360(allo)28(ws)]TJ/F55 9.9626 Tf 58.133 0 Td [(\134detokenize)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 61.118 0 Td [(to)-360(b)-28(e)-359(applied)-360(after)-360(argu-)]TJ -245.74 -11.955 Td [(men)28(t)-334(#1)-333(is)-333(passed)-334(to)]TJ/F55 9.9626 Tf 95.641 0 Td [(\134BeginAccSupp)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 67.994 0 Td [(.)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -167.607 -15.94 Td [(376)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(377)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatletter)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(378)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134long\134def\134wrap#1{)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(379)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134BeginAccSupp{method=escape,ActualText=\134detokenize\134expandafter{#1}})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(380)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 19.306 0 Td [(#1)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -19.306 -10.959 Td [(381)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134EndAccSupp{}%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.958 Td [(382)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(383)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatother)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(384)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -10.627 -16.937 Td [(The)-286(next)-287(wrapp)-27(e)-1(r)1(,)-296(similar)-287(to)-286(the)-286(previous)-287(one,)-295(is)-287(used)-286(to)-287(han)1(dle)-287(m)28(ultiline)-286(form)27(u)1(la)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(en)28(vironmen)28(ts.)-444(Here)-330(some)-330(addi)1(tional)-330(step)-330(is)-330(needed)-330(to)-330(obtain)-329(the)-330(desired)-330(con)28(ten)28(t,)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(to)-333(b)-28(e)-333(s)-1(tor)1(e)-1(d)-333(via)]TJ/F55 9.9626 Tf 72.036 0 Td [(\134BeginAccSupp)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 67.994 0 Td [(.)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -144.001 -15.94 Td [(385)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(386)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatletter)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(387)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134long\134def\134wrapml#1{)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(388)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134def\134@mltext{\134detokenize\134expandafter{#1}})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(389)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134def\134@mltexttmp{})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(390)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134StrBehind[5]{\134@mltext}{)-525(}[\134@mltexttmp])]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(391)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134StrGobbleRight{\134@mltexttmp}{1}[\134@mltext])]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(392)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(393)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134BeginAccSupp{method=escape,ActualText=\134auxiliaryspace\134@mltext})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.958 Td [(394)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 19.305 0 Td [(#1)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -19.305 -10.959 Td [(395)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134EndAccSupp{}%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(396)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(397)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatother)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(398)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -10.627 -16.937 Td [(The)-348(n)1(e)-1(x)1(t)-348(function)-347(rede\014nes)]TJ/F55 9.9626 Tf 123.519 0 Td [(\134equation)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 50.534 0 Td [(b)28(y)-348(calling)-347(the)-348(ab)-27(o)28(v)27(e)-347(wrapp)-28(er)-347(to)-348(its)-347(argu-)]TJ -174.053 -11.955 Td [(men)28(t.)-445(This)-333(mak)28(es)]TJ/F55 9.9626 Tf 81.749 0 Td [(\134equation)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 50.394 0 Td [(accessible.)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -136.114 -15.94 Td [(399)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 161.229 -31.88 Td [(16)]TJ ET endstream endobj 75 0 obj << /Length 5128 >> stream BT /F7 6.9738 Tf 149.722 707.125 Td [(400)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatletter)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(401)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{equation}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(402)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 19.306 0 Td [(\134incr@eqnum)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -19.306 -10.959 Td [(403)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134mathdisplay@push)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(404)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134st@rredfalse)-525(\134global\134@eqnswtrue)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.958 Td [(405)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 19.306 0 Td [(\134mathdisplay{equation}%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -19.306 -10.959 Td [(406)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrap\134auxiliaryspace}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(407)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endmathdisplay{equation}%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(408)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134mathdisplay@pop)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(409)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134ignorespacesafterend)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(410)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(411)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatother)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(412)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -10.627 -16.936 Td [(The)-304(next)-303(function)-304(rede\014nes)]TJ/F55 9.9626 Tf 121.775 0 Td [(\134equation*)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 55.33 0 Td [(b)28(y)-304(calling)-303(the)-304(ab)-28(o)28(v)28(e)-304(wrapp)-28(er)-304(to)-303(its)-304(argu-)]TJ -177.105 -11.955 Td [(men)28(t.)-445(This)-333(mak)28(es)]TJ/F55 9.9626 Tf 81.75 0 Td [(\134equation*)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 55.624 0 Td [(accessible.)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -141.345 -15.941 Td [(413)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(414)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatletter)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.958 Td [(415)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{equation*}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(416)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134mathdisplay@push)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(417)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134st@rredtrue)-525(\134global\134@eqnswfalse)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(418)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134mathdisplay{equation*}%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(419)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrap\134auxiliaryspace}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(420)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endmathdisplay{equation*}%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(421)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134mathdisplay@pop)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(422)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134ignorespacesafterend)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(423)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(424)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatother)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.958 Td [(425)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -10.627 -16.937 Td [(The)-333(next)-334(function)-333(rede\014nes)]TJ/F55 9.9626 Tf 122.956 0 Td [(\134[)-333(\134])]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 24.242 0 Td [(,)-333(using)-334(the)-333(ab)-28(o)28(v)28(e)-334(r)1(e)-1(d)1(e)-1(\014)1(nition)-334(of)]TJ/F55 9.9626 Tf 142.273 0 Td [(\134equation*)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -293.442 -15.94 Td [(426)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(427)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatletter)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(428)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134protected\134def\134[#1\134]{\134begin{equation*}#1\134end{equation*}})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(429)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatother)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(430)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -10.627 -16.936 Td [(The)-356(next)-355(function)-356(rede\014n)1(e)-1(s)]TJ/F55 9.9626 Tf 123.841 0 Td [(\134\050)-356(\134\051)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 28.006 0 Td [(b)28(y)-356(means)-355(of)-356(a)-355(\050tem)-1(p)-27(orary\051)-356(math)-355(en)27(v)1(ironmen)27(t)]TJ -151.847 -11.955 Td [(that)-333(calls)-334(the)-333(wrapp)-28(er)-333(de\014ned)-333(ab)-28(o)28(v)28(e)-1(.)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -3.971 -15.941 Td [(431)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(432)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatletter)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.958 Td [(433)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134newenvironment{tempenv}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(434)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134relax\134ifmmode\134@badmath\134else$\134fi%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(435)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 19.305 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrap}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -19.305 -10.959 Td [(436)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134relax\134ifmmode\134ifinner$\134else\134@badmath\134fi\134else)-525(\134@badmath\134fi})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(437)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134protected\134def\134\050#1\134\051{\134begin{tempenv}#1\134end{tempenv}})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(438)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134makeatother)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(439)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 161.229 -50.809 Td [(17)]TJ ET endstream endobj 78 0 obj << /Length 4918 >> stream BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 153.694 707.125 Td [(The)-534(next)-534(functions)-534(rede\014ne)-533(the)-534(en)27(viron)1(m)-1(en)28(ts)-534(align,)-584(align*,)-584(align)1(at,)-584(alignat*,)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(\015align,)-478(\015align*,)-479(gather,)-478(gather*,)-478(xalignat,)-479(xalignat*,)-478(xxalignat,)-478(m)27(ultline,)-478(m)28(ult-)]TJ 0 -11.955 Td [(line*,)-355(originally)-351(de\014ned)-350(in)-351(the)-351(pac)28(k)56(age)]TJ/F48 9.9626 Tf 171.862 0 Td [(amsmath)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 45.573 0 Td [(,)-355(b)28(y)-351(calling)-351(the)-351(ab)-27(o)27(v)28(e)-351(m)28(ultiline)]TJ -217.435 -11.955 Td [(wrapp)-28(er)-264(to)-265(their)-264(argumen)28(t.)-422(The)-264(structure,)-278(as)-265(for)-264(the)-265(original)-264(macros,)-279(i)1(s)-265(essen)28(tially)]TJ 0 -11.956 Td [(the)-333(same)-334(for)-333(all)-333(of)-334(them.)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -3.972 -15.94 Td [(440)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.599 0 Td [(%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.599 -10.959 Td [(441)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.599 0 Td [(\134makeatletter)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.599 -10.959 Td [(442)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(443)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.599 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{align}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.599 -10.958 Td [(444)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapml\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(445)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 19.306 0 Td [(\134start@align\134@ne\134st@rredfalse\134m@ne)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -19.306 -10.959 Td [(446)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(447)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134math@cr)-525(\134black@\134totwidth@)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(448)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134egroup)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(449)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134@macronestedifalign)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(450)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134ignorespacesafterend)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(451)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(452)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(453)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{align*}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.958 Td [(454)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapml\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(455)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@align\134@ne\134st@rredtrue\134m@ne)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(456)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(457)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endalign)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(458)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(459)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(460)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{alignat}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(461)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapml\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(462)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@align\134z@\134st@rredfalse)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(463)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.958 Td [(464)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endalign)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(465)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(466)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{alignat*}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(467)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapml\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(468)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@align\134z@\134st@rredtrue)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(469)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(470)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endalign)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(471)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(472)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{xalignat}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(473)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapml\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.958 Td [(474)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@align\134@ne\134st@rredfalse)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(475)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(476)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endalign)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(477)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(478)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{xalignat*}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(479)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapml\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(480)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@align\134@ne\134st@rredtrue)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(481)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(482)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endalign)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(483)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 161.229 -32.876 Td [(18)]TJ ET endstream endobj 81 0 obj << /Length 4722 >> stream BT /F7 6.9738 Tf 149.722 707.125 Td [(484)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{xxalignat}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(485)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapml\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(486)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@align\134tw@\134st@rredtrue)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(487)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(488)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134endalign)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.958 Td [(489)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(490)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{flalign}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(491)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapml\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(492)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@align\134tw@\134st@rredfalse\134m@ne)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(493)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 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[(\134collect@body\134wrapml\134auxiliaryspace\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(506)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@gather\134st@rredfalse)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(507)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(508)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134math@cr)-525(\134black@\134totwidth@)-525(\134egroup)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.958 Td [(509)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [($$\134ignorespacesafterend)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(510)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(})]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(511)]TJ 0 -10.959 Td [(512)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 Td [(\134renewenvironment{gather*}{%)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -14.598 -10.959 Td [(513)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134collect@body\134wrapml\134auxiliaryspace\134auxiliaryspace)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(514)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 24.013 0 Td [(\134start@gather\134st@rredtrue)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf -24.013 -10.959 Td [(515)]TJ/F58 8.9664 Tf 14.598 0 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%Version: 003.002 %%CreationDate: Mon Jul 13 16:17:00 2009 %%Creator: David M. 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Jones %Copyright: Copyright (c) 1997, 2009 American Mathematical Society %Copyright: (), with Reserved Font Name CMBX10. % This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. % This license is in the accompanying file OFL.txt, and is also % available with a FAQ at: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL. %%EndComments FontDirectory/CMBX10 known{/CMBX10 findfont dup/UniqueID known{dup /UniqueID get 5000768 eq exch/FontType get 1 eq and}{pop false}ifelse {save true}{false}ifelse}{false}ifelse 11 dict begin /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0 ]readonly def /FontName /JQDHBF+CMBX10 def /FontBBox {-56 -250 1164 750 }readonly def /PaintType 0 def /FontInfo 9 dict dup begin /version (003.002) readonly def /Notice (Copyright \050c\051 1997, 2009 American Mathematical Society \050\051, with Reserved Font Name CMBX10.) readonly def /FullName (CMBX10) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Bold) readonly def /ItalicAngle 0 def /isFixedPitch false def /UnderlinePosition -100 def /UnderlineThickness 50 def end readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 65 /A put dup 66 /B put dup 69 /E put dup 72 /H put dup 73 /I put dup 75 /K put dup 76 /L put dup 80 /P put dup 82 /R put dup 83 /S put dup 84 /T put dup 85 /U put dup 97 /a put dup 42 /asterisk put dup 98 /b put dup 91 /bracketleft put dup 93 /bracketright put dup 99 /c put dup 58 /colon put dup 44 /comma put dup 100 /d put dup 101 /e put dup 56 /eight put dup 61 /equal put dup 102 /f put dup 12 /fi put dup 53 /five put dup 13 /fl put dup 52 /four put dup 103 /g put dup 104 /h put dup 45 /hyphen put dup 105 /i put dup 107 /k put dup 108 /l put dup 109 /m put dup 110 /n put dup 57 /nine put dup 111 /o put dup 49 /one put dup 112 /p put dup 40 /parenleft put dup 41 /parenright put dup 46 /period put dup 113 /q put dup 34 /quotedblright put dup 114 /r put dup 115 /s put dup 55 /seven put dup 54 /six put dup 47 /slash put dup 116 /t put dup 51 /three put dup 50 /two put dup 117 /u put dup 118 /v put dup 119 /w put dup 120 /x put dup 121 /y put dup 122 /z put dup 48 /zero put readonly def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;jAw-=%W)-{ru)rAE(@{빴Q|_R ϤA -T@|q|VkJ%qu8PwGxŪ̆Q6K -U\%b"t-*xJ+ }3{Z2zݬT2s$Z&{BJ{=מ7ڄĒKV"~Pr-=L$wcrlVcN &'{%Gf#ɨ_i#SXd+U*|:1m=⾝~6/aGLf#NOS}ERs{[.-jj|tm\: x8PbPh[_9t237,I2B8J0msUWQdX!??Q4eRH ]ӊ.p_?8:o:UuDZ[m^/a4l4ȒtL<~&WwLa9gPqhQΠjv)]sqR"ЯDž#eZKPHrF"tw;*l5 FF BW1S!2*`8:XlUI?[wc &Z`ѩް sdHeF'*s ЁTd9Baऋ[a$g1f\0 7aR^(Lj#!mw2#nr$|TL]{X`4.Gw|P2BgܴwbkF Nfj;d?#l"+6g{* ,SQ2&'n\`]Q:ݹ6ln0b9m],/ڨ\Y$6[+UE#ƸMO( ϲ.DL\*@z3'&Е62%+(k`D/k(ɒkpt`^Bձ\H~Y_˒c%~(! 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Jones %Copyright: Copyright (c) 1997, 2009 American Mathematical Society %Copyright: (), with Reserved Font Name CMBX12. % This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. % This license is in the accompanying file OFL.txt, and is also % available with a FAQ at: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL. %%EndComments FontDirectory/CMBX12 known{/CMBX12 findfont dup/UniqueID known{dup /UniqueID get 5000769 eq exch/FontType get 1 eq and}{pop false}ifelse {save true}{false}ifelse}{false}ifelse 11 dict begin /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0 ]readonly def /FontName /MBPLSD+CMBX12 def /FontBBox {-53 -251 1139 750 }readonly def /PaintType 0 def /FontInfo 9 dict dup begin /version (003.002) readonly def /Notice (Copyright \050c\051 1997, 2009 American Mathematical Society \050\051, with Reserved Font Name CMBX12.) readonly def /FullName (CMBX12) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Bold) readonly def /ItalicAngle 0 def /isFixedPitch false def /UnderlinePosition -100 def /UnderlineThickness 50 def end readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 65 /A put dup 67 /C put dup 69 /E put dup 72 /H put dup 73 /I put dup 75 /K put dup 76 /L put dup 80 /P put dup 83 /S put dup 85 /U put dup 97 /a put dup 99 /c put dup 100 /d put dup 101 /e put dup 56 /eight put dup 102 /f put dup 12 /fi put dup 53 /five put dup 52 /four put dup 103 /g put dup 105 /i put dup 107 /k put dup 108 /l put dup 109 /m put dup 110 /n put dup 57 /nine put dup 111 /o put dup 49 /one put dup 112 /p put dup 46 /period put dup 113 /q put dup 114 /r put dup 115 /s put dup 55 /seven put dup 54 /six put dup 116 /t put dup 51 /three put dup 50 /two put dup 117 /u put dup 119 /w put dup 120 /x put dup 121 /y put readonly def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;jAw-=%W)-{ru)rAE(@{빴Q|_R ϤA -T@|q|VkJ%qu8PwGxŪ̆Q6K -U\%b"t-*xJ+ }3{Z2zݬT2s$Z&{BJ{Jf^ַ>aq4!<_CцcQ%BlS71_ sQzԜr?ktP2Òl(?69~'@2bt[{ax 7}Gn[TY>T#a1h!;`WƮk>Kj̱JzNc?^<@ qTud[eюj:JnK#2S[ŝBb?̬Mo7aa'gP:δѩ҈ dBd|IH^wMe#DD13W.J.6׮r(N #>Zjhɵ+Uw $\WN.C(V\N¸3A?l_sMP yfSyֿb`9upPȐNur)L=uhՂD١Pԋ^} -zU*3~HwzQ:.cxv(P}F>48zeU+Jk <>,H~^U>~~)9G-_+ԇ2miΝ1r>Z?ώ8PZm#meDPњ69v=hE_X(yN(9d5p7LZC~ld1:/ g!, }Q+93V{ QlG 7!;yq+ JA vj/rڜZP)4f+OpX_t~ 5[RZ$ҹ=#e@K*WEt_-J bΣZdh>xNpsGLOh>o련J;J+\m J6km9"N `D[ h6w{Ac<=ޮv}PC*|sAחfK+1!Sn~#_*]\i!Jiq˘mJ K fy*S}iGV6wa$mv<zZQ^L0NRq!*7uLO=b~_J CI?<5 T zs}uL`M؀"7K 8yO {|v`).D3K$ ,3sÝDRT c2쑃%yD\MS9HQ՝rfG^\55#v[Yϴ)KS^~nMX,8&7a d$ݕ ^t/WyϿ4QK{)=WDd>oeZpٕi-e@PLb|#p"6KLPXzbZc})%LKfO2ݮ (NԴU-eru RyTkl>'H 9т-)u u+ld4zcLsTJ[:v?WNM* NiLffF/? ̔o_a! 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<3F> <5B> <003F> <61> <7A> <0061> <7B> <7C> <2013> <03A5> endbfrange 78 beginbfchar <00> <0393> <01> <2206> <02> <0398> <03> <039B> <04> <039E> <05> <03A0> <06> <03A3> <09> <03A8> <0A> <2126> <0B> <00660066> <0C> <00660069> <0D> <0066006C> <0E> <006600660069> <0F> <00660066006C> <10> <0131> <11> <0237> <12> <0060> <13> <00B4> <14> <02C7> <15> <02D8> <16> <00AF> <17> <02DA> <18> <00B8> <19> <00DF> <1A> <00E6> <1B> <0153> <1C> <00F8> <1D> <00C6> <1E> <0152> <1F> <00D8> <21> <0021> <22> <201D> <27> <2019> <3C> <00A1> <3D> <003D> <3E> <00BF> <5C> <201C> <5D> <005D> <5E> <02C6> <5F> <02D9> <60> <2018> <7D> <02DD> <7E> <02DC> <7F> <00A8> <0020> <0393> <2206> <0398> <039B> <039E> <03A0> <03A3> <03A8> <00AD> <00A0> <2126> <00660066> <00660069> <0066006C> <006600660069> <00660066006C> <0131> <0237> <0060> <00B4> <02C7> <02D8> <00AF> <02DA> <00B8> <00DF> <00E6> <0153> <00F8> <00C6> <0152> <00D8> <00A8> endbfchar endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end %%EndResource %%EOF 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<00E6> <1B> <0153> <1C> <00F8> <1D> <00C6> <1E> <0152> <1F> <00D8> <21> <0021> <22> <201D> <27> <2019> <3C> <00A1> <3D> <003D> <3E> <00BF> <5C> <201C> <5D> <005D> <5E> <02C6> <5F> <02D9> <60> <2018> <7D> <02DD> <7E> <02DC> <7F> <00A8> <0020> <0393> <2206> <0398> <039B> <039E> <03A0> <03A3> <03A8> <00AD> <00A0> <2126> <00660066> <00660069> <0066006C> <006600660069> <00660066006C> <0131> <0237> <0060> <00B4> <02C7> <02D8> <00AF> <02DA> <00B8> <00DF> <00E6> <0153> <00F8> <00C6> <0152> <00D8> <00A8> endbfchar endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end %%EndResource %%EOF endstream endobj 154 0 obj << /Length 1719 >> stream %!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap %%DocumentNeededResources: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%IncludeResource: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%BeginResource: CMap (TeX-cmr6-builtin-0) %%Title: (TeX-cmr6-builtin-0 TeX cmr6-builtin 0) %%Version: 1.000 %%EndComments /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 12 dict begin begincmap /CIDSystemInfo << /Registry (TeX) /Ordering (cmr6-builtin) 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<7F> <00A8> <0020> <0393> <2206> <0398> <039B> <039E> <03A0> <03A3> <03A8> <00AD> <00A0> <2126> <00660066> <00660069> <0066006C> <006600660069> <00660066006C> <0131> <0237> <0060> <00B4> <02C7> <02D8> <00AF> <02DA> <00B8> <00DF> <00E6> <0153> <00F8> <00C6> <0152> <00D8> <00A8> endbfchar endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end %%EndResource %%EOF endstream endobj 157 0 obj << /Length 1719 >> stream %!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap %%DocumentNeededResources: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%IncludeResource: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%BeginResource: CMap (TeX-cmr9-builtin-0) %%Title: (TeX-cmr9-builtin-0 TeX cmr9-builtin 0) %%Version: 1.000 %%EndComments /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 12 dict begin begincmap /CIDSystemInfo << /Registry (TeX) /Ordering (cmr9-builtin) /Supplement 0 >> def /CMapName /TeX-cmr9-builtin-0 def /CMapType 2 def 1 begincodespacerange <00> endcodespacerange 7 beginbfrange <07> <08> <03A5> <23> <26> <0023> <28> <3B> <0028> <3F> <5B> <003F> <61> <7A> <0061> <7B> 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<1D> <00C6> <1E> <0152> <1F> <00D8> <21> <0021> <22> <201D> <27> <2019> <3C> <00A1> <3D> <003D> <3E> <00BF> <5C> <201C> <5D> <005D> <5E> <02C6> <5F> <02D9> <60> <2018> <7D> <02DD> <7E> <02DC> <7F> <00A8> <0020> <0393> <2206> <0398> <039B> <039E> <03A0> <03A3> <03A8> <00AD> <00A0> <2126> <00660066> <00660069> <0066006C> <006600660069> <00660066006C> <0131> <0237> <0060> <00B4> <02C7> <02D8> <00AF> <02DA> <00B8> <00DF> <00E6> <0153> <00F8> <00C6> <0152> <00D8> <00A8> endbfchar endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end %%EndResource %%EOF endstream endobj 159 0 obj << /Length 2050 >> stream %!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap %%DocumentNeededResources: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%IncludeResource: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%BeginResource: CMap (TeX-cmsy10-builtin-0) %%Title: (TeX-cmsy10-builtin-0 TeX cmsy10-builtin 0) %%Version: 1.000 %%EndComments /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 12 dict begin begincmap /CIDSystemInfo << /Registry (TeX) /Ordering (cmsy10-builtin) /Supplement 0 >> def 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<5C> <2229> <5D> <228E> <66> <007B> <67> <007D> <6A> <007C> <6B> <2225> <6C> <2195> <6D> <21D5> <6E> <005C> <6F> <2240> <70> <221A> <71> <2A3F> <72> <2207> <73> <222B> <74> <2294> <75> <2293> <78> <00A7> <7B> <00B6> <7C> <2663> <7D> <2662> <7E> <2661> <7F> <2660> <80> <2190> <0020> <2212> <00B7> <00D7> <2217> <00F7> <22C4> <00B1> <2213> <20DD> <25E6> <2022> <224D> <2261> <223C> <2248> <2190> <2660> endbfchar endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end %%EndResource %%EOF endstream endobj 160 0 obj << /Length 2045 >> stream %!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap %%DocumentNeededResources: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%IncludeResource: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%BeginResource: CMap (TeX-cmsy6-builtin-0) %%Title: (TeX-cmsy6-builtin-0 TeX cmsy6-builtin 0) %%Version: 1.000 %%EndComments /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 12 dict begin begincmap /CIDSystemInfo << /Registry (TeX) /Ordering (cmsy6-builtin) /Supplement 0 >> def /CMapName /TeX-cmsy6-builtin-0 def /CMapType 2 def 1 begincodespacerange 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<2195> <6D> <21D5> <6E> <005C> <6F> <2240> <70> <221A> <71> <2A3F> <72> <2207> <73> <222B> <74> <2294> <75> <2293> <78> <00A7> <7B> <00B6> <7C> <2663> <7D> <2662> <7E> <2661> <7F> <2660> <80> <2190> <0020> <2212> <00B7> <00D7> <2217> <00F7> <22C4> <00B1> <2213> <20DD> <25E6> <2022> <224D> <2261> <223C> <2248> <2190> <2660> endbfchar endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end %%EndResource %%EOF endstream endobj 161 0 obj << /Length 2045 >> stream %!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap %%DocumentNeededResources: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%IncludeResource: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%BeginResource: CMap (TeX-cmsy8-builtin-0) %%Title: (TeX-cmsy8-builtin-0 TeX cmsy8-builtin 0) %%Version: 1.000 %%EndComments /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 12 dict begin begincmap /CIDSystemInfo << /Registry (TeX) /Ordering (cmsy8-builtin) /Supplement 0 >> def /CMapName /TeX-cmsy8-builtin-0 def /CMapType 2 def 1 begincodespacerange <00> endcodespacerange 27 beginbfrange <08> <0C> <2295> <12> <13> <2286> <14> 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