%% Version 4.3.2, 25 August 2014 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Template.tex -- LaTeX-based template for submissions to the % American Meteorological Society % % Template developed by Amy Hendrickson, 2013, TeXnology Inc., % amyh@texnology.com, http://www.texnology.com % following earlier work by Brian Papa, American Meteorological Society % % Email questions to latex@ametsoc.org. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % PREAMBLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Start with one of the following: % DOUBLE-SPACED VERSION FOR SUBMISSION TO THE AMS \documentclass{ametsoc} % TWO-COLUMN JOURNAL PAGE LAYOUT---FOR AUTHOR USE ONLY % \documentclass[twocol]{ametsoc} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% To be entered only if twocol option is used \journal{jamc} % Please choose a journal abbreviation to use above from the following list: % % jamc (Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology) % jtech (Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology) % jhm (Journal of Hydrometeorology) % jpo (Journal of Physical Oceanography) % jas (Journal of Atmospheric Sciences) % jcli (Journal of Climate) % mwr (Monthly Weather Review) % wcas (Weather, Climate, and Society) % waf (Weather and Forecasting) % bams (Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society) % ei (Earth Interactions) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Citations should be of the form ``author year'' not ``author, year'' \bibpunct{(}{)}{;}{a}{}{,} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% To be entered by author: %% May use \\ to break lines in title: \title{Title here} %%% Enter authors' names, as you see in this example: %%% Use \correspondingauthor{} and \thanks{Current Affiliation:...} %%% immediately following the appropriate author. %%% %%% Note that the \correspondingauthor{} command is NECESSARY. %%% The \thanks{} commands are OPTIONAL. %\authors{Author One\correspondingauthor{Author One, % American Meteorological Society, % 45 Beacon St., Boston, MA 02108.} % and Author Two\thanks{Current affiliation: American Meteorological Society, % 45 Beacon St., Boston, MA 02108.}} \authors{Author One\correspondingauthor{Dept., Institution, Address, City, State/Country.}} %% Follow this form: % \affiliation{American Meteorological Society, % Boston, Massachusetts.} \affiliation{} %% Follow this form: %\email{latex@ametsoc.org} \email{} %% If appropriate, add additional authors, different affiliations: %\extraauthor{Extra Author} %\extraaffil{Affiliation, City, State/Province, Country} %\extraauthor{} %\extraaffil{} %% May repeat for a additional authors/affiliations: %\extraauthor{} %\extraaffil{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ABSTRACT % % Enter your abstract here % Abstracts should not exceed 250 words in length! % % For BAMS authors only: If your article requires a Capsule Summary, please place the capsule text at the end of your abstract % and identify it as the capsule. Example: This is the end of the abstract. (Capsule Summary) This is the capsule summary. \abstract{Enter the text of your abstract here.} \begin{document} %% Necessary! \maketitle %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % MAIN BODY OF PAPER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %% In all cases, if there is only one entry of this type within %% the higher level heading, use the star form: %% % \section{Section title} % \subsection*{subsection} % text... % \section{Section title} %vs % \section{Section title} % \subsection{subsection one} % text... % \subsection{subsection two} % \section{Section title} %%% % \section{First primary heading} % \subsection{First secondary heading} % \subsubsection{First tertiary heading} % \paragraph{First quaternary heading} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ACKNOWLEDGMENTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \acknowledgments Start acknowledgments here. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % APPENDIXES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Use \appendix if there is only one appendix. %\appendix % Use \appendix[A], \appendix}[B], if you have multiple appendixes. %\appendix[A] %% Appendix title is necessary! For appendix title: %\appendixtitle{} %%% Appendix section numbering (note, skip \section and begin with \subsection) % \subsection{First primary heading} % \subsubsection{First secondary heading} % \paragraph{First tertiary heading} %% Important! %\appendcaption{}{} %must be used for figures and tables in appendixes, e.g., % %\begin{figure} %\noindent\includegraphics[width=19pc,angle=0]{figure01.pdf}\\ %\appendcaption{A1}{Caption here.} %\end{figure} % % All appendix figures/tables should be placed in order AFTER the main figures/tables, i.e., tables, appendix tables, figures, appendix figures. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % REFERENCES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Make your BibTeX bibliography by using these commands: % \bibliographystyle{ametsoc2014} % \bibliography{references} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % TABLES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Enter tables at the end of the document, before figures. %% % %\begin{table}[t] %\caption{This is a sample table caption and table layout. Enter as many tables as % necessary at the end of your manuscript. Table from Lorenz (1963).}\label{t1} %\begin{center} %\begin{tabular}{ccccrrcrc} %\hline\hline %$N$ & $X$ & $Y$ & $Z$\\ %\hline % 0000 & 0000 & 0010 & 0000 \\ % 0005 & 0004 & 0012 & 0000 \\ % 0010 & 0009 & 0020 & 0000 \\ % 0015 & 0016 & 0036 & 0002 \\ % 0020 & 0030 & 0066 & 0007 \\ % 0025 & 0054 & 0115 & 0024 \\ %\hline %\end{tabular} %\end{center} %\end{table} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % FIGURES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Enter figures at the end of the document, after tables. %% % %\begin{figure}[t] % \noindent\includegraphics[width=19pc,angle=0]{figure01.pdf}\\ % \caption{Enter the caption for your figure here. Repeat as % necessary for each of your figures. Figure from \protect\cite{Knutti2008}.}\label{f1} %\end{figure} \end{document}