%-*-tex-*- % Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications % All rights reserved. % =========== Appendices ============== % Appendices are defined by using \shead invocations. % Appendices are assumed to be associated with chapters, if % they exist hence the first appendix in Chapter 2 is Appendix A. % These macros modify the numberforms of \shead to produce Apendices. % Appendix numbering (A, B, C, ...) is incremented % at each appendix. The \beginappendices...\endappendices % macros should bracket all of the appendices. % Equations, figures and tables are numbered for each % appendix separately. \newif\ifa@ppendix % \def\Appendix{Appendix } see English/French titles \newtoks\everyappendices \newtoks\e@veryappendices \def\beginappendices{\begingroup \a@ppendixtrue \numberbysection \global\shnum=0 \global\sshnum=0 \global\ssshnum=0 \def\shnumform{\Alphabetic{\the\shnum}} \the\s@presetlist %resets all the special numbers \def\shtagreplaceformat{\Appendix \shtagrefformat.} \the\e@veryappendices \the\everyappendices} \def\endappendices{\endgroup}