% Documentation for the anysize-Styleoption \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{anysize} \usepackage{ae} % Options for anysize \marginsize{3cm}{3cm}{3cm}{3cm} \newcommand{\anysize}{{\large a}{\small\bf n}{\sl y}{\Large\tt s}{\it i}{\sf\footnotesize z}e} \begin{document} \title{{\tt anysize.sty} --- to set the margin sizes in \LaTeX} \author{ first version: Michael Salzenberg,\\ conversion to \LaTeX2e{}: Thomas Esser,\\ documentation: Dirk Hillbrecht\thanks{eMail--addresses: {\tt te@informatik.uni-hannover.de}, {\tt dh@chitec.de}} } \date{v1.0, Aug 13, 1994} \maketitle \thispagestyle{empty} \section{Overview} \anysize{} is a \LaTeX{} package set the papersize and the margins of a document. These settings are done by one simple command. \anysize{} is \LaTeX2e--compilant and does not run with the obsolete \LaTeX{} 2.09 format. Many thanks go to Michael Salzenberg, who made the first implementation of this style. He does not want to be bothered with the wide-area-publication of the style, so Thomas --- who converted it to \LaTeX2e{} --- and me, who documented it properly (I hope {\tt :-)}), maintain it now. Therefore, are only our email adresses are given. \section{Usage} \anysize{} is usually loaded by the \verb|\usepackage|--directive. The style knows options for defining the paper size ({\tt a4paper}, {\tt a5paper} etc.) and one additional option {\tt germanpar}, that changes the margins of the paragraphes in the document particulary. After inclusion of \anysize{}, there are two new commands available for the document preamble: \begin{itemize} \item \verb|\papersize{|{\it width}\verb|}{|{\it height}\verb|}|: sets the paper size. This command should not be used anymore, as there are standardized style options for the standard paper sizes to be passed through the \verb|\documentclass|--command in the header of the document. \item \verb|\marginsize{|{\it left}\verb|}{|{\it right}\verb|}{|{\it top}\verb|}{|{\it bottom}\verb|}|: sets the margin sizes. This is the really interesting thing of the whole one. In two--sided documents, left and right margin are those ones for the rectos. For the backs, they are swapped. \end{itemize} These are the default settings, as long as none of the above commands is given: $$\mbox{\begin{tabular}{lr} \multicolumn{2}{l}{paper size\footnotemark{}:} \\ \hline width & 21,0 cm \\ height & 29,7 cm \\ \multicolumn{2}{l}{(DIN A4)} \\ \\ \end{tabular}} \hspace{5em} \mbox{\begin{tabular}{lr} \multicolumn{2}{l}{margin sizes:} \\ \hline left & 3,0 cm \\ right & 2,0 cm \\ top & 2,0 cm \\ bottom & 2,0 cm \\ \end{tabular}}$$ \footnotetext{only if there is no style option for the paper size} \end{document} %% Local Variables: *** %% mode: LaTeX %% TeX-command-default: LaTeX2e %% End: ***