\section{Known issues and FAQs} \subsection{Incompatibility with \tkzname{colortbl.sty}} The problem is that \tkzname{colortbl.sty} is sometimes incompatible with the command \tkzname{multicolumn}. The text used in the \tkzname{multicolumn} command should contain only one paragraph. Simply do not use the \tkzname{AQmessage} command. One solution is to interrupt the quiz to display what you want and then resume the table. \subsection{FAQ} \subsubsection{Translation of commands} Some commands can be translated or modified such as : \tkzcname{aq@pre} and \tkzcname{aq@preVF}, all you have to do is use \tkzcname{renewcommand} \begin{tkzltxexample}[] \makeatletter \renewcommand{\aq@pre}{Pour chacune des questions ci-dessous, une seule des r\'eponses propos\'ees est exacte. Vous devez cocher la r\'eponse exacte sans justification. Une bonne r\'eponse rapporte \textbf{\cmdAQ@global@bonus\ point}. Une mauvaise r\'eponse enl\`eve \textbf{\cmdAQ@global@malus\ point}. L'absence de r\'eponse ne rapporte ni n'enl\`eve aucun point. Si le total des points est n\'egatif, la note globale attribu\'ee \`a l'exercice est \textbf{0}.}% \makeatother \end{tkzltxexample} \endinput