%-*-tex-*- \paperstyle \leftmargin=1.75in \topmargin=1.5in \fullpagestyle \vglue 1in \centerline{\vbox{\hsize=8cm\biggfont \baselineskip=22pt\paragraphcenterline THE INRS\TeX\ REFERENCE BOOK}} \vskip 1in \def\mjf { \par {\it \vskip .25in \centerline {Michael J. Ferguson} \vskip .15 in \centerline {INRS-T\'el\'ecommunications} \vskip .15in \centerline {Montr\'eal} \vskip 1 in }\par } % Author header for Michael J. Ferguson \mjf \centerline{Rapport technique de l'INRS-T\'el\'ecommunications no. 84-19 (r\'evision, juillet 1991)} \vskip .5in \centerline{\biggfont Les Publications INRS\kern.1em--T\'el\'ecommunications, Montr\'eal} \vskip 1in \beginnarrowtext .5in \noindent \eightpoint This is a DRAFT version of an introduction to INRS\TeX\ and to \TeX\ in general. All suggestions for improvements will be greatly welcome. \endnarrowtext \bigskip \beginnarrowtext .5in \veryraggedright \parindent=0pt Copyright \copyright\ Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-T\'el\'ecommunications, all rights reserved. \bigskip \TeX\ is copyright by the American Mathematical Society. INRS\TeX\ is copyright by INRS\kern.1em--T\'el\'ecommunications and Michael~J.~Ferguson. \endnarrowtext \ejectpage \vglue 2in \titlepagestyle \beginnarrowtext 1in \paragraphcenterline {\bf} This version of the INRS\TeX\ REFERENCE BOOK is produced using a PostScript Laser Printer using a modified version DVIALW developed by INRS-T\'el\'ecommunications. \endnarrowtext \ejectpage \done