\section{Installation} \subsection{Without \tkzNameDist{TeXlive} or \tkzNameDist{MikTeX}} Create a folder and put your files, images and the \tkzname{alterqcm.sty} file in it. All you have to do is compile ... \subsection{With \tkzNameDist{TeXlive} on \tkzNameSys{Linux} or \tkzNameSys{OS X}} \tkzname{alterqcm} is present on the \tkzname{CTAN} servers and is part of \tkzname{TeXLive} so \tkzname{tlmgr} or \tkzname{TeX Live Utility} will allow you to install it. If \tkzname{alterqcm} is not yet part of your distribution, this section shows you how to install it, it is also necessary if you want to install a beta or custom version of \tkzname{alterqcm}. The easiest way is to create a folder \tikz[remember picture,baseline=(n1.base)]\node [fill=blue!30,draw] (n1) {prof};\footnote{or another name} with as path: \colorbox{blue!20}{ texmf/tex/latex/prof}. Here are the paths to this folder on both my computers: \medskip \begin{itemize}\setlength{\itemsep}{5pt} \item with \tkzNameSys{OS X} \colorbox{blue!30}{\textbf{/Users/ego/Library/texmf}}; \item with \tkzNameSys{OUnbuntu} \colorbox{blue!30}{\textbf{/home/ego/texmf}}. \end{itemize} I guess if you put your packages somewhere else, you know why! The concept is to place the package on a path that your distribution knows. \medskip \begin{enumerate} \item Download the file \tikz[remember picture,baseline=(n2.base)]\node [fill=blue!20,draw] (n2) {alterqcm.sty}; from one of the servers of the \tkzname{CTAN}. \item Place the file \tikz[remember picture,baseline=(n2.base)]\node [fill=blue!20,draw] (n2) {alterqcm.sty}; in the folder \tkzname{latex} or in a personal folder \tikz[baseline=(tk.base)]\node [fill=blue!30,draw] (tk) {prof};. \begin{itemize}\setlength{\itemsep}{5pt} \item \colorbox{blue!30}{\textbf{\textasciitilde/Library/texmf/latex}}; \item \colorbox{blue!30}{\textbf{\textasciitilde/Library/texmf/latex/prof}}. \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \subsection{With \tkzNameDist{MikTeX} under \tkzNameSys{Windows XP}} I don't know much about this system, but a user of my packages \tkzimp{Wolfgang Buechel} was kind enough to send me the following~: To add \tkzname{alterqcm.sty} to MiKTeX~: \begin{itemize}\setlength{\itemsep}{10pt} \item add a folder \tkzname{prof} to the folder \textcolor{blue!60!black}{\texttt{[MiKTeX-dir]/tex/latex}} \item copy the file \tkzname{alterqcm.sty} to the folder \tkzname{prof}, \item update MiKTeX, to do this in the DOS shell run the command \textbf{\textcolor{red}{|mktexlsr -u|}} or choose \textcolor{red!50}{|Start/Programs/Miktex/Settings/General|} then press the \textbf{\textcolor{red}{|Refresh FNDB|}}. \end{itemize} \endinput