%-*-tex-*- % Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications % All rights reserved. %============ Preface/Prelude macros =========== % this is the first of the environment macros. The problem, among others is % that the headers, footers, pagenumbering, etc are different in preface of % the document than elsewhere. % These attempt to set this up in such a way % that they will work with books and reports .... it may not be possible and % perhaps they should be parchuted in as a complete package for reports % and books ... There will be more put in these as time goes on % these are the paperstyle/report style macros \newtoks\everyprelude \newtoks\e@veryprelude \def\beginprelude{\begingroup\the\e@veryprelude\the\everyprelude} \def\preludeheadformat#1{\centerline{\sheadfont #1}\vskip 1cm} \newtoks\preludetitle \def\preludeheadmark{\mark{\hfill \the\preludetitle\hfill}} \def\preludehead#1{ \preludetitle = {#1} \writeterm{< }{\the\preludetitle}{ >} \preludeheadformat{#1} \preludeheadmark \writelistfile{toc}{\prtocout}{}{#1} } \def\endprelude{\endgroup\ejectpage} % \def\prtocout{\string\prtoc} % actually set in inrsdef.tex