% % Copyright (C) 1998-2019 Javier Bezos http://www.texnia.com % % This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of % the MIT License. A version can be found at the end of this file. % \def\fileversion{1.4} \def\docdate{May 12, 2006} \documentclass{ltxguide} \usepackage{accents} \title{The \textsf{accents} Package\footnote{This package is currently at version \fileversion.}} \author{Javier Bezos\footnote{For bug reports, comments and suggestions go to \texttt{http://www.tex-tipografia.com}. English is not my strong point, so contact me when you find mistakes in the manual. Other packages by the same author: \textsf{tensind} (tensorial indexes), \textsf{spanish} (for babel), \textsf{titlesec} (to redefine sectioning macros), \textsf{dotlessi} (dotless i in any math group).}} \date{\docdate} \newenvironment{sample}{\begin{quote}\small\begin{tabbing}% \hskip14pc\=\hskip6pc\\} {\end{tabbing}\end{quote}} \DeclareMathAccent{\wtilde}{\mathord}{largesymbols}{"65} \raggedright \advance\textheight24pt \begin{document} \maketitle This package provides some miscellaneous tools for mathematical accents, with the following goals in mind: \begin{itemize} \item Creating faked accents from non-accent symbols, like $\accentset{\star}{s}$. \item Grouping them, perhaps including actual accents, like $\hat{\accentset{\star}{\hat h}}$. That has the side effect that multiple actual accents can be built as well. \item Putting them below the main symbol instead of above. \end{itemize} That is done so that the faked accents behave in quite similar fashion to actual accents do; i.e., the skew of the letter is taken into account (compare $\accentset{\ast}{d}$ with $\accentset{\ast}{h}$) and the sub and superscripts attached to it aren't misplaced (look carefully at $\accentset{\star}{f}_1^1$). Release 1.1 included a few new features, some of them following suggestions by Donald Arseneau. In particular, the |\underaccent| command has been fully reimplemented for the slant to be taken into account and the ``accent'' to be placed below the symbol can be anyone, not only real accents. This release just makes it compatible with \textsf{amsmath} 2 with a quick fix. \begin{decl} |\DeclareMathAccent| \end{decl} This \LaTeXe{} command is reimplemented so that newly defined accents will incorporate the features of this package. The standard accents are automatically redefined, including |\mathring| if you are using one of the latest \LaTeX{} releases. However, both |\widetilde| and |\widehat| remains untouched. If you are using a non standard math encoding, the accents following the standard encoding names are rightly redefined, but new accents are not converted because \textsf{accents} is not aware of its existence. See |fntguide.tex| in the \LaTeX{} standard distribution for a discussion on |\DeclareMathAccent|. \begin{decl} |\ring{}| \end{decl} The accent in $\ring{x}$, which was available in this package (and in fact in many others) before the |\mathring| command was added to the \LaTeX{} kernel. \begin{decl} |\accentset{}{}| \end{decl} Builds a faked accent, as for instance \begin{sample} |\accentset{\star}{d}| \> $\accentset{\star}{d}$\\ |\accentset{\diamond}{h}| \> $\accentset{\diamond}{h}$\\ |\tilde{\accentset{\circ}{\phi}}| \> $\tilde{\accentset{\circ}{\phi}}$ \end{sample} The || is always in |\scriptscriptmode|; hence, using |\accentset| in scripts won't give the desired result. Of course, if you use some faked accent many times, you can define: \begin{verbatim} \newcommand\starred[1]{\accentset{\star}{#1}} \end{verbatim} and |\starred| will become an accent, like |\hat|, |\tilde|, etc. \begin{decl} |\dddot \ddddot| \end{decl} Two prefabricated faked accents: $\dddot{f}$ and $\ddddot{f}$. \begin{decl} |\underaccent{}{}| \end{decl} This command puts the || under the ||. Both real and faked accents are allowed. For instance, \begin{sample} |\underaccent{\hat}{x}| \> $\underaccent{\hat}{x}$\\ |\underaccent{\bar}{\gamma}| \> $\underaccent{\bar}{\gamma}$\\ |\underaccent{\triangleright}{q}| \> $\underaccent{\triangleright}{q}$\\ |\underaccent{\tilde}{\mathcal{A}}| \> $\underaccent{\tilde}{\mathcal{A}}$ \end{sample} Many people likes using the wider version of the tilde accent as printed by the |\widetilde| command, i.e., $\widetilde{A}$ instead of $\tilde{A}$. I find that aesthetically questionable, but anyway it can be used under the symbol as well. Since |\widetilde| remains untouched, you should define: \begin{verbatim} \DeclareMathAccent{\wtilde}{\mathord}{largesymbols}{"65} \end{verbatim} and write |\underaccent{\wtilde}{V}|, say (giving $\underaccent{\wtilde}{V}$). You may build an accent with |\sim|, too. (The value for a wide hat is |"62|) Sadly, \TeX{} lacks of a mechanism to place underaccents similar to that used in accents. Letters have a large variety of shapes and finding an automatic adjusting is practically impossible. Compare for instance the following letters: \begingroup \def\\{\underaccent{\bar}}% $\\V$, $\\Q$, $\\p$, $\\q$, $\\f$, $\\\beta$, $\\\gamma$, $\\{\mathcal{F}}$, $\\{\mathcal{A}}$ \endgroup and you wil understand the difficulties. \begin{decl} |\undertilde{}| \end{decl} This is the ``under'' version of |\widetilde| and like the latter is intended for constructions involving several symbols. For instance: \begin{sample} |\undertilde{CV}| \> $\undertilde{CV}$ \end{sample} Note that in this case no correction is made in the placement of the tilde. \begin{decl} |nonscript single| \end{decl} These package options are intended mainly for speeding up the typesetting of document. The algorithm used here is recursive and very slow; although in fast processors that is not felt, in slow system that could be very annoying. \begin{description} \item[single] If you are interested only in |\accentset|. Accents are not reimplemented. \item[nonscript] If you intend to use multiple accents in text and display modes only. \end{description} Macros are speeded up dramatically with both options; if your system is slow, I commend using them in drafts and removing them for the final print. Finally, some remarks: \begin{itemize} \item The package does not provides alternative accents for fonts lacking them. If you want an accented |\mathcal| letter you had to write |\hat{\hat{\mathcal{A}}}| ($\hat{\hat{\mathcal{A}}}$). \item |\mathbf{\hat{\hat h}}| gets the bold accent; |\hat{\hat{\mathbf{h}}}| not. \item The symbol in |\accentset| must be a single symbol. \item If you use \textsf{accents} with \textsf{amsmath} 2, you must load \textsf{accents} after. Note that \textsf{amsmath} could redefine some accents; in particular, if you experience problems with |\vec| and you are using the standard math encodings, define: \begin{verbatim} \let\vec\relax \DeclareMathAccent{\vec}{\mathord}{letters}{"7E} \end{verbatim} \end{itemize} \end{document} MIT License ----------- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.