% ======== Plain.tex parameters ... set in plain and initex ==== % All of TeX's numeric parameters are listed here, % Most are untouched from plain.tex but some are indeed modified. % The order is not the same as in plain.tex % These parameters are actually changed. \widowpenalty = 400 % needs to be more than 100 \clubpenalty = 800 % needs to be more than 100 % --- Penalties --- % \displaywidowpenalty=50 % \brokenpenalty=100 % \predisplaypenalty=10000 % \postdisplaypenalty=0 % \interlinepenalty=0 % \interdisplaylinepenalty=100 % \interfootnotelinepenalty=100 % \pretolerance=100 % \tolerance=200 % INITEX sets this to 10000 % \hbadness=1000 % \vbadness=1000 % \linepenalty=10 % \hyphenpenalty=50 % \exhyphenpenalty=50 % \binoppenalty=700 % \relpenalty=500 % \floatingpenalty=0, set during \insert % \outputpenalty=0, set before TeX enters \output % \doublehyphendemerits=10000 % \finalhyphendemerits=5000 % \adjdemerits=10000 % ---- paragraph control ---- % \looseness=0, cleared by TeX after each paragraph % \uchyph=1 % \parindent=20pt % \hangindent=0pt, zeroed by TeX after each paragraph % \baselineskip=0pt, changed by \normalbaselines % \lineskip=0pt, changed by \normalbaselines % \parskip=0pt plus 1pt % \parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil % \normalbaselineskip=12pt % \normallineskip=1pt % \normallineskiplimit=0pt % ----- Sizes/overfull boxes ---- % \hfuzz=0.1pt % ... \finalversion mod % \vfuzz=0.1pt % ... \finalversion mod % \overfullrule=5pt % ... \finalversion mod % \hsize=6.5in % ... pagsty.tex and inrsdef.tex % \vsize=8.9in % ... pagsty.tex and inrsdef.tex % \maxdepth=4pt % \splitmaxdepth=\maxdimen % \boxmaxdepth=\maxdimen % \lineskiplimit=0pt, changed by \normalbaselines % \leftskip=0pt % \rightskip=0pt % \topskip=10pt % \splittopskip=10pt % ------- Internal Math parms ----- % \delimitershortfall=5pt % \nulldelimiterspace=1.2pt % \scriptspace=0.5pt % \mathsurround=0pt % \thinmuskip=3mu % \medmuskip=4mu plus 2mu minus 4mu % \thickmuskip=5mu plus 5mu % \jot=3pt % ---- Display Math Spacing ---- % \predisplaysize=0pt, set before TeX enters $$ % \displaywidth=0pt, set before TeX enters $$ % \displayindent=0pt, set before TeX enters $$ % \abovedisplayskip=12pt plus 3pt minus 9pt % \abovedisplayshortskip=0pt plus 3pt % \belowdisplayskip=12pt plus 3pt minus 9pt % \belowdisplayshortskip=7pt plus 3pt minus 4pt % \hoffset=0pt % modified by \leftmargin % \voffset=0pt % not used in INRSTeX % \tabskip=0pt % \spaceskip=0pt % \xspaceskip=0pt % ------ Vertical Spacing ----- % \smallskipamount=3pt plus 1pt minus 1pt % \medskipamount=6pt plus 2pt minus 2pt % \bigskipamount=12pt plus 4pt minus 4pt % ------ Debugging/Misc ----- % \pausing=0 % \tracingonline=0 % \tracingmacros=0 % \tracingstats=0 % \tracingparagraphs=0 % \tracingpages=0 % \tracingoutput=0 % \tracinglostchars=1 % \tracingcommands=0 % \tracingrestores=0 % \globaldefs=0 % \maxdeadcycles=25 % INITEX does this % \hangafter=1 % INITEX does this, also TeX after each paragraph % \fam=0 % \mag=1000 % INITEX does this % \escapechar=`\\ % INITEX does this % \defaulthyphenchar=`\- % \defaultskewchar=-1 % \endlinechar=`\^^M % INITEX does this % \newlinechar=-1 % \delimiterfactor=901 % \time=now % TeX does this at beginning of job % \day=now % TeX does this at beginning of job % \month=now % TeX does this at beginning of job % \year=now % TeX does this at beginning of job % \showboxbreadth=5 % \showboxdepth=3