# Readme for the package witharrows Author: F. Pantigny (`fpantigny@wanadoo.fr`). CTAN page: `https://ctan.org/pkg/witharrows` ## License The extension `witharrows` for TeX and LaTeX is distributed under the LPPL 1.3 license. ## Presentation The LaTeX package `witharrows` provides environments `{WithArrows}` and `{DispWithArrows}` similar to the environments `{aligned}` and `{align}` of `amsmath` but with the possibility to draw arrows on the right side of the alignment. These arrows are usually used to give explanations concerning the mathematical calculus presented. The extension `witharrows` can also be used with plain-TeX. ## Installation The package `witharrows` is present in the distributions MiKTeX, TeXLive and MacTeX. For a manual installation: * put the files `witharrows.ins` dans `witharrows.dtx` in the same directory; * run `latex witharrows.ins`. The files `witharrows.sty` and `witharrows.tex` will be generated. The file `witharrows.sty` is the only file necessary to use the extension `witharrows` with LaTeX (with `\usepackage{witharrows}`). The file `witharrows.tex` is the only file necessary to use the extension `witharrows` with plain-TeX (with `\input{witharrows}`).