% -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % the ACRO package % % Typeset Acronyms % % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Clemens Niederberger % Web: https://bitbucket.org/cgnieder/acro/ % E-Mail: contact@mychemistry.eu % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Copyright 2011--2020 Clemens Niederberger % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Clemens Niederberger. % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The acro package consists of the files % - acro.sty, acro.definitions.tex, acro.cfg % - acro-manual.tex, acro-manual.pdf, acro-manual.cls % - acro.history, README % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or bugs to report, please % feel free to contact me. % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ExplSyntaxOn % document commands: \NewDocumentCommand \DeclareAcronym {mm} { \acro_declare_acronym:nn {#1} {#2} } \NewDocumentCommand \acsetup { m } { \tl_if_blank:nF {#1} { \keys_set:nn {acro} {#1} } \ignorespaces } \NewDocumentCommand \ProvideAcroEnding {mmm} { \acro_provide_ending:nnn {#1} {#2} {#3} } \NewDocumentCommand \AcroRegisterTrailing {mm} { \acro_register_trailing_token:Nn #1 {#2} } \NewDocumentCommand \DeclareAcroTranslation {mm} { \acro_declare_translation:nn {#1} {#2} } \DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand \acifused { m } { \acro_if_acronym_used:nTF {#1} } \NewDocumentCommand \acresetall {} { \acro_reset_all: } \NewDocumentCommand \acuseall {} { \acro_mark_all_as_used: } \NewDocumentCommand \acreset { > { \SplitList {,} } m } { \ProcessList {#1} { \acro_reset:n } \ignorespaces } \NewDocumentCommand \acuse { > { \SplitList {,} } m } { \ProcessList {#1} { \acro_mark_as_used:n } \ignorespaces } \NewDocumentCommand \acfirstupper {m} { \acro_first_upper_case:n {#1} } \NewExpandableDocumentCommand \aciffirst {+m+m} { \bool_if:NTF \l__acro_first_instance_bool {#1} {#2} } \NewDocumentCommand \acdot {} { \acro_dot: } \NewDocumentCommand \acspace {} { \acro_space: } \NewDocumentCommand \acbarrier {} { \acro_barrier: } \NewDocumentCommand \acswitchoff {} { \acro_switch_off: } \NewDocumentCommand \acswitchon {} { \acro_switch_on: } \NewDocumentCommand \printacronyms { O{} } { \acro_print_acronyms:n {#1} } % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % styles % #1: name % #2: template % #3: settings \NewDocumentCommand \DeclareAcroFirstStyle {mmm} { \acro_declare_first_style:nnn {#1} {#2} {#3} } \NewDocumentCommand \DeclareAcroExtraStyle {mmm} { \acro_declare_extra_style:nnn {#1} {#2} {#3} } \NewDocumentCommand \DeclareAcroPageStyle {mmm} { \acro_declare_page_style:nnn {#1} {#2} {#3} } \NewDocumentCommand \DeclareAcroListHeading {mm} { \acro_declare_list_heading:nn {#1} {#2} } \NewDocumentCommand \DeclareAcroListStyle {mmm} { \acro_declare_list_style:nnn {#1} {#2} {#3} } % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % endings: \ProvideAcroEnding {plural} {s} {s} % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % use acronyms: % automatic: \NewAcroCommand \ac { \acro_use:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \Ac { \acro_first_upper: \acro_use:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \iac { \acro_indefinite: \acro_use:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \Iac { \acro_first_upper: \acro_indefinite: \acro_use:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \acp { \acro_plural: \acro_use:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \Acp { \acro_plural: \acro_first_upper: \acro_use:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \acsingle { \acro_get:n {#1} \acro_single:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \acpsingle { \acro_get:n {#1} \acro_plural: \acro_single:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \Acsingle { \acro_get:n {#1} \acro_first_upper: \acro_single:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \Acpsingle { \acro_get:n {#1} \acro_first_upper: \acro_plural: \acro_single:n {#1} } % short: \NewAcroCommand \acs { \acro_short:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \Acs { \acro_first_upper: \acro_short:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \iacs { \acro_indefinite: \acro_short:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \Iacs { \acro_first_upper: \acro_indefinite: \acro_short:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \acsp { \acro_plural: \acro_short:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \Acsp { \acro_first_upper: \acro_plural: \acro_short:n {#1} } % alt: \NewAcroCommand \aca { \acro_alt:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \Aca { \acro_first_upper: \acro_alt:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \iaca { \acro_indefinite: \acro_alt:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \Iaca { \acro_first_upper: \acro_indefinite: \acro_alt:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \acap { \acro_plural: \acro_alt:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \Acap { \acro_first_upper: \acro_plural: \acro_alt:n {#1} } % long: \NewAcroCommand \acl { \acro_long:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \Acl { \acro_first_upper: \acro_long:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \iacl { \acro_indefinite: \acro_long:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \Iacl { \acro_first_upper: \acro_indefinite: \acro_long:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \aclp { \acro_plural: \acro_long:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \Aclp { \acro_plural: \acro_first_upper: \acro_long:n {#1} } % first: \NewAcroCommand \acf { \acro_first:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \Acf { \acro_first_upper: \acro_first:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \iacf { \acro_indefinite: \acro_first:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \Iacf { \acro_first_upper: \acro_indefinite: \acro_first:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \acfp { \acro_plural: \acro_first:n {#1} } \NewAcroCommand \Acfp { \acro_plural: \acro_first_upper: \acro_first:n {#1} } % first-like: \NewPseudoAcroCommand \acflike { \acro_first_like:nn {#1} {#2} } \NewPseudoAcroCommand \iacflike { \acro_indefinite: \acro_first_like:nn {#1} {#2} } \NewPseudoAcroCommand \Iacflike { \acro_first_upper: \acro_indefinite: \acro_first_like:nn {#1} {#2} } \NewPseudoAcroCommand \acfplike { \acro_plural: \acro_first_like:nn {#1} {#2} } % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % first appearance styles: \DeclareAcroFirstStyle {default} {inline} { } \DeclareAcroFirstStyle {reversed} {inline} { reversed = true } \DeclareAcroFirstStyle {short} {inline} { only-short = true , brackets = false } \DeclareAcroFirstStyle {long} {inline} { only-long = true , brackets = false } \DeclareAcroFirstStyle {square} {inline} { brackets-type = [] } \DeclareAcroFirstStyle {plain} {inline} { brackets = false , between = -- } \DeclareAcroFirstStyle {plain-reversed} {inline} { brackets = false , between = -- , reversed = true } \DeclareAcroFirstStyle {footnote} {note} { } \DeclareAcroFirstStyle {footnote-reversed} {note} { reversed = true } \DeclareAcroFirstStyle {sidenote} {note} { note-command = \sidenote {#1} } \DeclareAcroFirstStyle {sidenote-reversed} {note} { note-command = \sidenote {#1} , reversed = true } \DeclareAcroFirstStyle {empty} {note} { use-note = false } % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % extra info appearance styles: \DeclareAcroExtraStyle {default} {inline} { brackets = false , punct = true , punct-symbol = . } \DeclareAcroExtraStyle {plain} {inline} { brackets = false , punct = true , punct-symbol = } \DeclareAcroExtraStyle {paren} {inline} { brackets = true , punct = true , punct-symbol = } \DeclareAcroExtraStyle {bracket} {inline} { brackets = true , punct = true , punct-symbol = , brackets-type = [] } \DeclareAcroExtraStyle {comma} {inline} { punct = true, punct-symbol = {,} , brackets = false } % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % page number 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{\subsubsection*} \DeclareAcroListHeading {none} {\use_none:n} % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % list styles: \DeclareAcroListStyle {description} {list} { } \DeclareAcroListStyle {toc} {list-of} { } \DeclareAcroListStyle {lof} {list-of} { style = lof } \DeclareAcroListStyle {tabular} {table} { table = tabular } \DeclareAcroListStyle {longtable} {table} { table = longtable } \DeclareAcroListStyle {extra-tabular} {extra-table} { table = tabular } \DeclareAcroListStyle {extra-longtable} {extra-table} { table = longtable } \DeclareAcroListStyle {extra-tabular-rev} {extra-table} { table = tabular , reverse = true } \DeclareAcroListStyle {extra-longtable-rev} {extra-table} { table = longtable , reverse = true } % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % register some tokens to be checked for: \AcroRegisterTrailing . {dot} \AcroRegisterTrailing - {dash} \AcroRegisterTrailing \babelhyphen {babel-hyphen} \acsetup { activate-trailing-tokens = dot } % some user macros: \cs_new_protected:Npn \acro_dot: { \acro_if_trailing_tokens:nF {dot} {.\@} } \cs_new_protected:Npn \acro_space: { \acro_if_trailing_tokens:nF {dash,babel-hyphen} { \c_space_tl } } % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % translations: % list name \DeclareAcroTranslation {acronym-list-name} { Fallback = Acronyms , English = Acronyms , French = Acronymes , German = Abk\"urzungen , Italian = Acronimi , Portuguese = Acr\'onimos , Spanish = Siglas , Catalan = Sigles , Turkish = K\i saltmalar } % page name \DeclareAcroTranslation {acronym-page-name} { Fallback = p. , English = p. , German = S. , Portuguese = p. } % pages name \DeclareAcroTranslation {acronym-pages-name} { Fallback = pp. , English = pp. , German = S. , Portuguese = pp. } % following page \DeclareAcroTranslation {acronym-next-page} { Fallback = f. , English = f. , German = f. , Portuguese = s. } % following pages \DeclareAcroTranslation {acronym-next-pages} { Fallback = ff. , English = ff. , German = ff. , Portuguese = ss. } \file_input_stop: