\documentclass[11pt]{aucklandthesis} % % This is a template for University of Auckland theses. % % Written by Alistair Kwan, June 2016 % % % Options: % 10pt, 11pt, 12pt: size of main text % examcopy: asserts confidentiality for examination copies % partial: thesis partial fulfils degree requirements % singlespace, onehalfspace, doublespace: line spacing % oneside: format for single-sided printing % draft: adds 'draft' and date to footer % % % Add, delete or un-comment packages below as required. % \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %\usepackage{graphicx} % for inserting graphics files %\usepackage{appendix} % for appendices %\usepackage{hyperref} % for formatting web addresses and other URLs %\urlstyle{same} % try also tt, sf if this option doesn't produce clear enough output % Readability options % %\usepackage{booktabs} % for table rules %\usepackage{microtype} % for improved justification % Typeface options — choose one if desired % or choose a different typeface to accommmodate character sets % as needed for East Asian and other languages. % % Consider compiling using the XeLaTeX engine if you have more extreme % typeface needs, e.g. for multiple languages, or a need for symbols particular % to a typeface. % % See also the LaTeX Symbols List at % https://http://www.ctan.org/pkg/comprehensive % %\usepackage{mathptmx} % Times New Roman, including mathematics %\usepackage{mathpazo} % Palatino with mathematics support %\usepackage{fourier} % Utopia, a serif typeface with Fourier mathematics %\usepackage{gentium} % a contemporary serif typeface %\usepackage{libertine} % a softer-feeling serif typeface; also installs sans-serif font Biolinum %\usepackage{fouriernc} % Century Schoolbook with Fourier maths %\usepackage{mathpple} % Palatino with Fourier maths % To set the sans serif font (for \sffamily): %\usepackage[scaled]{helvet} % Nimbus, like Helvetica %\usepackage{universalis} % Universalis %\usepackage{avant} % URW Gothic, like Avant Garde %\usepackage{PTSansNarrow} %\usepackage{AlegreyaSans} % Alegreya Sans % To set the mathematics font: %\usepackage{eulervm} % Euler, based on a Zapf design % To set the (usually monospaced) typewriter font: %\usepackage[ttdefault=true]{AnonymousPro} %\usepackage[scaled]{beramono} %\usepackage{inconsolata} %\usepackage{sourcecodepro} %\usepackage{cjk} % for Chinese, Japanese, Korean %\usepackage{tabularx} % For easier table formatting. %\usepackage[nottoc]{tocbibind} % Controls the table of contents % nottoc: don't list table of contents inside itself % section: go as far as section-level headings % Automated bibliography % %\usepackage[ % style=authortitle, % citestyle=authortitle, % backend=biber % ] % {biblatex} %bibliography{bibliography1.bib, bibliography2.bib} % Specify bibliography files \begin{document} % ==================================================== % % FRONTMATTER % % Arabic pagination, starting with the title page % which is counted but not numbered % % ==================================================== % Specify the title page content \title{[thesis title]} \subtitle{[subtitle]} \author{[candidate's name]} \degreesought{[degree]} \degreediscipline{[discipline]} \degreecompletionyear{[year]} % Print the title page \maketitle % Abstract, up to 350 words %\input{abstract} % it's in a separate file % Dedication (optional) %\thesisdedication{Dedicated to grandma, and to grammar.} % Preface and/or acknowledgements (optional) %\input{acknowledgements} % it's in a separate file % Contents, lists of tables and figures \settocdepth{section} % choose chapter, section, subsection \cleardoublepage\tableofcontents %\cleardoublepage\listoffigures %\cleardoublepage\listoftables % Glossary (optional) %\input{glossary} % ==================================================== % % MAINMATTER % % Include external chapter files here using % the \input{} command % % If you run out of memory during compilation, % switch some or all chapters to \include{} instead of \input{}, % but watch out for pagination problems. % % ==================================================== %\input{chapter1} % I hope that you have better titles than this %\input{chapter2} %\input{chapter3} % ==================================================== % % ENDMATTER % % Appendices and bibliography % Pagination arabic, re-starts at 1 % % ==================================================== \cleardoublepage % start afresh on a new page \setcounter{page}{1} % re-sets the page counter %\appendixpage* % makes a page to mark beginning of appendices % \input{appendix1} %\printbibliography[title={Works cited}, heading=bibintoc] \end{document}